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The Ultimate Winter Eczema Care Guide

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

By Laura Dolgy (bio below)

Ah, yes the most anticipated season of the year has begun – winter (said no one with dry skin ever). Unfortunately for many eczema sufferers, this is the time for severely cracked, itchy and of course – dry skin. But don’t fear! Winter eczema can actually be quite easy to control, as long as you are taking proper care of both your skin and your body.

Please keep in mind that although these recommendations can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.


It shouldn’t be a surprise that moisturizing during the winter months is extremely important. Moisturizing properly will keep skin protected from the ongoing harsh weather and will even keep itching to a minimum.

Not sure what treatment to use to properly moisturize this season and reduce winter eczema? Check out our recommendations below based on different skin types!

Itchy/Dry Eczema

This is probably the most common type of eczema found both during and outside of the winter months. If you’re experiencing itchy, dry eczema, then the best solution is to use a natural product that can actually permeate the skin and offer relief.

The Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream offers a perfect combination of both nourishing Manuka honey, as well as Manuka oil to soothe and calm irritated, dry and itchy skin. Another favorite is the Emily Skin Soothers for Itchy Eczema, which is filled with a selection of Chinese herbs and beeswax that soothes ALL dry skin conditions and really helps with itchy eczema.

Thick/Scaly Eczema

Tis’ the season for not only thick, dry skin, but also the dreaded “crocodile” skin. If you’re prone to suffering from really thick and scaly eczema then make sure to check out EczeHerbal #3 Dry Eczema Treatment for Adults. This treatment is specially formulated with Chinese herbs to treat and offer relief to dry and scaly eczema.

Got itchy and scaly eczema? Try this Grass Fed Tallow Balm that will immediately soothe dry skin and provide natural relief for your itchy skin. Not only is this balm extremely nourishing and thick, but it comes in three variations: unscented, with lavender and with lavender and tea tree. So you can choose how much herbal power you’d like. For the most sensitive of skin, the unscented would be best. And for full antibacterial and antiseptic properties, go for the lavender and tea tree variation.

Red/Weeping Eczema

If your weeping eczema only gets worse in the winter then this Emily Skin Soothers for Red Eczema Rashes is a great option. It was created by an acupuncturist as a natural alternative for healing weeping and crusty eczema. Not only does it calm the red, but it will help treat topical bacteria, yeast and fungus.

Another great natural treatment is EczeHerbal #1 Oozing Eczema Treatment that contains a mixture of Chinese herbs perfect for relieving itchy and crusty eczema. A little goes a long way, so don’t let the small jars worry you.

Wet/Dry Wrapping

Because skin is highly sensitive in the winter months and has the tendency to become dry, itchy and scaly, we definitely recommend wet and dry wrapping. This process only requires a bath, moisturizer and a layer of clothing to seal in moisture. We guarantee that dry, winter eczema will feel much better after trying this! Read more about wet wrap therapy here.

Vitamin D

With winter months comes less sunshine and that means less Vitamin D. As discussed in our blog post The Truth about Vitamin D and Eczema, studies have shown that the consumption of vitamin D has been effective in treating and healing eczema. In fact, without enough vitamin D, your immune system can weaken which can cause the skin barrier to break down and the chances for skin infection to increase.

By supplementing with tablets such as these Viva Naturals High Potency Vitamin D3 or by increasing your intake of fatty fish and fish oils, you can decrease your chance of skin infection and even provide some much needed relief to your dry skin.

Eat Properly

Aside from keeping skin moisturized all season long, it’s very important to also heal yourself from within. As we have mentioned in many other posts, carrying out an elimination diet can help you discover what is triggering your dry, itchy eczema. Yes, winter is making your eczema worse, but your body is likely already inflamed, so reducing inflammation by way of diet can really help your skin! To learn more about elimination diets and if they work, make sure to check out: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!).

You can also heal eczema by focusing on certain foods during the winter months like root vegetables and warming, nourishing foods like bone broth that can help keep your gut balanced. To get a better idea of what foods are beneficial for winter eczema, take a look at our blog post: How to Eat Well For Winter Eczema Relief that is packed with suggestions and recommendations from Naturopath Dr. Amy Duong.

Although the winter months might be the harshest time for eczema, there are many treatments and practices one can adopt to keep their skin safe. The above tips might help keep your eczema hydrated at the surface, but eating healthy and knowing which allergens to stay away from will also help wonders.

How do you deal with winter eczema? Let us know in the comments below!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

The Ultimate Winter Eczema Care Guide appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

The Ultimate Summer Eczema Care Guide

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

Summer is finally here and we can’t wait to lounge outside and catch some extra rays! If you suffer from eczema, then you’ll know that a change in weather can either be a great thing or the WORST thing for eczema.

To start the season off right, we wanted to share our Ultimate Summer Eczema Care Guide to prepare you for the hot weather ahead, while staying in control of your eczema flare-ups.

Please keep in mind that although these tips have worked for several eczema sufferers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Stay Cool

Sweat is a big eczema trigger. To keep cool, wear 100% cotton or bamboo clothing. Carry a towel around with you to dry off any sweaty spots and always change out of sweaty clothes as soon as possible. 

Spend Time in the Sun

You may be surprised, but sun has been proven to reduce skin inflammation associated with eczema and other skin conditions (1). Sunshine helps the body produce more vitamin D, which can helps improve the symptoms of eczema. Vitamin D supplements have been proven to help those with cases of severe eczema during winter months (2), so why not get a dose of natural vitamin D from our glorious sun?

Read More about Vitamin D and Eczema.

But be careful! Just because the sun is good for eczema, doesn’t mean you should stay in it all day long. Be sure to limit your hours in the sun to 15 minutes at a time and let your skin relax in some shade every so often. For longer periods of time in the sun, it’s still important to cover up your skin with sunscreen in order to block out damaging UVA and UVB rays.

Use Natural Sunscreen or Sunblock

If you’ve read our blog in the past, you know that many eczema treatments include harsh and unsafe chemicals that can irritate the skin. Well, it’s equally important to use natural sunscreen if you have eczema!

Some great choices for sunscreen are those that include zinc and as few ingredients as possible. As a general rule of thumb these are called sunblocks as they physically block the sun with minerals. Make sure to also stay away from products containing fragrance or perfume, and instead opt for natural and unscented sunblocks.

Check our recommendations for the Best All Natural Sunscreens for Eczema.

Head to the Beach

Spending time at the beach with your feet in the sand and listening to the surf roll in is so therapeutic and relaxing. And since stress is one of the most common eczema triggers, a day at the beach could actually help your eczema. So, tell your box you need a day off to head to the beach! Ha! Lowering your stress levels aren’t the only benefit you’ll find at the beach. The ocean’s salt water is also known to work miracles for many individuals with eczema.

Many believe that minerals like magnesium in salt helps provide therapeutic relief and can help soothe dry skin too. In fact, Epson Salt and Dead Sea Salt baths can replicate the ocean experience in your own home!

Be careful though! If your eczema has any open wounds or cuts, salt will only make it more painful. Therefore, salt water treatments are not recommended for oozing or weeping eczema.

Pool Precautions

We recommend salt water based pools rather than chlorinated pools. Chlorine is very drying and is quite a toxic chemical. If you have your own pool, try moving to a salt water system. Sadly public salt water pools are less common and you’ll usually find chlorinated pools in public settings. And that’s ok! Don’t let chlorine stop your summer pool fun! Just take a few precautions to keep your skin safe.

Moisturize your skin really well the morning before you plan to swim. You can even apply it again just before diving in, to protect the skin, if you have a thick oil based balm like the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream. Don’t soak in the pool for long periods of time. Always rinse off very well after any time in the pool. And apply your favorite moisturizer again afterwards.


After any type of sun, beach or chlorine exposure, you’ll want to make sure your eczema prone skin stays well hydrated. Our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is a soft and creamy oil based balm that is extremely soothing and perfect for dry skin. I usually lather this cream on myself after sun exposure and it keeps my skin smooth and dry-free throughout the rest of the day!

Pest Control

Mosquitos and other pesky insects don’t shy away from eczema and can even be drawn to you more if your skincare has a scent they find interesting. Most bug sprays contain alcohol, which can burn open wounds, as well as toxic chemicals that are dangerous for all skin types and especially bad for those with eczema.

Some natural pest control options are citronella candles, bug repellent bracelets and bug sprays or balms with essential oils like this one from Badger Balm.


Lastly, know that what we eat, affects your entire body – especially your skin.

The above tips might help keep your eczema hydrated at the surface, but eating healthy and knowing which allergens to stay away from will also help wonders.

Eating foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, healthy and more will definitely keep your skin looking great. It’s also important to drink water throughout the day, so as to keep skin nourished and fully hydrated.

Healing from within is critical for eczema. Learn more in Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success Story!

You shouldn’t have to worry about eczema flare-ups, especially through the summer! Try these tips above and let us know what you think in the comments below.


  1. Epidemiological studies of the influence of sunlight on the skin. Berg, M.
  2. Randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation for winter-related atopic dermatitis in children. Camargo, Carlos.

The Ultimate Summer Eczema Care Guide appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Get Rid of Eczema With Ultimate Natural Treatment

Eczema is an unwanted skin disorder that usually starts causing pain and itching sensation on any part of the body. You might have visited many hospitals and changed the doctors with their prescriptions, but came out defeated with temporary relief but no results. This is because the prescribed medications focus only on the symptoms and leave the cause untreated. That is why the irritating and unpleasant eczema resurfaces after certain period and you have to carry this cumbersome disorder with daily life.

Although, allopathic medicines have not given you certain cure, it is the ultimate natural treatment that can give you permanent relief from this unwanted skin disorder without any side-effect.

Eat regularly healthy food, devoid of greasy and sweet foods. Be aloof from the allergens like cocoa, caffeine and chocolate. Avoid taking soy, milk and eggs. Eat in abundance fruits, vegetables and fish like salmon that are enriched with omega 3 fatty acids.

Add 2 cups of oatmeal into warm water. Stay inside the bathtub filled with oatmeal warm water. This will help to hydrate your skin.

Try to improve your immune system with probiotics.  The strong immune system fight and prevent the eczema.

Keep a healthy environment. Don’t give chance to any factor that flare up this skin disorder.

Increase the hygiene level. Scratching and rubbing may foster itchiness and redness and lead to infections.

Maintain cleanliness of the house. Keep it dust-free. Use cotton clothes wears and avoid wearing synthetic fabrics.  

Don’t depend on the medicines alone that provide momentary relief and make room for the eczema to resurface the skin. Instead, follow the natural treatment that smartly roots out the eczema problem and gives you permanent relief from the unwanted skin disorder. The above natural tips are a part of natural remedy. For the whole compact treatment you have to follow the guide that can defeat your eczema and you can get rid of the condition once and all.

If eczema is the cause of your embarrassment and low self-esteem, then don’t procrastinate to follow the natural home remedy that not only cures the symptoms, but also cures the cause of the disease.