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Best Natural Home Remedies to Treat Toothache

Toothache is the pain we feel in the area of jaws, gums and teeth. There are a lot of causes that can lead to toothache as cracked teeth, dental cavities, gum disease, exposed root, etc. The pain caused by a toothache can be from mild to very severe and from sporadic and sharp pain to persistent and dull. Unfortunately a toothache usually strikes without any warning.

All of us have confronted with a toothache at a point in our lives so we all know what this problem implies. So, taking care of our teeth can prevent the toothache from appearing.

Toothaches can be treated with home remedies but you have to take into account that these remedies offer you only a temporary relief and a visit to the dentist cannot be avoided.

One of the great home remedies that can offer you an immediate relief from toothache is garlic. Take a garlic clove and salt some rock salt on it. Place the clove on the ill tooth. If you chew a clove every morning your teeth will become healthier and stronger.

Onion is another great remedy for toothache. The research has proved that onion has great bactericidal properties. Eating an onion daily you can prevent toothache. Onion has the great property to kill the germs in our mouth when it is chewed for a few minutes. If you confront with a toothache place a piece of onion on the painful area and you will get an immediate relief.

Lime is an excellent natural source for vitamin C. this vitamin is essential in maintaining our body and out teeth health. That’s why lime is an excellent remedy for toothache.

Wheat grass is also capable to offer you relief from toothache. Wheat grass juice is an excellent mouthwash for teeth decay. This remedy can also cure toothache. This juice has the capability to draw the toxins out from gums and to control the bacterial growth. Chewing wheat grass you can maintain your teeth healthy.

Asafetida is also one of the best natural remedies for toothache. Pestle some asafetida in lemon juice and heat this mixture slightly. Soak cotton swab in this mixture and then apply it on the painful tooth and you will be offered a quick relief.

Bay berry also counts among the most efficient natural remedies for treating toothache. Prepare a paste from a bark of bay berry and vinegar and apply it on the painful tooth. This remedy has also the medicinal capability to strengthen your gums.

Clove is another natural remedy that has the capacity to relief pain. Having antiseptic properties clove is able to decrease the infection. Apply some clove oil in the decayed tooth and it will relieve the pain.

Pepper mixed with common salt is a great dentifrice. Use this remedy daily to prevent the toothache, painful or bleeding gums, and dental cavities. This mixture has also the capability to reduce the sensibility of the teeth. When you suffer from a toothache mix some pepper powder with clove oil and put it in the cavity to relieve the pain.

Read more Home Remedies for Toothache. Also know effective Home Remedies for Leg Pain. Read about Best Natural Sleep Aid.

Dr Easton Patrick

What are eczema and dermatitis, what causes it and how can you treat the painful skin condition? – The Sun

The Sun
What are eczema and dermatitis, what causes it and how can you treat the painful skin condition?
The Sun
What are the symptoms of eczema and dermatitis? In mild cases, a sufferer's skin is dry, scaly, red and itchy. But, in more severe cases there can be weeping, crusting and bleeding sores as a result. The constant compulsion to itch can leave the skin
Eczema awareness week from 27thThe Nation

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Using Natural Ideas To Treat Dermatitis At Home

If you have eczema, you usually have a sense of urgency that yyou need to find a cure that works right away. This is due to the constant itching as well as excessive dryness of the skin. You have many choices at your disposal from conventional drugs, lotions, creams, and even home remedies. But today, we are going to discuss why using home remedies can be an approach to explore.

Some synthetic methods have side effects and not everyone can tolerate oral steroids. This is sometimes given for moderate to severe cases of eczema. Some home approaches include bathing with oatmeal, adding flax seed oil to salads, using a natural oil moisturizer and adding vitamin supplements. Eliminating dairy products and nuts may also improve your skin. Some people cannot tolerate anything made with wheat. This makes restaurant eating difficult, but there are more options for people due to the high amount of allergies today.

When you use a natural approach you still may choose to use an antihistamine to have a good night’s sleep but you may also use omega 3 oils to help with inflammation. You still should check with your doctor on whatever decisions you make. Certain natural supplements may conflict with other medications you take.

Sometimes eczema can get infected and it’s always important to have a consult when you have any bacterial infection. Kids are not vigilant about washing their hands and this can lead to jumping from playing at recess to scratching their skin. Outdoor recess mighr involve sports on the grass and rolling down hills. This means that dirt can get under the nails and infect the skin if one scratches it. Warn your child about these risks but keep your eye on any infections that may develop.

Natural remedies can soothe inflammation and also lead to nice improvements if allergens are removed from the diet.

Learn more about Eczema Causes and Eczema Photos

Natural Eczema Treatment – Natural Ways to Treat Your Eczema and Be Amazed by the Results

Eczema is considered to be a common skin disease. However, there are many cases that eczema can’t be cured by the treatment provided by the doctor. If you have been suffering from eczema for a long period of time, then, a natural eczema treatment may be the only effective way to safely treat your skin.

In this article, there is a short guide to help you start treating your eczema symptoms. Just follow it, and you will see the results by yourself.

You need to know that your clothes can be the cause of your eczema. Some materials, such as, wool, polyester, or even jeans, can be a trigger of your eczema symptoms. If you notice that you are frequently itchy during the day, your clothing could be the cause of this.

If you are sure that your clothing is the cause of your eczema, then, wearing the 100% cotton clothes is your natural eczema treatment for this matter. Try wearing only cotton clothes for just a few weeks, including the night time, and you could see a big improvement.

Alcohol is considered to be one of the cause of eczema also. If you regularly drink alcohol, you will notice that your skin often takes a turn for the worst. The natural eczema treatment for this case is to reduce your alcohol drinking, including wine and beer as well, and drink lots of water instead.

The foods you have eaten can be the cause of your eczema also. There are two ways that you can find out which foods may cause you eczema. First, you may try to take a skin test at your local surgery. Second, you can do it by yourself by using trial and error method. This is considered to be one of the natural eczema treatment as well.

You just have to write down every foods you eat during the day and make it as your list. When an eczema rash appears, you can go back to check your list to see what food you had before it happened. Then, you need to get rid of that food from your diet.

If you try to follow these methods mentioned above, I believe that you will be amazed by the results you get. These are just some of the methods to get you started. For the full instructions to Natural Beat Your Eczema, try to check out the Natural Eczema Treatment and permanently cure your eczema in no later than two weeks.

Natural Remedies for Dandruff and How to Treat Hair Fall Naturally

It is a common form of skin eczema that occurs in part of the body with high oil (sebum) production.

Body areas that are usually affected include the scalp, ears, face, chest, and folds of skin, such as the underarms or the skin underneath breasts or overhanging abdominal folds. The cause of seborrhea is unknown, though yeast that often lives on the skin, Malassezia furfur, may play a role.

Dandruff is a difficulty that is painful, annoying, and embarrassing. There are many people who have this disorder, which is characterize by itching and flaking of the scalp. Fortunately, dandruff isn’t contagious and dandruff manages and treatment is fairly easily


Read more on Home Remedies for Dandruffand Baldness Home Remedies and Home Remedies

The term dandruff usually refers to the condition of the skin in which shiny, silvery scales separate from the scalp and collects amidst the hair. The form can become troublesome when the skin gets infected.

There are two main types of dandruff, namely dry dandruff and oily dandruff. Those with an oily skin tend to bear from oily dandruff while those with dry skin experience from dry dandruff.

The type of dandruff home remedy that one chooses must therefore be decided according to the type of dandruff. Oily dandruff can be a little tougher to treat as it tends to recur quite easily while dry dandruff can be banned quite easily.

Dandruff Treatment

1.  Massage scalp with a mixture made of equal quantity of lime juice and vinegar. Wash hair with egg shampoo after this.

2.  Fenugreek is very effective in preventing dandruff, hair fall and baldness. Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and grind it into a fine paste the following morning. Leave this paste applied on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes and then wash it with a mild shampoo.

3.  Boil neem leaves in water and use this water to rinse hair.

4.  Massage scalp with warm coconut for half an hour atleast twice a week

5.  Make a paste by tulsi leaves and amla powder varied with water. Massage this paste on the scalp and let it remain for half to one hour. Wash the hair with water.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

1.  The best way to cure dandruff of course is to have a hot steam bath. First, massage your head with hot oil and then wrap a hot damp towel. Keep this for a few minutes after which wash your hair.

2.  Take a small bowl of coconut oil and soak in it a few peels of lemon. Keep this for a span of 8-10 days. Strain the oil and apply this mixture on the hair.

3.  Combine two tablespoons of vinegar and six tablespoons of hot water. Take a cotton ball and apply the above made mixture with it on the scalp. Keep this overnight and wash off your hair next morning.

4.  Take some beetroot juice and add a few drops of vinegar. Dab this on the scalp. Another combination would be to add a few drops of auburn juice in the beetroot juice.

5.  Another effective method to treat dandruff would be to combine 2 tablespoons of fresh apple juice with 2 tablespoons of warm water. Dab this on the hair and keep it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. Do this for once or twice a week to cure dandruff.

6.  Mix olive oil and almond oil in equal size. Leave it for about 5 minutes. Once a burning impression is felt, wash the hair.

Read more on Home Remedies for Dandruffand Baldness Home Remedies and Home Remedies

Find More Natural Remedies For Eczema Articles

7 Effective Remedies That Will Help Treat Your Eczema

Eczema is a skin disorder that causes swelling, redness and dryness of the skin. This inflammatory skin condition is marked by severe itching and commonly occurs on the cheeks, forearms, necks and the legs. Using eczema natural remedies is a great. Especially when you’re able to eliminate the irritation, dry skin, and itching. You may not know what you can do naturally to treat this problem. So, what I’m going to do is share with you some eczema natural remedies.

1. Neem oil can also heal eczema naturally. The oil is extremely beneficial for people suffering from eczema. This herbal remedy for eczema can successfully relieve eczema symptoms. Although, it cannot completely cure eczema, it is one of the best eczema treatments available today. The properties of neem alleviate discomfort of the skin with immediate effect.

2. Before applying anything to the eczema you want to clean it of any dead skin cells on the top surface. Wet a wash cloth with hot water and rub the eczema infected area in small gentle circles. Let it air dry.

3. you can use that will naturally treat your eczema is oatmeal. What you should do is, put about two to three cups of oatmeal in your bath water and soak in it for at least ten minutes. The oatmeal bath has a soothing effect on the skin. You can buy natural oatmeal from your local grocery store.

4. you need to stop is scratching your skin. It can worsen your eczema and can spread the infection rapidly all over the skin. To stop skin irritation, you have to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and need to stop your skin to become dry. This can increase skin burning and swelling. So you should always remember this in order to stop spreading further infection.

5. Apply Aloe Vera gel after you finish your oatmeal bath to achieve quicker results. Elena’s natural collection is also a popular healing agent and far better than steroid based products. You can also apply spearmint leaf juice to reduce eczema. Almond leaves are also useful in the treatment of eczema. Mash these leaves in water and apply evenly on the affected area. Mashed papaya seeds, when applied on the affected area, are also beneficial in alleviating this skin condition.

6. Another one of the eczema natural remedies is Vitamin E cream. This cream will help you with the irritation and itching. It’ll also help keep your skin dry. You can buy Vitamin E at a cosmetic store or at your local health store. Be sure to apply the cream to your skin at least once a day.

7. You need to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water. Water acts as a natural body cleanser and helps to eliminate the internal bacteria. Herbal tea is another effective natural remedy which can hydrate your tissues all the time and avoid the skin to become dry. This can stop your skin soreness and redness which are also the main reasons of eczema.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, how to treat eczema naturally.

Eczema 104: How to Protect & Treat Eczema Naturally

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

In the previous part of this series, Eczema 103: How to Heal Eczema From Within, we discussed how to heal the body from the inside out. Now we’re going to discuss how to treat eczema naturally.

Please keep in mind that although these tips and information have worked for several sufferers, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe symptoms or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Prevent Scratching

In many cases, the most difficult thing to tolerate about eczema is the constant itch and the desperate need to scratch. It can be all consuming! And while you may be good at not scratching during the day, you may unknowingly scratch while you sleep and open new wounds or worsen existing wounds. So, the first step to treat eczema naturally is to wear scratch protective clothing like eczema mittens and gloves.

For kids, this may mean wearing something like these ScratchMeNot Flip Mitten Sleeves. Or perhaps eczema gloves in soft bamboo. And for pajamas, there are plenty of sleep sacks and pajamas for eczema that come with attached mittens to prevent harmful scratching.

For adults, there are tops with built in mittens (trying getting out of these while you sleep!) and bamboo eczema gloves.

Treat With Natural Skincare

Since healing from within can take some time to see results, you may find you need to treat your skin topically with natural skincare to find relief in the interim. Not all products labeled as “natural” really are, so read your labels and watch out for the following ingredients which are toxic and/or common skin irritants.

Ingredients to Avoid

  • Alcohol of any type (too drying and can cause burning)
  • Fragrance/Parfumes
  • FD&C Colors and Pigments
  • Petroleum
  • Parabens
  • Phthalates
  • PEG’s
  • Propylene glycol
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine
  • Sodium benzoate
  • Dimethicone
  • SLS, SLES, ALES, ALS – all sulfates

Treat By Symptom

Because symptoms can overlap between the various types of eczema, it’s usually most effective to determine the best course of treatment based on the symptoms rather than by the type of eczema.

For Itchy/Red/Dry Eczema

Among all eczema symptoms, these seem to be the most common. Eczema can be found in patches of chronically itchy, red and dry skin. Find products formulated for itchy, red dry eczema.

For Red/Weeping Eczema

This eczema is characterized by patches of angry looking red skin that can also be crusty or can ooze or weep. Find products formulated for red, weeping eczema.

If you are suffering from Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), your skin symptoms usually fall into this category. If you’re new to our blog and currently going through TSW, check out some of our posts that focus on topical steroid withdrawal.

For Thick/Scaly Eczema

Eczema that appears in patches usually ends up thickening over time, especially with lots of scratching, causing a crocodile skin type effect. Find products formulated for thick, scaly eczema.

Moisturizer & Balm

With eczema, because the skin barrier is damaged, it’s important to repair it topically with an emollient that keeps the skin moist and also offers some wound healing properties, like any of the following products which are gentle, but great for all eczema symptoms. To help prevent eczema, apply a moisturizer once a day. To treat eczema naturally, apply moisturizer at least twice a day and ALWAYS after a bath or shower or hand washing or anytime water makes contact with the skin. To get you started, here are a few of our favorite emollients:

Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is one of our favorites and The Paleo Mom’s too! It combines only six simple, natural ingredients – Organic Olive Oil, Organic Beeswax, Filtered Water, Grape Seed Oil, Organic New Zealand Manuka Honey and Manuka Oil Extract – to create an extremely thick balm with a unique, nourishing creamy texture. Read more about why Manuka honey heals eczema naturally.

Tallow Balm is another really simple, gentle nourishing balm we highly recommend. It’s made with grass fed tallow, so it’s both pure and highly nutrient. Tallow is great for even the most sensitive of skin.

Conqueror Eczema Balm has a nice simple base of oils which carries a blend of very highly effective essential oils formulated for multiple eczema symptoms. You should expect to see long lasting hydration and relief with this balm.

Organic Calendula Salve is a lovely product with one very powerful ingredient, which you can guess by the product name, calendula! This powerful flower is known for wound healing, itch relief, topical pain relief and reducing inflammation to name a few. Read about Why You Should Try Calendula For Eczema Relief.


A really important step in treating eczema is to determine how your or your child’s skin handles bathing. Some people find relief with daily baths and some find more than once a day too drying and irritating. Like everything else with eczema, bathing frequency is best determined with trial and error to find the best results for you. Another thing to remember about bathing is that it will help keep the surface of their skin clean and free of bacteria or other irritants that may have stuck to them throughout the day. However, it’s important to note that warm baths, as cool as you can stand, are ideal whereas hot baths can be detrimental to your skin and are best avoided.

Bleach baths are a common recommendation for eczema, but bleach itself is a harmful chemical and not something we promote when trying to heal the skin. Instead, check out these bleach bath alternatives you can try at home.

In terms of soap, moderation is key. Simply put, avoid soap unless you absolutely need it without a shadow of a doubt. When you can simply rinse the skin with water, this is best. However, if you are dealing with a topical infection or open wounds and sores, soap can be critical, so it’s important to find a mild, gentle soap that is fatty, moisturizing and will strip the skin of it’s natural oils as little as possible. And it must be noted that all soap will dry the skin, but some are less offensive than others, which is what you want to use. The following are our recommendations for the best eczema soaps.

Emily’s Liquid Soap Soother & Body Wash contains eczema fighting Chinese herbs in a rich fatty base. A bonus – it can be doubled up as a shampoo! Another great alternative is this nourishing Grass Fed Tallow Soap for sensitive and allergy prone skin.

Try Dry and Wet Wrapping

Although in no way a cure, wet and dry wrapping can offer a much-needed break from itching and dryness. And honestly, I’ve never seen anything provide such fast relief.

For dry wrapping, simply apply a layer of cream on the skin and following with a dry layer of clothing. The clothing helps cream permeate into the skin. Read more about dry wrapping in Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrapping.

For wet wrap therapy, it’s a bit more of a process, but results are faster and more intense, so it’s definitely worth the extra effort. To wet wrap you’ll need to take a bath in lukewarm water (no soap!), followed by a layer of cream, followed by a damp layer of clothing, followed by a dry layer of clothing. Once again, the clothing keeps the moisture from the cream or balm locked in, which not only provides a cooling sensation, but allows the skin to heal quicker. But the difference here is the dampness of the clothing, which intensifies the moisturizing effects. It’s for this reason that we don’t recommend using any topical medication when wet wrapping without a physician’s prior approval. Read more about wet wrapping in Our Eczema Trials: Wet Wrap Therapy.

While cotton clothing can work for wet wrapping, we’ve seen better results with TENCEL fabric clothing made especially for wrapping. WrapESoothe is a line of wet wrapping garments made with TENCEL, check out their bands/sleeves for adults and children, one piece suits for babies to toddlers and children’s tops and bottoms. For more options, check out these wet wraps for eczema relief.

For Children with Eczema

Eczema in babies or children is extremely difficult to deal with, because as parents seeing our children suffer is devastating and there isn’t anything we wouldn’t do to help give them relief. The owner of this blog, Jennifer, battled her son’s eczema for years and found certain natural eczema treatments that dramatically improved his skin. She created this blog to share her story and those stories of other parents in order to help support families in their search for skin healing. Read about Jennifer’s story here.

Learn about what ended up helping Jennifer’s son heal in Natural Remedies for Eczema – What Worked For My Son.

Finding Support & Encouragement

For everyone either going through eczema themselves or as a caregiver or parents tending to a child with eczema, know that you are not alone. We encourage you to reach out to others – do not suffer in silence. The National Eczema Association has an online support group that is wonderful resource. Managing eczema can be stressful, emotional, painful and all consuming, but it doesn’t have to control your life.


We have some wonderful posts all about the emotional impact of eczemawe hope you’ll read them and that they will give you strength, confidence and courage as you continue on your healing journey.

That’s the end of our four part Educational Eczema Series. If you missed any of the posts in the series, check them and a bunch of other essential posts about eczema on our Start Here for Eczema Relief page.

Let us know how YOU treat eczema naturally!

Share your stories and successes with us in the comments below!

Eczema 104: How to Protect & Treat Eczema Naturally appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

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Can probiotics effectively treat eczema? | News OK
Q: My mom has eczema, and I heard that eating probiotics can alleviate her symptoms. Is there any truth to that? — Amy D., Duluth, Minnesota A: Yes, probiotics …

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