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Purchasing Homeopathic Hcg Drops For Weight Loss

There are more and more people who are trying a homeopathic HCG diets at home that may have many questions about it. There are many online resources like websites and forums that act as support groups and places for discussion and answers about following homeopathic HCG diets.

One of the most common questions is in regards to the very low calorie diet that dieters are supposed to follow. Typically, they should only consume 500 calories per day! Almost everyone wonders if their metabolism will shut down or slow down because of the lack of calories. Normally, when a person lowers their intake of calories and fat, their body begins to store the fat and the metabolism slows way down. Simply put, the body thinks it is starving and tries to save that source of stored energy. When you add to a low calorie diet the homeopathic HCG, it signals the body to start using and burning the stored fat for its energy, eliminating excess fat reserves. This means that there are no bad effects on the metabolism. When fat deposits are released, the body uses them as fuel, and this is what causes a persons appetite to decrease.

Another common question about homeopathic HCG is that people wonder if they will just lose weight by eating a low amount of calories without HCG. The answer is yes, people will lose some weight. However, there are risks and negative consequences to just cutting out a majority of the calories that are eaten. The body tends to get rid of muscle before fat, and when the body is deprived of calories, it stores fat! This will make the metabolism slow down, which makes it easier for a person to gain weight and lose muscle. When a person combines the low calorie diet with the homeopathic HCG, the excess fat is used and the rest of it in the body is disposed of, and it also prevents the empty fat cells from refilling.

Finally, people wonder if they should see their doctor before starting this type of regimen, and the answer is yes. This is the case with any diet product or exercise program. People also wonder about the shelf life of the hormone. Although different products have different specific shelf lives, it seems on average that the products can have a shelf life of up to a year when they are unopened and kept out of direct sunlight in a cool place. After they are opened, they can last about six months. People are recommended to keep their homeopathic HCG drops in the refrigerator, but they are still safe at room temperature, too.

For more information on homeopathic HCG, please visit our website.

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How good is the Homeopathic HCG for Weight Loss

The HCG weight reduction method is always trying to make the life of users a lot better. The first time HCG got the attention of overweight people, they can only have it through shots. They only had one reference, which is the “Pounds and Inches” book, written by the founder of the program, Dr. ATW Simeon.

Today, there’s Kevin Trudeau’s the weight loss cure to make the program even more effective and there is the oral HCG, easy to administer, cheaper, less-consuming and every bit affective as the injected HCG.

There is another recent development in the program which really aroused the interest of people, not only the overweight but even members of the dieting community. This is the homeopathic HCG. This HCG can be administered through the drops or injection. You have a choice. However, people will most like prefer the drops for the various advantages it offers.

What is homeopathic HCG? To understand what it is, you must know the meaning of homeopathic medicine first. It is a powerful of medicine wherein in the original medicine gets more powerful as it is diluted. The medicine ends up losing its original content, but becomes more potent.

There is another characteristic of homeopathic medicine which puzzles many medical professionals why there is homeopathic HCG at all. Homeopathic medicine is supposed to be using a substance that causes the illness to cure the illness. Nobody can say that HCG causes obesity. Most expert experts will agree that it’s the placebo effect at work and, of course, homeopathic medicine is all about placebo.

The homeopathic HCG is swiftly gaining many adherents. You can easily determine this fact by reading feedbacks from users. Most will attest that it did them a lot of good. There are even reports that in some cases it works even better than the traditional HCG.







To get more information about Homeopathic HCG and the free Uncensored Guide to the HCG Diet, then please visit to download it now.


8 Herbal Remedies For Hair Loss

Approximately 60 million people in the United States are suffering from hair loss, with the majority being men. It has been found that more then 50% of men over the age of 50 suffer from hair loss. If your hair loss has you at a loss because you don’t like the idea of the potential side effects which can accompany the use of Rogaine or Propecia, think about turning your attention to the better-known herbal remedies for hair loss.

1. Proper hair care is essential to beat the hair loss problem. Cleaning your hair regularly with good hair care products is the most important step to combating hair loss. Do not punish your hair by yanking it with a towel when it is wet or by overusing the blow dryer. Use a good quality hair brush to gently comb your hair. Chemicals from dyes, gels and hair colors can wreak havoc to your hair, inflame the scalp and result in constant hair loss. Regular hair trimming and avoiding flat irons, hair rollers and curlers are some of the simplest natural hair loss prevention tips.

2. Those who have used aromatherapy swear by its effects. Oils from bay, jojoba, lavender, rosemary, thyme, and grapefruit are believed not only to arrest hair loss, but promote hair growth as well. For best results, these oils should be rubbed onto the scalp and then left for some time to be absorbed, before washing off.

3. Daily application of the juice of green coriander leaves, also known as cilantro, is also beneficial to hair loss. Juice cilantro by using an efficient juicer that will not only crush the vegetable and press it firmly enough to juice it.

4. This is actually an ingredient often infused in hair-growing shampoos and mane products. It is effective because it contains silica. Silica is necessary to make the strands of your hair stronger, shinier and sleeker. Hair fall also happens due to weak strands. It can get damaged easily through combing and mane styling. Get horsetail and then steep it in boiling water. You can steep about 2 tablespoons of horsetail in 4 ounces of hot water. After steeping, add the mixture to baby shampoo.

5. Massaging your scalp with aloe vera gel or coconut milk and rinsing it off after half an hour with lukewarm water is a great natural hair loss treatment.

6. Acupressure and acupuncture are Oriental ways of treating disorders. These forms of treatment are holistic in nature, that is they bring about improvement in the overall health of an individual. While some practitioners claim to have stopped hair loss by specifically treating hair related problems, others say that hair growth is promoted while treating their patients for other ailments as well. These forms of treatment work on the logic that by harmonizing the flow of opposite energies, the yin and the yan, all the disorders of the body can be cured.

7. Boil 250 milliliters of mustard oil in a tin basin. Gradually drop 60 grams of henna leaves in the boiling oil till they are burnt in the oil. Filter the oil using a cloth and store it. Massage the scalp regularly with the oil to promote healthy growth of hair.

8. This can be taken as a pill. It works in solving tress problems of men. Men usually experience tress loss due to prostate problems. If prostate gland is not working properly, it releases a lot of DHT. This is a kind of hormone found in men. This hormone stays in the pores of your scalp. It prevents the growth of new hair. By using saw palmetto, you are improving the functions of your prostate.

Author is an online medical researcher on hair loss treatment. Click read more on hair loss treatment, home treatments for hair growth.

Use Herbal Remedies For Hair Loss

There are different kinds of baldness which include pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia), cicatricial (scarring) alopecia, alopecia areata (patchy baldness), telogen effluvium and traction alopecia. Each of these types have different causes behind its occurrence. Several herbal remedies for hair loss are effective in putting thinning hair on the slow track. While these herbal remedies don’t have as many studies backing up their effectiveness as prescription drugs, they don’t have undesirable side effects either.

1. Oils of different kinds are the best dry damaged hair remedy. You can prepare a mixture of oils like castor oil, olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil, apply it to the hair and scalp and leave it on for a few hours, before rinsing it. These oils will provide the required nourishment and moisture to the dry and damaged hair, and will also promote healthy hair growth.

2. From a Naturopath’s perspective, Saw Palmetto is a potent remedy for male pattern balding. It is considered anti-androgenic, and stops hair loss by blocking DHT (a hair follicle killing hormone). Stinging Nettles and Green tea are reported to have a similar, but milder effect on blocking DHT. Another suggested remedy for increasing circulation in the scalp is to drink horsetail tea for its rich silica content.

3. Another effective home remedy for loss of hair is the application of coconut milk all over the scalp and massaging it into the hair roots. It will nourish the hair and promote hair growth. Coconut milk is prepared by grinding the coconut shavings and squeezing them well.

4. Separate the egg white from the yolk and whip it well, add a tablespoon of water and mix well until it turns creamy. Add the egg yolk to the creamy mixture and apply it to wet hair and massage gently into the scalp. Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse with cool water. Repeat the procedure once again and rinse well with water.

5. Amla oil, prepared by boiling dry amla pieces in coconut oil, is considered a valuable hair tonic for enriching hair growth. A mixture of equal quantities of fresh amla juice and lime juice used as a shampoo stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

6. Whip an egg into lukewarm water, lather it into the hair and scalp and rinse. Your hair will be clean and shiny, once you are done with this sticky, yucky treatment.

7. Washing the hair with a paste of cooked black gram dhal, (urad dhal) and fenugreek (methi) lengthens the hair. A fine paste made from pigeon pea or red gram (arhar dhal) can also be applied regularly on bald patches, with beneficial results.

8. Finally, follow these everyday advices for stronger and healthier hair. After shampooing your hair, you dry it naturally or use a hairdryer. Remember that you should never rub or wring your hair with a towel to dry it. This will damage the brittle and breakable hair. You can also wrap a large and thick towel around your hair and wait until the towel absorb the water. Moreover, if you choose the hairdryer solution, do not overdo with it, because too hot or too much drying leads to undesirable results. Additionally, keep in mind that sleeping in a tight braid can cause hair breakage or loss of hair over time.

Author is an online medical researcher on hair loss treatment. Click read more on hair loss treatment, home treatments for hair growth.

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Pityriasis Alba: What You Need To Know About Pigment Loss & Eczema White Patches 

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

Do you or your child have eczema white patches? Spots of skin that seem to have lost their pigmentation? If so, it’s likely Pityriasis Alba, a skin disorder that affects 2-5% of children worldwide.

Pityriasis Alba is a skin condition, often coexisting with eczema, that is characterized by reduced pigmentation in either light skin patches or thin plaque on the face (mostly cheeks or chin), neck, shoulders, arms and much more. It’s often most noticeable after prolonged sun exposure, as the pityriasis alba patches remain pale in color while the skin surrounding it will darken in color.

If your child is suffering from Pityriasis Alba, you’ll want to keep reading this post that shares Dr. Peter Lio’s opinion of Pityriasis Alba as well as Vitiligo!

Please keep in mind that although these tips and information have worked for several eczema sufferers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe eczema or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

Pityriasis Alba vs. Vitiligo

Although Pityriasis Alba is quite similar in appearance to Vitiligo, it’s important to note that these two skin conditions are very different. According to Dr. Peter Lio;

“Pigment loss can occur in areas of chronic inflammation, particularly when it is severe. Oftentimes, the hands, wrists, or ankles have chronic damage and actual loss of pigment that is very much like vitiligo. It seems very likely that the chronic irritation causes an autoimmune reaction like vitiligo in those areas, although vitiligo is fairly rare [for eczema sufferers]

Much more common is reduced pigmentation (light spots rather than stark white) which fall under the umbrella of pityriasis alba. This is thought to be underproduction of pigment by the pigment cells when there is nearby inflammation. Usually this is most prominent on the face, upper arms, and trunk, and seems more noticeable in the summer. It is reversible and caused by treatments, but actually improves with treatment.

Stages of Pityriasis Alba

Unlike other forms of eczema, Pityriasis Alba produces minimal itching or none at all. Typically, this skin condition goes through several stages until it is fully healed.

  1. Slightly scaly pink plaque with a papular surface
  2. Hypopigmented (light spots rather than stark white appearance) plaque
  3. Post-inflammatory hypopigmented skin without plaque

How to Treat Pityriasis Alba?

Unlike Vitiligo, the white patches from this type of skin condition actually go away with time; therefore, no treatment is actually required. However, if the skin is dry or itchy, it’s always best to use a moisturizer or balm that can help restore skin.

A great moisturizer to try for dry Pityriasis Alba is the Organic Manuka Honey Soothing Skin Cream, which is both soothing and extremely moisturizing on the driest of skin.

Can Steroid Medications Cause Pityriasis Alba?

Although steroid medication has been known to cause eczema pigmentation loss sufferers, it is in fact quite rare. There are some cases in which steroid injections into the knee or wrist joint have created hypopigmentation, but it is not so common.

Unlike many other forms of eczema, Pityriasis Alba tends to vanish once adulthood has been reached.

Read more about eczema in our most popular blog posts:

Does your child suffer from light skin patches and pigmentation loss due to their eczema? Let us know in the comments below!

Bio: Laura Dolgy is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

Pityriasis Alba: What You Need To Know About Pigment Loss & Eczema White Patches  appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Weight loss surgery: which option is best for me?

Being overweight can have all sorts of side-effects. There are lots of well-advertised health risks associated, like heart attacks and strokes, but it can affect you in other ways too. It can cause your joints to hurt, make it difficult to get pregnant, or drag down your self-confidence and make you miserable.

If you’ve been trying to lose weight but struggling using the conventional methods of diet and exercise, weight loss (otherwise known as ‘bariatric’) surgery could be an option.

There are different types of weight loss surgery and BMI Healthcare have written this guide to explain how they work. Some options are usually only recommended for people with a body mass index over 40, or 35 if you have certain medical conditions.

Some procedures are more extreme than others, and your doctor can talk you through which options are available for you based on your current health.


Option 1: Gastric Balloon

Gastric balloon surgery  is temporary. A soft, silicon balloon is inserted into your stomach through your gullet and filled with sterile saline. By partially filling your stomach, the balloon will make you feel less hungry, and also feel fuller much sooner whenever you eat. As a consequence, you should lose weight because you’re eating less. The balloon is removed after six months.

While the balloon is in your stomach you’ll undergo a healthy eating and drinking programme, in which dieticians and nurses will teach you about how to maintain a healthier lifestyle after the balloon is removed. After it is removed, you could regain weight if you allow your new diet and exercise regime to slip, but help and support is on hand to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Option 2: Gastric Band

With gastric band surgery, an inflatable band is placed around your stomach to (not quite completely) divide it into two parts. When you eat, your stomach will be tricked into thinking you’re full much sooner. Your food will then pass into the second, larger part of your stomach and continue through your gut as normal. The band isn’t inflated until you’ve recovered from the surgery, and can be adjusted to change the size of the opening into the lower part of the stomach.

If you lose weight successfully and are confident about keeping it off, the procedure can be reversed and you will be able to eat full-sized meals again.

Option 3: Banded Gastric Band

If your BMI is over 40 and you are at least 100lbs overweight, you may be considered for banded gastric band surgery, in which the stomach is divided into two parts using an elasticated band. Your gut is re-routed to connect it to the new, smaller stomach, and an additional ring is placed between the new stomach and the gut to prevent it from stretching – and you from regaining weight. As with gastric band surgery, this is reversible.

Option 4: Gastric Bypass

During gastric bypass surgery, a stapler is used to divide your stomach into two parts, leaving you with just a small, pouch-sized stomach. Your gut is then re-routed and connected to this small, remaining part. Because you eat much less than before and you’re bypassing part of your bowel, you’ll lose a significant amount of weight very quickly.

It’s a major procedure with permanent effects and lots of risks associated. You won’t be able to eat a full-sized meal ever again, and will need to take nutritional supplements for the rest of your life. A gastric bypass is therefore only recommended for a small number of patients.

Option 5: Sleeve gastrectomy / ‘Gastric Sleeve’

When you undergo a sleeve gastrectomy, about 75% of your stomach is removed, turning it from something that looks like a bag into something that looks like a sleeve. Aside from this, everything else remains unchanged, so your stomach continues to function in the way it used to – you’ll just feel fuller much sooner.

As a result, there are fewer side-effects and complications associated with gastric sleeve operations than with a gastric bypass. You can lose weight quickly, although it’s possible your stomach will stretch again in future if you overeat. This means you could regain weight in future if you don’t permanently change your lifestyle.

Life after surgery

Weight loss surgery is usually a last resort for those people who cannot lose weight through diet and exercise. To keep the weight off, you’ll need to change what you eat, stop smoking and, if possible, start exercising.

Some options can have a profound and permanent impact on your day-to-day lifestyle, so think carefully about how this will make you feel. If you have a gastric bypass, for instance, this will make going out for a meal with your family or friends extremely challenging.

Rapid weight loss resulting from surgery can also leave you with sagging or excess skin that requires more operations to remove. These additional surgeries can leave you with large and visible scars, so you should take this into account.

Find out more about weight loss surgery options here, or you can make an online enquiry and a member of the BMI Healthcare team will be in touch.

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7 Homeopathic Remedies For Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common affliction that affects both men and women. If you are experiencing mild to moderate hair loss, there are a few natural remedies you can try to slow hair loss and even promote new hair growth.

1. Aromatherapy as a treatment for hair loss is becoming increasingly popular, but the basis is not necessarily scientific. Experts in aromatherapy use the oils obtained from bay, cedar wood, grapefruit, jojoba, lavender, lemon, rosemary, thyme and Roman chamomile. Users massage these compounds into the scalp and disperse them into the air with special dispersing units. The combined effect of absorption and inhalation apparently arrests hair loss. Some users even report renewed hair growth after using this method.

2. If your hair is dry and flaky, rub in four or five teaspoons of mayonnaise into your scalp and leave it on for half an hour before shampooing. Remember, mayo contains oil, egg and mustard powder, just the right recipe for imparting wholesome moisture to dead looking hair. As an after shampoo, rinse with about half a teaspoon of honey in about a liter (4 mugs) of water. Dont wash away this last rinse, and it acts as an excellent conditioner for dry, dull hair.

3. Apple cider vinegar has numerous uses around the house, but this common household fixture’s unique acidic properties can also be used to stimulate new hair growth if you’ve noticed your hair getting thinner. The best way to use apple cider vinegar is as a rinse. After you are done shampooing and conditioning, turn the water off and drench your hair in apple cider vinegar. Leave it on for 15 minutes, and then turn the water back on and rinse it out. This can be performed daily.

4. There is various methods that can be used to treat your hair problems using homeopathic treatments. One method is to use various oils such as grape fruit, lemon, rosemary, thyme and various other oils. These oils are measured out in exact ratios. Part is rubbed into the scalp and the rest is dispensed into the air providing external and internal absorption.

5. The orient has given us many natural hair loss remedies. They include combinations of honey, aloe, arnica, brahmi and mulberries, amongst others. Ayurveda, an ancient medical discipline from India, involves massages with and ingestion of certain herbal formulations. Obviously, these approaches are only of possible benefit if a professional practitioner is involved.

6. Yes, herbal tea in form of herbal tea can also be used as a hair loss inhibitor. As many people already know herbal tea is already used to solve and remedy several other health problems and hair loss is no different. It is already known that the key to slowing down and stopping hair loss to impede the secretion of DHT, which is enzyme thought to be the cause of hair loss. Well, green tea contains within it catechins, which also inhibit DHT.

7. Eggs have often been used as a natural conditioner, but they can also be used to promote hair growth. Egg yokes are a natural source of protein, which aids in repairing damaged hair as well as promoting new growth. Simply beat an egg, pour the mixture over your head and let it sit for an hour. Then thoroughly wash it out. This can be performed weekly.

Author is an online medical researcher on hair loss treatment. Click read more on stop hair loss, remedies for female hair loss.