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Quit smoking while pregnancy – No Smoking Day 8 March 2017

March 8th 2017 is national no smoking day and for the estimated 15.8 % of the UK population who regularly light up this is the day you are encouraged to kick the habit.

Parents to be are one particular group who should consider quitting smoking for the sake of their own health and that of their unborn child.

Currently statistics report that just over 10% of babies in the UK are born to mothers who smoke. Whilst this figure is still high, this is a reduction from the previous year of 11% and down from 15% a decade ago.

While this is good news there is no doubt that smoking in pregnancy is harmful to both the mother and the baby; even passive smoking is bad.

Cigarettes contains around 4,000 different chemicals which go into your lungs when you smoke. The types of chemicals found in cigarettes include; Acetone (found in nail polish remover), Ammonia  (a common household cleaner), Cadmium (active component in battery acid), Carbon Monoxide (released in car exhaust fumes), Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and of course nicotine.

Once they’ve gone into your lungs, the nicotine, poisons and carbon monoxide cross the placenta to the baby. This can cause issues such as:

  • complications during labour
  • increased risk of miscarriage, still-birth and sudden unexpected death in infancy (sometimes referred to as SIDS or cot death)
  • premature birth
  • facial abnormalities at birth such as cleft lip
  • low birth-weight
  • behavioural problems such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • performing poorly at school

There is no safe level of smoking. There is no evidence that cutting down is beneficial, and so the only option is to stop smoking completely.

Stopping smoking is hard for most people and you shouldn’t be embarrassed to seek help to quit. If you are thinking of stopping or have recently stopped smoking and are pregnant speak to your midwife who may refer you to a stop smoking adviser. You can also talk to your GP or go to the NHS website – – Support can be offered over the phone, via apps, emails or face to face.

You may be offered Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) in the form of patches, chewing gum, mouth sprays etc. According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’, it is safe to use NRT in pregnancy. This is because NRT does not contain poisons such as tar and carbon monoxide, but does provide some nicotine to help manage withdrawal cravings once you have stopped smoking.

If your partner smokes then you need to encourage them to quit too as it will increase your chances of giving up too.

Quitting smoking will also save significant amounts of money. A 10 a day habit will save you around £2190  as well as ensuring you provide the best start in life to your baby.

talkhealth Blog

Homeopathic Quit Smoking Help

Almost all of the consumers find it tough to quit from the regular patterns of smoking. This is a hard task and most likely after first days the user surrender. Studies show it isn’t so challenging. Most likely if it is one of your first tries it’s better for your plants to start out with homeopathic remedies

Quitting smoking may be made much more bearable if an individual has a homeopathic drop smoking help. This might help smoker to take an edge off and equalize his body. Numerous users try to quit all of a sudden. typically this isn’t the superior strategy for the knottiest part of them. They follow remedies only for short durations and later because of side results like headache, vertigo etc they get started smoking in the future.

Almost everyone didn’t comprehend that in the starting there are a number of short term difficulties like headache and vertigo. This is the most very significant time frame in the quit smoking process. often in this period there are many persons who relapse to their negative habit. If you succeed it you should feel a lot better.

The well known nicotine patches are some of the alternative item that are good quit smoking help We now know. The stuffs will contract the necessity of nicotine in the body and will cause lowering the indispensability of cigarettes.

It as well as helped persons to try the product on their own and maximize their contributions. This item is wonderful alternative on the market and it for sure is homeopathic quit smoking help. If you are hard enough to overdo the habit to suck a cigarette, the nicotine plasters will do the rest.

There are products that help you to cut down the amount of taken in nicotine bit by bit but to quit taking in all of the other hurtful ingredients.

Probably some of the most cheapest item in the nicotine stick-jaw. This is ordinary looking mastic but there is some amount of nicotine in this. In order to control cravings of the system these mastics helps in providing nicotine.

This acts gradually on the body. Normal time important to clean your body from the nicotine and the subordination is about three months. The nicotine plasters act the same approach.

Aids which are applied with a few support packages are fairly helpful. Find a number of new hobbies, pick a few sports to play, commence a few things at home or simply buy some amazing books but give a number of jobs for your head and help it get the thought about smoking away. Finding something that could take of your time you will be able to help your brain better than anything else. you can realize how convenient is to stop thinking about cigarettes in case you have something pleasant to do.

A exceptionally awesome thought is to play a few sport during these weeks. Some sport would not only take your mind clear from nicotine and also may help your system to clean up from every single poison. During these weeks take many gallons of water – there are no better means for cleaning your defence systems than water. To help your system with this work you might have to consume a lot of fluids and notably water. The water is the best talking about clearance of the body. Breathe, deep breathe every single day. You will should make a half an hour walk every day. It’s great idea to find a number of places with fresh air.

You crave to quit smoking! No, you NEED to quit smoking NOW. Learn how to drop smoking naturally with no resorting to medicine. At our website you can find quit smoking help and advices fo get rid of this bad habit.