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9 Natural Remedies for Psoriasis You Should Try

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

by Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

If you didn’t already know, psoriasis affects as many as 125 million people worldwide. It is known as a chronic autoimmune disease that is characterized by thick skin plaque that cause itching, scaling and pain. If you’re suffering from psoriasis, then we know how difficult it can be to find a proper natural treatment that actually works. This week, we’re sharing our top 9 natural remedies for psoriasis.

Please keep in mind that although these recommendations might relieve psoriasis, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe psoriasis symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately. It’s also important to seek medical attention immediately if you begin to suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

1. Moisturize

The first step in treating your itchy and possibly painful psoriasis is by keeping skin calm and moisturized. Although this skin condition is an auto-immune response, it’s important to keep skin well hydrated.

Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream

The hugely popular Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is extremely moisturizing and perfect for psoriasis and quite a few other skin conditions due to its wound healing abilities. Not only is it anti-bacterial, but its rich, nutrient ingredients like Manuka oil, Manuka honey and beeswax help keep plaque and scaling under control.

Emily Skin Soothers Soap with Chinese Herbs

For an alternative to drying, harsh soaps, keep your skin moisturized with this Emily Skin Soothers Soap. It’s both rich and fatty and won’t irritate the skin further. Plus – it won’t sting or burn, which makes it a great option for psoriasis.

Do you have scalp psoriasis? This gentle soap can also double up as a shampoo. Or try the body wash instead for the body and hair.

Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray

If you haven’t tried soothing your psoriasis with aloe vera, then you should definitely start! Not only is aloe vera great for relieving itchiness, but it is also a refreshing and cooling treatment. Looking for the absolutely most natural option, pick up an aloe vera plant at a local flower shop. But if that’s not an option, try this Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray which is perfect for relieving itchy body psoriasis. Its non-greasy formula makes for a great scalp spray too.

To further beat the itch, try popping this spray into the refrigerator overnight. It will feel great on your scaly, itchy skin!

Looking for more skincare ideas? Check out these natural remedies for psoriasis.

2. Wet/Dry Wrap Therapy

If you haven’t looked into healing your psoriasis with wet or dry wrap therapy, then look no further. Many psoriasis sufferers have felt relief from these two therapies. For more information on wet wrap therapy, make sure to check out our post: Our Eczema Trials: Wet Wrap Therapy. Alternatively, for dry wrap therapy, take a look at our blog post: Our Eczema Trials: Dry Wrap Therapy.

WrapESoothe Body Bands for Kids & Adults

If you or your little one are experiencing psoriasis on arms or legs exclusively, then these WrapESoothe Body Bands for both children and adults are just the ticket. These bands work exceptionally well for wet wrapping, as they help balms and creams penetrate the skin for full relief.


If your little one is experiencing cradle cap – which is a form of baby psoriasis – then make sure to check out this GoumiHat. Just like the body bands above, this hat can be used in both wet and dry wrap therapy. The bamboo/cotton fabric blend is both breathable, antimicrobial and prevents scalp scratching.

SkintoSkin Clothing

If you’re looking for clothing that does not exacerbate your psoriasis symptoms, but rather calms the skin, make sure to check out this SkintoSkin clothing line that features zinc, silver and algae. There are a variety of clothing pieces for babies to adults such as baby onesies, leggings, sports bras, shirts, boxers and much more. Like the products above, all these pieces can be used for wet and dry wrapping.

3. Reduce Stress

A huge trigger of psoriasis tends to be stress. There are many different activities and hobbies you can take on to help reduce and manage your stress levels such as yoga, meditation and exercise. Getting a professional massage can also help reduce your stress!

4. Phototherapy

Similarly to eczema, psoriasis can be relieved with UVB phototherapy. Similarly to natural sunlight, this ultraviolet light penetrates skin and slows the growth of affected skin cells.

If you are thinking of treating your psoriasis with phototherapy, it is very important to seek medical attention first to conclude whether this treatment is appropriate for you.

5. Eating Well/Elimination Diet

If you are not eating properly and notice that your psoriasis is flaring up from certain foods, then you need to start thinking about healing from within.

For some great ideas on adopting a new diet to heal your psoriasis, consult these blog posts that discuss diets for eczema. Although a different skin condition, the same diets can be applied to psoriasis with great results for your skin and overall health.

The Eczema Diet and Your Salicylate Sensitivity

How Eating A Plant Based Diet For Eczema Encourages Healing

How Eczema Helped My Family Move To A Clean Healthy Diet

If you also believe that your psoriasis might be affected by certain foods, make sure to check out our blog post: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do It Too!).

6. Homeopathy

If you’re interested in alternative medicine, then you might want to check out homeopathic medicine. Similarly to eczema, homeopathy can be successful in healing psoriasis.

To learn more about homeopathy and how it works, make sure to check out our post: How Does Homeopathy for Eczema Work? Although some of the remedies might be different for psoriasis, you can expect the same type of consultation and treatment.

7. Essential Oils

If you’re dealing with itchy, uncomfortable patches of psoriasis, essential oils can be used to provide some relief. It’s important to remember that essential oils aren’t recommended as a primary treatment, but instead as a compliment to your regular treatment or regimen.

Different types of essential oils for treating psoriasis include tea tree oil, castor oil, lavender oil, geranium oil, and many others [1].

8. Bathing

To soothe psoriasis pain and itching, taking warm (never hot) baths can help. However, it’s important to make sure the water is lukewarm and to limit bathing time as well.

To soothe skin even more, try pairing your bath with a natural soothing soap like Emily Skin Soothers Liquid Soap or this Conqueror Oatmeal Bath for Eczema that contains Colloidal oatmeal as well as dead sea salt, vitamin C, baking soda and coconut milk powder. Just never, ever sit in soapy water, which will severely dry out and irritate the skin. Use the soap at the end of your bath, immediately rinse off, towel dry and apply a good rich moisturizer like the ones listed above.

9. Natural Supplements

Lastly, natural supplements have shown to be effective in easing psoriasis itching and pain. Vitamins such as vitamin D can counteract the body’s response to inflammation present in psoriasis. This Vitamin D by Pure is top quality and in a very clean, allergy free liquid formula, which we love.

Read more about Vitamin D.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to actually decrease inflammation and it seems they also have a positive impact on the body’s immune system. However, there is somewhat mixed research on whether omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help reduce the severity of psoriasis [2].

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in many foods such as fatty fish and algae, but you can also properly supplement as well. We like Nordic Naturals for Kids and Adults.

Psoriasis may be a tricky skin condition, but it doesn’t mean that it needs to consume your life. For more resources and research on psoriasis, make sure to check out the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Read More About Psoriasis:

Psoriasis Is So Much More Than a Skin Disease

Developing Thick Skin, Coping With Psoriasis As A Child

Do you suffer from psoriasis? Let us know what type of natural remedies for psoriasis you use!


  1. Can you use oils to treat psoriasis?
  2. Vitamins and Supplements.

9 Natural Remedies for Psoriasis You Should Try appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Living With Eczema and Psoriasis

An increasing number of individuals are suffering with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. What those who don’t suffer with it don’t realise is that skin conditions can be deeply frustrating and can strip you of your confidence. They can make you feel self-loathing and unhappy to venture out in fear of someone noticing your problem skin.

The Problem Can Start Anywhere

Those who live with skin conditions know that they can happen anywhere on the face or body. Common places for psoriasis and eczema is on the hands, feet and neck, although in truth you can quite easily start with them in a whole manner of places. Not only do they look unsightly but they also cause great pain due to the itching and burning sensation many sufferers feel.

Another area that many patients report skin conditions with is the scalp, where either eczema or psoriasis can take hold. Does your scalp feel particularly itchy? This could be an indication that it is more than just dandruff and actually the cause of a skin problem. This is a sensitive area and it can affect the hair follicles which in turn can cause some hair loss in a number of cases. Of course, although a skin condition isn’t as noticeable when it is on the scalp, the irritation one feels from it can be quite distressing.


Eczema and psoriasis are still very much misunderstood in today’s society. People tend to generalise these two terms under the umbrella of “skin problems” but they both do in fact have their own characteristics which sets them apart a little. Psoriasis is generally very dry and scaly, whereas eczema can be quite moist. However, both have the ‘itch factor’.

Is There A Natural Alternative?

People tend to underestimate the problems skin conditions cause and living with eczema and psoriasis can affect your work life, school life and social life to such an extent that it can make for a miserable existence. Of course, skin problems can affect anyone of any age and some who start with it when they are young will go on to live with it for the rest of their lives. But is there a cure? Is there something that can be done? Well, with new products being launched all the time there is certainly hope for skin problem sufferers. There are special therapy soap bars on the market that are helping to relieve skin conditions in many individuals, and they are definitely worth trying.

Prescribed medication and ointments don’t seem to do the trick for many people, so that’s why there is a breath of fresh air in the natural healing market. The aforementioned soap bars are 100% natural and, most importantly, steroid free. By going to the doctors they will be sure to prescribe a steroid medication such as an ointment, but a steroid cream isn’t something you should be using for long periods of time. You need to try and find something that gently heals and soothes your skin back to its original condition.

Don’t let eczema and psoriasis ruin your life – try to find the natural alternative that can give you the confidence back that you deserve.

Author Mark Woodcock is a Webmaster of a wide variety of online specialty shops including a very popular site on Eczema and Psoriasis. Visit today.