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ADHD Treatment

Attention deficit disorder (ADHD) treatment: ADHD most commonly involves impulsive behavior, the inability to stay focused, and possibly hyperactivity. ADHD can sometimes include mental and behavioral disorders that can keep one from learning or performing well. About 5-10 percent of children in the US are affected, and treatment is 10 times more frequently seen in boys. ADHD treatment can begin between the ages of 4 and 7 years of age and can sometimes go into ones adulthood.

The American Psychiatric Association lists 14 signs of which at least 8 must be present to be officially diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder or receive ADHD treatment. The 14 signs of ADHD are:

*Often fidgets with hands or feet (restlessness)

*Has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so

*Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

*Has difficulty in following instructions

*Has difficulty awaiting turn in games and group activities

*Has difficulty playing quietly

*Often talks excessively

*Often shifts from one uncompleted task to another

*Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks

*Often interrupts or intrudes on others

*Often loses things necessary for tasks

*Often engages in physically dangerous activities with considering consequences

*Often does not seem to be listening to what is being said

*Often blurts out answers before questions are completed

Conventional ADHD treatment: ADHD treatment usually consists of stimulants such as amphetamines, most commonly in the form of Ritalin. Common side effects of Ritalin according to the Merck Manual may include sleep disturbances, depression or sadness, decreased learning, reduction of growth, behavioral changes, headache, stomachache, suppressed appetite, and elevated blood pressure, not to mention ADHD drugs such as amphetamines can be highly additive drugs.

Natural ADHD Treatment: Pycnogenol an extract from the bark of the French maritime pine, consisting of phenolic acids, catechin, taxifolin and procyanidins, treatment for ADHD with pycnogenol has shown significant reduction of hyperactivity and improvement of concentration in children with ADHD.

Results Show: According to a 4 week randomized, placebo-control double-blind study, sixty-one children with ADHD were supplemented with 1 mg /kg/day of Pycnogenol. After one month of treatment with Pycnogenol, results were superior to that of placebo. In the placebo group no positive effects were found. One month after treatment and termination of Pycnogenol administration a relapse of symptoms was noted. Our results point to an option of ADHD treatment with Pycnogenol as a natural supplement to relieve ADHD symptoms of children. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2006;15:329-335.

Best Source for Pycnogenol: A natural supplement Isotonix OPC-3 (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be potent antioxidants. Isotonix OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol in the world.

Richard Bonney is a Nutraceutical Consultant with NutraMetrix providing Advanced Nutraceuticals, Gene SNP DNA Analysis and Patient Wellness Education in Medical offices. For further information on Isotonix OPC-3 visit

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Thrush Treatment

Before you can look into thrush treatment you must first understand the causes of a thrush infection. Candida is a fungus that lives in your mouth. It is present from infancy and it is usually kept in check by other organisms that also reside there. Sometimes, when you have a low resistance to infection, this fungus can grow and produce lesions on your tongue and in or around your mouth.

There are some causal situations that, if applicable to your condition, can help you determine if you have a thrush infection. You might have a lower immunity to thrush breakouts if you are taking antibiotics or steroids, have HIV or AIDS, are receiving chemotherapy or drugs to suppress your immune system, are very young or very old, have poor health and hygiene or have diabetes.

It is commonly seen in infants and thrush treatment is not usually necessary. In infancy, thrush is quite normal unless it lasts for longer than two weeks. The candida fungus can also cause a yeast infection of the vagina. The symptoms include whitish, velvety lesions in the mouth and tongue. Under the whitish material, the tissue is red and may bleed. The lesions can increase in number and even size.

To determine whether you are suffering from thrush, you should consult a dentist. He may simply need to take a look, or he may want to examine further either by microscopic examination of mouth scrapings, or by taking a culture of the lesions.

Thrush treatment is usually simple and fairly straight-forward. Your dentist may prescribe a healthier diet and suggest that you find a way to take control of your diabetes if you are diabetic, or you may need to take oral medication such as medicated mouthwash or lozenges. If these options don’t work after 5 to 10 days, then other medications can be prescribed.

In short, in infants, pediatrician intervention is only necessary if the thrush does not clear up after two weeks. Thrush treatment for adults may be as simple as taking antibiotics and may not recur depending on your immune status.

You can read more about a natural remedy for thrush here. It has proven to be a very effective thrush treatment.

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Best Colon Cleanser Treatment and Home Remedies for Colon Cleanser

Colon cleansing is not anything like other detox process, fad diets, and other atypical nutritional programs. It’s a bodily plan that works! Benefits are obvious for those who tried a colon cleanse

The colon is one incessant hollow tube that is about 5 feet long and 2-3 inches in diameter.

The colon plays an significant role in eliminate the waste and toxic material from the body and absorbs the water and sodium to maintain the electrolyte balance.

As one of a vital organ of removal, the colon is where many nutrients from the foods we digest are broken down and then incorporate into the bloodstream for change into the muscle, tissue and fuel.

Many of us are aware of the helpful effects of colon cleansing. For the inexperienced, especially those adopting colon cleansing the very first time, there could be some anxiety when side effects occur throughout the colon cleansing process.

Colon Cleanse Side Effects

All colon cleansers lead to side-effects such as nausea, dizziness, flu-like symptom, headaches and loss of appetite. This is because the waste-build up and toxins within fight back when they are compulsory to leave the system by the act of colon cleansing supplement.

While herbs yield great colon cleansing impact in most cases, people who are allergic must strictly refrain from the use of colon cleansing herbs as these could boomerang then. Severe irritation and nauseating sensations are frequent in such cases.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing

If you clean out your colon you will most likely feel lighter. You will also have more energy and you may be able to even sleep better.

Additionally, you will no longer be constipated and you are less likely to experience other digestive harms such as irritable bowel syndrome or diarrhea. Colon cleansing will also help avoid cancer, above all that of the intestines.

In addition, it may even help you lose weight, and you will feel less bloated. Furthermore, abdominal pain could fade away for good. Additionally, you may have less headaches and you will most probable not be nauseous and more.

Colon Cleansing Treatment

Colon cleansing treatment is the development of the body’s system detoxification.

Improper diet and environmental effluence may result in unwanted waste accumulation in the colon.

People suffering from diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, lack of energy and malnutrition, may feel relieved after the colon cleansing treatment. It can go back your system to a more efficient routine.

Colon cleansing treatment should involve several essential steps. First, you need to change your diet. Try to avoid caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, and microwave-cooked food.

Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Home remedies for colon cleansing work on the initial stages of cleansing and most highly developed and inflexible colons may not take action to it.

Home enema kits are very reasonable and easy to find. If you just head to your local drug store, you be supposed to be able to find one that will suit your needs.

These are very effective, but usually steered clear of by people who need to cleanse their colons. This may be since of embarrassment, but if you can get over that feeling then you will find out that they are very effective.

There are many ways to carry out home remedies for colon cleansing. Most adopted, out of all, is that one can get it done with the home colon cleansing kits that contain the pills.

For more useful information visit Colon Cleanserand Bowel Cleanser and Home Remedies for Constipation

Dr. Sarkozy Mikal

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Vertigo Treatment and Natural Home Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is the emotion that you or your surroundings is moving or spinning. It differs from dizziness in that vertigo describes an illusion of movement.

When you feel as if you physically are moving, it’s called subjective vertigo, and the perception that your environs are moving is call objective vertigo.

Vertigo is a specific type of dizziness characterize by a spinning sensation experienced while still. It has a variety of causes, and so the treatment of vertigo is generally dependent on the fundamental cause.

Some simple vertigo attack are caused by an unevenness of the electrolytes in body fluids. This happens more in the summer months and with athletes more so than non-athletic people.

Heavy sweating depletes the salts that are required for proper body functions. Drinking plenty of fluids, in particular water, is an easy vertigo home remedy.

Causes of Vertigo

Many times, vertigo is made worse by pressure group or changes in location. Two common causes of vertigo are labrynthitis (inner ear infection) or a situation called Meniere’s disease.

Both of these setting are caused by fluid fluctuations in the inner ear.

Episodes of vertigo can occur for no evident reason, causing a severe sensation of dizziness, moving the ability to eat and, in some cases, making it hard to get out of bed for several days.

Symptoms of Vertigo

A patient may experience severe vertigo for days or weeks. Nausea, vomiting, and involuntary eye activities are common. The situation regularly improves, but symptoms can persist for weeks or months.

Recognizing vertigo symptoms can help that misery from the situation assesses the situation and conclude if medical attention is desired.

Vertigo is most usually characterized by a sensation of movement either of the sufferer themselves (called subjective vertigo) or of the surroundings (called objective vertigo).

Treatment of Vertigo

Vertigo is often treated from end to end a series of exercises which help to alleviate symptoms.

Changes in diet are often optional (including limiting sodium, sugar, and alcohol intake), sometimes in blend with diuretic drugs. Evidence suggests that the herb ginger can be cooperative for motion sickness.

The supplements oxerutins and vitamin B6 are now and then recommended for vertigo. Only very rarely is surgery required to treat any of the causes of dizziness severe cases like Meniers illness may require it.

Home Remedies for Vertigo

1.  Add a pinch of salt, some black intersperses and three teaspoons of lemon juice in 250 ml of water.

Regularly eating this solution thrice a day is one of the most effective home remedies for Vertigo usual treatment. This Vertigo home remedy should be in use for about 15 days to heal the state.

2.  Take one teaspoon of dried and powdered Indian Gooseberry and one teaspoon of coriander seeds. Soak these ingredients in water over night.

Finally, strain the mixture, add a teaspoon of darling in it and drink it to cure Vertigo naturally at home.

3.  Take one teaspoon of poppy seeds, two teaspoons of wheat grain, eight water melon seeds/pumpkin seeds, and eight almonds.

Soak these ingredients in water during the night. In the morning, crush them to form a paste.

Read more on Vertigo and Vaginal Tightening Cream and Breast Enhancement