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Can ADHD Homeopathic Remedies Really Be Safer, Effective & Cheaper

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you should start looking for the way to treat this disease. And ADHD homeopathic remedies can be the very useful way they are effective, cheap anf safer than medications.


Now that you have read that comment you are probably wondering what makes all of those things true. Well, let us look at some of the reasons:


1.) Children that are placed on ADHD medications at any early age will probably be on them for a really long time. Now, think about the negative side effects that may be experienced for months or even years. It is easy to see that homeopathic remedies can be much safer for your child.


2.) When your child is on medications rather than an ADHD homeopathic remedy you will be paying for doctor’s visits on a regular basis as well as for prescription refills on a regular basis. This adds up and can be very expensive after time.


Now, what about the effectiveness of ADHD homeopathic remedies? What if I told you that there have been studies done that have shown their effectiveness?


Consider some of these herbs and homeopathic remedies and consider the results of studies done on them:


1.) A study was done on hyoscyamus in 1997. It was found that this plant did a great job at helping to reduce some of the angry outbursts and restlessness that is often exhibited by children with ADHD.


2.) The extract arsen iod was found to help decrease anger and frustration. It was also found to help ADHD children remain more calm and relaxed while they were learning new tasks and skills.


While medications can do the same things for children with ADHD, you need to remember that homeopathic ADHD remedies are not going to be harmful to your child. They are not going to produce negative side effects and they will not produce long term side effects that you will need to worry about later.


ADHD homeopathic solutions are on the rise. Know you can see why. They most definitely are safer, just as effective, and cost much less than prescriptions.


Shannon Pollock is a health enthusiast who specializes in natural remedies. She has researched and written extensively on ADHD. Discover which ADHD treatments Shannon has found to be the most successful and the safest to use on her website: Natural Health Remedies and More.

Premature Aging and What Those New Lines Really Are

Premature aging, brown spots and wrinkles are caused by sun damage. The most common area on the skin to have sun damage is on the face. Moisturizers do not prevent wrinkles. Moisturizers plump up wrinkles with water so they are temporarily less noticeable. When the water evaporates, the wrinkles are back. Some moisturizers claim to have “age defying properties,”  this is likely due to the active ingredient listed on the label: sunscreen! 


                        skin moisturizer


To prevent wrinkles, wear sunscreen every day, even when it is cloudy and rainy. But remember, all sunscreens do not protect your face ALL day. If you are like many people you might apply a moisturizer with SPF in the morning. This is likely a chemical sunscreen that will last 2-4 hours. So, if you apply it at 7:00am, you will have little or no sun-protection by 10:00am. To make this type of sunscreen effective you will need to re-apply it every 3-4 hours. A better sunscreen for daily use is a physical sunscreen: like a zinc & titanium based mineral powder or foundation. A physical sunscreen blocks the sun-rays as opposed to having a chemical reaction with the sun rays. A physical sunscreen will give you much longer protection.


skin moisturizer 

Make a habit of putting on mineral powder or mineral foundation makeup on your face every morning before you start your day so you are protected. You will know that your sunscreen routine is working (preventing sun damage) if you do not get any color on your face when you are in the daylight. If the skin on your face is lighter than the skin on your hands, arms and neck your sunscreen protection is working!  Check yourself out and see if you are getting the best protection from premature aging and wrinkles!!

                          skin moisturizer      skin moisturizer

Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

Create Home Remedies For Eczema That Really Work

The disease begins with inflammation or rashes on the skin which tends to make it look ugly. Apart from this severe scratching of the affected regions is also experienced by the patients. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies for eczema which have been proven to be effective. In fact, more and more people are discovering that the benefits of the natural remedies of eczema far outweigh the ones which medical treatments offer.

1. Limitation of Sugar Consumption: Eczema Natural Remedies can also be attributed to the limitation in the level of sugar consumption. Diseases like eczema become all the more effective when the sugar level in blood is high.It is better to monitor the sugar levels and maintain a diet with less calories.

2. It has been found that eczema is triggered on stressful conditions. Thus, the natural remedies for eczema will be incomplete if a lifestyle change is not included. Stress management is a practical and effective way to get rid of this disease.

3. Take 1,000 mg of Quercetin, three times per day. Quercetin helps to relieve inflammation and can also help to relieve itching that is caused by Eczema.

4. Emu Oil has shown the most promise for people suffering with eczema. This oil has natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, is not greasy and will not clog pores. Some people find that this completely clears up their eczema. It is one of the few oils that will work on facial skin because it is easily absorbed and doesn’t leave a shine.

5. Inclusion of Air Filter: In order to counter the germs which are related to eczema, it is advisable to use air filters as an effective tool of Eczema Natural Remedies. Too much of dryness in the air assists the germs to thrive.

6. Tea tree oil is the best known product that works to control eczema because of its natural antibiotic properties. Peppermint oil and Patchouli are two other essential oils that work very well when used topically. It would be best if you do not apply them directly to the skin, but add a few drops to some other carrier oil such as castor oil or almond oil and then apply it to your skin.

7. Take 30 mg of Zinc, twice per day. Zinc is necessary for skin healing. It works best when you take 2 mg of Copper with each Zinc dosage.

8. Healing baths in water can provide moisture and relief to eczema inflammations. Some people use tepid water, but room temperature or slightly warm water will work too. You can also add some ingredients to the bath such as healing oils that may increase the benefits to your skin.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on home remedies for eczema, how to treat eczema.

How to Create Home Remedies For Eczema That Really Work

Have you tried many home remedies for eczema and found that they don’t work? Or that they actually make your eczema worse?

Many people with skin problems turn to natural eczema remedies because they have developed side effects from using eczema medications, or because the medications that used to work for them become less and less effective over time.

The problem with some eczema home remedies is that they may be too intense for sensitive skin, and they actually will make your rash worse! When your skin is inflamed, the last thing you want to do is add more irritation to your body.

Our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal themselves when we give them the right support. I will show you how to create home remedies for eczema are very gentle and are less likely to cause a reaction or skin irritation.

The main thing to keep in mind is to use natural eczema remedies that contain only a few ingredients. That way you are less likely to react to one of the ingredients in your remedy.

When you have sensitive skin, it is always best to do a skin test first with any substance you are going to be putting on your face or your body. Dab a little of your chosen eczema home remedy on the inside of your arm or behind your ear. Generally if you don’t see a reaction within one day, the remedy is likely safe for your skin.

Creating Natural Eczema Remedies – Use Gentle, Healing Oils

One of the problems many people with eczema face is dry skin. Moisturizing regularly will help keep your skin supple and healthy, and make it less likely to break out.

Some people with eczema break out in response to irritants, fragrances, artificial colorings or chemicals in skin care products. Some people with very sensitive skin also find they are allergic to some herbs or plants. It can be difficult to find a good quality hypoallergenic product line that will not irritate eczema.

A simple and natural solution is to moisturize your skin using natural oils. Once you do a skin test to determine if your skin can tolerate them, these can be a gentle and simple solution.

Some oils tend to be greasy and so do not work well on your face. If your skin can tolerate these oils individually, you can try rotating them by using one in the morning, another at night.

Here is a summary of the oils that have been helpful for eczema.

Emu Oil has shown the most promise for people suffering with eczema. This oil has natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, is not greasy and will not clog pores. Some people find that this completely clears up their eczema. It is one of the few oils that will work on facial skin because it is easily absorbed and doesn’t leave a shine.
Jojoba Oil is another non-greasy oil that works well for facial skin and can provide nourishment for the skin without making it greasy.
Coconut Oil works well on the scalp or the body to nourish your skin and help reduce the irritation of eczema. Coconut oil has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties and has many additional health benefits that you can absorb through your skin. The virgin, unrefined coconut oil smells delicious and contains the highest levels of healing properties.
Olive Oil has been used successfully on scalp eczema to loosen scales which can then be washed away with a hypoallergenic shampoo.
Castor Oil has many cleansing and healing properties and can work well to soothe eczema, but it tends to be very thick and will not work well on facial skin.

One of the Safest and Most Effective Home Remedies for Eczema

When you have sensitive skin, sometimes it is very difficult to find safe, natural eczema remedies that will work AND also will not irritate your skin further.

One of the safest and gentlest and most effective home remedies for eczema is so simple we often overlook it …

Water can help to control your eczema symptoms naturally in several different ways.

Drinking more water will help cleanse your body from the inside out, and will ensure that your skin says moist.
Using a cold compress with water and a cotton towel on your eczema breakouts will provide gentle, soothing relief for the terrible itching and stinging sensations on your skin.
Using a humidifier to keep your home environment moist will help your skin and your whole body to more easily heal the eczema rashes.
Use a water filter for not only your drinking water, but your shower and bath water. Toxins such as chlorine and fluoride that exists in our water supplies cause skin irritation and can aggravate eczema.
A short steam bath can help open your pores, hydrate your skin and release toxins from your body. Be sure to drink plenty of water when you are in the steam bath.
Healing baths in water can provide moisture and relief to eczema inflammations. Some people use tepid water, but room temperature or slightly warm water will work too. You can also add some ingredients to the bath such as healing oils that may increase the benefits to your skin. Some additional home remedies for eczema that work well in the bath include:
Dead Sea Minerals
Baking soda
Cider vinegar

An important tip to remember if you use natural water cures for eczema is to gently pat your skin dry without rubbing, and then moisturize right away. If you live in a very dry climate or your skin is extremely dry, then add ANOTHER layer of moisture five minutes later, once the first layer of moisturizer has dried.

There are many additional home remedies for eczema which can help to reduce or completely eliminate your eczema symptoms, and that can address the root causes of why your body developed eczema.

M Rochell has over 30 years of first hand experience discovering natural solutions to sensitive skin care. Please visit for more home remedies for eczema, and to receive our free e-course with five Natural Beauty Secrets that can completely eliminate eczema and other skin symptoms, at

More Best Home Remedies For Eczema Articles

Do Natural Treatments For Eczema Skin Care Really Work?

Effective natural eczema skin care is starting to become a reality for many people who suffer from this condition. People who have become disillusioned with medications are now starting to use more natural means of finding relief.

This change is starting to happen because medical science is still a long way off from trying to find a permanent cure for eczema. The primary reason for this is that no single root cause can be pinpointed. Finding a cure which is going to work for every sufferer is hard, as the causes can be so different in each person.

These medicines might help you for a short time but your problem will come back again. On top of this some people can end up with other unrelated health problems because of the medications that they may have been using.

Due to the current state of affairs regarding medications, natural eczema treatments are starting to come to the forefront in treating this problem. Not only is the natural approach really good at helping the symptoms it is also good at getting to the core of the condition. By using the natural remedies it will help you to build up your immune system. Your body will then be ready to deal with any problems such as allergies, diseases and infections, with more effectiveness.

This condition loves dry skin, so the more moisture you have in your skin, the better it will be for you. There are two options of achieving this. You can use natural oils or you can use moisturizing creams. There are a few things you should know before you start use creams for your condition.

Do not opt for the more expensive creams. Just because you are paying more, doesn’t mean it’s going to be effective. You need to choose a cream that has a high oil base and a thick consistency. Checking this out is simple. When you turn your finger to the side and the cream runs of straight away it’s pointless using it. You need the cream to stay on your finger for longer, this means it’s a nice thick cream.

Try to opt for creams that are based on natural ingredients. Anything that has long names and numbers in the ingredients are not natural products.

Apply the cream after you have just finished your bath. When your skin is warm it opens up your pores which means the creams will get into your skin much easier, keeping it moist for longer periods. You can also increase the amount of water that you drink as this keeps the skin hydrated. Eczema skin care through natural treatments can be very effective and definitely something to look at.

If you really want to cure your eczema, then it is not a goal you are going to achieve through the use of medications. A cure for eczema is a more realistic goal if you opt for more natural treatments. Many people are succeeding with this, so why not you?

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Really Holistic Healing

Really holistic healing includes western allopathic healing, as well as Ayur Vedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine and other ancient and more recent healing techniques. I read the other day that science was invented 500 years or so ago, in Europe. That is utterly ridiculous. Indian, Chinese and Persian civilizations have been building hospitals and providing scientific healing techniques for thousands of years.

They may not use the exact philosophy and procedures that western science does, but to imply that eastern science is inferior to western science is just arrogant hubris.

Right now, the US government is debating the nationalization of health care. I am actually kind of neutral about that. I hear good arguments on both sides. However, the president of the USA is the leader of the American people, and I am willing to follow him. He says he wants national health care, so I say, ok let’s get it done.

My point in this article, is getting the western allopathic medicine to work in harmony with, and stop suppressing, the alternate healing techniques that are available.

The most important principle I propose is that all kinds of doctors and healers are teachers and advisers, servants, not directors or saviors. It is the patients who are responsible and accountable for their own health and welfare, not the doctors and counselors. This is a philosophical point that should be taught in all medical schools. I avoid the medical establishment, because of the attitude of superiority that is so blatant, and ingrained in their culture.

And this principle extends into all aspects of human society. The educational establishment is the real source of this modern day caste system. They are selling education and promoting this attitude that if your knowledge doesn’t conform to their standards, then it isn’t real knowledge. Its like an intellectual monopoly, the dream police (Cheap Trick).

As much as I try to make this a positive article, I just can’t avoid my attitude, that the attitude of superiority that our schools are selling, is causing the corruption of our civilization. It is counter revolutionary, replacing our rule of law, with the rule of man that we rejected during the founding of the United States.

I suppose it goes all the way back to Plato’s Republic, defining a hierarchical society. And I like Plato and his philosophy. It really gets sinister with Nietchze, Freud, Marx, Engels and even Adam Smith promoting self interest as the most productive economic principle, and that whole so called process of enlightenment, and the rise of the secular humanist state.

Now our schools are teaching kids that most human beings are animals, organized into this hierarchical state, ruled by a superior class of human beings. And of course, the superior class of human beings are defined by education and credentials. Of course education, and even credentials, are good. It is laws, requiring people to have certain credentials to do certain jobs, that is oppressive. Oppression is the absence of justice.

The diversity in human nature is one of our greatest strengths. There is no ‘one size fits all’ for educating and training human beings. Real free enterprise is the best solution to poverty, not this fascist state that governs every aspect of life on earth. This attitude is also contributing to the corruption of our business organizations, and our economy. I agree, that capitalism is the most successful philosophy of economics ever practiced. It has produced more wealth for more people than any other system.

Being based on self interest and competition, capitalism is inherently corrupt, and unsustainable. Selflessness and cooperation, justice and compassion, are superior motivations for a spiritual solution to our economic problem.
We can not afford to allow a few aggressive people to rule over the vast majority of people, who just want to live in peace and harmony, with each other and our natural habitat.

The rule of law is an inherent attribute of human nature. Freedom is lawful, not lawless. The USA has been so successful, because it has unleashed the creative freedom of the American people. Our educational establishment is replacing the rule of law in the conscience of our people, with the rule of lawyers, and other elite ruling class people, who attain their elite status through education. And now, our government is legislating laws that overrule ancient laws and principles, and control the minute details of our lives.

America needs to love and respect life, and steadfastly stand for freedom, equality and justice for all people everywhere.

The United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the philosophy of the next generation of human civilization. It is cooperative, peaceful, and superior to the self interest and competition that is terrorizing the people of earth.

Peace be with you all.

by Bob Mccoy is a holistic healing and teaching system. is my blog about improving myself and helping others.

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Premature Aging and What Those New Lines Really Are

Premature Aging and What Those New Lines Really Are



Premature aging, brown spots and wrinkles are caused by sun damage. The most common area on the skin to have sun damage is on the face. Moisturizers do not prevent wrinkles. Moisturizers plump up wrinkles with water so they are temporarily less noticeable. When the water evaporates, the wrinkles are back. Moisturizers will not prevent wrinkles. Some moisturizers claim to have “age defying properties,”  this is likely due to the active ingredient listed on the label: sunscreen! 




To prevent wrinkles, wear sunscreen every day, even when it is cloudy and rainy. But remember, all sunscreens do not protect your face ALL day. If you are like many people you might apply a moisturizer with SPF in the morning. This is likely a chemical sunscreen that will last 2-4 hours. So, if you apply it at 7:00am, you will have little or no sun-protection by 10:00am. To make this type of sunscreen effective you will need to re-apply it every 3-4 hours. A better sunscreen for daily use is a physical sunscreen: like a zinc & titanium based mineral powder or foundation. A physical sunscreen blocks the sun-rays as opposed to having a chemical reaction with the sun rays. A physical sunscreen will give you much longer protection.



Make a habit of putting on mineral powder or mineral foundation on your face every morning before you start your day so you are protected. You will know that your sunscreen routine is working (preventing sun damage) if you do not get any color on your face when you are in the daylight. If the skin on your face is lighter than the skin on your hands, arms and neck your sunscreen protection is working!  Check yourself out and see if you are getting the best protection from premature aging and wrinkles!!


Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

Can a robot really help the elderly?

You may have seen in the news that researchers from Middlesex University and the University of Bedfordshire are using £2m of EU and Japanese funding to develop robots that will be culturally and socially aware, in order to help the elderly in care homes and sheltered accommodation. The project is being seen as a way of solving the current social care crisis.

But can a robot really be a suitable replacement for the care and attention offered by another human being?

Prof Irena Papadopoulos, expert in trans-cultural nursing, said: “As people live longer, health systems are put under increasing pressure.

“In the UK alone, 15,000 people are over 100 years of age and this figure will only increase.

“Assistive, intelligent robots for older people could relieve pressures in hospitals and care homes as well as improving care delivery at home and promoting independent living for the elderly.

“It is not a question of replacing human support but enhancing and complementing existing care.”

She added: “We are starting with care homes and with people who are semi-independent living in sheltered housing, but we do believe that in the future the robots would become acceptable for people to have in their own homes.”

What do you think of this innovation? How would you or your family member feel if your regular companion was a robot? We’d love to have your views.

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