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Parents – What You Need to Know About Baby Eczema

Eczema, also commonly referred to as atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that millions of Americans deal with. Included in those numbers could be your new baby. If you are the parent of a baby who was recently diagnosed as having eczema, you are likely to have many questions. Now is the time to get answers.

The Cause

There are many different causes for baby eczema. Eczema can be hereditary, meaning if someone in your family has it, your child may too. Although eczema is often compared to allergies, it is slightly different. Certain allergens, including food and airborne allergens can bring on an eczema outbreak. Another common cause is the chemicals found in laundry detergents and scented bath soaps.

The Treatment

In adults, there are many ways to treat eczema. There are ways to manage and treat baby eczema too, but they can be more difficult to implement. If you or a medical professional believes eczema flare-ups are caused by food, it can be difficult to change your baby’s diet if he or she is breastfed. Actually, you are the one who needs to temporarily watch what you eat.

As stated above, there are many causes for atopic dermatitis in babies. Two common causes are reactions to laundry detergents and soaps. These products can irritate a baby’s skin, since the skin is so sensitive at a young age. If you suspect these are causes, make changes. Laundry detergents for babies, those with low chemicals, or all-natural products are best. Scented bath products are great because they leave your baby smelling cute, but not if they irritate his or her skin. Instead, opt for organic on non-scented products.

You now know some of the most common causes and ways to treat baby eczema, but now what? There is good news. Atopic dermatitis affects individuals of all ages, but it is common in the early years of life. Luckily, most children outgrow it by their teens.

More Info on how to Cure Eczema easily, naturally and forever can be found by Clicking Here

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It’s finally here! The delightfully comfortable temperatures and the increasingly longer days you’ve craved ever since the first day of Winter reared its ugly head into your pleasantly satisfying existence. While life continued during this disagreeable season, the sunshine has made a striking return, bringing with it flowers, fresh air, and one of my favorites, Spring sports.

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3 Things You Need to Know About Finding Home Care for Your Parents

As children, we want nothing but the best for our parents. Sometimes, that means letting them live at home instead of an assisted care facility. Your parents will have a better time spending their days with the family – including their grandchildren – and you can keep a closer eye on them along the way.

Taking good care of parents at home, however, can prove to be a big task to tackle. This is where home care services come in handy. Before you can start providing your parents with the support they need, however, you need to first find a good service provider. Below are three essential tips you need to know about finding the best home care for your parents.

Start by Finding the Right Agency

shutterstock_423588148_300Home care services are usually provided by registered nurses. You can either get in touch with a qualified nurse directly or work with a home care agency. The latter is usually the better option, since you don’t have to worry about a lot of things.

For starters, the agency will handle all the necessary checks for you. This includes the background and qualification checks required to ensure the nurses that will be taking care of your parents are qualified. In most cases, you can even ask for specific requirements.

Finding the right agency is also easier. There are plenty of service providers to choose from. You can read reviews and get past references of the agencies you are interested in using too. Other information will make choosing the right one to work with even easier.

Compare Agencies and Their Service Offers

Never go for the first offer you come across. As mentioned before, there are plenty of agencies and home care services to choose from. Do a quick Google search and you’ll find at least 30 home care service providers near you. The best way to find the one to hire is by comparing the agencies and their service offers.

Get quotes from multiple agencies. You can do this by either contacting each agency directly or getting estimates using online price aggregators. You can save a lot of time and money along the way too. The healthcare industry is very competitive these days, so you will be able to get great deals and special offers rather easily.

Trust Your Feelings

Always interview the agency and the nurse (or nurses) that will be taking care of your parents directly before making any purchase decision. There are important details to spot during the interview, but you can always rely on your feelings. How comfortable you are with the agency and the nurses should be taken into consideration.

For example, you can find top nurses with an online RN to BSN degree from Arizona State University or other top universities across the country just by getting in touch with the right agency. The extra qualifications mean the nurses have better skills in healthcare, which in turn means your parents will get the best care they need.

You can even ask a trial period before making up your mind. Once you are fully comfortable with the agency and the nurses, you can sign up for the full service. It’s the best feeling in the world; knowing that you’ve provided your parents with the best care they can get.

Content supplied by Click Intelligence

talkhealth Blog

Eczema In Babies A Parents’ Guide For Infant Skin Care

It’s quite sad how babies can also be afflicted with eczema. Babies with eczema must be very uncomfortable especially that they can’t voice out their discomfort or do anything to relieve themselves from their itchy dry skin. They completely depend on their parents and caregivers for these things. But the development of eczema in a baby is more common than you think. More so, there are also a lot of parents like you who are willing to go the extra mile just to provide your own baby with the comfort that he or she deserves.

Only one type of eczema affects babies and this is known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. Don’t get confused with two terms though because they are used interchangeably and only mean the same thing. Another term that you might hear from other parents is “infantile eczema”. This is yet another term that refers to atopic eczema because it is the only type of eczema that affects babies.

Eczema in baby often manifests itself as red patches of dry skin that itch or ooze a clear liquid. These may appear as neck rashes but they could also appear on their cheeks, arms, and legs. These rashes are terribly itchy too. As a parent, you have to take full responsibility of taking care of your baby and relieving his or her discomfort from eczema.

The wrong types of bathing soap can dramatically change your baby’s condition from bad to worse. Soap is a common skin irritant and if you don’t make the right choice, you can only aggravate the eczema in your baby. When buying bathing soap for babies with eczema, pick out the ones that have gentle formulas. It will also help if you choose soaps that have moisturizers in them. The itchiness of the rashes is related to the dryness of the skin so moisturizing it can in turn reduce the itch.

When you bathe your baby, don’t let him or her stay in the water long. Soaking in the water for too long can weaken the skin’s protective barrier and increase the risk of worsening the eczema. Lather your hands with the mild soap, pat his skin gently, and rinse him right after. Remember to use lukewarm water when bathing your baby to keep your baby’s skin from drying.

Towel dry your baby using a towel made of pure cotton. Don’t rub the towel on your baby’s skin. Just pat his skin dry.

An eczema lotion that’s specifically made for babies can be applied directly on the rashes after you have dried them. You can also use mild moisturizers for dry skin like Aloe Vera lotion. These lotions will moisturize the skin and prevent further drying. If you notice that the lotion that you use only worsens the rashes though, discontinue from using them.

Babies with eczema must be clothed in cotton too. Synthetic fiber must be avoided because they are rough on the skin and the friction could further aggravate the eczema in baby. Also, synthetic fiber traps in heat and causes sweating. Sweat that gets trapped underneath clothing can cause more eczema rashes to show or worsen the eczema that your baby already has.

Your baby’s bedding and pillow cases should all be made of cotton.

Eczema in a baby is just as itchy as those in adults. Babies will try to scratch their rashes and with sharp nails, they can cut themselves especially since the skin having the rashes is very sensitive compared to healthy skin. To avoid this, cut your infant’s nails regularly. During his or her sleep, wrap his or her hands in cotton mittens.

Charles Perkins is a skin care expert. For more information related to eczema in babies visit

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Jun 29, Milk and Egg Allergies. A Parent’s Concern

A study in the US has found that parents of children with allergies, are more concerned about milk and egg allergies, than peanut allergies. Peanut allergies can have severe complications to a sufferer. But parents say that as milk and eggs are contained in so many food products, they are much harder to avoid. Milk and egg allergies and intolerances can be a real issue for eczema sufferers. Dairy products contain sugar and proteins that can irritate your skin, and make your eczema symptoms worse You can read more about this, in TIME magazine
Eczema Blog

Are You Worried For Baby Eczema Or Infant Eczema – 3 Healthy Tips For Parents to Get Rid of Eczema

As a parent, you strive to give your child a happy and healthy life, but what if they suffer from eczema? The uncontrollable urge to itch and the unknown causes may be too much for you and your child to bear. As a parent, what are you to do?

It is common to find rashes on children, but eczema is more than just a rash. It is skin condition that can turn into a struggle for both parents and children. You may have never heard of eczema until your child was diagnosed with it, but now what?

1. Keep Your Child’s Skin Moisturized

There are different eczema trigger factors, which can lead to an outbreak. These trigger factors may include dust, stress, sweat, and laundry detergent. However, for some children, the cause is nothing more than dry skin. We instinctively want to touch and itch dry skin to provide relief and children do the same. Moisturize your child each day. Their itching may not completely cease, but you should notice an improvement.

When moisturizing your child, aim for application throughout the day. However, the most important step is to moisturize their body immediately following a bath or shower. Your goal is to lock in the moisture. If your child is old enough, get them in the habit of reaching for moisturizer each time they feel the need to itch.

2. Protect Your Child’s Skin

Eczema outbreaks are typically severe in small children. They don’t understand the complications that can arise from constant scratching; therefore, they continue to itch. If your child is old enough, have an eczema discussion with them. Encourage them to apply lotion or inform you whenever they feel the need to itch. However, for small children, such as toddlers and preschoolers, you need to protect your child’s skin yourself.

As previously stated, the first line of protection is constant moisture. The second is to keep the area prone to outbreaks covered. This is especially important at night, as some children actually scratch their arms and legs in their sleep. When later asked, some are even unaware of their actions. The less direct contact the fingernails have with the skin, the less damage is done.

3. Seek Medical Attention for Skin Infections

Most cases of eczema in children can be treated at home. However, children are at an increased risk for skin infections. Eczema creates the uncontrollable urge to itch. Your child may continue scratching until the skin is broken, leaving an open wound. Children will be children and that means coming into contact with many germs and bacteria. Combine these with an open wound and there is an increased risk for a skin infection. Treat your child’s eczema at home, but seek medical attention if you suspect the onset of infection.

As a parent, you are unable to cure your child’s eczema, but you help protect them from the lifelong complications, such as scars.

Curing eczema in children can be difficult if you are not in right direction. Severe eczema treatment is not easy especially for our child’s sensitive skin. I came to know about a natural eczema cure program that had best suited to my child and you should consider it too.

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