Mar 30, Female Eczema Sufferers Suffer Confidence Issues

An article on Female First has reported that a survey has revealed that the majority of women are embarrassed by their eczema. The study shows that around 75% of women sufferers feel embarrassed or unattractive by their eczema. When I was younger I was very self conscious of my eczema. I always kept it covered as much as I could. As I have got older, especially in the last 10 years, I am definitely not as worried about it. The 2 main reasons for that is that I am much better at managing and treating it now. And also that I am just more confident in general. It was important for me to accept my eczema as part of me. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, or how old you are, if you have eczema, you may feel self conscious of your skin. It is so important if your child has eczema to try not to impress any negative feelings about their eczema, on them. In the future I plan to write some pages about the impact that eczema can have on you, and your child’s life. Including the psychological aspects, and ways you can deal with situations at work and school. I will keep you up to date on here, and let you know of any new pages added to the site. In the meantime please feel free to contact me and let me know how you have overcome any negative feelings, and how you deal with your child’s insecurities. I will share them with other readers.
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