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EczemaBlues … Practical tips to tools

Thank you so much for dropping by my blog (it may look weird now as I’m changing its layout). If you are new to EczemaBlues, let me do a quick introduction – my daughter Marcie had eczema at 2 weeks old, and at around one year old, her eczema improved and I decided to pour my heart into creating this blog – as a resource that parents could visit for practical tips, and hopefully, changed some of those eczema blues to bliss.

I stopped updating regularly when Marcie started grade school, as after 5 years of blogging, EczemaBlues already had over 850 posts and it was no longer helpful to write for the sake of keeping up a blog (& more in my farewell post in January 2016).

During the time that I stopped updating this blog, I continued to reply to comments from parents and eczema patients around the world, engaged my G+ eczema community, moderated pro bono for Talkhealth eczema forum and facilitated face-to-face sharing session at a national skin center. All this time, I had the nagging feeling that something was broken in the way eczema patients received their care – Why with all the information out there (including my blog!) are eczema sufferers still suffering? Why are patients not getting the information that they need from their doctors (and have to search forums for answers)? Why do certain patients have such a positive consultation experience, while others felt written off by their doctors? Why do patients testify that certain products, prescriptions and treatment plans work so well for them (even if they are not the conventional doctors’ recommendations)?

With above in mind, I decided to open my mind and re-look a few things below:

  • New research for eczema, in particular, findings that reverse what we thought would work or couldn’t work
  • Patient, doctor and the consultation experience, i.e. is there anything that we can do to increase the odds of a positive consultation
  • Products, prescriptions and treatment plans, including non-conventional ones which had not been supported by sufficient clinical studies

I’m working on setting up some sort of community forum or review, and will also be posting affiliate links to products as I find out more about different products that others use for their eczema. I’d also be coming up with a series of guides for various needs, and working on my e-book. During the time-off from this blog, I’ve taken an interest in hand-lettering and I may just be converting some of these into digital products that you can purchase to encourage your friend with eczema. All in all, it’s a shift from practical tips to practical tools… with the same purpose of turning eczema blues to bliss.

& Always remember – You are the best parent for your eczema child

Eczema Blues

Practical Ideas In Treating Adult Eczema

Eczema is a recurring skin disease. Its worst attack usually strikes when you were younger. Once you have controlled it, you can prevent it from attacking in the future. If you know how to keep your skin healthy all the time, this will not affect the quality of your life.

The real cause of eczema is still unknown. Many experts claimed that it can be passed down from parents to children. Genetics play a major role. Your skin will also act and flare up when it is exposed to harsh chemicals, allergens and pollutants. In addition to that, the toxins you are ingesting through food can also worsen your problem. The tell-tale signs of this skin disease are open and oozing lesions, dryness of skin and flakiness of the dermis. The lesions are usually itchy and painful. They grow bigger when not treated properly.

It is also important to remember that limiting the chemicals you are putting on your skin can help alleviate this skin problem. That being said, you can try using herbal remedies to treat it. Here are some of the herbal remedies for adult eczema you can try:

1. Use cinnamon. This is an old-folk remedy that can help heal the lesions and get rid of germs and bacteria thriving in it. It also speeds up the healing process of tissues. Mix this with honey. Honey has natural antiseptic properties that can cleanse wounds. It also keeps the area moist. Don’t let your skin turn dry as this precipitates the appearance of lesions. Apply it on the area and let it stay there overnight. Cover it with thin gauze.

2. Coconut oil is also an ideal remedy. It contains linoleic acid, the acid that speeds up the healing process of tissues. This has connective properties that can bridge the gaps between tissues. It also keeps the dermis hydrated so you are less likely to experience recurring lesions. Apply it on your skin at night before going to sleep.

3. Turmeric powder is a treatment often used in Ayurvedic medicine for skin diseases. Turmeric has healing properties like linoleic acid. It also bridges and connects gaps in dermis tissues. Try mixing a tablespoon of turmeric powder with a tablespoon of neem leaves. Use this is a treatment for the affected parts of the dermis.

4. For temporarily relief of itchiness, you can use spearmint leaf. It soothes itchy lesions. All you need to do is to apply the juice of spearmint leaf for a few days and you’ll start seeing improvements to your skin.

Eczema is a dreadful skin disease. However with proper care and use of natural herbs, you’ll find yourself having more beautiful and clear looking than before. So if you want to eradicate eczema, do not hesistate to try those tips we have shared above.

How would you like to learn more about the core benefits of using Chinese herbal remedies? I have a collection of herbal remedies and treatments at

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