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Ways to Treat Eczema on the Scalp

Scalp eczema is a version of eczema that affects lots of people. The main treatment which most people will use for this condition will be some sort of medicated shampoo.

Be careful when using these treatments, they will damage your hair even though you think they might be helping your eczema. Your hair can become very brittle and dry. You could find yourself becoming annoyed and embarrassed when you’re around others, as your scalp will not only be very flaky but will also be itchy.

All doctors will agree to the fact that eczema cannot be cured through the use of medications. The best that you can hope for is some temporary relief, and in some cases, some of these medications can actually make the skin worse. The last thing you want is to make your scalp eczema worse.

Natural treatments for scalp eczema can be very beneficial for the condition, and more and more people are turning to more natural treatments. Natural treatments have been proven to help control scalp eczema, some people have also said that their eczema has vanished after using such treatments.

Try changing your shampoo this could be making your condition a lot worse than it really is. Some scalps are more sensitive than others, the result being some people could be making their condition worse by using these medicated shampoo’s.

Turn to more natural treatments, a good one is coconut oil. Before you rub it into your scalp warm it through. The heat from the oil will open up the pores in the scalp and allow the coconut oil to penetrate deeper into your scalp.

Olive oil can be another effective treatment. The olive oil will help soothe and moisturize your scalp, it will also help the condition of your hair. The best way to apply it is when the skin is warm, just after a bath. This allows deeper penetration which helps keep the scalp moist. The best way for the olive oil to do it’s job is to leave it on overnight.

You also need to make sure that you are not eating foods which are noted for increasing the risks of eczema. Your body needs certain nutrients to work effectively. You will not get these nutrients from junk food. Replace your saturated fats with lots of veggies and fresh fruit.

Natural treatments for scalp eczema can be very effective. However they need to be used with a combination of a good healthy diet.

Natural treatments for scalp eczema are providing effective results for a lot of people. There are a lot of eczema treatments available online but take a look at the list of best eczema natural treatments

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At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

Having a dry scalp can be a pain! It’s itchy, annoying and most of all can be kind of gross! But with that said there are a few things we can do to combat this pesky issue! Often times those who have a dry scalp will also see dryness around their nose and on their chest, and as a result we may need to cover washing and at home practices both for the scalp, face and torso as the three areas on the skin are very closely related!

Unfortunately, most physicians have seen that dandruff is genetic and tends to run in families. Typically, with genetic conditions there are trickier steps to take in combating the condition but luckily treatment for dandruff is one of the few conditions that can be done cost effectively and at home.

At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

This is another one of those skin problems that has no cure but luckily our dermatologist Dr. Norris suggested a few simple treatments to try!


First thing on the list is to wash your hair less frequently in general. Washing your hair everyday will strip away your natural oils and dry out your scalp. However, everyones scalp is different. If this method does not help, try out our other options.


Second, Dr. Norris suggests to find shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione or ketaconozal. Nizoral is a popular shampoo that contains these ingredients, and can be found at most local drug stores.  


Finally, our last helpful tip is alternating dandruff shampoos each time you wash your hair  can help keep the dandruff away. Be sure you are rotating shampoos because using just one shampoo over and over will decrease its effectiveness.

Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

How to Treat Eczema on Scalp: Helpful Natural Cures

Scalp eczema is among the most typical forms of eczema on women, men, adults and youngsters. Eczema as a problem usually affects legs, hands or scalp. Eczema scalp is really different from eczema on other parts of the body. The main cause for this is the difference in the bodily skin. In case of the scalp the sebaceous glands produce immense level of grease. The hair follicles in turn magnify the secretions because of their own secretions. There are many aspects like humidity in changing seasons, direct sunlight, and heat also result in eczema on the scalp.

Usually eczema has two types that is internal and environmental eczema. Usually the scalp skin condition leads to eczema that can cause itching and discomfort. This causes loosening of greasy and oily scales on the skin which flakes off in turn. Swollen, red and itchy scalp are the very typical signs or symptoms which demand an eczema treatment. Actually even greasy skin patches which form a part of the eyebrows and behind the ear area are really regular symptoms as well. There are numerous skin experts who attribute it to a fungus or hormonal discrepancy.

So how to treat eczema on scalp is the topic which occurs. There are a number of healthy foodstuff which could help one with eczema treatment for the scalp. Some of them contain vegetables, fish, nutritional supplements which are full in omega 3 oil to name some. There are several medicinal solutions like salicylic, pyrithione and anthralin acids etc. Corticosteroids are another wonderful solution to how to treat eczema on scalp.

Fish oil turns out to be a fantastic choice when it comes to non medicinal options. Usually the consumption of fish oil takes approximately six months to show any kind of progress. However it is a complete recovery which arises thereafter. The omega 3 proves to be an effective agent to get rid of the scalp eczema too. Omega 3 fish oil tablets are readily available and somewhat affordable. They can be consumed as pills and one gets the necessary fatty acids of fish oil too. Normally the fatty acids are positive in breaking of the enzymes which perform an active role in people with scalp eczema.

A mixture of turmeric powder and coconut oil is another good option to treat slap eczema. People must heat the mixture and put on steam to one’s hair after the application of the oil. Lastly using a good diet, healthy foods and green vegetables would prove to perform a significant role in assisting with eczema on one’s scalp. One would wonder how to treat eczema on scalp through food. The answer is rather simple. Healthy food and green vegetables have been long known to battle the bacteria in one’s body and confirm to be a source of antioxidants. They take out the elements in the body which result in problems and irritation.

Absolutely confused to How To Treat Eczema On The Scalp? Do not be concerned anymore! We will help you with your Eczema Treatment and help you say goodbye to your problem permanently!

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Eczema on Your Scalp? Here’s How to Ease the Symptoms –
Eczema on Your Scalp? Here's How to Ease the Symptoms
In addition to your body, hands, and face, eczema can also plague the scalp, usually in a condition known as seborrheic dermatitis. There is some disagreement among experts about whether or not seborrheic dermatitis should be considered a form of

eczema – Google News

Eczema on Your Scalp? Here’s How to Ease the Symptoms –
Eczema on Your Scalp? Here's How to Ease the Symptoms
In addition to your body, hands, and face, eczema can also plague the scalp, usually in a condition known as seborrheic dermatitis. There is some disagreement among experts about whether or not seborrheic dermatitis should be considered a form of

eczema – Google News

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Eczema on Your Scalp? Here's How to Ease the Symptoms
In addition to your body, hands, and face, eczema can also plague the scalp, usually in a condition known as seborrheic dermatitis. There is some disagreement among experts about whether or not seborrheic dermatitis should be considered a form of

eczema – Google News

At Home Remedies for a Seriously Dry Scalp

Having a dry scalp can be a pain! It’s itchy, annoying and most of all can be kind of gross! But with that said there are a few things we can do to combat this pesky issue! Often times those who have a dry scalp will also see dryness around their nose and on their chest, and as a result we may need to cover washing and at home practices both for the scalp, face and torso as the three areas on the skin are very closely related!

Unfortunately, most physicians have seen that dandruff is genetic and tends to run in families. Typically, with genetic conditions there are trickier steps to take in combating the condition but luckily treatment for dandruff is one of the few conditions that can be done cost effectively and at home.

This is another one of those skin problems that has no cure but luckily our dermatologist Dr. Norris suggested a few simple treatments to try!


First thing on the list is to wash your hair less frequently in general. Washing your hair everyday will strip away your natural oils and dry out your scalp. However, everyones scalp is different. If this method does not help, try out our other options.


Second, Dr. Norris suggests to find shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione or ketaconozal. Nizoral is a popular shampoo that contains these ingredients, and can be found at most local drug stores.  


Finally, our last helpful tip is alternating dandruff shampoos each time you wash your hair  can help keep the dandruff away. Be sure you are rotating shampoos because using just one shampoo over and over will decrease its effectiveness.

Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

How to Treat Your Greasy Scalp: Is Baking Soda Helpful or Hurtful?

By Allan Mak (see bio below) If you’re reading this, then you must be asking yourself: Why is my hair always greasy? OR What causes oily hair all of a sudden? Today, I want to talk to you about everything HAIR — about the chemistry of hair and how you can minimize dermatitis that takes […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Thumbs up for shea butter as a scalp moisturizer

In my ongoing search for a scalp moisturizer, I have a new favorite: shea butter.

I had heard about shea butter about for years. I hadn’t tried it because it cost a lot and seemed a kooky natural product of dubious merit and uncertain quality control. But dry skin and eczema on my scalp is now my primary problem. For several months I have been coating my head with Aveeno Daily Moisturizing lotion and feeling like I’m wearing a rubber bathing cap all day. It works OK but leaves something to be desired as a hair product. So I was up for trying new things.

Then, I found a jar of shea butter just sitting around on my four-year-old daughter’s dresser. She has eczema and my wife must have bought the shea butter and tried it out without me knowing. (Cue the eye-rolling on my wife’s part.) Anyway, the stuff was no longer in use, she informed me, so, having already paid for it, I was free to try it out.

The brand was True Blue Spa Too Shea, if you’re interested. $ 17.50 for 3.5 oz.

It goes on like actual butter–it’s hard at first, but you take a bit in your fingers and it warms up and melts a bit. Then you rub it on your scalp and once it’s on, it stays melted.

It works for me because I buzz my head with a 1/2 inch clipper attachment. So I am not wasting too much of it on my actual hair.

The feeling is a little greasy but not terrible. Plus shea butter is actually used as a hair product. Would you believe I had a compliment on my hair earlier this week? The first in a very long time.

I looked into shea butter. It comes from the nuts of the shea tree in west and central Africa. It’s a complex fat and apparently there is a wide range in quality. Someone named Samuel Hunter recently created the American Shea Butter Institute, which could well be a one-man operation for all I could determine, to certify various grades of shea butter depending on their oil content, melting profile, impurities and “rancidity values.” Shea butter is edible, and therefore goes bad like real butter. (But no mention is made of refrigeration.)

I can’t recommend one type or brand of shea butter to use, because it’s not clear what would make one better than another. You just wouldn’t want it to be rancid, evidently.

I don’t search out natural products, because I don’t think they’re necessarily any better than manufactured moisturizers and so on, but shea butter is the best solution I’ve found so far for moisturizing my scalp.
End Eczema