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Homeopathic Medicines – Are There Any Risks Using Them?

If you were to try to compile a list of all the homeopathic medicines that have been used throughout history, then your fingers would need a homeopathy treatment for arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome before you were all done. Hundreds of different books have been written and published in the last hundred years alone. That does not take into account all of the homeopathic practitioners’ notes or special solutions that they have developed themselves. But for the sake of knowing what you are dealing with, here are a few of the ones that you definitely should pay attention to before taking.

A look at the ingredient list for many homeopathic medicines from the past may have you running for the bathroom. It was not uncommon for a remedies homeopathy to contain questionable ingredients, such as blood, tissue, respiratory discharge, urine and even fecal matter. Yes, that may be disgusting but you do have to remember that these treatments are diluted down so much that almost nothing of the original substances remained. Considering some of the more dangerous substances, this is a good thing.

Take for example Lachesis Muta, or more commonly known as the Bushmaster snake. This snake is one of the largest pit vipers in the world. And it is deadly. But homeopaths use the venom diluted down by water and/or alcohol to use for a variety of cures. It might seem dangerous but properly prepared, there is really nothing left of the venom in the final solution except the “essence.” It is probably far more dangerous to try and collect the venom than to use it as a homeopathic medicine.

Another great example is belladonna. The substance used is called Astropa belladonna and it is used to cure high fevers that come with redness, except that belladonna is part of the deadly nightshade plant family. A little belladonna can even act as a sleeping potion. Too much can cause death. So as you can see, though homeopathy medicine is for the most part harmless, it does come with a little risk if you do not know who prepared the solution.

Are you likely to die from homeopathic medicines made from toxic materials? The chances are pretty slim because the solution has been diluted down thousands of times. But it is good to know what you are ingesting or using when it comes to homeopathic medicine and cures. The more knowledgeable you are aware of about your treatment, the better off you will be. Visit a book store to find the latest homeopathic books.

A free homeopathic doctor audio gift awaits you at Mike Selvon portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the homeopathic medicines.

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Exploring The Major Health Risks That Are Associated With Tobacco

Did you know that each year in the United States more than 480,000 people die do to a tobacco related illness? When you factor all this up it means that 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States is due to tobacco. In fact, cigarettes kill more Americans than alcohol, HIV, guns, car accidents, and illegal drugs. People that smoke die at a younger age than people that don’t smoke. Smoking can shorten your life anywhere from 11 to 12 years. Most people think that smoking only causes cancer, which later leads to your death, but there is much more to it than that.

Smoking not only causes cancer, but it can damage every organ in the body. It can damage your lungs, heart, skin, eyes, blood vessels, and bones. The sad fact is that most people know these facts and they still just continue to use tobacco. Below, you will learn some more unnerving facts about the dangers of using tobacco and how it can affect your life.

How Does Smoking Affect Cancer Risk?

Cancer is a major disease throughout the United States that consumes a lot of lives. What you probably don’t know is that tobacco accounts for around 30% of all cancer deaths in the United States. 80% of lung cancer deaths are the result of smoking. Research and studies show that lung cancer is one of the hardest forms of cancers to treat and is without a doubt the most deadly. Smoking not only puts you at risk of lung cancer, but it could also cause mouth, kidney, liver, bladder, stomach, and pancreas cancer.

How Does Smoking Affect Your Bones?

Recent studies were conducted and concluded that smoking can greatly decrease a smoker’s bone density. Smoking along with alcohol consumption can put your body at a risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become extremely weak and more likely to fracture. The study showed that major bone loss has been discovered in men and women who smoke heavily. The study also showed that individuals who did manage to quite smoking reduced their risk for lower bone mass, but it takes several years of non-tobacco use to lower a former smoker’s risk.

Effects To The Lungs And Breathing

It really should be no big secret that smoking can have adverse effects on the lungs and breathing. After all, you are inhaling a cloud of tobacco over and over again. Every puff of a cigarette that you take can scar and damage your lungs. Long-term smoking can cause COPD, which causes wheezing, shortness of breath, tight chest, and other symptoms. Emphysema is also another well-known disease that can be associated with smoking. This is a condition in which the walls between the air sacs in your lungs loose their ability to stretch. This makes it very difficult to breath.

Alternatives To Smoking

Over the years there have been tons of products developed to help individuals quit smoking. One of the most popular and most effective products has been the e juice, which is a safer alternative to smoking. However, users need to know that long-term use of these alternative products can also lead to severe side effects. While the long-term side effects of e-cigarettes are not entirely clear, it is believed that they could lead to cancer. Also, some of these products contain nicotine. Therefore, they’ll share the same potential side effects as traditional cigarettes.

This includes blurred vision, headache, dizziness and even nervousness. Nicotine gum and e-cigarettes should not be used for the long term.

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