Eczema | Childhood Eczema – Syrinx Za

childhood eczemaChildhood Eczema or infantile eczema, shockingly affects around one in five of children in the UK. Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis are the most common types of eczema that children suffer.

Atopic just means that someone is over sensitive to allergens, which could be anything from dust, chemicals or even certain foods.  In most cases the skin becomes itchy, is inevitably scratched and becomes sore, red and inflamed.

The answer from many experts is that eczema is genetic and that eczema, asthma or some other type of allergy is passed on to cause eczema.

However, scientists are constantly trying to discover the connection or a reason why eczema chooses these unlucky children and sometimes a discovery might make the news. Such as this week in the Daily Mail we read that pregnant mothers that regularly swim can be increasing their child’s chances of suffering from eczema.

Exposure to chemicals

Scientists at the British Journal of Dermatology explained that exposure to airborne chemicals from pools such as chlorine and cleaning products may alter the baby’s immune system. We already know that chlorine and many other man-made chemicals can set off or trigger an eczema flare up so maybe it could factor that chemicals are affecting the developing immune system of our unborn children. The claims are that that exposure to these types of chemicals in pregnancy or as an infant can be attributed to childhood eczema.

No cure for Childhood Eczema

Sadly we are still a long way from a cure for all the different types of eczema, let alone childhood eczema but we can strive to reduce the flare ups and to prevent the triggers to make our children comfortable.

During a flare up you might typically see atopic eczema in the folds of the skin, the backs of the knees and the inside of the elbows which can be very itchy, sore and uncomfortable. Eczema can of course appear anywhere but these are common areas, also because sweat can collect in the folds and this makes the skin itchy. It’s that scratching for a start that we need to stop or at least reduce, as it is making the eczema worse.

There are certain steps you can take to keep your child cool – see Summer Tips for Baby Eczema.

2 Step Treatment regime for childhood eczema

Every morning and night
1 – Remove toxins and chemicals from the skin using the Deep Cleanser Therapy Bar. Wash gently using a thick lather from the soap, and then pat dry. For extra sore areas, you might like to try this – rub in some of the lather to leave overnight and wash off in the morning.

Washing with soft water is the best or water previously boiled in a kettle and cooled.

2 – Apply the Natural Emollient for Eczema, gently working the cream into the skin.
If not leaving on the lather from the Therapy Bar; Repeat both procedures morning and night.

Your child should soon get some relief from itching and soreness and you will get peace of mind from Childhood Eczema.

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