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Psoriasis and Eczema are both skin conditions where the skin becomes very dry and itchy. This results in inflammation of the skin which causes redness and swelling and in time it starts to crack, weep and crust. Although it very often affects very young children, it can disappear and later show up in adulthood. The root causes of these two skin ailments however differ. While detergents, chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes often cause eczema, Psoriasis is different in that it is present in the genes and as such can be called a genetic disease.

While no definite cures have yet been found for both these diseases, there are many treatments that have helped alleviate the symptoms. Although eczema tends to spread fast, it is not considered a serious ailment. Psoriasis on the other hand can develop into a more serious condition causing adverse effects on joints, cerave reviews similar to arthritis.

Psoriasis Cream
If the psoriasis has affected only a small part of the body, it is possible to treat the condition with topical psoriasis creams, gels and other prescribed medications that are usually applied direct to the effected area of the skin.

• Topical steroids – Most commonly used medication for mild psoriasis to reduce inflammation and itching. It also stops the build up cerave reviewsof dead skin and comes in different strengths. Can be bought in the form of creams, lotions, ointments and gels. Steroid creams however do have side effects that should not be underestimated and should be used only under medical supervision.

• Anthralin – This is a synthetic medication that comes in the form of cream, ointment or paste and affects the enzymes of the skin cells in people with psoriasis.

• Dithranol – A very effective treatment for chronic psoriasis and should be applied very carefully to the effected area only. Should start with a low concentration which should be gradually increased in strength.

Eczema Cream
When treating eczema, the affected area should be soaked in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes to hydrate the skin and patted dry with a soft cloth. Skin should never be rubbed dry. Once the moisture is completely removed, one of the following creams should be applied.

• Topical steroids – Good for mild skin conditions and flare ups of eczema. Should not be used more than twice a day.
• Hydrocortisone cream – Suitable for use in young children or in the folds of skin in adults. Strong topical steroids should not be used in areas where the skin is thin; such as the face, neck, axilla and groin
• Protopic & Elidel Cream – The latest in eczema creams, they have no side effects at all and can even be used in children who are two years and older. Similar to topical steroids, they calm down the immune system and reduce symptoms of eczema.

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