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New Zealand study finds that babies fed yoghurt less likely to get eczema or allergies – South China Morning Post

South China Morning Post
New Zealand study finds that babies fed yoghurt less likely to get eczema or allergies
South China Morning Post
Babies who eat yoghurt regularly before they are one year old appear to be protected from developing eczema and allergies, new research from the University of Otago, Wellington, and the University of Auckland has found. The effects were striking
Bust those allergies: Study finds babies who regularly eat YOGHURT are less likely to develop eczemaDaily Mail

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Lebanese grilled lamb with lactose free yoghurt

I adore Ottolenghi recipes but he does use lots of fodmaps in them so I was very surprised to find a Lebanese seven spice rub in Marks and Spencer that is low fodmap and just the right spice mix for rubbing into meat and using on a grill or barbecue. so here is a good lamb recipe for those hot days when barbecues and eating al fresco is such a good idea.


2 lamb steaks

Enough Lebanese seven spice mix to coat both steaks

Cook on the barbecue still well cooked*

1 pack of chard

Lactose free yoghurt (Tesco Greek)

Chopped chard stems

1 lemon

Salt and pepper to taste.


Mix 2 heaped tablespoons of yoghurt with half a grated lemon peel and 3-4 chopped chard stalks

Take the lamb steaks and coat in Lebanese seven spice powder and grill for 2 minutes at high heat on each side – then 5 minutes extra to cook through.*Do you like your meat pink? If you do then ensure that you cook the edges till they are well seared and reach a temperature of 70 degrees C. This should ensure that pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the meat are killed. The foods to cook well through on a barbecue are hamburgers (the mince surfaces are found throughout the burger so it needs to be cooked through.) Chicken also needs thorough cooking – cook a little in the oven or microwave before finishing on the barbecue.

Blanch the chard leaves is hot water for a few seconds and serve with olives, grated lemon rind and chard. This recipe serves two people.

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