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Teeth Care For Kids

Children like adults need to take good care of their teeth too. Children may have milk teeth first but practicing the habit of good oral care is best to start while young. Tooth decay is the most prevalent disease among kids today. It happens when plaques that build up in their teeth combines with sugar of foods they eat. This combination then produces acids that harms teeth and eventually cause tooth decay.

With the childrens need of proper oral care and treatments, there is what you call pediatric dentistry. Pediatric dentistry is a field of dental medicine that specializes in the dental health of children- infants, toddlers and teenagers. These dentists know that treating childrens teeth is different from adults.

Just like other dentists, pediatric dentists also attend four years in dental school. After finishing that four years of general dentistry, they devote another two years of training and study in dealing with infants and children. With this training, dentists will learn techniques to lessen the fear of children in going to a doctor. The training also includes how to make a clinic child friendly and if possible, how to explain to a child the dentists equipment.

Pediatric dentists dont just clean teeth. They also offer pieces of advice for parents who have thumb sucking children. They have fluoride treatments for kids, treatments for gum disease and cavities. Pediatric dentists teach children on how to take good care of their teeth- by brushing, flossing and eating healthy foods.

A Bartlett dentist or your pediatric dentist knows that fluoride is important in making childrens teeth stronger and tougher against harmful elements. Fluoride can prevent tooth decay that is common among children.

With the help of pediatric dentists, children will learn the proper brushing technique. Children can also have dental sealants that will protect the teeth form tooth decay. Flossing will also be learned by children. They will be taught how to hold a dental floss and how to use it. Bartlett dentists are also experts when it comes to teaching things like this to children.

Bartlett pediatric dentistry can make the dental visits of your children happy and comfortable. Dentists in here are trained and knowledgeable in handling even the toughest kid in town.

Visit for details and information.

Baby Teeth

Why does everyone always ask if your baby has teeth yet? Cutting teeth, is an expression coming from the fact that the first teeth have to cut through the gums. Some babies have no problems during teething, while others become irritable and have trouble sleeping. Often one day mom or dad look in babys mouth and a tooth has appeared, but its just as likely that baby has fussed for days on end and spotting the tooth provides the explanation. Babies start teething as early as 3 or 4 months and as late as 8 or 9 months. There is no definite time for getting teeth, except that all children should have gotten all their teeth by their 2nd birthday.

Other than drooling, symptoms baby may experience when cutting teeth are mild fever, upset tummy, difficult eating, and restless sleep. However, just because your baby has one of these does not mean it is due to teething. A small dose of pain reliever and fever reducer should quickly soothe the discomfort associated with teething. Teething rings, especially those intended to be kept in the refrigerator, help soothe sore gums, as well as rubbing tooth gel on the gums. The actual rubbing process does as much to help as the actual gel.

The most likely reason for why others ask about teething is to see if they are alone in their suffering. No one likes to be the only one experiencing anything, so knowing a friend or colleague has the same difficulties with a teething makes them feel better. Others may simply want to see if your baby cut teeth as early as their baby did; or maybe if other babies cut teeth as late as their child is. Rarely is the question intended to be anything more than wanting to be part of the same group. Be sympathetic and share ideas and teething may be easier for everyone.

Learn more about second hand baby clothes at our baby care website.

Related Baby Eczema Articles

The Best Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening

Are you one of those people, that suffer from yellow stained teeth, well then you have come to the right place. In this article I will be explaining to you one for the most popular home remedies for teeth whitening. Allot of people love home remedies as they are so easy and cheap to do, and not to mention that you can do them in the comfort of your own home. The only down fall to using these remedies is that they might not work as well as having your teeth whitened professionally, but they will still help to get your teeth more white than what they might be.

What do I need for this remedy?

So you are probably wondering what is this remedy that I am about to explain to you. Well its very basic and easy to do, all you are going to need is some aluminum foil, Baking soda, a tube of average Toothpaste and a Toothbrush it doesnt matter on what type of Toothbrush you use as long as it is suited to your brushing style and to the correct hardness that you feel comfortable with.


OK so now that you have what you need you are going take your tube of toothpaste, and you are going to squeeze out about a 12cm line of the paste. Then scoop it up into a blob and take a half teaspoon of Baking soda and add it to the toothpaste. You are going to mix up the Baking soda and the paste until it is evenly mixed. Now you are going to get your aluminum foil and lay it flat with the shiny side down. The next step is to tear off 4 long strips of aluminum foil, make sure that the 4 strips are big enough to cover up your teeth, remember you are going to do the top teeth separate to the bottom. Now you are going to take your mixture of Baking soda and toothpaste and spread it evenly over only two strips of aluminum foil, remember the shiny side down. Now you are ready to begin your teeth whitening procedure, you are going to start with the bottom teeth first because it is much easier to do the top last. Take one of the strips that you have applied the mixture to, and fold it over your bottom row of teeth, and then you are going to take one of the plain strips and fold it over that. Now that you have completed the bottom row of teeth you can move on to the top row, implementing the same procedure. You are going to need to wait at least one hour before removing the aluminum foil from your teeth. After you have removed the aluminum foil, you are going to go and brush your teeth as you normally would. Remember you will need to repeat this process at least twice a week, for the best results as this is known to be one of the best home remedies for teeth whitening.

I would like to thank you for reading this article please feel free to come over to Free Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening or you could visit my blog at Happy Teeth

What teeth say about your gut health

Dachshund dog with a toothbrush on a light background, not isolatedWhen dental hygiene doesn’t prevent bleeding gums and cavities, it’s time to look to histamine, mast cells and the wondrous world of bacteria living in the mouth. Dentist and author Dr. Steven Lin shares the tell tale signs of mouth flora imbalance, and how histamine and mast cells may contribute to gingivitis, dental erosion, and bleeding gums.

You can listen to the interview using the player below, or read the transcript just underneath.

photo of dentist dr steven linYasmina :

Today, I’m interviewing Dr. Steven Lin, a dentist with a focus on nutrition. He’s been published on platforms such as TEDx, the Sydney Morning Herald, the British Dental Journal, the Huffington Post, and He’s currently writing his own publication, The Dental Diet, which will be released by Hay House in the United States, the UK, Australia, and Germany in January 2018. Dr. Lin’s CPD-accredited practitioner-training course, Nutrition and the Dental Practice, is educating a new wave of dentists to incorporate preventive dietary principles into oral health care. His own platform,, has a rapidly growing audience of over 100,000 followers. In addition to being an amazing dentist, researcher, writer, just all-around human being, Steven is a friend of mine, and I’m really excited to have him here today and to talk about something that is of great interest to our growing community, which is our dental health.

Now, I was really excited to talk to Dr. Lin about this a few months ago, where I mentioned that one of my odd symptoms, back in the day when I was having really bad ones … In my heyday, I was having upwards of 55 of them. I mentioned that bleeding gums were a huge problem for me, something that really freaked me out at the time, and he said that there is actually a mast-cell/histamine link. That’s what we’re going to be focusing on today, dental health and histamine and mast cells. Dr. Lin, thank you very much for joining us here today.

Dr. Lin:

It’s great to be here, Yasmina. It’s been a while since we talked, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I’ve actually been doing a lot of reading and also working with some patients, talking about some of the links between gingivitis and mast cell over-reactivity in the body, so I’m really excited to talk to you about it today.

Yasmina :

What do bleeding gums have to do with mast cells and histamine generally in your experience and in your research? Because you are a fabulous researcher and there is a plethora of amazing information on your website.

Dr. Lin:

When we start to think of the mouth as an immune bacteria interface, just like our gut, then we start to see that bleeding gums might be a way that our relationship with microbes is a little bit out of whack. When we start to think of our oral cavity and our mouth, really it’s the home of many, many bacteria, over 600 species, thousands and thousands and thousands of different types of bugs, then we really should be trying to harbor the overall health of this ecology of the mouth instead of just trying to remove harmful bugs. Because if we think of disease as just being the invasion or infection of harmful bacteria, that’s a really small part of the story. With many dental diseases, we actually see that the invasion of the bad bacteria is the last bit of the story. Bleeding gums is actually part of the steps on the road to when we form gum disease.

Just to go over gum disease, it’s a chronic inflammation process. It happens over many, many years, progresses at different paces in different people. That’s obviously because of many different factors, but what eventually happens is that your gums themselves erode, the bone that holds your teeth in jaw erodes because of the chronic infection, and your teeth get loose and they fall out. Now, I’ve seen patients where I’ve had to remove all of their teeth by their late thirties, early forties, so this is a big problem. What we’re really speaking to here is that in the mouth, we can really start to see potential imbalances that are occurring right through the body. The connection to histamine and inflammation is a really interesting one. That’s obviously the one that we started to talk about all those few months ago.


I brush my teeth. What am I looking for? Is it a stream of blood? Do I notice blood on my toothbrush? Is it just a little bit of a tint when I spit into the basin, or is it when you’re eating something maybe a little hard, like an apple that rubs against the gums? What are the first signs of this?

Dr. Lin:

Probably you’ll find it on either your floss or the brush after you brush. It’ll be a little bit of red when you spit out into the basin. That’s usually first signs. Then, as things start to get a bit worse, we start to get a stream. Your gums become more and more inflamed, and the arterial flow of blood increases. That’s when you start to see streams of blood. Then, once you’re at the point where there’s streams of blood, your gingivitis is a long way along in the process. If you see a tint of blood when you’re brushing or on your toothbrush, that’s really the first sign. If you’re eating and you see blood, that’s pretty severe gingivitis. Any sign where you visibly see blood is a pretty sure signal that you’ve got at least mild to moderate gingivitis.

Yasmina :

This gingivitis, in your research and the current research of what we know, is there one particular cause? If you have a cause, is flossing and doing all these kind of things actually doing anything for you, or do you need to address the root cause?

Dr. Lin:

That’s the interesting thing. You probably saw The New York Times that came out earlier in 2016 where they actually went through the scientific research and they showed that flossing didn’t have a clinical or scientifically-backed benefit against gingivitis. That’s actually because there are many things happening in the mouth. While clinically, I see patients … Once we fix up their oral hygiene, it is a factor. It does help, yes, but is it the only factor? No. The real way that we can get control of our gingivitis is via understanding the oral microbiome. That’s where we see that the bugs that live inside your mouth actually perform beneficial procedures in the body. They’re actually managing your oral environment. Probiotic bacteria actually perform chemical and competitive behaviors that prevent bad bacteria from growing.

Gingivitis is where your immune system is detecting bad bacteria and it’s sending blood and immune cells to get rid of it. What happens is there’s too much inflammation. We have an over-reactive immune system, and that’s where we get this chronic…

Yasmina :

That’s where the histamine comes in.

Dr. Lin:

Exactly. In gingivitis, what they show, even in the first stages of bleeding gums, is that we have an increase in histamine. What they show is that histamine and mast cells participate in the gingivitis-to-gum-disease process the whole time, but they don’t know exactly what cause or whether they’re actually causing the progression to gum disease. Some gingivitis, for instance, won’t progress to gum disease. Now, they don’t know exactly where the mast cells are directly contributing to this, but what they do know is that in both situations, mast cells are present and active.

What some of the good research is showing is that gum disease is actually a loss of organization of the immune system in the mouth. When you have an organized immune system, our immune reaction is normal. It’s tolerant. It gets rid of pathogens efficiently. Once we have an imbalance, his is where mast cells come in, because mast cells are just releasing histamine quite blindly. That’s where things go wrong. When we have an intolerant, chaotic immune system, that’s where we get gum disease. That’s where we have this progression from bleeding gums, which is the first sign, onto gum disease.

Yasmina :

Just to explain to my readers a tiny bit, because some aren’t really familiar with the whole mast-cell thing, I’m just going to explain a bit. Basically, in our body, people are kind of familiar nowadays with the concept of histamine being in foods. If you have a problem with too much histamine, it might be because you’re told you have too little of the histamine-degrading enzymes like DAO. You might have a genetic polymorphism for HNMT, another histamine-degrading enzyme, so we’re told to avoid histamine-containing foods.

What is not often explained to people who are diagnosed on a nutritionist level is that histamine is also found in the body in mast cells, that’s M-A-S-T cells, which are a key component of the immune system. Basically, within these mast cells live histamine and dozens of other inflammatory agents like prostaglandin, interleukin, leukotrienes, and when mast cells are disturbed in some way, or released in response to allergies or to infection or whatever, they break open in a process called degranulation, and this releases histamine and other inflammation into the body.

Now, some people have mast cells that are unstable and are leaking when they’re not supposed to be. Other people, there is a cause, such as, for example, gingivitis, which I am quite sure that I had for many years. I was scared to go to the dentist because I knew I was reactive to anesthetics and I was just really scared to go. A lot of people with histamine issues have problems with anesthetics, but there are certain types that you can use. I was not going, and that’s when the whole bleeding-gum thing started.

As Dr. Lin is explaining, when the gingivitis occurs, the mast cells that are present in the body, and they’re all over the body, go to the area where the infection or any kind of bacteria imbalance is happening to try and help. Think of the mast cells in this case as an ambulance. They get to the scene of whatever’s going on, the infection, and they degranulate, and of these inflammatory elements that’s released, histamine is the first responder. It goes to the area, it creates the inflammation, and allows the other bits to get in there and begin the healing process.

It seems for some people that the mast cells can exacerbate the situation, because people with mast-cell issues, the inflammation just continues giving and giving and giving and giving either after the issue is resolved or, in the case of gingivitis, it might just be chronic. The issue itself is not resolving, so the mast cells just keep leaking and leaking and leaking and leaking, and it turns into a chronic, inflammatory condition. There was a link, isn’t there, between heart attacks and gingivitis?

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Gum disease, exactly. They’ve linked that people who have gingivitis have a much higher risk of heart disease. They’re really still trying to knot out exactly what causes that link, but the immune-system regulation really seems to play a part in that. What you described there, which you described really well, by the way, I see that a lot in patients, where we have these bleeding gums and there’s actually no real explanation for it. They brush well. They floss well. Their diet doesn’t terribly explain why their gums would bleed. It’s actually a sign that their mast cells and their histamine response is over-responsive. It’s interesting. For people who, for instance, react to foods that contain histamine, bleeding gums may be a sign that their immune system is also potentially a little bit too over-reactive, and perhaps that they’ve got some kind of immune and inflammation problem. A lot of people do now.

Yasmina :

Very interesting. How do we resolve gingivitis? Let’s say, what are the steps that we can take? My first question, actually … Well, this ties into that question, but is there such a thing as a probiotic that you just swish around your mouth, or is it more about diet?

Dr. Lin:

There’s actually a fair bit of research backing oral probiotics for gingivitis. Lactobacillus bug’s good for their bacterium, because what they do is they’re the defense factors. Your probiotic bacterium in the mouth will defend against and they’ll stop the harmful bacteria from building up that causes the inflammation in the first place.

An oral probiotic, I recommend that, especially if there are persistent bleeding gums and gingivitis, as a starting point. Dietary behavior in the long term really is the gold standard in terms of how are we going to get our mouth, but also our gut and that relationship between bacteria and the immune system, back working properly. The oral probiotic area really is quite interesting. You can have them sometimes in a yogurt, or in a powdered satchel, you can get probiotics in. Some are in a mouth rinse.

Yasmina :

Oh, a mouth rinse. Okay, that’s interesting. I suppose you could just make your own, really. Could you make your own? Could you mix it with a little bit of water, or into juice or something, and just swish it around? Would that work? Because I know a lot of my readers have sensitivities to commercially prepared liquids.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah, completely. This goes back to the long-term solution. The best probiotic is always going to be fermented foods. If they tolerate dairy, you get a lot of the Lactobacillus species from that. Otherwise, a coconut kefir would be quite good, cheeses, or kombucha, or sometimes even something like an apple-cider vinegar.

Yasmina :

Ooh, interesting. That’s a great one.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. It’s simple as well. Always diluted down, because it is acidic, but it’s a by product of a fermentation process, so it’s got quite interesting benefits. There’s quite good research showing that it decreases even insulin insensitivity in Type II diabetics. It all starts in the mouth. The benefits are all over the body. Not just in the gut, but also the mouth.

Yasmina :

Absolutely. Let me just ask you quickly. Those little brushes that … I don’t know how to describe them. They’re like toothpicks, but they have a little brush on the end. Are those too much for people with sensitive bleeding gums? Should they wait, or is that more effective? Does it do anything?

Dr. Lin:

Generally, I find, yeah. I think you’re talking about the picks that look like little toilet brushes?

Yasmina :

Yes! Exactly.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Good way to put it, right? They work great, actually, because the big problem with flossing is that people find it hard to get in there, so if you get a small one, it’s not going to be too traumatic on your gums and you can actually get to the places where it’s inflamed. That can really help to help clear out … Because you get plaque build up. If it stays there, and this pathogenic plaque isn’t removed, then that can really take things onto gum disease. Yeah, that can really help. Oral hygiene does play a part in the whole factor. That’s right.

Yasmina :

What would be your top foods? Because my readers, most of them don’t do well with fermented foods. I know some of us can do them in small quantities, but are there any other types of foods that help build that great bacteria that we need that will then affect our oral health?

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Really, what your oral and gut bacteria need is fiber. Plenty of vegetables, prebiotic, like …

Yasmina :


Dr. Lin:

Asparagus, leeks. Yeah! Chicory, exactly. Artichokes. That’s really going to feed the beneficial bacteria in the mouth. That’s what they require. I’d really think about cutting down on the simple sugars, any kind of white flour, any kind of added sugar, because that will feed the harmful guys.

Yasmina :

What about fruit sugar? Let’s say whole fruits?

Dr. Lin:

That comes with sugar. Look, as a dentist, this is my bugbear because I see so many problems with sugar, but whole fruit with the fiber included is beneficial. I usually try tell people to limit it, just because there is a high sugar quantity compared to other foods, but exactly, eating an apple a day, or banana’s got prebiotic fibers as well, so that’s great.

Yasmina :

Exactly. Inulin, right?

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Inulin’s great.

Yasmina :

To put it all into a nutshell, you’re brushing your teeth, you notice there’s some blood. What steps should we be taking to address the matter? If you could give me your checklist of one, two, three, four, five, in order that they should be done and in order of importance.

Dr. Lin:

Sure. First of all, I would be checking your own oral-hygiene regimen, so brushing twice a day and flossing. That’s a good start. Most people, they don’t perform their oral hygiene properly. That’s always a good start, and sometimes that can get you back on track. Now, if your gums are bleeding, you should also go and see a dentist, get a diagnosis, because it can be a sign of more serious problems. Number two is to go to get a check from your dentist.

Yasmina :

Very important.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah, exactly, but number three really is start to think about how your gums are a sign of wider inflammation and potentially histamine-release from mast cells in your body. You really should start to be thinking about how to rebalance your oral environment. I would think about an oral probiotic as a way to perhaps get things rebalanced. Then from there, four and five really is to put more fiber into your diet. Plenty of fruits and vegetables, prebiotic fibers like the bananas, like the artichokes, leeks. Then, really, if you do tolerate them, I know some of your listeners won’t be able to, fermented foods in the long term, that’s the most diverse and richest probiotic-

Yasmina :

The Holy Grail of food.

Dr. Lin:

The Holy Grail! Yeah. The Holy Grail of our microbiome.

Yasmina :

Okay. That’s wonderful. Any other steps you would recommend?

Dr. Lin:

It’s really monitoring. Your mouth really is a sign of what’s happening in your body. If your gums are bleeding, try and think about what other systemic conditions that you might have that are indicating. Perhaps you’ve got something wrong in your gut. If you have food allergies, or you have skin rashes or asthma or irritable bowel syndrome, that’s your body telling you in two distinct places that things are off balance, so I would really be taking bleeding gums as a message that there’s too much inflammation in your body. I would take going through those steps really to try and calm everything down in the long term.

Yasmina :

Okay. Something that you had said to me: tooth decay is not an infection.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah, exactly.

Yasmina :

A lot of people will be surprised to hear that.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. It’s the same thing. We’ve talked about how gum disease is a lack of or an imbalance in the wrong bacteria. Tooth decay is the same thing. It’s a different process, though. Bacteria in your mouth actually manage the minerals, so from your saliva, and they actually require the minerals themselves to build the plaque. They do this because they need to survive. The mouth’s a hard place to survive. What happens is that when we feed our oral bacteria with too many simple sugars, the bad guys grow, they release too much acid, and eventually they take minerals from the teeth, because a low pH strips the calcium from our saliva, and eventually the bacteria have no choice but to take minerals from our teeth. We force our oral bacteria into causing a hole in our teeth, which is pretty amazing.

Yasmina :

Absolutely. Wow. That’s amazing. I’m so glad we had this conversation a while back, because it was really something that was bothering me and I couldn’t work it out. Eventually, I got over my fear of anesthesia and the dentist, and I started going regularly again, and it just completely disappeared. Obviously, I was making other changes at the time, my diet, definitely started focusing on the prebiotic foods because I wasn’t able to tolerate the probiotics, but suddenly, it all came together and I stopped having the problem, but I had never really resolved it in my mind how they were linked. Yeah, it’s absolutely fascinating.

Thank you very much for speaking with me here today. Just to remind everybody, you have finished writing your book. You’ve finished writing a book that is going to be published by Hay House in the US, the UK, Australia, and Germany in January 2018. I am pre-ordering my copy as soon as that option becomes available. You can follow Dr. Steven Lin on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, @DrSteven, that’s S-T-E-V-E-N L-I-N. Dr. Steven Lin. You’ll find his website here.

Dr. Lin:

Absolute pleasure, Yasmina. It was such great talking about this.

It’s finally here! Man Food – a high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredient filled book geared towards guys, women who love to work out, yoga like they mean it, or just load up on healing nutrients. Features my personal shopping list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods.

The Anti-cookbook and all liquid Anti-Detox Book, don’t treat any conditions, but feature a plethora of the high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredients that have been instrumental in helping me feed myself on a limited diet. The Anti-cookbook features a four page list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods and comes in regular and Paleo.

The Low Oxalate Cookbook features antihistamine and anti-inflammatory rich recipes.

Don’t miss the Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide for non-toxic beauty tips, the skinny on histamine releasing (mast cell degranulating) beauty ingredients, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory beauty alternatives and the top brands natural brands I’ve found.

Take a peek at my other low histamine and antihistamine cookbooks for more high nutrient recipes




talkhealth Blog

What teeth say about your gut health

Dachshund dog with a toothbrush on a light background, not isolatedWhen dental hygiene doesn’t prevent bleeding gums and cavities, it’s time to look to histamine, mast cells and the wondrous world of bacteria living in the mouth. Dentist and author Dr. Steven Lin shares the tell take signs of mouth flora imbalance and how histamine and mast cells may contribute to gingivitis, dental erosion and bleeding gums.

You can listen to the interview using the player below, or read the transcript just underneath.

Yasmina :

Today, I’m interviewing Dr. Steven Lin, a dentist with a focus on nutrition. He’s been published on platforms such as TEDx, the Sydney Morning Herald, the British Dental Journal, the Huffington Post, and He’s currently writing his own publication, The Dental Diet, which will be released by Hay House in the United States, the UK, Australia, and Germany in January 2018. Dr. Lin’s CPD-accredited practitioner-training course, Nutrition and the Dental Practice, is educating a new wave of dentists to incorporate preventive dietary principles into oral health care. His own platform,, has a rapidly growing audience of over 100,000 followers. In addition to being an amazing dentist, researcher, writer, just all-around human being, Steven is a friend of mine, and I’m really excited to have him here today and to talk about something that is of great interest to our growing community, which is our dental health.

Now, I was really excited to talk to Dr. Lin about this a few months ago, where I mentioned that one of my odd symptoms, back in the day when I was having really bad ones … In my heyday, I was having upwards of 55 of them. I mentioned that bleeding gums were a huge problem for me, something that really freaked me out at the time, and he said that there is actually a mast-cell/histamine link. That’s what we’re going to be focusing on today, dental health and histamine and mast cells. Dr. Lin, thank you very much for joining us here today.

Dr. Lin:

It’s great to be here, Yasmina. It’s been a while since we talked, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot. I’ve actually been doing a lot of reading and also working with some patients, talking about some of the links between gingivitis and mast cell over-reactivity in the body, so I’m really excited to talk to you about it today.

Yasmina :

What do bleeding gums have to do with mast cells and histamine generally in your experience and in your research? Because you are a fabulous researcher and there is a plethora of amazing information on your website.

Dr. Lin:

When we start to think of the mouth as an immune bacteria interface, just like our gut, then we start to see that bleeding gums might be a way that our relationship with microbes is a little bit out of whack. When we start to think of our oral cavity and our mouth, really it’s the home of many, many bacteria, over 600 species, thousands and thousands and thousands of different types of bugs, then we really should be trying to harbor the overall health of this ecology of the mouth instead of just trying to remove harmful bugs. Because if we think of disease as just being the invasion or infection of harmful bacteria, that’s a really small part of the story. With many dental diseases, we actually see that the invasion of the bad bacteria is the last bit of the story. Bleeding gums is actually part of the steps on the road to when we form gum disease.

Just to go over gum disease, it’s a chronic inflammation process. It happens over many, many years, progresses at different paces in different people. That’s obviously because of many different factors, but what eventually happens is that your gums themselves erode, the bone that holds your teeth in jaw erodes because of the chronic infection, and your teeth get loose and they fall out. Now, I’ve seen patients where I’ve had to remove all of their teeth by their late thirties, early forties, so this is a big problem. What we’re really speaking to here is that in the mouth, we can really start to see potential imbalances that are occurring right through the body. The connection to histamine and inflammation is a really interesting one. That’s obviously the one that we started to talk about all those few months ago.


I brush my teeth. What am I looking for? Is it a stream of blood? Do I notice blood on my toothbrush? Is it just a little bit of a tint when I spit into the basin, or is it when you’re eating something maybe a little hard, like an apple that rubs against the gums? What are the first signs of this?

Dr. Lin:

Probably you’ll find it on either your floss or the brush after you brush. It’ll be a little bit of red when you spit out into the basin. That’s usually first signs. Then, as things start to get a bit worse, we start to get a stream. Your gums become more and more inflamed, and the arterial flow of blood increases. That’s when you start to see streams of blood. Then, once you’re at the point where there’s streams of blood, your gingivitis is a long way along in the process. If you see a tint of blood when you’re brushing or on your toothbrush, that’s really the first sign. If you’re eating and you see blood, that’s pretty severe gingivitis. Any sign where you visibly see blood is a pretty sure signal that you’ve got at least mild to moderate gingivitis.

Yasmina :

This gingivitis, in your research and the current research of what we know, is there one particular cause? If you have a cause, is flossing and doing all these kind of things actually doing anything for you, or do you need to address the root cause?

Dr. Lin:

That’s the interesting thing. You probably saw The New York Times that came out earlier in 2016 where they actually went through the scientific research and they showed that flossing didn’t have a clinical or scientifically-backed benefit against gingivitis. That’s actually because there are many things happening in the mouth. While clinically, I see patients … Once we fix up their oral hygiene, it is a factor. It does help, yes, but is it the only factor? No. The real way that we can get control of our gingivitis is via understanding the oral microbiome. That’s where we see that the bugs that live inside your mouth actually perform beneficial procedures in the body. They’re actually managing your oral environment. Probiotic bacteria actually perform chemical and competitive behaviors that prevent bad bacteria from growing.

Gingivitis is where your immune system is detecting bad bacteria and it’s sending blood and immune cells to get rid of it. What happens is there’s too much inflammation. We have an over-reactive immune system, and that’s where we get this chronic…

Yasmina :

That’s where the histamine comes in.

Dr. Lin:

Exactly. In gingivitis, what they show, even in the first stages of bleeding gums, is that we have an increase in histamine. What they show is that histamine and mast cells participate in the gingivitis-to-gum-disease process the whole time, but they don’t know exactly what cause or whether they’re actually causing the progression to gum disease. Some gingivitis, for instance, won’t progress to gum disease. Now, they don’t know exactly where the mast cells are directly contributing to this, but what they do know is that in both situations, mast cells are present and active.

What some of the good research is showing is that gum disease is actually a loss of organization of the immune system in the mouth. When you have an organized immune system, our immune reaction is normal. It’s tolerant. It gets rid of pathogens efficiently. Once we have an imbalance, his is where mast cells come in, because mast cells are just releasing histamine quite blindly. That’s where things go wrong. When we have an intolerant, chaotic immune system, that’s where we get gum disease. That’s where we have this progression from bleeding gums, which is the first sign, onto gum disease.

Yasmina :

Just to explain to my readers a tiny bit, because some aren’t really familiar with the whole mast-cell thing, I’m just going to explain a bit. Basically, in our body, people are kind of familiar nowadays with the concept of histamine being in foods. If you have a problem with too much histamine, it might be because you’re told you have too little of the histamine-degrading enzymes like DAO. You might have a genetic polymorphism for HNMT, another histamine-degrading enzyme, so we’re told to avoid histamine-containing foods.

What is not often explained to people who are diagnosed on a nutritionist level is that histamine is also found in the body in mast cells, that’s M-A-S-T cells, which are a key component of the immune system. Basically, within these mast cells live histamine and dozens of other inflammatory agents like prostaglandin, interleukin, leukotrienes, and when mast cells are disturbed in some way, or released in response to allergies or to infection or whatever, they break open in a process called degranulation, and this releases histamine and other inflammation into the body.

Now, some people have mast cells that are unstable and are leaking when they’re not supposed to be. Other people, there is a cause, such as, for example, gingivitis, which I am quite sure that I had for many years. I was scared to go to the dentist because I knew I was reactive to anesthetics and I was just really scared to go. A lot of people with histamine issues have problems with anesthetics, but there are certain types that you can use. I was not going, and that’s when the whole bleeding-gum thing started.

As Dr. Lin is explaining, when the gingivitis occurs, the mast cells that are present in the body, and they’re all over the body, go to the area where the infection or any kind of bacteria imbalance is happening to try and help. Think of the mast cells in this case as an ambulance. They get to the scene of whatever’s going on, the infection, and they degranulate, and of these inflammatory elements that’s released, histamine is the first responder. It goes to the area, it creates the inflammation, and allows the other bits to get in there and begin the healing process.

It seems for some people that the mast cells can exacerbate the situation, because people with mast-cell issues, the inflammation just continues giving and giving and giving and giving either after the issue is resolved or, in the case of gingivitis, it might just be chronic. The issue itself is not resolving, so the mast cells just keep leaking and leaking and leaking and leaking, and it turns into a chronic, inflammatory condition. There was a link, isn’t there, between heart attacks and gingivitis?

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Gum disease, exactly. They’ve linked that people who have gingivitis have a much higher risk of heart disease. They’re really still trying to knot out exactly what causes that link, but the immune-system regulation really seems to play a part in that. What you described there, which you described really well, by the way, I see that a lot in patients, where we have these bleeding gums and there’s actually no real explanation for it. They brush well. They floss well. Their diet doesn’t terribly explain why their gums would bleed. It’s actually a sign that their mast cells and their histamine response is over-responsive. It’s interesting. For people who, for instance, react to foods that contain histamine, bleeding gums may be a sign that their immune system is also potentially a little bit too over-reactive, and perhaps that they’ve got some kind of immune and inflammation problem. A lot of people do now.

Yasmina :

Very interesting. How do we resolve gingivitis? Let’s say, what are the steps that we can take? My first question, actually … Well, this ties into that question, but is there such a thing as a probiotic that you just swish around your mouth, or is it more about diet?

Dr. Lin:

There’s actually a fair bit of research backing oral probiotics for gingivitis. Lactobacillus bug’s good for their bacterium, because what they do is they’re the defense factors. Your probiotic bacterium in the mouth will defend against and they’ll stop the harmful bacteria from building up that causes the inflammation in the first place.

An oral probiotic, I recommend that, especially if there are persistent bleeding gums and gingivitis, as a starting point. Dietary behavior in the long term really is the gold standard in terms of how are we going to get our mouth, but also our gut and that relationship between bacteria and the immune system, back working properly. The oral probiotic area really is quite interesting. You can have them sometimes in a yogurt, or in a powdered satchel, you can get probiotics in. Some are in a mouth rinse.

Yasmina :

Oh, a mouth rinse. Okay, that’s interesting. I suppose you could just make your own, really. Could you make your own? Could you mix it with a little bit of water, or into juice or something, and just swish it around? Would that work? Because I know a lot of my readers have sensitivities to commercially prepared liquids.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah, completely. This goes back to the long-term solution. The best probiotic is always going to be fermented foods. If they tolerate dairy, you get a lot of the Lactobacillus species from that. Otherwise, a coconut kefir would be quite good, cheeses, or kombucha, or sometimes even something like an apple-cider vinegar.

Yasmina :

Ooh, interesting. That’s a great one.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. It’s simple as well. Always diluted down, because it is acidic, but it’s a by product of a fermentation process, so it’s got quite interesting benefits. There’s quite good research showing that it decreases even insulin insensitivity in Type II diabetics. It all starts in the mouth. The benefits are all over the body. Not just in the gut, but also the mouth.

Yasmina :

Absolutely. Let me just ask you quickly. Those little brushes that … I don’t know how to describe them. They’re like toothpicks, but they have a little brush on the end. Are those too much for people with sensitive bleeding gums? Should they wait, or is that more effective? Does it do anything?

Dr. Lin:

Generally, I find, yeah. I think you’re talking about the picks that look like little toilet brushes?

Yasmina :

Yes! Exactly.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Good way to put it, right? They work great, actually, because the big problem with flossing is that people find it hard to get in there, so if you get a small one, it’s not going to be too traumatic on your gums and you can actually get to the places where it’s inflamed. That can really help to help clear out … Because you get plaque build up. If it stays there, and this pathogenic plaque isn’t removed, then that can really take things onto gum disease. Yeah, that can really help. Oral hygiene does play a part in the whole factor. That’s right.

Yasmina :

What would be your top foods? Because my readers, most of them don’t do well with fermented foods. I know some of us can do them in small quantities, but are there any other types of foods that help build that great bacteria that we need that will then affect our oral health?

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Really, what your oral and gut bacteria need is fiber. Plenty of vegetables, prebiotic, like …

Yasmina :


Dr. Lin:

Asparagus, leeks. Yeah! Chicory, exactly. Artichokes. That’s really going to feed the beneficial bacteria in the mouth. That’s what they require. I’d really think about cutting down on the simple sugars, any kind of white flour, any kind of added sugar, because that will feed the harmful guys.

Yasmina :

What about fruit sugar? Let’s say whole fruits?

Dr. Lin:

That comes with sugar. Look, as a dentist, this is my bugbear because I see so many problems with sugar, but whole fruit with the fiber included is beneficial. I usually try tell people to limit it, just because there is a high sugar quantity compared to other foods, but exactly, eating an apple a day, or banana’s got prebiotic fibers as well, so that’s great.

Yasmina :

Exactly. Inulin, right?

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. Inulin’s great.

Yasmina :

To put it all into a nutshell, you’re brushing your teeth, you notice there’s some blood. What steps should we be taking to address the matter? If you could give me your checklist of one, two, three, four, five, in order that they should be done and in order of importance.

Dr. Lin:

Sure. First of all, I would be checking your own oral-hygiene regimen, so brushing twice a day and flossing. That’s a good start. Most people, they don’t perform their oral hygiene properly. That’s always a good start, and sometimes that can get you back on track. Now, if your gums are bleeding, you should also go and see a dentist, get a diagnosis, because it can be a sign of more serious problems. Number two is to go to get a check from your dentist.

Yasmina :

Very important.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah, exactly, but number three really is start to think about how your gums are a sign of wider inflammation and potentially histamine-release from mast cells in your body. You really should start to be thinking about how to rebalance your oral environment. I would think about an oral probiotic as a way to perhaps get things rebalanced. Then from there, four and five really is to put more fiber into your diet. Plenty of fruits and vegetables, prebiotic fibers like the bananas, like the artichokes, leeks. Then, really, if you do tolerate them, I know some of your listeners won’t be able to, fermented foods in the long term, that’s the most diverse and richest probiotic-

Yasmina :

The Holy Grail of food.

Dr. Lin:

The Holy Grail! Yeah. The Holy Grail of our microbiome.

Yasmina :

Okay. That’s wonderful. Any other steps you would recommend?

Dr. Lin:

It’s really monitoring. Your mouth really is a sign of what’s happening in your body. If your gums are bleeding, try and think about what other systemic conditions that you might have that are indicating. Perhaps you’ve got something wrong in your gut. If you have food allergies, or you have skin rashes or asthma or irritable bowel syndrome, that’s your body telling you in two distinct places that things are off balance, so I would really be taking bleeding gums as a message that there’s too much inflammation in your body. I would take going through those steps really to try and calm everything down in the long term.

Yasmina :

Okay. Something that you had said to me: tooth decay is not an infection.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah, exactly.

Yasmina :

A lot of people will be surprised to hear that.

Dr. Lin:

Yeah. It’s the same thing. We’ve talked about how gum disease is a lack of or an imbalance in the wrong bacteria. Tooth decay is the same thing. It’s a different process, though. Bacteria in your mouth actually manage the minerals, so from your saliva, and they actually require the minerals themselves to build the plaque. They do this because they need to survive. The mouth’s a hard place to survive. What happens is that when we feed our oral bacteria with too many simple sugars, the bad guys grow, they release too much acid, and eventually they take minerals from the teeth, because a low pH strips the calcium from our saliva, and eventually the bacteria have no choice but to take minerals from our teeth. We force our oral bacteria into causing a hole in our teeth, which is pretty amazing.

Yasmina :

Absolutely. Wow. That’s amazing. I’m so glad we had this conversation a while back, because it was really something that was bothering me and I couldn’t work it out. Eventually, I got over my fear of anesthesia and the dentist, and I started going regularly again, and it just completely disappeared. Obviously, I was making other changes at the time, my diet, definitely started focusing on the prebiotic foods because I wasn’t able to tolerate the probiotics, but suddenly, it all came together and I stopped having the problem, but I had never really resolved it in my mind how they were linked. Yeah, it’s absolutely fascinating.

Thank you very much for speaking with me here today. Just to remind everybody, you have finished writing your book. You’ve finished writing a book that is going to be published by Hay House in the US, the UK, Australia, and Germany in January 2018. I am pre-ordering my copy as soon as that option becomes available. You can follow Dr. Steven Lin on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, @DrSteven, that’s S-T-E-V-E-N L-I-N. Dr. Steven Lin. You’ll find his website here.

Dr. Lin:

Absolute pleasure, Yasmina. It was such great talking about this.

It’s finally here! Man Food – a high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredient filled book geared towards guys, women who love to work out, yoga like they mean it, or just load up on healing nutrients. Features my personal shopping list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods.

The Anti-cookbook and all liquid Anti-Detox Book, don’t treat any conditions, but feature a plethora of the high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredients that have been instrumental in helping me feed myself on a limited diet. The Anti-cookbook features a four page list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods and comes in regular and Paleo.

The Low Oxalate Cookbook features antihistamine and anti-inflammatory rich recipes.

Don’t miss the Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide for non-toxic beauty tips, the skinny on histamine releasing (mast cell degranulating) beauty ingredients, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory beauty alternatives and the top brands natural brands I’ve found.

Take a peek at my other low histamine and antihistamine cookbooks for more high nutrient recipes




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What happens when I have my wisdom teeth removed?

The words ‘wisdom teeth’ alone are enough to send a shiver down the back of many a spine. Getting them removed can improve your quality of life enormously, and can spell the end to upsetting toothache.

Having your wisdom teeth removed can seem daunting, here BMI Healthcare have answered a few of the most common questions to take away some of the mystery.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are extra molars that typically arrive in your late teens or early 20s. Most people have one at each back corner of their mouth (two at the top, two at the bottom), but some people can have more. They’re known as wisdom teeth because they arrive later than the rest of your teeth – when you’re older (and wiser).


Why do people their wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth arrive after your existing teeth have established, meaning there’s often not enough room for them. That can mean they arrive at an odd angle, meaning they can ‘impact’ the rest of your teeth. This can be painful, and extracting the wisdom teeth can remove the cause of the problem.

Even if they don’t arrive at an odd angle, you can also get your wisdom teeth removed if they’re causing dental problems like pericoronitis (inflammation of soft tissue around a tooth), cellulitis (infection of soft tissue) or abscesses. It can be difficult to keep wisdom teeth clean using traditional oral hygiene methods, and it can be worth having them removed to prevent tooth decay spreading to other teeth.

Will I be awake?

Yes, but you’ll be given a local anaesthetic injection to numb the area where the procedure takes place. General anaesthetic is only very rarely required.

Are there any alternatives?

A lot of short-term problems like infections can be resolved with antiseptic mouthwashes and antibiotics, but these won’t solve the root cause of the issue. If you want a permanent solution, you’ll need to have them removed.

What does the procedure involve?

The dentist or surgeon performing the removal will first give you a local anaesthetic to numb the area. Then, they’ll use dental tools to clamp your tooth and gently rock it back and forth to loosen it. Lower wisdom teeth tend to be trickier to remove – the dentist may need to break the tooth into several pieces, make a small cut in your gum, or remove a small amount of bone to help it come out. The whole thing should take no longer than 45 minutes, even for a complicated extraction.

What happens afterwards?

Your mouth will be numb for a while afterwards, so avoid any hot foods or drinks as you might not be able to feel if they’re burning your mouth. It should be three or four hours before you regain feeling in your jaw.

For the first 24 hours after the extraction, you’ll need to avoid alcohol and smoking, hot liquids or rinsing your mouth out with anything. Stitches used to seal any incision will take a few days to dissolve.

Over-the-counter painkillers should be enough to help you through any pain after the procedure, but speak to your dentist or doctor if your pain persists or you’re finding it difficult to manage.

BMI Healthcare are the UK’s largest private hospital group in the UK with 59 hospitals and clinics across England, Scotland and Wales. You can find out more about wisdom tooth extraction, or you can make an online enquiry and a member of the BMI Healthcare team will be in touch.

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