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Eczema 104: How to Protect & Treat Eczema Naturally

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

In the previous part of this series, Eczema 103: How to Heal Eczema From Within, we discussed how to heal the body from the inside out. Now we’re going to discuss how to treat eczema naturally.

Please keep in mind that although these tips and information have worked for several sufferers, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe symptoms or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Prevent Scratching

In many cases, the most difficult thing to tolerate about eczema is the constant itch and the desperate need to scratch. It can be all consuming! And while you may be good at not scratching during the day, you may unknowingly scratch while you sleep and open new wounds or worsen existing wounds. So, the first step to treat eczema naturally is to wear scratch protective clothing like eczema mittens and gloves.

For kids, this may mean wearing something like these ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves. Or perhaps eczema gloves in soft bamboo. And for pajamas, there are plenty of sleep sacks and pajamas for eczema that come with attached mittens to prevent harmful scratching.

For adults, there are tops with built in mittens (trying getting out of these while you sleep!) and bamboo eczema gloves.

Treat With Natural Skincare

Since healing from within can take some time to see results, you may find you need to treat your skin topically with natural skincare to find relief in the interim. Not all products labeled as “natural” really are, so read your labels and watch out for the following ingredients which are toxic and/or common skin irritants.

Ingredients to Avoid

  • Alcohol of any type (too drying and can cause burning)
  • Fragrance/Parfumes
  • FD&C Colors and Pigments
  • Petroleum
  • Parabens
  • Phthalates
  • PEG’s
  • Propylene glycol
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine
  • Sodium benzoate
  • Dimethicone
  • SLS, SLES, ALES, ALS – all sulfates

Treat By Symptom

Because symptoms can overlap between the various types of eczema, it’s usually most effective to determine the best course of treatment based on the symptoms rather than by the type of eczema.

For Itchy/Red/Dry Eczema

Among all eczema symptoms, these seem to be the most common. Eczema can be found in patches of chronically itchy, red and dry skin. Find products formulated for itchy, red dry eczema.

For Red/Weeping Eczema

This eczema is characterized by patches of angry looking red skin that can also be crusty or can ooze or weep. Find products formulated for red, weeping eczema.

If you are suffering from Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), your skin symptoms usually fall into this category. If you’re new to our blog and currently going through TSW, check out some of our posts that focus on topical steroid withdrawal.

For Thick/Scaly Eczema

Eczema that appears in patches usually ends up thickening over time, especially with lots of scratching, causing a crocodile skin type effect. Find products formulated for thick, scaly eczema.

Moisturizer & Balm

With eczema, because the skin barrier is damaged, it’s important to repair it topically with an emollient that keeps the skin moist and also offers some wound healing properties, like any of the following products which are gentle, but great for all eczema symptoms. To help prevent eczema, apply a moisturizer once a day. To treat eczema naturally, apply moisturizer at least twice a day and ALWAYS after a bath or shower or hand washing or anytime water makes contact with the skin. To get you started, here are a few of our favorite emollients:

Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is one of our favorites and The Paleo Mom’s too! It combines only six simple, natural ingredients – Organic Olive Oil, Organic Beeswax, Filtered Water, Grape Seed Oil, Organic New Zealand Manuka Honey and Manuka Oil Extract – to create an extremely thick balm with a unique, nourishing creamy texture. Read more about why Manuka honey heals eczema naturally.

Tallow Balm is another really simple, gentle nourishing balm we highly recommend. It’s made with grass fed tallow, so it’s both pure and highly nutrient. Tallow is great for even the most sensitive of skin.

Conqueror Eczema Balm has a nice simple base of oils which carries a blend of very highly effective essential oils formulated for multiple eczema symptoms. You should expect to see long lasting hydration and relief with this balm.

Organic Calendula Salve is a lovely product with one very powerful ingredient, which you can guess by the product name, calendula! This powerful flower is known for wound healing, itch relief, topical pain relief and reducing inflammation to name a few. Read about Why You Should Try Calendula For Eczema Relief.


A really important step in treating eczema is to determine how your or your child’s skin handles bathing. Some people find relief with daily baths and some find more than once a day too drying and irritating. Like everything else with eczema, bathing frequency is best determined with trial and error to find the best results for you. Another thing to remember about bathing is that it will help keep the surface of their skin clean and free of bacteria or other irritants that may have stuck to them throughout the day. However, it’s important to note that warm baths, as cool as you can stand, are ideal whereas hot baths can be detrimental to your skin and are best avoided.

Bleach baths are a common recommendation for eczema, but bleach itself is a harmful chemical and not something we promote when trying to heal the skin. Instead, check out these bleach bath alternatives you can try at home.

In terms of soap, moderation is key. Simply put, avoid soap unless you absolutely need it without a shadow of a doubt. When you can simply rinse the skin with water, this is best. However, if you are dealing with a topical infection or open wounds and sores, soap can be critical, so it’s important to find a mild, gentle soap that is fatty, moisturizing and will strip the skin of it’s natural oils as little as possible. And it must be noted that all soap will dry the skin, but some are less offensive than others, which is what you want to use. The following are our recommendations for the best eczema soaps.

Emily’s Liquid Soap Soother & Body Wash contains eczema fighting Chinese herbs in a rich fatty base. A bonus – it can be doubled up as a shampoo! Another great alternative is this nourishing Grass Fed Tallow Soap for sensitive and allergy prone skin.

Try Dry and Wet Wrapping

Although in no way a cure, wet and dry wrapping can offer a much-needed break from itching and dryness. And honestly, I’ve never seen anything provide such fast relief.

For dry wrapping, simply apply a layer of cream on the skin and following with a dry layer of clothing. The clothing helps cream permeate into the skin. Read more about dry wrapping in Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrapping.

For wet wrap therapy, it’s a bit more of a process, but results are faster and more intense, so it’s definitely worth the extra effort. To wet wrap you’ll need to take a bath in lukewarm water (no soap!), followed by a layer of cream, followed by a damp layer of clothing, followed by a dry layer of clothing. Once again, the clothing keeps the moisture from the cream or balm locked in, which not only provides a cooling sensation, but allows the skin to heal quicker. But the difference here is the dampness of the clothing, which intensifies the moisturizing effects. It’s for this reason that we don’t recommend using any topical medication when wet wrapping without a physician’s prior approval. Read more about wet wrapping in Our Eczema Trials: Wet Wrap Therapy.

While cotton clothing can work for wet wrapping, we’ve seen better results with TENCEL fabric clothing made especially for wrapping. WrapESoothe is a line of wet wrapping garments made with TENCEL, check out their bands/sleeves for adults and children, one piece suits for babies to toddlers and children’s tops and bottoms. For more options, check out these wet wraps for eczema relief.

For Children with Eczema

Eczema in babies or children is extremely difficult to deal with, because as parents seeing our children suffer is devastating and there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do to help give them relief. The owner of this blog, Jennifer, battled her son’s eczema for years and found certain natural eczema treatments that dramatically improved his skin. She created this blog to share her story and those stories of other parents in order to help support families in their search for skin healing. Read about Jennifer’s story here.

Learn about what ended up helping Jennifer’s son heal in Natural Remedies for Eczema – What Worked For My Son.

Finding Support & Encouragement

For everyone either going through eczema themselves or as a caregiver or parents tending to a child with eczema, know that you are not alone. We encourage you to reach out to others – do not suffer in silence. The National Eczema Association has an online support group that is wonderful resource. Managing eczema can be stressful, emotional, painful and all consuming, but it doesn’t have to control your life.


We have some wonderful posts all about the emotional impact of eczemawe hope you’ll read them and that they will give you strength, confidence and courage as you continue on your healing journey.

That’s the end of our four part Educational Eczema Series. If you missed any of the posts in the series, check them and a bunch of other essential posts about eczema on our Start Here for Eczema Relief page.

Let us know how YOU treat eczema naturally!

Share your stories and successes with us in the comments below!

Eczema 104: How to Protect & Treat Eczema Naturally appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Homeopathic Remedies For Acne – How to Naturally Tackle Your Acne Problem

If you want to know more about homeopathic remedies for acne, keep reading…

A big problem that faces people that suffer with acne is the wealth of false information available on the causes of acne. The myths and old wives tales still get passed around even though there is genuine medical knowledge available. How does one know who to believe? Because rather than solving the acne problem it can make it worse when following the myth advice and the myth causes are incorrect too. The following are the most common myths and what to avoid! When you are suffering from acne…

The first is that “poor hygiene is the cause of acne.” You can scrub your face and scrub your face and scrub any other area affected by the acne a million times and it won’t help. The constant washing of the face can cause more damage by irritating and inflaming the affected area. Using an acne treatment and good hygiene not overboard hygiene (two or three times daily is enough) are important in the fight against acne. Use a mild soap and pat dry instead of rubbing dry.

The second myth is that acne is “caused by what we eat.” Haven’t you always heard that chocolate gives you pimples? Or that eating greasy fast food causes acne? Most of us have heard these sayings before at least once in our lives. Now you can know for sure that this is simply not true. Scientific research that was conducted trying to link ones diet as the cause of acne proved non- conclusive. However, some people can have a worse breakout after eating something that another person with acne wouldn’t react to so in that sense we are all different and out bodies act differently to different things.

The last myth is that “popping the zits will make them heal faster.” Again not true, instead of healing them faster it actually does the opposite because by popping it you are in actuality pushing the bacteria deeper which can cause an infection or it could lead to acne scarring as well.

If you want to know more about Homeopathic Remedies for Acne visit:

Find More Homeopathic Remedies For Eczema Articles

Naturally Cure Acne

A lot of people ask me if it’s possible to naturally cure acne without creams (such as benzoyl peroxide) or harmful drugs (like Accutane). The answer is a resounding yes.

If you’re like me then you have probably paid hundreds to thousands of dollars on the next big thing out there trying to get rid of your acne for good. I completely sympathize with how frustrated you must feel because I was in your shoes for 12+ years.

A lot of people can’t imagine going through your teenage years and high school being afraid to talk to girls because you had embarrassing gross skin.

Boy are they lucky….

It doesn’t matter if it’s blackheads, whiteheads, or disfiguring cystic acne, it’s something that crushes our self esteem and it’s not fair.

So what can you do to naturally cure your acne? The answer is more simple than you think, and you can do it a lot quicker than you think. Here are a few tips that I hope can help you immediately.

Stop putting harmful creams on your face and body and stop ingesting harmful drugs This is only going to make matters worse. Drug companies know that if you get rid of your acne naturally then you won’t have to pay for their products anymore, and the products are designed to keep you coming back to buy again and again.
Learn what foods cause acne and what foods help clear your skin. There are certain foods like fish that are chock full of omega-3 oils that are unbelievably helpful toward reducing zits and stopping inflammation. If you don’t like fish you can take fish oil or cod liver oil, and they make it in tasty flavors like cherry so it doesn’t taste fishy.
If you don’t have the time to eat the best diet possible, take a few helpful supplements

If you’re like me then you’re a busy person and may not have time to watch everything you eat. There are supplements out there that you can take (such as the aforementioned fish oil) to stop inflammation and regulate your hormones, which will stop acne before it can begin!

I know how hard it can be to have bad skin. It hurts and no one really understands…

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Cure Nail Fungus Naturally

Nail fungus is not like “athlete’s foot,” rather it is when fungi infect your nails, although one can get athlete’s foot first, eventually followed by a fungal infection. You will notice a white or yellow spot at first under your finger or toe nail. With time your nails will start to become discolored, brittle and break. The fungus infection usually goes deep underneath, and sometimes it becomes painful.

What causes nail fungus and how do you get it? Most people who are exposing their feet to constant moist environments, such as sweaty shoes, gyms, swimming pools and shower floors, catch this type of disease. Tight fitting shoes and hosiery can cause the feet to sweat increasing the chance for fungus to grow and multiply, and people with decreased immunity and abnormal body pH levels are more prone to getting it.

How does one cure nail fungus naturally?

Ingesting prescription drugs to get rid of the nail fungus has sometimes been effective yet oftentimes harmful to your internal system if used long term and quite frequently has side effect that go with it. We will discuss several natural remedies to cure this type of bacterial infection in this article.

Tea Tree Oil

One very effective antiseptic and fungicide is Tea Tree oil. When tea tree oil is applied with olive oil to the affected nail area on a regular basis it will help cure the infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another natural method used to get rid of nail fungus. Soak the hand or foot in a basin partially filled with equal portions of water and vinegar for approximately 15 to 20 minutes on a daily basis. Do not rinse off. Just make sure you dry the affected area thoroughly. Some people have also applied apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball directly on, under and around the nail until the fungus disappears.

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil has been used to fight infections and prevent skin irritation. When used daily with a cotton swab under the affected area, the Lavender oil should help the fungus go away naturally.

Oregano Essential Oil

Another method used to cure nail fungus naturally is Oregano essential oil since it is an antibacterial antiseptic with anti-fungal properties. Pour a couple drops of the oil on a Q-tip and massage the infected area with the Q-Tip every day.

Massaging an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) cream onto the nails prior to going to bed at night will help fight the roughness of the skin and the infection which may be causing the fungus.

Natural Nail Fungus Products:

Find More Cure Eczema Naturally Articles

Cure Acne Naturally

Let’s face it we all aspire to be beautiful. We all want beautiful hair, bodies, cars, houses and especially faces. Your face is what people look at most. Acne is not pretty. No one wants to have it or look at it.

People say it’s what’s on the inside that counts and that is true but when you have acne you become conscious of the fact that what’s on the outside counts as well.

With the advancements in medicine there are various medications on the market to help clear up acne. Even though these medications are tested they still come with side effects. Many people suffer serious side effects from these medications.

The good news is you can cure acne naturally without spending your hard earned money on expensive medications or even plastic surgery techniques. I know how acne can ruin a person’s self image and the desperate measures some will subject themselves to in order to eliminate it.

First, realize we are all very different. That is why some have very bad acne while others have none. We must accept who we are and react in response to what our body is telling us.

Acne is a sign our body is not efficiently removing toxins so we must respond and help our body to do just that. We are what we eat, garbage in garbage out. The most import thing we can do to help detoxify our bodies and cure acne naturally is to:

drink 8 glasses of water a day

Here is a list of things to help you detoxify your body and cure acne naturally

• Take a good multi vitamin

• Eat foods rich in Zinc-Oysters, shellfish, all bran cereal, pine nuts, pecans, eggs, fish, Parmesan cheese etc… Zinc fights bacteria helping to eliminate acne

• Eat Carrots-Carrots are rich in vitamin A a powerful antioxidant

Some good foods to eat:

• Green Vegetables

• Celery

• Onions

• Fruit

• Vegetable Juice

• Broccoli

Foods to Avoid

• Sugar

• Fried foods

• Processed or refined foods

• Caffeinated drinks

These are a few examples of foods to eat or avoid. There are many more foods that are both helpful and harmful regarding the detoxification process. As I mentioned earlier we are all very different so we can adjust our diet until our body reacts the way we want naturally. Some may require a more strict diet while others may require a more subtle adjustment to reach their goal.

Proper exercise will also help with the detoxification process. Yoga or good stretching exercises will help toxins exit the body. Exercise in general increases blood flow throughout the body and sends needed nutrients to your skin. So incorporating exercise along with diet will help you cure acne naturally.

Relaxation and Message Therapy

Stress is another factor that can cause acne. Learning to control stress can help reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, and thereby reduce the severity of acne breakouts. Practicing relaxation methods can do wonders in helping you cope or even prevent stress before it happens. Learning to relax more will not only help cure acne naturally, but will also help with a whole host of other health related issues.

Take time out of your busy day to just chill out. Find a nice comfortable place to sit. Make sure you have good posture to help with breathing. Listen to your iPod or watch a TV program. During this time take deep breaths and release them over 5 seconds. Do this 5 times, 5 times a day, 5 days a week. Do not underestimate the power of breathing and relaxation techniques.

Message therapy is another great way to relax and help your body eliminate toxins.

Acne can be a very frustrating problem but you don’t have to let it control your life. With changes to your diet adding exercise and learning good relaxation techniques you can cure acne naturally.

Fastest And Easiest Way To Cure Acne Naturally

Healing Eczema The Natural Way – How To Beat Eczema Naturally And Drug-free!

Alternative medicine has reached center stage in the world of medicine. Wellness is now the focus of understanding in order to have good health. Prevention has been the advocate of so many creators of websites for good health. Healing eczema the natural way helps us basically not just in eradicating the disease but also in preventing it.

One of the ways to do this is through alternative medicine. Omega 3-fatty acids, homeopathy, nutritional supplements and detoxification are given importance. These are natural sources taken through eating fish (Omega 3-fatty acids), herbal medicine (homeopathy), herbal vitamins (nutritional supplements) and detoxification by eliminating waste materials that may cause inflammation of the skin. It is not only cheap but also free in more ways than one!

Healing Eczema the natural way involves many things. One of this is eating seafood, like tuna, which is a good source of Omega 3-fatty acids. These acids have in-vitro and anti-inflammatory characteristics that will inhibit the growth of inflammation in the formation of eczema. Having an eczematous skin is irritating because it is itchy most of the time and it does get inflamed. Fishes like tuna and salmon contains Omega 3-fatty acids that will trigger anti-inflammatory effects and help in keeping eczema away.

Another method of healing eczema naturally is by taking in herbal vitamins or taking in nutritional supplements. Supplements that have wheatgrass, for example, are also antioxidants used for detoxification. In taking nutritional supplements, detoxification also occurs because the ingredients them can detoxify the body by eliminating waste materials via bowel movement and urination. If we take supplements, we have targeted two methods already and they are cheaper than any topical corticosteroid.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, requires mixture of natural solutions which will cure eczema. It has a placebo effect, which makes the patient believe that he or she is on medication, but the sources are natural, not chemical and they offer the same results without adverse effects.

Our main goal is healing eczema the natural way because our target organ is the skin. Many free radicals in the environment cause the skins breakage, thus leading the natural immune cells to react. Chemicals used in medications can sometimes have these free radicals, and what we dont like to give to our skin are these substances.

Alternative medicine was created in order to do it the natural way. Nature has ingredients for healing. These alternative medications have not been exposed to chemical processes, so the healing properties are pure in form. When the skin is exposed to this raw form, the epidermis (outer layer) will undergo changes that will give healing to the underlying parts. The immune system will not react negatively, thus no inflammation will occur.

Sweating will eliminate waste naturally and having regular water intake will help improve the skins natural moisture. In using alternative medicine, one method can target many healing processes and preventive measures all at the same time. It is multitasking and it is good for our health. Our health is wealth and it is amazing to know that we can fight eczema and other diseases naturally.

Do you want to discover some outstanding techniques you can use to naturally treat your eczema? If yes, then the best thing to do is to download a copy of the Beat Eczema Ebook!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Book, to read more about this natural eczema treatment program and see how it has helped thousands of eczema-sufferers, just like you, round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

Similar Articles: tips on how to get rid of eczema, home remedies for eczema, eczema treatments

How to naturally boost production of the histamine degrading DAO enzyme

Variety of dietary supplements, including capsules of Garlic, Evening Primrose Oil; Artichoke Leaf; Olive Leaf; Magnesium and Omega 3 Fish Oil. Selective focus. Taken in daylight.We’re told that diamine oxidase’s (DAO) job is to make sure histamine is broken down when it’s no longer needed for things like healing, digestion, and wakefulness. Studies show its activity varies more in women that men, possibly due in part to histamine’s role in causing uterine contractions and miscarriage. While DAO production does decline as we age (especially in women), there are nutrients proven to give it a boost. Read on to find out what they are and how we can get them from whole foods rather than supplements. 

Research tells us that DAO is highest during the luteal phase that is right after ovulation and up to menstruation, which is why low serum DAO levels in post menopausal women “should be interpreted with caution”.

While there remains some controversy as to how diamine oxidase is linked to excess histamine, for the purposes of this post I’m just looking at studies speaking of how we can boost this enzyme.

A recent study confirmed what I’ve been writing about for the last few years regarding DAO and nutrients,

and because I’m a fan of getting as many nutrients as possible as food rather than supplements, I created my nutrient and antioxidant dense cookbooks. Check out the books and read about how antioxidants fight histamine inflammation here.

DAO boosting nutrients

Please bear in mind that some foods are only high histamine because of bacteria contamination or spoilage. Any kind of virus or bacteria will stimulate an inflammatory release of histamine. This is why fermented foods are so problematic for us. 

Vitamin B12

Liver (I also suggest grass fed – this appears as high histamine on some lists)

Salmon (fresh gutted fish or flash frozen at sea is not considered high histamine)

Grass fed beef (you can do regular beef but that would be inflammatory, the grass provides the animal with omega 3 fatty acid)

Eggs (duck and chicken, but they can also be inflammatory. I buy flax seed or pastured chicken eggs only)

Chicken (inflammatory so I don’t eat it, pastured may be less so)


Sunflower seeds (some websites list these as high histamine)

White beans

Mung beans

Grass fed beef


Brown rice


Eggs (uncooked egg white is a histamine/mast cell trigger. Ask your doctor if duck eggs might be alright for you)

Long chain/Omega fatty acids

Olive oil is an excellent source of long chain fatty acids. It’s also higher in the monounsaturated fat than vegetable oils, which means it’s less prone to oxidation (we don’t want that which is why we eat antioxidant foods like blueberries).

I eat about a pound of salmon a week for the omega 3 fatty acids. I prefer not to take supplements due to the oxidation of the oil. If you take them, make sure to add in an antioxidant or buy one that comes with it in the capsule.


I’ve left out dairy because it’s highly inflammatory and casein is a mast cell trigger

Sesame seeds (listed on some sites as high histamine)

Collared greens

Mustard greens

Beet greens



Salmon (wild caught is best if possible because farmers sometimes use antibiotics and food dye pellets to colour the salmon)

Sardines (I eat them fresh only, and I mean really fresh because they are rarely gutted)


Grass fed meats and poultry (if you can find it)

White beans





White fish




Read the histamine magnesium post here.


Pumpkin seeds

Kefir (fermented foods are considered high histamine)

Black beans


Banana (high histamine, never had a problem with them myself but always be careful please)

Cacao (not high histamine but can liberate histamine from mast cells)

Learn how to create your own personalised healing plan here.

It’s finally here! Man Food – a high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredient filled book geared towards guys, women who love to work out, yoga like they mean it, or just load up on healing nutrients. Features my personal shopping list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods.

The Anti-cookbook and all liquid Anti-Detox Book, don’t treat any conditions, but feature a plethora of the high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredients that have been instrumental in helping me feed myself on a limited diet. The Anti-cookbook features a four page list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods and comes in regular and Paleo


Miyoshi, Makoto, Manami Ueno, Mari Matsuo, Yasuhiro Hamada, Michiko Takahashi, Masashi Yamamoto, Ikuko Yamamoto, Reiko Mikajiri, Satoko Tabuchi, Kumiko Wakida, Misa Yamanishi, Midori Hirai, and Makoto Usami. “Effect of dietary fatty acid and micronutrient intake/energy ratio on serum diamine oxidase activity in healthy women.” Nutrition 39-40 (2017): 67-70. Web.

“Phosphorus Helps Your Body Detox & Strengthen.” Dr. Axe. N.p., 09 May 2016. Web. 20 June 2017.

Publications, Harvard Health. “The A list of B12 foods.” Harvard Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2017.

Calcium. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2017.

“The histamine-(in)fertlity link | Healing Histamine.” Healing Histamine | Histamine Intolerance Diet Foods Recipes. N.p., 11 Dec. 2014. Web. 20 June 2017.

Hamada, Yasuhiro, Yurika Shinohara, Miyuki Yano, Mari Yamamoto, Misa Yoshio, Kumiko Satake, Akiyo Toda, Midori Hirai, and Makoto Usami. “Effect of the menstrual cycle on serum diamine oxidase levels in healthy women.” Clinical Biochemistry 46.1-2 (2013): 99-102. Web.

“Functional Foods Fact Sheet: Omega-3 Fatty Acids.” N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2017.

“Top 10 Magnesium Rich Foods Plus Proven Benefits.” Dr. Axe. N.p., 28 Mar. 2017. Web. 20 June 2017.

 “Chemical Characteristics.” Chemical Characteristics | The Olive Oil Source. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2017.
“Whole Grains.” Zinc Grocery List | The Dr. Oz Show. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 June 2017.

talkhealth Blog

Holistic Cancer Cures – Cure Cancer Naturally

Cancer is the Symptom of Something Much Deeper…

Cancer is a disease which touches one in five people. The mysteries of the disease seem to evade even the most well-known oncologists. However, there are alternative cancer cures and holistic cancer cures that are able to rid the “dis-ease” from your body. Cancer can be cured by changing your lifestyle in such a way that you begin to live an “Anti-Cancer” lifestyle. A miracle cancer cure occurs “when you get your mind, body and spirit working in ‘sync’ with one another.”

I have developed an “Anti-Cancer Diet” comprised of cancer fighting foods which can be found on the shelves of the grocery store. All cells regenerate themselves constantly. Some cells die and new cells form. Cancer cells are missing two essential amino acids that normal cells have. When the diseased cancerous cells are fed foods which replenish the missing amino acids, a miracle occurs and the diseased cells morph themselves into healthy cells.

Changing your food is not the only change you need to make. Holistic Cancer Cures deal with the mind and how “Thoughts are things.” Since you have “thought yourself into illness” you can “think yourself into wellness.” This is not an easy concept to grasp at first, but when you take time to consider alternative cancer cures and alternative cancer therapy a new realization happens.

Our minds are quite complex. Research has shown that our minds hide subconscious thoughts that eat away at our bodies daily even as we sleep. It has been proven that outside influences such as a terrible shock, death, or even financial ruin can cause our minds to leave our immune system open to disease, particularly cancer. We are totally unaware of the goings on of the subconscious mind. Holistic Cancer Cures deal with bringing the subconscious threats to our healthy body, mind and spirit to the surface and allow the “destructive subconscious thoughts” to leave the body forever.

A combination of cancer fighting foods and the release of “dis-ease enabling thoughts” can lead to a natural cancer cure.

Before I had cancer I was an international fashion designer with a television show on Home Shopping Network and the Shopping Channel in Canada. I had several businesses and life seemed to be thriving.

I was engaged to be married to my business partner. While on a business trip to China, I tried to call home to my fiance. Call it woman’s intuition, but I had a very bad feeling. My feeling turned out to be justified. I received a call on my cell phone while in China from the Sheriff of my home town telling me that my fiance had died of a heart attack.

That news shook me to the core of my existence after I stopped screaming for hours.

I flew home to collect the body only to find out my fiance had another life that did not include me. He was gay; actually bisexual. He died before he could hide the evidence of his other life. This was September 2005. I had a double shock, the shock of his death, and the shock of the reality that he had another life apart from me, a homosexual life. This news shook me to the core of my existence. The one person in the world who had “all of my trust” had deceived me and had been deceiving me for twelve years. This was truly a mind-blower.

I was an emotional mess filled with a combination of anger, rage and sadness. I hid the truth from family and friends because I wanted to bury him with honor. My prayers for a very happy marriage with family and friends were answered, but not the way I was expecting.

I had been betrayed on what was to be the happiest time of my life; my wedding.

Within two years of my partner’s death, in May of 2007 I was diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctors were perplexed because I was not the typical profile of a person who gets this disease. They could not figure out how I got cancer.

I went to the University of Virginia for Chemotherapy and Radiation cancer treatment. I nearly died from treatments of this type as a cure for cancer. I lost 60 pounds, but the cancer was in remission.

With my immune system down, I contracted a very rare and painful amoeba in my eye that ate the cornea and blood vessels and I had a heart attack. I slowly recovered from both illnesses.

Within two years of the cancer remission, the same exact cancer returned. I kept getting slammed with one illness after another.

The second time I had cancer, the doctors decided to do surgery. They felt that Chemotherapy and Radiation had not worked. This time they would do “salvage surgery” which involved removing a part of my jaw, a part of my throat, a part of tongue, replace my neck artery with an artery from my right hand, take a patch of skin from my left shoulder to make a flap in my throat, insert a tracheotomy, and a stomach tube for the rest of my life.

I refused “salvage surgery”. The name justly fits the procedure. I did not want my face to be disfigured and my voice to be marred.

After long and hard thought, I turned to alternative cancer therapy to find a new cancer cure. I read where the body has extremely wonderful recuperative abilities and the power to heal itself. This is where my cancer journey began.

I was directed to a Naturopathic Doctor and began a regime of herbs and vitamins coupled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and fish.

I began reading everything I could find about miracle cancer cures, healing, alternative cancer cures, self-healing, natural cancer cures, alternative medicine, holistic cancer cures, meditation, visualization techniques and Reiki therapy. Believe me, this was a lot of work. I had stacks of books all over my bedroom. On the other hand, what was my alternative?

I had no choice but to take the road less traveled. I had come to what my intuitive healer calls the “Crossroads” of my healing. I had come to the end of what I would accept from standard medical procedures. After witnessing the death of several friends from cancer and I knew the scenario all too well. I chose quality of life over standard medical procedures.

My journey began with the three top Throat Cancer specialists in the country telling me the same diagnosis. The solution to my cancer problem, “Salvage Surgery” was not an option which I would allow for myself. At the same time, my inner-self was telling me to “go deeper” and “find a way to heal yourself of cancer.” I learned to listen to my “inner-self.”

An intuitive healer helped me to realize the shock of my fiance’s death and related childhood traumas had caused my cancer illness. She helped me to release the fact that I had been betrayed in what was to be a happy marriage time by my most-trusted friend. The intuitive healer showed me how our emotions influence our body, mind, and soul and that I needed to love myself and forget the past. I learned that Cancer is just the symptom of a deep emotional trauma which invades every level of the mind, causing illness. In my case, my emotions had caused cancer.

With the intuitive healer’s vast experience in dealing with cancer patients for over twenty years and her Reiki Training, I was in the hands of an Angel. Her intuition and wisdom surround you when you in her presence. She explained that “Life is like and Onion” peeling one layer at a time.

Release of heavy emotional trauma coupled with feeding the diseased cancer cells foods to supply missing essential amino acids resulted in a healthy mind, body and spirit as well as a cancer cure. I do not have cancer anymore and know in my heart that it will never again return to me.

I had a miracle cancer cure. There were many Angels sent to heal me when conventional medicine had all but given up on me. I hope I can be an Angel sent to other by teaching Holistic Cancer Cures and by sharing my miracle cancer cure expereinces. Never forget the Power of God in your healing process.

Copyright 2010 Carol E. Patterson. All Rights Reserved.

Carol Patterson is a two-time cancer survivor, an international designer and author who regularly contributes articles and eBooks. Her new book “Cure Your ‘Self’ of Cancer” explains all of the alternative cancer treatments, natural cancer cures and holistic cancer cures which she used to heal her body of cancer.

She has done extensive research for the book and illustrates how cancer is caused one day at a time over many years and can be cured with some consistent simplistic modalities.

The author shows how cancer is the symptom of something much deeper and delves into the subconscious mind and holistic cancer cures in the section of the book entitled “the mind.”

The book also includes a “30 Day

Treat Eczema Naturally – Three Great Remedies To Help You Treat Eczema

Eczema is a kind of chronic skin disorder which may occur not only in adults but also even in infants. It is characterized by red, dry, and scaly rashes which could be uncomfortably itchy. In some cases, eczema may crust and ooze, making the affected skin so unsightly. Fortunately, you can treat eczema naturally. In this article, you will learn about three natural remedies that will help you get rid of the skin problem.

Good Bacteria

Also known as probiotics, these live good bacteria are known to help in alleviating the severity of eczema. Many of these microbial organisms are found in the digestive tract. Their job is to repress the growth of harmful bacteria, strengthen the digestive tract, and enhance immunity.

It has been found that babies who have eczema have less numbers of probiotics in their digestive tract. On the other hand, pregnant women who took probiotic supplements gave birth to babies with lower risk of having the skin disorder. Having said it, probiotics play a significant role in reducing the possibility of eczema.

Gamma-Linolenic Acid or GLA

Gamma-linolenic acid or GLA is an important type of fatty acid (Omega-6 fatty acid). It has been found to be effective in correcting problems in the skin lipids which may trigger inflammation. The same problems may cause or aggravate eczema so dealing with them could help treat eczema naturally. GLA can be found in evening primrose oil as well as borage oil.

When using evening primrose oil, it is important to take note that the dosage should only be between two and four grams. Also, you should eat first before taking it. Taking it with an empty stomach may bring about some unwanted side effects such as stomach upset.

You should also take note that using evening primrose oil and other GLAs do not promise fast results. In fact, it may take six months before you start noticing a significant improvement in your skin. Nevertheless, these fatty acids remain to be one of the safest substances in dealing with eczema.

Herbal Gels and Creams

Herbal gels and creams such as those made from licorice, chamomile, and witch hazel have been found to effectively lessen the symptoms of eczema. Patients who used them claim that results became noticeable as fast as two weeks.

The herbs used in gels and creams for eczema have anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing eczema flare ups as well as other forms of skin swelling. They are also effective in decreasing symptoms of allergies as well as promoting liver functions. Clearly, using them is not solely beneficial for eczema.

These are three great remedies to treat eczema naturally. If you or any of your loved ones is suffering from the skin condition, trying these cures may significantly help in making it better. Eczema can be very itchy and unsightly. If you can treat it through safe and natural means, why not do it? They can be your easy solution to the chronic problem youve long been wanting to get rid of.

Do you want to discover some outstanding techniques you can use to naturally treat your eczema? If yes, then you really need to get a copy of the Beat Eczema E-book!

Click on this link ==> Beat Eczema Book, to find out more about this natural eczema treatment system and see how it has assisted thousands of eczema-sufferers round the world, to naturally treat their skin condition.

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5 Tips to Heal your Weeping Eczema Naturally

If you suffer from eczema, then this time of the year is probably the most difficult for your skin. Colder temperatures and harsh winds tend to dry out skin for long periods of time leading to more painful, cracked and red eczema. It could also lead to weeping skin.

If you have ever experienced severe eczema, then you’re probably already familiar with this type of reaction. Weeping eczema consists of dry, irritated skin that has developed few or multiple blisters. Through persistent scratching or irritation, these sores can eventually open up, causing oozing pus and infections.

Although many eczema sufferers rely on aggressive treatments to heal the skin rapidly, there are several natural ways to prevent your irritated skin from developing blisters or worse – a Staph infection. If you’re one of many eczema sufferers who have experienced oozing, wet eczema, check out some of our top tricks you can start today to help prevent and heal your skin.

1. Calm and moisturize

The first step to healing weeping skin is to find a moisturizer with wound healing and bacteria fighting properties. Honey is one of the best naturally anti-bacterial ingredients around and is used by hospitals for its wound healing abilities. Apply honey directly on the skin or try a moisturizer like this one with Manuka honey and Manuka oil, Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream. Chinese herbs are known to be quite powerful as well – EczeHerbal #1 – Oozing Eczema Treatment will help soothe red, itchy and crusty skin, as well as prevent bacterial infection.

2. Wet wraps

If you haven’t already heard of wet wraps for eczema relief, then you might want to give this simple and effective process a try for weeping eczema. Wet wrapping has been shown to provide quick eczema relief for all types of eczema, as well as psoriasis, allergic contact dermatitis, and dermatomyositis. Depending on the affected areas, you’ll want to either opt for body bands or full garments. These WrapESoothe Body Bands for Kids and Adults are perfect for those who are experiencing eczema on their arms or legs. Otherwise, for full body eczema, you’ll want to look at a full suit for babies and young children or WrapESoothe shirt and pants for bigger kids.

Want to learn more? Check out the step-by-step instructions here: What is Wet Wrap Therapy for Eczema?

3. Anti-inflammatory foods

Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet will not only help you fight off bacteria, yet it will help keep your immune system in check. Incorporating foods like leafy greens, seasonal vegetables, fish and berries will help provide the necessary nutrients and vitamins to keep your body in check. In fact, you may find supplementing with a high quality fish oil can be very beneficial as well.

4. Elimination diet

Although we’ve pointed out that it’s important to adopt an anti-inflammatory diet with wet eczema (or any type for that matter), undergoing an elimination diet can be very helpful too. Elimination diets have shown to be extremely effective in healing eczema naturally. For more information on how to get started or to learn what exactly an elimination diet is, check out our family’s experience with elimination diets.

5. Consider TSW

Although not terribly common, topical steroid addiction is a real area of concern that is becoming more and more widespread. If you have red, angry looking skin it is possible you may be reacting to the overuse of topical corticosteroids. It’s something worth looking into. Read more about topical steroid withdrawal.

Weeping, oozing eczema can become extremely painful and infected without proper care. The above-mentioned tips are extremely beneficial in the prevention and treatment of severe, wet eczema. However, if you are experiencing symptoms such as bleeding, infected wounds or fever, you should seek medical advice immediately.

Have any tips of your own for preventing or healing weeping eczema? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

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