Eczema Free Forever™ Eczema Free Forever™

Nov 27, Generic Version Of Protopic Ointment Launched

A company in Allegan, Michigan, has launched a generic version of Protopic ointment, also known as tacrolimus. Perrigo Co. PLC is marketing a 0.1 percent and a 0.03 percent version of the ointment, which is used to treat moderate to severe eczema. In a statement, the company has said that shipments have started to pharmacies. In the last year, the brand sales of Protopic ointment were around $ 176 million. Having a generic version of the ointment will hopefully mean a more cost effective treatment for eczema sufferers
Eczema Blog

Sep 9, A New Eczema Consultation Tool Launched

The TalkingEczema tool has been developed in the UK, and it is hoped that it will help patients tell their doctor how their eczema is impacting their life. The patient fills in a questionnaire, and a graph is produced using the answers which will help the doctor get a full picture of the patient’s well-being. It is hoping that the tool will help provide a more personalised treatment plan for eczema sufferers. A pilot was done with the tool and has had some positive results, with all patients saying that they’d recommend the tool to other eczema sufferers. There is a website about it which says that it is for healthcare workers,, and you can also read more about it below
Eczema Blog

NEW HUB: talkscars has officially launched

shutterstock_178031462_250At talkhealth, we are are very excited to announce that our newest hub is now officially live. talkscars (and wound care), our newest health hub, will bring together articles, blogs and news on the latest developments and research in the world of scars and wound management. This was launched in collaboration with the NHS trusts. Here you can see the hub in its entirety.

Alongside our talkscars hub, the talkscars forum has also launched, where members can share their experiences, ask questions, and exchange top tips on how to live well with scars.

Scars are a very common natural occurrence and are all part of the body’s healing process. Everyone at some point in their life will develop some form of scar, unless you are extremely lucky. Scars can affect anyone at any age, and can vary from minor to life changing. The world of scars is huge, with research and new revolutionary treatments being developed each and every day. Through talkscars we aim to deliver content that is up to date and relevant to you and your needs.

Following the launch of talkscars, we have created a scar survey in order to capture both your experiences with scars (both big and small) and / or your views on scars and scarring. Whether you have one yourself, you care for someone with a scar, or even if you don’t have any, we’d like to know. The survey is open to everyone, so please do pass on the link to this survey to any others that you feel might be interested to contribute and feedback their experiences – as everyone’s views and experiences are very important to us. Once the survey closes, all entrants who have completed the survey in its entirety will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win 1 of 10 great prizes, including 9 talkhealth skin care packs and a STAR PRIZE of an Amazon Fire Tablet.

You can access the scar survey here.

Finally, we would like to ask those who do have experiences with scars to share their stories. If you have a relevant story to share we would love to hear from you. So – get writing and send to us so that others can share your experiences too. If you would like to submit your story, please email it to us at

We want to thank everyone who participated in making talkscars possible, including the numerous NHS trusts and charities that supported this venture. If you would like to join in the conversation now, join us in the talkscars forum. Let’s talk scars!

talkhealth Blog

Sep 9, A New Eczema Consultation Tool Launched

The TalkingEczema tool has been developed in the UK, and it is hoped that it will help patients tell their doctor how their eczema is impacting their life. The patient fills in a questionnaire, and a graph is produced using the answers which will help the doctor get a full picture of the patient’s well-being. It is hoping that the tool will help provide a more personalised treatment plan for eczema sufferers. A pilot was done with the tool and has had some positive results, with all patients saying that they’d recommend the tool to other eczema sufferers. There is a website about it which says that it is for healthcare workers,, and you can also read more about it below
Eczema Blog

Nov 27, Generic Version Of Protopic Ointment Launched

A company in Allegan, Michigan, has launched a generic version of Protopic ointment, also known as tacrolimus. Perrigo Co. PLC is marketing a 0.1 percent and a 0.03 percent version of the ointment, which is used to treat moderate to severe eczema. In a statement, the company has said that shipments have started to pharmacies. In the last year, the brand sales of Protopic ointment were around $ 176 million. Having a generic version of the ointment will hopefully mean a more cost effective treatment for eczema sufferers
Eczema Blog