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The Best Insomnia Remedies

Having trouble getting a decent nights sleep? Most people can handle the odd night or two without a full eight hours of sleep. If your insomnia carries on for too many nights in a row, then some good insomnia remedies will be in order. You need to get at least six or seven hour of sleep for an adult, if your to get through your day. Not to mention, the host of health related problems that can occur for not getting enough sleep.

Here are a few simple things you can do to ensure your nights are a restful and revitalizing experience.

How many times have you rolled over at 3am wide awake and stared at the clock? It’s a constant reminder of the fact that your failing to sleep. Get rid of it. Or at least unplug it, and stick it in a drawer. It’s really not helping. If your worried about not having an alarm clock, put it in the next room, and turn up the alarm.

Don’t start doing your taxes in bed;) Or anything kind of thinking that requires brain power. Just keep telling your self it’s time to sleep, and the taxes can wait till the morning.

Your body is very sensitive to light and dark, and knows that light means get up, and dark means go to sleep. If it means wearing one of those goofy looking sleep masks, or getting darker drapes and blinds, then do it. If your a shift worker, then this is essential.

A positive mental outlook can be very effective in helping you to fall asleep. So can a negative one. If you go to bed thinking “I’ll never fall asleep”, then your probably right. If however, you go to bed thinking “I’m gonna sleep like a baby after a big meal”, then you probably will. I think it was Henry Ford, that said something like “It doesn’t mater whether you believe you can do something or not . . . either way your right.”. The power of positive thinking.

The Best Insomnia Remedies

Another neat trick to get your self to fall asleep, is to get one of those sleep educing CDs. There quite a few of them out there, that make great insomnia remedies. They play soothing music and sound effects specifically designed to help people fall asleep. They’re usually pretty inexpensive, and are worth it if they get you a full nights sleep. They also work well with all of the other techniques discussed here.

Be sure to visit the Insomnia Remedies website for more information on Insomnia Remedies.

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Simple Natural Remedies For Insomnia

Sleeping problems can be caused by a number of reasons. Often insomnia can be the symptom of some other problem, such as medical condition, stress, depression or life style related. Insomnia can even be learnt, this happens when you worry excessively about not being able to sleep and try too hard to fall asleep.

Medication can be an effective short term solution but as a long term solution medication has many disadvantages. Trying to remove the cause is the best solution, but that is not always possible.

Some of the natural remedies for insomnia are:

Make sure that your sleeping environment is dark, quiet and cool. You need a comfortable mattress and a good pillow. Also, don’t read or watch TV in bed. You need to teach your brain that your bed is only for sleeping, with the possible exception of sex.

Don’t eat heavy meals in the evening. Too much food before bedtime means that your body will be busy digesting the food which will prevent you from getting the quality sleep you need.

Avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine in the evening. Alcohol makes it more difficult to reach the deep sleep you need to feel refreshed. Caffeine makes it harder to fall asleep, so no coffee or coca-cola in the evening. You may want to be careful with chocolate as well, chocolate contains some caffeine.

Cool down and relax before going to bed. Forget everything that went wrong during the day, you can not do anything about it any longer. Write down what you need to do tomorrow and decide to worry about these things tomorrow. You can try meditation or just a simple exercise, like breathing slowly and picturing yourself relaxing on a tropical beach.

Listen to a tape with slow background music to slow down your brain. Special tapes exist that can reprogram your brain, create new neural pathways, to teach it to automatically prepare for sleep. After listening to the tapes your brain eventually learns to fall asleep and reach the deep sleep you need to feel refreshed.

For more information about how to overcome insomnia without using medication, go to

26 Home Remedies For Insomnia – Best Cures and Remedies For Insomnia

26 Home Remedies For Insomnia

With increased awareness in the media and health food circles, alternative approaches to healing are growing, which includes alternative insomnia medicine. One such therapy for insomnia is the use of valerian root. Valerian root is an herb which has been used extensively throughout the ages as a calming and relaxing herb. It is often referred to as “nature’s Valium” for its sedative qualities. Another alternative insomnia medicine is melatonin. Melatonin also helps to induce sleep. 26 Home Remedies For Insomnia

Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia

The world of homeopathic treatment offers many alternative solutions for a full gamut of diseases, ailments, and sicknesses, including insomnia. Aconitum apellus is a remedy specified for someone who has panic attacks associated with insomnia. This homeopathic remedy for insomnia helps to calm and soothe the fears that occur shortly before falling asleep. Ignatia is another homeopathic remedy which is supposed to help a person struggling with insomnia because of an emotional struggle such as grieving the loss of a loved one. Calcarea Phosphorica lessens the joint pains in adults and growing pains in children. Various supplements of calcium and magnesium also help to calm the nervous system and are recommended to take at bedtime to help sleep to come.

Herbal Treatment for Insomnia – It Can Be Treated Naturally

There are plenty of the over-the-counter medicines that can successfully treat this disease. Nonetheless, a good majority of people still prefer to go for the herbal treatment for insomnia because they feel it has fewer side effects. Some of the common (read traditional) herbal treatments for insomnia will include remedies with plants such as passion flower, valerian root, Californian poppy seeds, dog wood, and so on.

Home Remedies for Insomnia

Self help is the best help. You could be your own doctor whereby you may get relief much faster.

Home Insomnia Cure No. 1 – When you find that you cannot sleep, the first step should be to try and relax. You will never be able to do this on the bed, because your inability to fall asleep will irritate you further and aggravate your condition. Hence, if you stayed more than 30 minutes in bed and you find that sleep evades you, get up from the bed and do something that relaxes you. Have a hot cup of chamomile tea, read a favorite bestseller, have a hot mug of milk and generally try to relax. You will find that in no time, you will feel sleepy.

Home Insomnia Cures No. 2 – Reading has always been a great relaxing technique. However, not all type of reading will be helpful to you. Avoid any such topics that would excite you further, such as ghost stories, sexual fantasy stories, or puzzles. The best would be to read something that is pleasant yet simple – such as a magazine, newspaper, comic books, or a favorite bestseller. 26 Home Remedies For Insomnia

Home Insomnia Cures No 3 – immerse yourself in hot water and a long drawn bath. You could use aromatic oils before or after the bath, and or aromatic candles to create a relaxing and pleasing atmosphere all around you.

Home insomnia cures No 4 – listening to music might help as well. This could work best while or after taking the hot water bath, though it is okay when used singly also. As is the case of the books, you should choose music that is soothing and soft so it can relax you and induce sleep.

Behavioral Therapy

Self-hypnosis and auto-suggestion methods work pretty well. You will need to master the art of self-hypnosis from a professional. You will also find certain specific exercises (such as yoga) that promote sleep in the long run – if you prefer to have only natural means to treat this disease. This type of treatment is also called behavioral therapy and it is normally applied singly or in combination with other types of treatments, depending on the response of the person to the medicines, sleep therapies and so on.

Often all it needs to cure insomnia is a simple change of life-style habits and a few stringent and serious measures which influence sleep:

1. Avoid any caffeine in any form at least four hours before sleep; preferably you should eliminate it totally from your diet.

2. Avoid alcohol intake of any kind.

3. Avoid having your meals too late at night (allow at least four hours between the last meal and your bed time).

Natural Sleeping Remedies

One of the most common insomnia solutions is drinking milk before you go to bed. Drinking a warm glass of milk has been proven to be effective insomnia solution throughout the years. Another very practical insomnia solution is exercise. Simple physical exercises performed a few hours before going to sleep can be a good insomnia solution. Yoga exercise is very calming that even if you had a very busy day, all your stress will be gone when you do yoga exercises. Sleeping at regular hours can cure insomnia. 26 Home Remedies For Insomnia

Stop suffering from Sleeping Disorder again.

Read more about 26 Home Remedies For Insomnia and kill your Insomnia Forever.

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Home Remedies For Insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by many varied reasons. However, figuring out the cause is important because the type of insomnia remedies that work best are entirely dependant on the reason behind the insomnia itself. Hence, one must have a fair idea about the underlying cause of the disease for proper treatment of insomnia.

Do you suffer from insomnia? Many people do but trying to find a remedy to get rid of your insomnia can be difficult. There are many home remedies for insomnia that you can try. Do yourself a favor and try all of these remedies until you find one that works and if you don’t find one that works then you will need to learn about more remedies and visit your doctors for their help.

The first thing you should do is try to get enough sleep in order to make it through the day without getting tired. The best way to this is try to set yourself a schedule that you follow every night. Regularity is very important. Regularity will help you set your body’s circadian rhythm (your body’s clock that helps regulate internal functions). This is one of the most important home remedies for insomnia.

Diet can be a contributing factor to your diet and bad diet habits can keep you awake at night. You can make changes in your diet. However, the effectiveness is different for each individual. Reportedly, a major difference you can make in your diet to help cure your insomnia is to eliminate caffeine from your diet. Or at least eliminate caffeine in the evening before going to bed. Another thing you can try is having small meal for dinner and not over eat at night.

Some more home remedies for insomnia would be to simple say no to naps. If you nap during the day even if it is for a few hours, I promise you that you will have more trouble getting to sleep during the night. Definitely do not eat before you sleep! This keeps your stomach working harder at night while you are in bed and can stop you from sleeping or wake you during the night.

You know the story of the insomniac; if he cannot sleep, what he usually does is to toss around and to turn. You can improve on this one. If you are suffering from insomnia and you cannot sleep, what you can do is to get up and perform another activity like reading. And after a few minutes, you should be ready to hit the sheets again.

Add a consistent and active exercise routine to your schedule each week, 30 minutes of activity 3 times a week should help. Walking, swimming, and jogging are all good exercises. Make sure that you do this well before bedtime as exercise may keep your mind too active if it’s too close to your sleep time.

When people try home remedies for insomnia, there is always a plan they must follow. However, they feel it may take a long time for the home remedy to work. So they use over the counter sleep medications to help them out initially. While this helps you get some sleep right away, they don’t work for the long run. Then people tend to steer themselves away from the home remedy.

Sleep gives relief form tension, rest to the brain and the body and a person wakes up fresh and rejuvenated after sleep. But in some people the feeling of freshness is missing: they feel tired when they wake up. Some cannot sleep and others start snoring the moment their head touches the pillow.

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