The Best Facial Cleanser for Eczema

Facial eczema is never easy to treat. With all the different products on the market that claim to be sensitive facial cleansers, it’s difficult to choose a product that works for your eczema. That’s why this week – we’re discussing the best facial cleanser for eczema. Also make sure to check out some creams that are soothing, nourishing and sensitive enough for eczema on the face, including lips and eyes.

Please keep in mind that although these treatments can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

Best Facial Cleanser for Eczema

Facial eczema is extremely difficult to treat and as such, a gentle enough treatment is always tricky to find. Many cleansers on the market are ridden with toxic ingredients such as parabens, fragrances, phthalates and much more.

ILW Recommends: 13 Skincare Ingredients & Eczema Irritants You NEED to Avoid Right Now

A proper cleanser for eczema needs to be gentle, but should also be soothing and nourishing as well. You don’t want to opt for a cleanser that will leave your skin feeling dry. That will only be uncomfortable and result in further eczema flares. The problem with most cleansers and soaps is that they strip the skin and leave you worse off than when you began. Read more about how soaps strip the skin and how to find the Best Eczema Soap.

One facial cleanser for eczema we stand by is Bodyceuticals Organic Calendula Eczema Face Wash. This face wash is a highly concentrated formula, so you actually only need one pump to clean the entire face (talk about affordable!). The calendula, seaweed and blended herbs provide a cleanser that is both repairing and moisturizing. Unlike other cleansers, this face wash will not strip skin from moisture and will instead calm red, inflamed skin. This facial cleanser for eczema is also a perfect for those that have sensitive skin.

Not all bar soaps are drying and we suggest you try this Grass Fed Tallow Soap to see just how moisturizing a bar of soap can be. This super fatty soap is so gentle that it’s great for using anywhere on your body, including your sensitive face. It’s super simple ingredient list means it’s great for someone with even the most sensitive or allergic of skin. So, we highly recommend giving this bar soap a try.

Best Facial Cream for Eczema

After a good facial cleansing, it’s best to apply a cream or balm to lock in the moisture and soothe and nourish the skin. Similarly to facial cleansers for eczema, you want to make sure these creams are as natural as possible.

A great cream that I use on my skin is Bodyceuticals Calendula Face Eczema Cream. This cream is extremely cooling and helps soothe irritated and dry skin. Normally, I apply this cream at night on sensitive and dry parts of my face like the sides of my nose, my chin and cheeks. I also love doubling up this cream as a makeup remover.

Because the cream includes organic coconut oil, it’s very easy to use it to wipe off eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow. Plus – this cream is also so gentle it can be used for eyelid eczema as well.

Another excellent cream that is also nourishing and perfect for facial eczema, is Eczeherbal’s Colloidal Oatmeal Eczema Cream. This treatment includes both aloe vera and 2% colloidal oatmeal to keep skin nourished and reduce inflammation. Aside from adults, it can also be used on children, babies and even pets!

For extreme moisture, you can also try this Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream, which is extremely nourishing for dry, irritated skin. It’s more of a creamy balm, so a very small amount goes a long way. In general, it’s best worn at night as it is so thick and creamy.

Looking for more moisturizing options? Check out the natural eczema cream here. 

How to Wash your Face with Eczema

With eczema, it’s best to be extra gentle with the skin, which is highly sensitive. Here is how we recommend washing your face with eczema:

  • Start by splashing your face with warm (not hot) water. Then gently massage in a cleanser for sensitive skin or eczema like Bodyceuticals Organic Calendula Eczema Face Wash. Or try one of these best eczema soaps.
  • Carefully remove every bit of cleanser with cool water and your hands. You can experiment with using a wash cloth for exfoliation, but proceed with caution as wash cloths can be too abrasive and irritating at times.
  • Pat (don’t rub) the skin dry and immediately apply an emollient like Bodyceuticals Calendula Face Eczema Cream which was made to use with the face wash above.
  • If cleaning your face in the morning, try going cleanser free and simply do a cool water rinse. Then apply a natural sunscreen on your face to protect your face against harmful UVA and UVB Rays. Read about the Best All Natural Sunscreens for Eczema. For a natural face cream with SPF protect, try this one by OM Botanicals with cooling aloe and shea butter.

If you’re suffering from facial eczema and just can’t find a cleanser or cream that provides relief, then perhaps its time to look within. Many eczema sufferers have found relief and treatment by simply changing their diet. If you think your facial eczema might be caused by the foods you’re eating, make sure to check out this blog post: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do it Too!). An elimination diet is essentially removing certain foods from your diet for a specific time period and then reintroducing them slowly to determine which foods are causing a reaction.

Do you suffer from facial eczema?

Let us know what cleanser you use below in the comments section!

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