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High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies ? 5 Alternatives For You

An increase in blood pressure can sometimes be very dangerous because it can cause kidney and heart troubles, as well as the possibility of having a stroke. Worrying and nervousness may temporarily increase hypertension, yet continuous resting high blood pressure is more perilous and should be kept an eye on. The most proper way to treat serious conditions is follow the right medicine that has been prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Although a few medications may be used as first-aid in severe cases, however, therapeutic care should at once be asked for. High blood pressure homeopathic remedies are described below on what help they can offer to some people, and not as suggestions for self-medication.

1. Calcarea carbonica

To people with hypertension and who have poor resistance or easily exhaust, this treatment is often useful. They are normally conscientious types, who feel beset when sick and dread experiencing collapse. When climbing stairs or slopes and when lying down, breathing and palpitations become a problem. Sweet and egg cravings are usually experienced by the person, and be inclined toward weight troubles.

2. Nux vomica

Typically, the person needing this remedy is impatient and motivated-easily angered and frustrated. Blood pressure problems may heighten because of the person’s strong desire for sweets, strong foods, coffee, and alcohol. Oftentimes, hemorrhoids, constipation, palpitations, and constrictions in the chest are observed. The person is also susceptible to noise, odors, light, and interference.

3. Sanguinaria

This remedy if usually given to a person with blushed red cheeks, pulsing neck, and a feeling of rushing blood towards the head. Also, the person may experience migraines and headaches. Allergies, shoulder troubles, right-sided neck, digestive problems, and heartburn are frequently observed, and burning pains are normal. Other signs for Sanguinaria include an inclination to feel bad from eating sweets and a desire for spicy food.

4. Phosphorus

People who are sensitive, compassionate, and gullible, with a tendency to dizziness, fearfulness, and weakness usually need this type of remedy. Often observed are nosebleeds, palpitations, flushed face, and a feeling of pain in the chest. Other indications for Phosphorus include a strong craving for cold drinks and invigorating things, and an obvious development after sleeping or eating.

5. Plumbum

If the person exhibits degenerative problems of the nerves and coagulation of the arteries, this remedy is often given. When lying on the left corner, heaviness in the chest and palpitations are often bad. Also, muscle problems, paralysis, and contractures may arise. The person may cover a record of profound drinking and ‘high living’, who gets bored and saddened when physical incapacity and memory problems occur.

Unlike prescription medications, the use of homeopathic medicine may decrease hypertension without a lot of side effects. However, those who think about using high blood pressure homeopathic remedies should always consult first to their doctors. This will prevent them from obtaining any complications because several techniques may be contraindicated with other medicines.

Your doctor is not telling you the whole truth regarding natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit our site now at

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies – 5 Alternatives For You

An increase in blood pressure can sometimes be very dangerous because it can cause kidney and heart troubles, as well as the possibility of having a stroke. Worrying and nervousness may temporarily increase hypertension, yet continuous resting high blood pressure is more perilous and should be kept an eye on. The most proper way to treat serious conditions is follow the right medicine that has been prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Although a few medications may be used as first-aid in severe cases, however, therapeutic care should at once be asked for. High blood pressure homeopathic remedies are described below on what help they can offer to some people, and not as suggestions for self-medication.

1. Calcarea carbonica

To people with hypertension and who have poor resistance or easily exhaust, this treatment is often useful. They are normally conscientious types, who feel beset when sick and dread experiencing collapse. When climbing stairs or slopes and when lying down, breathing and palpitations become a problem. Sweet and egg cravings are usually experienced by the person, and be inclined toward weight troubles.

2. Nux vomica

Typically, the person needing this remedy is impatient and motivated-easily angered and frustrated. Blood pressure problems may heighten because of the person’s strong desire for sweets, strong foods, coffee, and alcohol. Oftentimes, hemorrhoids, constipation, palpitations, and constrictions in the chest are observed. The person is also susceptible to noise, odors, light, and interference.

3. Sanguinaria

This remedy if usually given to a person with blushed red cheeks, pulsing neck, and a feeling of rushing blood towards the head. Also, the person may experience migraines and headaches. Allergies, shoulder troubles, right-sided neck, digestive problems, and heartburn are frequently observed, and burning pains are normal. Other signs for Sanguinaria include an inclination to feel bad from eating sweets and a desire for spicy food.

4. Phosphorus

People who are sensitive, compassionate, and gullible, with a tendency to dizziness, fearfulness, and weakness usually need this type of remedy. Often observed are nosebleeds, palpitations, flushed face, and a feeling of pain in the chest. Other indications for Phosphorus include a strong craving for cold drinks and invigorating things, and an obvious development after sleeping or eating.

5. Plumbum

If the person exhibits degenerative problems of the nerves and coagulation of the arteries, this remedy is often given. When lying on the left corner, heaviness in the chest and palpitations are often bad. Also, muscle problems, paralysis, and contractures may arise. The person may cover a record of profound drinking and ‘high living’, who gets bored and saddened when physical incapacity and memory problems occur.

Unlike prescription medications, the use of homeopathic medicine may decrease hypertension without a lot of side effects. However, those who think about using high blood pressure homeopathic remedies should always consult first to their doctors. This will prevent them from obtaining any complications because several techniques may be contraindicated with other medicines.

Your doctor is not telling you the whole truth regarding natural remedies and high blood pressure treatment. Discover how you can get rid of your high blood pressure for good using proven and effective home remedies, all without using harmful medications or drugs. Visit our site now at

Don’t let high blood pressure affect your vision

An eye examination can prove beneficial to more than just your eye health. Conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and excessive levels of cholesterol can all be spotted during an optician’s routine checks. Whilst this is hugely beneficial for catching irregularities that have gone by unnoticed, it also highlights the risk that other aspects of your general health can pose on your eyesight. One of the most common of these dangers comes with high blood pressure. Here, we outline how this affects your eye health and how it can be treated.

How blood pressure affects the eyes

eye-examination_250If you have high blood pressure, it is crucial that you have regular eye examinations as the disease can often show no symptoms until in its latter stages. These symptoms may include double vision and headaches. If the blood pressure shows at the back of the eye, your optometrist, with the help of our specialist retinal imaging equipment, will be able to observe signs such as spots on the retina, a swelling of the central retina (known as the macula) and small areas of bleeding in the back of the eye. These signs are commonly known as Hypertensive Retinopathy. High blood pressure also increases the risk of stroke and cardiac arrest.

Preventing and reversing the effects of Hypertensive Retinopathy

The lowering and the control of your blood pressure is the mainstay treatment for Hypersensitive Retinopathy, which will allow the retina to heal itself over a period of a few months. Your doctor may prescribe you medication to help with this, but there are plenty of things you can do to lower it yourself. Make an effort to maintain a healthy diet with a regular exercise routine to boost your general fitness. Reducing your stress levels also plays an important part, as chronic stress is an important contributor to high blood pressure.

Always remember that high blood pressure affects all aspects of your health, including your eyes. Many expert optometrists such as those at Leightons for example can provide appropriate treatment and advice to anyone with concerns regarding eyecare, so it was worth contacting for further advice.

talkhealth Blog

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies and Herbal Remedies for HBP

High blood pressure itself is not a disease but it can become the main root for causing many diseases. Though any person can have problems related to blood pressure, there are certain precautions that one can take which can prevent hypertension. More info visits our website

Hypertension is the condition that arises when arteries constrict and blood flow becomes harder. Under these conditions, the heart tries to work harder in order to get a proper blood flow all the way through the body. Hence, pressure if left untreated can cause risk to vital organs.

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies

Calcarea carbonica

To people with hypertension and who have poor resistance or easily exhaust, this treatment is often useful. They are normally conscientious types, who feel beset when sick and dread experiencing collapse. When climbing stairs or slopes and when lying down, breathing and palpitations become a problem. Sweet and egg cravings are usually experienced by the person, and be inclined toward weight troubles.

Nux vomica

Typically, the person needing this remedy is impatient and motivated-easily angered and frustrated. Blood pressure problems may heighten because of the person’s strong desire for sweets, strong foods, coffee, and alcohol. Oftentimes, hemorrhoids, constipation, palpitations, and constrictions in the chest are observed. The person is also susceptible to noise, odors, light, and interference.


This remedy if usually given to a person with blushed red cheeks, pulsing neck, and a feeling of rushing blood towards the head. Also, the person may experience migraines and headaches. Allergies, shoulder troubles, right-sided neck, digestive problems, and heartburn are frequently observed, and burning pains are normal. Other signs for Sanguinaria include an inclination to feel bad from eating sweets and a desire for spicy food.


People who are sensitive, compassionate, and gullible, with a tendency to dizziness, fearfulness, and weakness usually need this type of remedy. Often observed are nosebleeds, palpitations, flushed face, and a feeling of pain in the chest. Other indications for Phosphorus include a strong craving for cold drinks and invigorating things, and an obvious development after sleeping or eating.


If the person exhibits degenerative problems of the nerves and coagulation of the arteries, this remedy is often given. When lying on the left corner, heaviness in the chest and palpitations are often bad. Also, muscle problems, paralysis, and contractures may arise. The person may cover a record of profound drinking and ‘high living’, who gets bored and saddened when physical incapacity and memory problems occur.

Herbal Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Celery – this one is especially surprising to me –

Celery maybe used to help relieve gout, insomnia, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The Chinese have been using celery as a treatment for high blood pressure while of course we use pills. Precautions celery has a very high salt content which is known to raise blood pressure in some people also long term use of celery can deplete your potassium levels.

Cocoa –

Now this is just awesome if you ever needed an excuse to indulge here it is but it has to be dark chocolate. Researchers’ having discovered that dark chocolate was higher in antioxidants than tea or red wine started to look into whether dark chocolate can help with heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

German researchers have found 3 ½ ounces of chocolate consumed daily was just as effective as taking a daily dose of your blood pressure pills. A thing to watch out for chocolate does contain caffeine not as much as coffee but it can still mess with your sleep and of course some people might be allergic.

Read more on Cardio-protective and Heart Problems and Lower Cholesterol

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