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Why your gym kit can give you eczema, acne and infections –
Why your gym kit can give you eczema, acne and infections
Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist and spokeswoman for charity the British Skin Foundation told the Telegraph: "Gym wear should be kept for the gym and it is a good idea to get into the habit of showering immediately after exercise to minimise

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Homeopathic Remedy For Yeast Infections – How Can it Help?

The medical community at large does not widely accept the practice of homeopathy. However, its effectiveness in treating many medical conditions has been accepted by more and more people. Many people has considered a homeopathic remedy for yeast infections to be a viable option when they have this condition. Many licensed physicians and other qualified professionals in many parts of the world are also practicing it.

This is a system of treating diseases and conditions that is based on the administration of minute doses of certain substances. The substance prescribed in a remedy, when taken in large amounts, produce in healthy individuals similar symptoms of the disease or condition it is treating. The idea is to stimulate the body’s own curative powers to overcome these symptoms during illnesses. An appropriate homeopathic remedy for yeast infections is selected based on the symptoms observed in the sufferer.

Candida albicans, a type of yeast, is the cause of yeast infections in the human body. This problem is more commonly found in women than in men. It has been estimated that about 75% of all women in the world has suffered from vaginal yeast infections at least once in their lifetime. It can be quite irritating and uncomfortable for the sufferer. A homeopathic remedy for yeast infections can soothe the discomfort and reduce the irritations while at the same time helps the body to overcome the infection without using harmful medications.

For moderate and short-term problems, you can use homeopathy on you own. However, for more serious or complex conditions, self- prescribing is not recommended. A qualified professional’s guidance is required. Homeopathic substances are generally quite safe and have no side effects that are considered serious. However, you are advised to check labels carefully because you can experience problems if you use incorrect levels of dilution. When you are considering using any new treatment, it is always advisable to discuss it with a qualified healthcare practitioner.

There are various homeopathic remedies for yeast infections available. Observe closely the symptoms and choose a remedy that is most suitable for the symptoms. For self-treatment, you should always use a product with lower potency and follow closely the instructions given on the product label.

Homeopathic practitioners recommend that you take a single dose and then see if there is any response. If you do not see any response to a remedy within a reasonable amount of time, review the important symptoms again and try another closely-indicated remedy. If a vaginal infection lasts longer than a week, has an offensive-smelling discharge, or is accompanied by fever and a sense of weakness, it is recommended that you see a physician. The infection may be due to some other organism other than yeast.

However, if you see any improvements, you should continue waiting and just let the homeopathic remedy do its job. If the improvements have slowed significantly or have stopped, then it is time to take another dose. The dosage frequency depends on the individual and the condition. Sometimes, you may need a dose several times within an hour; sometimes, you may need a dose a few times within the day; in other situations, one or less dose a day would be sufficient. In many situations, one dose of a correctly chosen remedy is sufficient to stimulate the body to heal itself. You will be surprised at what a well chosen homeopathic remedy for yeast infections can do for you.

Learn more about homeopathic remedy for yeast infections and discover 7 effective remedies from Sarah’s website. Go to:

Yeast Infections – 3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Your Yeast Infection For Good

Getting Rid of Those Nasty Yeast Infections for Good

A homeopathic remedy offers a safe and reliable option to get rid of your yeast infection for good.

Furthermore, your body often builds up a resistance to traditional medicines & antibiotics when it comes to the treatment of this nasty condition which leads to recurring infections.

Not only are natural remedies better for you in the long term, but they are more likely to get rid of it for good – often the body develops a resistance to medicinal treatments with the result that it keeps on coming back.

Recurring yeast infections are not likely to occur when treating this condition with a natural homeopathic remedy.

3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Yeast Infections

Whilst Homeopathy is generally a safe & effective option, it would be best to consult a professional homeopath who will prescribe the best remedy after considering all your symptoms.

1. Borax

The use of Borax is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies for treating this & helps with the treatment of vaginal discharge which often accompanies the infection.

2. Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea carbonica can be used when your infection is accompanied with a milky vaginal discharge that causes itchiness & burning before of after your menstrual period.

3. Kresotum

Kreosotum is also effective for treating the infection which is accompanied by a bad smelling, very irritating & watery discharge which causes a lot of itching as well as swelling.

It should also be noted that homeopathic remedies are also safe for sufferers of this condition of all ages contrary to medicine which can have some nasty side effects for some & can be downright dangerous for youngsters to take who suffer with these nasty vaginal infections.

Homeopathic treatment is a holistic way of treating diseases, conditions and infections which may involve some lifestyle changes resulting in a long lasting cure & healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, whilst treatment of these vaginal infections with medication can be effective in the short term, your body may develop a resistance to the particular medication increasing the risk of it returning with the result that it never clears up properly.

Therefore,lifestyle changes in respect of your diet and adopting natural homeopathic remedies may produce the best & most long lasting results when it comes to curing your yeast infection for good.


To overcome your Candida & Yeast Infection, get these 5 Natural Remedies (free) to Clear Up a Yeast Infection for good

– or –

just go to the following link for these 5 Natural Remedies to Clear Up a Yeast Infection:

The author is passionate about helping people to experience the magic of a fit & healthy lifestyle and overcoming their health problems

Yeast Infections – 3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Your Yeast Infection For Good

Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Yeast Infections

A homeopathic remedy offers a safe and reliable option to get rid of your yeast infection for good.

Furthermore, your body often builds up a resistance to traditional medicines & antibiotics when it comes to the treatment of this nasty condition which leads to recurring yeast infections.

Not only are natural yeast infection remedies better for you in the long term, but they are more likely to get rid of it for good – often the body develops a resistance to medicinal treatments with the result that it keeps on coming back.

Recurring yeast infections are not likely to happen when treating this condition with a natural homeopathic remedy.

3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Yeast Infections

Whilst Homeopathy is generally a safe & effective option, it would be best to consult a professional homeopath who will prescribe the best remedy after considering all your symptoms.

1. Borax

The use of Borax is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies for treating this & helps with the treatment of vaginal discharge which often accompanies the yeast infection.

2. Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea carbonica can be used when your yeast infection is accompanied with a milky vaginal discharge that causes itchiness & burning before of after your menstrual period.

3. Kresotum

Kreosotum is also effective for treating the infection which is accompanied by a bad smelling, very irritating & watery discharge which causes a lot of itching as well as swelling.

In conclusion, whilst treatment of yeast infections with medication can be effective in the short term, your body may develop a resistance to it & you could risk it coming back.

Lifestyle changes in respect of your diet and adopting natural homeopathic remedies may produce the best & most long lasting results when it comes to curing your yeast infection for good.

To overcome your Candida & Yeast Infection, get these 5 Natural Remedies (free) to Clear Up a Yeast Infection here…

– or –

just go to the following link for these 5 Natural Remedies to Clear Up a Yeast Infection:

The author is passionate about helping people to experience the magic of a fit & healthy lifestyle and overcoming their health problems

Eczema and Bacterial Infections – How to Cope With Itchy Skin Due to Dermatitis

When you have eczema you are already trying to cope with extreme itching, redness, flaking skin and fears of the skin condition spreading. What many people are not aware of is that a further complications can occur: A bacterial infection may arise due to scratching. This is why it’s important to take steps to alleviate itching and teach kids with atopic eczema alternative ways to cope with the discomfort.

Eczema skin gets dry and cracked which can create fissures in the skin. In these areas, bacteria can enter. Some experts believe that atopic dermatitis is subject easily to staphylococcus aureus. A staph infection will slow down the skin’s healing and needs to be treated itself. Kids are also vulnerable to picking up impetigo as well. Impetigo can spread quickly around camp bunks, day care centers and in settings where children have close contact.

Cutting the nails short is a good step and using moisturizers and creams to relieve the eczema itching is important . Teach your kids to apply cold water with paper towels at camp or school rather than to scratch . Go over with them how the short-term relief of scratching an itch is not worth the ongoing discomfort of irritated and broken skin.

Use a patting motion rather than scratching to the itchy areas. For very young children, little cotton mittens are helpful to put on their hands to make it easier for them to avoid scratching themselves. Check their skin to be sure there isn’t pus formations and blisters that leak fluid that isn’t clear. Temperature and the skin being warm to the touch are also indicators that there may be an bacterial infection.

By having alternatives such as oatmeal baths, applying moisturizer, antihistamines and using cool compresses one can resist the desire to scratch the eczema and encourage the skin to heal.

Is your skin red and itchy with an eczema rash? Learn about Eczema and Bacteria and read about a natural approach to clearing the skin at

Zika virus, Chikungunya, Syphilis infections increase in newborns

Mosquito-born virus, Zika, is expected to find its way to the United States. The result of infection can be devastating for pregnant women. Other viral infections being seen more commonly in infants are Chikungunya and syphilis. Learn more
Modern medicine – Dermatology Times

Infections and Conditions Common to Children

Vaccines have made a lot of the illnesses associated with childhood a rarity, but many others continue to be a fact of life. They range from such common infections as conjunctivitis and croup to the more mysterious ones, such as Kawasaki disease. In the following paragraphs, you will learn about a few of them. It doesn’t matter how much you learn though, be it here or anywhere else, you will still need to get in touch with a pediatrician so that your child can be properly diagnosed and treated.


This is the common childhood ailment that is colloquially known as pinkeye. This is a very infectious ailment and it is spread easily through contact with others who have it. Basically, this is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, or the outer layer of the clear tissue that is what surrounds the eye. With this ailment, the whites of the eyes will appear red and there can be painful itching and burning. This ailment should be diagnosed by a doctor who can treat it with special drops that contain antibiotics for pink eye.


Fifth Disease

This is an actual rash, which means that it can be considered to be a skin condition. This one is also known as slapped cheek disease. It causes there to be a bright red rash right on the face of a child. This rash might also make an appearance on the legs, arms, and torso. It is caused by a virus known as parvovirus B19, which might cause there to be a few symptoms reminiscent of a cold right before the appearance of the rash. After the rash has appeared, the condition is no longer one that is contagious. Typically, it will go away within about 10 days.

Kawasaki Disease

This is actually one of the more rarely seen childhood illnesses. It affects the child’s blood vessels. Symptoms of this condition can be quite severe and alarming for several days. These symptoms can include a fever lasting as long as 5 days, redness of the eyes, a rash on the body, swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, as well as swelling, redness, and cracking of the tongue and lips, hands, and feet. Because this is an issue involving the blood vessels, the heart is also involved. If your child presents these symptoms, get them to the pediatrician as soon as you can because if left untreated, Kawasaki Disease can possibly lead to heart problems in the future.


Croup is characterized by a cough that sounds a bit like a barking seal. This cough is caused by the upper airways being inflamed, and this is typically because of a virus. However, this condition can severely impair the child’s ability to breathe easily, and if this happens, you need to get the child to the emergency room. That being said, most of the time, the condition will go away once it has run its course in about a week.

Ear Infection

Younger children can be affected by ear infections due to the auditory tubes in their ears being so small. These are the tubes that connect the throat to the ears, and when a cold causes there to be inflammation, they can become blocked. This effectively traps fluid inside the middle of the ear right behind the child’s eardrum. This allows for the breeding of germs. Symptoms can include ear pulling, fussiness, and fever. Often, ear infections are caused by a virus and will go away on their own. That said, there are times when there needs to be a trip to the pediatrician.

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

This affliction is characterized by a fever that is accompanied by the appearance of blisters on the soles of a child’s feet, on their buttocks, on the palms of the child’s hands, and inside the mouth. Here in the USA, this is typically caused by a virus known as coxsackievirus A16. This is a virus that seems to be more rampant in the summer as well as in the early autumn months. Most of the time, this is not something that is too serious and can last anywhere from 7 to 10 days.

talkhealth Blog

Common Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Infections

Aconite: Indicated for very painful ear infections with high fever; bright red ears, very sensitive to noise. Symptoms worsen with cold, dry weather, upon pressure or touch, during teething, when exposed to noise or light. Symptoms improve with rest. Use within 24 hours of onset.

Belladonna: Indicated for sudden-onset, right-sided ear infections accompanied by high fever and red face, throbbing headache; light and noise sensitivity, hot, dry skin and mouth, glassy eyes. Symptoms worsen in drafts, to touch, and in motion. Symptoms improve with bed rest in dark, quiet room.

Chamomilla: Indicated for ear infection occurring during teething, pain in hot ears, hypersensitivity to pain and music, one cheek may be red-hot and the other pale; hearing may be lost during infection, green diarrhea during teething. Child is whiny, irritable, wants to be carried. Symptoms worsen during teething, in cold wind, at night, and around 9 p.m.

Hepar sulphuris: Indicated for painful infection with thick pus behind eardrum, sour-smelling discharge, darting pain in ears, perforation of eardrum. Child wakes up at night in pain, feels irritable. Symptoms worsen in drafts and wind. Symptoms improve in heat.

Mercurius: Indicated for sharp, stinging pains accompanied by increased drooling, bad breath, and foul-smelling sweat; very sensitive to heat and cold, yellow/green or bloody discharge, ear pain worse when swallowing or blowing your nose; pain in teeth and gums, white coating on tongue. Symptoms worsen at night, in damp cold, in drafts, or while sweating. Symptoms improve in mild temperature and at rest.

Pulsatilla: Indicated for congested ears that ache more at night, thick yellow/green discharge from nose, ears, and lungs, red and swollen ears. Feel no thirst; child is whiny and clingy. Symptoms worsen in warmth and stuffy rooms, if feet get wet, after eating rich foods. Symptoms improve if walking in open air.

Silica: Indicated for chronic ear infections; eardrum may rupture and be full of pus; swollen lymph nodes; irritating, thin, foul-smelling discharge, blocked ears better when yawning or swallowing; sensitive to noise, painful inflammation of mastoid bone behind ear, low energy. Symptoms worsen in cold, damp climates and to touch. Symptoms improve in warmth and heat.

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