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Eczema CURED by simple diet change: Skin condition gone after avoiding FOUR trigger foods –

Eczema CURED by simple diet change: Skin condition gone after avoiding FOUR trigger foods
Eczema CURED by simple diet change: Skin condition gone after avoiding FOUR trigger foods. ECZEMA cream can help to reduce symptoms of the skin condition, which may include itchy, dry, cracked skin. But one woman believes to have cured her condition by

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Simple Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Sleeping problems can be caused by a number of reasons. Often insomnia can be the symptom of some other problem, such as medical condition, stress, depression or life style related. Insomnia can even be learnt, this happens when you worry excessively about not being able to sleep and try too hard to fall asleep.

Medication can be an effective short term solution but as a long term solution medication has many disadvantages. Trying to remove the cause is the best solution, but that is not always possible.

Some of the natural remedies for insomnia are:

Make sure that your sleeping environment is dark, quiet and cool. You need a comfortable mattress and a good pillow. Also, don’t read or watch TV in bed. You need to teach your brain that your bed is only for sleeping, with the possible exception of sex.

Don’t eat heavy meals in the evening. Too much food before bedtime means that your body will be busy digesting the food which will prevent you from getting the quality sleep you need.

Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine in the evening. Alcohol makes it more difficult to reach the deep sleep you need to feel refreshed. Caffeine makes it harder to fall asleep, so no coffee or coca-cola in the evening. You may want to be careful with chocolate as well, chocolate contains some caffeine.

Cool down and relax before going to bed. Forget everything that went wrong during the day, you can not do anything about it any longer. Write down what you need to do tomorrow and decide to worry about these things tomorrow. You can try meditation or just a simple exercise, like breathing slowly and picturing yourself relaxing on a tropical beach.

Listen to a tape with slow background music to slow down your brain. Special tapes exist that can reprogram your brain, create new neural pathways, to teach it to automatically prepare for sleep. After listening to the tapes your brain eventually learns to fall asleep and reach the deep sleep you need to feel refreshed.

For more information about how to overcome insomnia without using medication, go to

Simple and Best Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcer

What is Peptic Ulcer? It is the ulcer (an inflammatory suppurating lesion) of the mucous membrane lining of the alimentary tract and gives severe abdominal pain around the stomach area. It is related to one’s beginning area of the intestine; after the stomach, also known as the duodenum. And therefore, it can be termed as “duodenal ulcer” too at the same time. Other forms of peptic ulcer includes gastric ulcer – occurs inside stomach, and esophageal ulcer can be found at oesophagus area between the pharynx and the stomach.

Causes and symptoms: According to medical studies, the main cause behind ulcers is a bacterium named Heliobacter Pylori or simply, H.Pylori. Besides this, use of anti-inflammatory drug – NSAID, hyperacidity, excessive use of alcoholic drinks as well smoking, coffee, junk foods, past stomach disorders, etc can also cause peptic or gastric ulcer.

An ulcer patient mostly faces the symptoms like chronic abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. Sometime it can be accompanied by hematemesis that is vomiting blood. Likewise, heartburn, weakness, sleeplessness, etc can be noticed too.

Available remedies: You can try the following home remedies in order to cure the peptic ulcer. However, if you are an old patient of ulcer and already undergone surgery, then you must first consult your physician.

1. Banana: Use of banana in order to treat this ulcer has been regarded as the best home remedy. This is because it has the essential properties that can reduce and control hyperacidity. To use, just take 2-3 bananas and mix it in a class of milk. Drink this 3-4 time a day.

2. Fenugreek: Another effective way to cure the peptic ulcer is to use fenugreek seeds. It can give you relief from the pain and from other associated symptoms. To use, take about two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and boil it a glass of water. Later add a little salt to this solution. Use 2-3 times daily.

3. Lemon: Regular intake of lemon juice along with a little salt is another effective home remedy for peptic ulcer.

4. Wood apple: Use of wood apple leaves in treating peptic ulcer is always positive. To use, you have to boil few leaves of wood apple in water; strain the solution and then drink it 2-3 times a day. It will raise your digestive power.

5. Cabbage: You can use it too as a home remedy for peptic ulcer. For this, take one cabbage and cut it into small pieces; boil in water until half of the solution is left. Later, strain the solution and drink twice a day.

6. Drumsticks: Prepare a paste by grinding about twenty drumstick leaves and then mix it in curd. Intake of this mixture will also be very effective in treating peptic ulcer.

Likewise, healthy diet has its own importance while dealing with peptic ulcer. Eat more vegetables, milk, cheese, fruits and so on. Avoid junk foods; especially those prepared using much oil and spicy ingredients. Try to be stress free as far as possible and do not smoke. Stay away from all alcoholic beverages.

Read more Home Remedies for Peptic Ulcer. Also know effective Home Remedies for Leg Cramps. Read useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.

Dr Andrew Napier

Simple and Best Home Remedies for Pleurisy

An inflammation of the pleura is called pleurisy. It is caused by microorganisms, which gets into the pleura by blood and lymph. Usually it occurs while being ill with tuberculosis or pneumonia. Other, non-infectious origin of the pleuritis can begin because of tumours, blood diseases, rheumatism, injuries of chest or ribbing.

Pleura is the membrane which covers the lungs. Outer one covers inner wall of the chest and the other one covers the substance of the lungs. Between those two membranes, there is a little space, filled with fluid and because of that lungs can move freely. When pleurisy occurs, blood, air or lymph can get between membranes, and it causes the pressure for the lungs and aggravates the breathing.

There are three types of pleurisy – dry, wet and sometimes purulent. As pleurisy usually is a viral infection, it can occur sometime even in epidemics. Little children can get ill easily, but generally it can happen to anyone, if pneumonia or other similar diseases are left untreated.

Symptoms: Inflammation begins suddenly, patient feels severe pain that can be on any part of the chest. While breathing deeply or coughing the pain gets worse. Other symptoms are choking, shallow breathing, tremor, general weakness, little appetite, fever and so on.

Home Remedies: If you feel that you could be sick with pleurisy, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. First of all, pneumonia or other disease which has caused pleurisy needs to be cured. Another very important step is to egest excess of the liquids from the pleura, so that lungs could expand. Pleurisy is mostly cured with antibiotics, yet there are a few home remedies and methods, which can help you to feel better –

Hogweed: This herb is very beneficial while being ill with pleurisy. Dry the roots of this herb and mash up till the powder. Consume it at least three times per day.

Celery: You can try to use this herb too as it has antispasmodic properties.

Milk: Drink more milk while you are sick as it cures pleurisy effectively.

Cotton: Warmth relieves the pain. Use cotton as heating pads on the chest four times per day for about half an hour.

Water: It will really make you feel better. Drink at least five to six glasses of water every day.

Proper diet: Be sure your diet is well-balanced, for you need to strengthen your immune system. Food which has more proteins and vitamins, will help you to get well soon. You should avoid cold, and fried food.

Massage: Soothing, warm massage helps a lot. Just do not forget that it can be done only 3-4 days after pain relieves, fever drops and when the cough is not so bad.

In order not to get sick further, all the diseases, which can cause the pleurisy need to be cured very carefully. Furthermore, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Try not to smoke, do not forget to rest after work, eat healthy food and spend enough time outside in the open air.

Read more Home Remedies for Pleurisy. Also know effective Home Remedies for Depression. Read useful Home Remedies for Stress.

Dr Andrew Napier

Simple and Best Home Remedies for Muscular Cramp

Muscular cramp refers to the commonly known Skeletal-muscle cramp. It is defined as the sudden contraction or shortening of muscle, which gives rise to pain as well discomfort. Such a situation is nothing uncommon, because at some point of time in life everyone faces this at least once. As for example, it can happen just at any moment like while walking or while rising from the chair being seated for long!

The duration of such a muscle cramp can vary from few seconds to few minutes or longer and can be recurring in nature too. The Skeletal-muscle cramp being voluntary may occur at any part of our body that can be controlled by ourselves. However, the most common areas affected by it include legs, thighs, back, calf (the popular Charley horse) and so on. The cramps of all these areas are mostly related to our everyday strenuous activities.

Common Causes and Symptoms: Besides strenuous activities, dehydration is another factor that can cause the Skeletal-muscle cramp. As we lose a lot of bodily fluid during dehydration, doing any type of vigorous activity will result in the drop of the body mass, especially when exposed to humid climate. This has an adverse effect on our muscles. Similarly, lack of sodium and potassium can also cause cramps. Likewise, low level calcium as well magnesium in blood, especially in case of pregnant women is an important cause of the Skeletal-muscle cramps. Sometime such muscle cramps also occur as a symptom of other underlying diseases like kidney-disorder, thyroid problem, etc. One interesting type of muscle cramp known as “rest cramp” can attack you even while you are sleeping; caused by movements such as toe being pointed down!

The most common symptom of muscle cramp is sudden hardening of the muscle followed by severe pain. At that time, while you are going through it, you won’t be able to move the affected body part.

Home Remedies: We can treat the Skeletal-muscle cramp effectively by applying the following available home remedies

1. Intake of fluids: As mentioned earlier, lack of fluid often causes such muscle cramps. Therefore, we can control it by increasing the intake of fluids in the form of drinking water and fresh fruit juices.

2. Stretching: It is important to stretch properly in order avoid frequent cramps. For example, in case of calf or thigh cramps, stretch your leg while your toes are pointing upward. A good habit will be to stretch before going to bed at night and before leaving the bed in the morning.

3. Heat: In order to stimulate the blood-flow in the cramp affected areas, use a heating-pad to apply heat in mild degree. This is one of the very effective home-remedy.

4. Pickle juice: Take one teaspoon of pickle juice at a regular basis in case you are prone to leg cramps. Because of the presence of acetylcholine compound, pickle juice can help your leg muscles to be relaxed.

5. Chamomile tea: Use of this tea which has the amino acid called glycine can also help in relaxing your muscles or muscle fibers.

Regular use of proper and healthy diet is very essential in order to control sudden contraction of muscles. Eat foods like potato and banana more as they will fill the bodily need of potassium. You should include raw peppers as well wheat germ, which contains Vitamin B6 being very effective for those who are prone to leg cramps.

Read more Home Remedies for Muscle Cramps. Also know effective Home Remedies for Leg Cramps. Read useful Home Remedies for Joint Pain.

Dr Andrew Napier

More Best Home Remedies For Eczema Articles

Simple and Best Home Remedies for Sinusitis

Sinus is a pocket or cavity. We all have four pairs of such cavities. They are present in the facial area. These spaces or cavities are connected to our nasal passage for the flow of air and mucous.

The sinuses are layered with a mucous lining which have very tiny hair like structure called cilia. The function of cilia is to trap the germs and dust we breathe in through our nose. Therefore the sinus cavity protects our body by capturing the foreign particles entering our nose and throwing it out of the body through discharge. It also helps in moistening the air we inhale. These pockets lighten the weight of our skull and therefore ease the movement of the skull.

The four sinuses present are

1. Frontal: This is located above the eye, behind the forehead.

2. Maxillary: This is below the eyes, besides the nostrils on either side.

3. Ethmoid: This lie between the eyes near the starting of the bridge of the nose.

4. Sphenoid: This is located behind the ethmoid and eyes.

Sinusitis is a condition when either or more than one cavity mentioned above become inflamed and infected. In such a case, a person experiences pain and pressure in the facial area specially near the eyes and forehead. There is nasal discharge, tiredness and headache. If this condition carries on for a prolonged duration of time, it is called chronic sinusitis.

Usually the swelling or tenderness is at its worst in the mornings due to our sleeping position at night. As position becomes upright during day, the situation improves. Since this is directly connected to the nose, the symptoms of an irritant cavity show through a stuffy or flowing nose. There are antibiotics available in the market for the treatment of sinusitis. But some home remedies may be considered to provide some relief.

Some of the home remedies are as follows

1. Garlic: Including garlic in diet helps in this condition as garlic aids in mobilization of sticky mucous.

2. Onion: Onions help in opening up of the blocked cavity.

3. Fenugreek: Boil the fenugreek leaves in water and consume that water.

4. Cumin seeds: Roast the cumin seeds and then grind them into powder. Mix with little honey and take this. Alternatively you can tie the cumin seeds in a small cloth and inhale the smell.

5. Vitamin A: Vitamin A contributes in the maintenance of the mucous lining. Therefore eat food which is rich in vitamin A.

6. Vitamin C: Usually a common cold gives way to sinusitis. The germs enter the cavity and infect it. Vitamin C generally helps prevent cold.

7. Juices: Carrot juice, spinach and beet juice are known to be beneficial.

8. Steam inhalation: Steam inhalation is very useful. One should do it regularly. Adding a few drops of some oil like tea tree oil while inhaling steam is good.

Avoid strong smells that irritate the nose. Do not blow the nose too hard and clear out one nostril at a time. Application of a warm wash cloth on the affected areas on face might give some relief.

Read more Home Remedies for Sinusitis. Also know Home Remedies for Menopause. Read useful Home Remedies for Leg Pain.

Peter Filinovich

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U-turn as experts reveal the simple thing you SHOULD do every day …
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New research suggests taking a bath every day can help ease the pain of eczema and prevent infection.
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eczema – Google News

U-turn as experts reveal the simple thing you SHOULD do every day to ease your eczema – The Sun (blog)
U-turn as experts reveal the simple thing you SHOULD do every day to ease your eczema
The Sun
Previous advise suggested having a bleach bath – adding a small amount of bleach to the bath water to decrease the risk of bacterial infections, especially if the eczema is cracked and bleeding. Experts from Northwestern University in the US found that …
Should Bleach Baths Be Used To Treat Eczema? (blog)

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eczema – Google News

Simple and Best Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids

When the veins in the anal canal get swollen of inflamed, it is the condition of hemorrhoids. Excess pressure on the veins causes it to swell up.

There are two kinds of hemorrhoids, namely internal and external. They are categorized so due to their position. Internal hemorrhoids are swelling of the veins inside the rectum. But when they get severe, they may start protruding out too. External hemorrhoids are the inflammation of the veins near the anal opening.

The vascular structure in the anal canal controls the stools. So, when too much strain is put on this area, it results in the above condition. Cases of diarrhea or cases of constipation can create strain on the veins. Pregnant women are usually faced by this condition during the period of pregnancy due to the pressure put by the fetus on the blood vessels in this area. Labor and delivery may further cause hemorrhoids. During childbirth, too much force is put to push the child out, resulting in swelling. Obese and overweight people are more prone to having hemorrhoids. Irregular bowel movements, sitting for prolonged period of time, low fiber diet and age are the other factors. In some cases, this may be a genetic issue.

The symptoms include bleeding while passing stool, itching, pain in rectal area and pain experienced while cleaning the same.

There are ointments available to provide relief from pain and itching. Anti-inflammatory medicines are taken for the swelling and pain. Surgeries are conducted for extreme situations. For external hemorrhoids, some simple home remedies may be used to get relief and for prevention. Some of the home remedies are:

1. Fiber: Include fiber in your diet. This is for ease of bowel movement.

2. Green leafy vegetables: These aid in bowel movement too.

3. Water: Drink ample amount of water. Water helps flush out the toxins from our body and softens the stools so that less pressure is applied on the veins.

4. Sitz Bath: Take a wide tub and fill with warm water. Sit and soak your swollen area in this for 10-15 minutes. This gives a lot of relief from hemorrhoids.

5. Papaya: Regular intake of papaya aids in digestion thereby helping cleaning of bowels.

6. Prune Juice: Prune juice is also beneficial.

7. Figs: Take few dry figs and soak in water throughout the night. Eat in morning.

8. White Radish: Include radish in your diet.

9. Witch Hazel: Apply little witch hazel on a cotton ball and apply on the area. It will provide you a soothing effect. Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory properties, which good in this condition.

10. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera gel may be applied as well.

Avoid intake of oily and spicy food, this create burning sensation. Do not sit in one place for long time. Exercise without putting strain on the rectum area. Do not do heavy weight lifting. Clean gently after bowel movement, without rubbing or scratching. Keep your weight in control by doing some regular exercise. Consume lots of water and other fluids for ease of passing of stools. Practice the asanas in yoga which provide relief from the pain and swelling. Taking herbal supplements like Pilesgone capsule is also very effective in getting rid of hemorrhoids.

Read about Hemorrhoids Herbal Treatment. Also know effective Piles Treatment. Read useful Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids.

Peter Filinovich