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Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – WebMD

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults
"Adult eczema patients may have dealt with their symptoms for their entire lives, which can be draining, or they may experience symptoms for the first time as adults, which can be a difficult adjustment," said Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, an assistant
Atopic dermatitis can affect adults more profoundly than younger …
Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – Consumer HealthDayHealthDay

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eczema – Google News

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – WebMD

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults
"Adult eczema patients may have dealt with their symptoms for their entire lives, which can be draining, or they may experience symptoms for the first time as adults, which can be a difficult adjustment," said Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, an assistant
Atopic dermatitis can affect adults more profoundly than younger …
Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – Consumer HealthDayHealthDay

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eczema – Google News

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – WebMD

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults
"Adult eczema patients may have dealt with their symptoms for their entire lives, which can be draining, or they may experience symptoms for the first time as adults, which can be a difficult adjustment," said Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, an assistant
Atopic dermatitis can affect adults more profoundly than younger …
Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – Consumer HealthDayHealthDay

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eczema – Google News

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – WebMD

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults
"Adult eczema patients may have dealt with their symptoms for their entire lives, which can be draining, or they may experience symptoms for the first time as adults, which can be a difficult adjustment," said Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, an assistant
Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – Consumer HealthDayHealthDay
Atopic dermatitis can affect adults more profoundly than younger …

all 3 news articles »

eczema – Google News

Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults – WebMD
Eczema Can Take a Toll on Adults
"Adult eczema patients may have dealt with their symptoms for their entire lives, which can be draining, or they may experience symptoms for the first time as adults, which can be a difficult adjustment," said Dr. Jonathan Silverberg, an assistant
Atopic dermatitis can affect adults more profoundly than younger

all 3 news articles »

eczema – Google News

Dermatologists take ‘hammering’ with cuts to three reimbursement codes

Federal regulators are more closely scrutinizing some dermatologic surgery codes, including those that are considered the “bread and butter” for skin cancer repairs. And codes that are deemed misvalued could be cut by as much as one-third by Medicare. Commercial carriers could follow suit.
Modern medicine – dermatologic surgery

Should you take Vitamin D to combat colds and flu?

Yesterday (16 February 2017) it was widely reported on TV, in newspapers and across the Internet that taking Vitamin D could significantly reduce the incidence of colds and flu amongst the general population. In fact, some newsrooms went as far as to report that Vitamin D should be added to foods such as cereals and bread. But is there any substance in the story?

It appears that the story is based on an article published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) on 15 February 2017 entitled “Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data”The main objective of the review was designed to assess the overall effect of vitamin D supplementation on the risk of acute respiratory tract infection. It was not a review to specifically ascertain whether or not Vitamin D should be added to everyday foods, although the analysis following the research suggests that daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation was useful in preventing respiratory tract infections. The researchers also concluded that these results add to the body of evidence that fortifying widely eaten foods, such as bread and cereals, with Vitamin D would improve public health.

You can read more about the story behind the headlines on the NHS Choices website here.

Do you take Vitamin D supplements either purchasing over-the-counter or prescribed by your GP? Do you think taking them has helped to keep you cold and flu-free? We’d love you to tell us in the comments box below.

talkhealth Blog

SUDEP Awareness Day 2016 encourages people with epilepsy to take key steps to reduce their risk


SUDEP Awareness Day aims to improve awareness of SUDEP by highlighting key risks and steps that people with epilepsy can take to reduce their risk. Launched by UK Charity SUDEP Action on 23 October 2014, the awareness day shines a light on the largest cause of death in people with epilepsy, helping empower those with the condition through increased awareness.

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) is when a person with epilepsy dies suddenly and prematurely and no other cause of death is found. Not everyone with epilepsy is at risk of SUDEP, and researchers have found that there are steps that people with epilepsy can take to reduce the risk.

If you have epilepsy we encourage you to:

– Take your medication regularly and reliably.
– Speak to your doctor before making any changes to your medication.
– Make sure you have regular reviews.
– Discuss any lifestyle changes such as having a baby or going to university with your doctor.
– Avoid excess alcohol consumption and using recreational drugs
– Tell your doctor if your seizures have changed.
– Not everyone with epilepsy is at risk, it is important you discuss your risk with your health professionals.

SUDEP Awareness Day brings people with epilepsy, epilepsy organisations and bereaved families together to raise awareness of SUDEP. This year, more than 80 international organisations and patient groups have registered their support for the online campaign which runs from 21st to 23rd October. Registrants receive free online campaign resources such as Facebook and Twitter Covers. People can also download the resources here

To find out more visit the campaign microsite:
To learn more about SUDEP please visit
To learn more about SUDEP Action visit:


talkhealth Blog

Four Reasons Why You Should Take a Holistic Eczema Remedy Approach

Having eczema is a physical and mental unpleasant experience. Naturally, we tend to rush to a doctor and get a prescription that offers little to no relief.  On top of that, those medicines may be doing more harm than good.  Treating eczema is a long-term commitment, and long-term relief will require finding the cause of the problem rather than treating the symptoms.  Below are four reasons why you should use natural eczema remedies to treat your condition.

Experience Little To No Side Effects

Long-term use of conventional medical treatments can cause a myriad of problems. Topical steroids can cause skin thinning (which can lead to bacterial infection), antihistamines may cause drowsiness, and two creams- Protopic and Elidel are known to cause skin cancer! You definitely will not experience these problems with natural remedies such as coconut oil or apple cider vinegar. However, it is possible that you may be allergic to certain natural ingredients, so make sure you do a skin patch test with any new eczema remedy you try.

Inexpensive and Readily Available

Medical researchers project that U.S. health insurance companies spend more than $ 1 billion per year on atopic dermatitis. Even with health insurance, the long term expenses of conventional eczema treatments add up. Creams, steroids, and doctor’s visits can cost you thousands of dollars a year. Oftentimes, these expensive treatments are not effective at all. The beauty of using an eczema remedy is the low price tag. You won’t have to pay hundreds of dollars for items that you can easily get at your local grocery store.

Your Whole Body Will Thank You

Even though it is a external ailment, eczema is actually a signal that something is wrong internally. Treating the body as a whole, not just the symptoms, will require you to strengthen your immune system. When you get to the root of the problem, chances of eczema reoccurring decreases. Furthermore, you will notice your overall health will improve. You may get sick less, your hair and nails may become stronger. An overall healthy body is a great side effect of a natural eczema treatment!

Empower Yourself

We live in a society where we are encouraged to put our health into someone elses hands. There is nothing wrong with seeking advice from a doctor, but is equally important to research and understand your own condition. Through your research, you may find alternative ways to heal yourself that a doctor may not know about. Take responsibility for own health and enjoy the satisfaction of healing yourself!

Having eczema doesn’t mean you have to be dependent on prescriptions for the rest of your life. Try a natural eczema remedy today!

For more information and news about eczema remedies, visit