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Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms and Natural Home Remedies for Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that causes skin cells to grow too quickly. In psoriasis, patches of red, thickened skin with silvery scales develop, usually on the elbows, knees, scalp, and trunk. These areas can be itchy and painful. The areas usually involved are the elbows, knees, and the skin behind the ears, the trunk, and the scalp. The disease may also affect the underarms and genital areas.

Read more useful Home Remedies for Psoriasis . Also know effective Home Remedies for Acne and Boils Home Remedy

Factors that are responsible for causing this skin disorder are seasonal changes, any type of injury to the skin, hereditary factor and various other infections. Too much of exposure to dirt and dust and walking bare boot too might lead to this skin disease.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

The following symptoms point towards Psoriasis

1. Appearance of scaly silvery and red patches on the skin

2. Pain and itching of the skin

3. Foul smell coming out of the body

4. Irritation of the skin

Causes of Psoriasis

Following are the probable causes of Psoriasis

1. Faulty metabolism of amino acids

2. Abnormal skin growth

3. Poor body immunity

4. Heredity

5. Skin injury or any infection

6. Unhealthy lifestyle.

Natural Home Remedies to Treat Psoriasis

1. Taking lecithin, linseed oil, zinc, cod liver oil and vitamin E also helps to fasten the process of healing.

2. It has been examined that the use of avocado oil has been beneficial in treating this skin disease in many cases. This oil should be gently and thoroughly applied to the affected areas.

3. Always try to keep the skin dry and clean and try to wash the affected areas with lukewarm water. On the other hand, over washing should be avoided.

4. Excessive stress is another reason that may result in psoriasis. In order to reduce stress an individual can try relaxation and deep breathing exercise.

5. Almond powder is another effective natural remedy that helps an individual to avoid this disease. Boil water and add some almond power and apply on the affected areas. Keeping this mixture overnight will also help to provide satisfying and desirable results.

6. Today one of the most common and helpful home remedies for psoriasis is sandalwood powder. The sandalwood powder helps to keep the skin smooth and cool. One can add rose water with sandalwood powder and apply on the areas to get the desired results.

7. Cabbage leaves are also used for treating psoriasis. The leaves should be washed thoroughly in warm water and then dried. Later the leaves has to be softened and flattened out with the rolling pin and after the thick veins are removed. Before applying it on the affected part it should be warmed. Then a woolen cloth and a bandage should be placed over it.

8. Curd particularly in buttermilk form is another useful thing that helps to treat psoriasis in an effective manner. An individual should take the buttermilk form of curd in moderate quantities. It helps to compress over the affected areas and helps to a great extent in improving the condition of the patient.

9. One can drink fresh bitter gourd juice added with a teaspoon of lime juice. This juice should be continued for 3 to 4 months and should be taken when the stomach is empty.




Read more useful Home Remedies for Psoriasis . Also know effective Home Remedies for Acne and Boils Home Remedy

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Helpful Home Remedies Against Grayness of Hair

Some home remedies are also found to be useful and in the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hairs. Home remedies are helpful because they are not affected by artificial materials and devoid of any harmful elements. According to Indian ayurved hair care is always dependent on some homely materials. It can be vegetables; it can be fruits or any thing. Now all these things are immensely used in the preparing of shampoos and other hair care items.

1. Amla is one those homely materials which is used in India for prevention of hair pigment and whole hair care. It is also called gooseberries. It is a valuable hair tonic and very much helpful for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. At first these fruits are cut into pieces and then they are dried in shade. After that they are boiled in coconut oil till they are like scorched like thing. The mixture is now like black oil and it is very much helpful for preventing the onset of graying of hair.

2. Now we have washed or soaked those Amla pieces in water. This water is beneficial for our hair. After the soaking of Amla for overnight the water can be used for washing your hair after shampooing or for a last rinse. You can also use Amla juice and lime juice or almond juice for massaging your scalp every night. It is also proved beneficial for your hairs and also beneficial for preventing premature grayness of hairs.

3. Curry leaves in coconut oil can be boiled for making an excellent hair tonic. It is used to stimulate the growth of hairs and bringing back black pigments of hair, which is very much desired.

4. The butter made from cow’s milk is also a good thing to prevent the premature grayness of hair. What we call ghee can be used for massaging in the roots for twice a week for better hair care and exclusively for countering this lacking of melanin and pigment in our hair follicles.

5. Ribbed gourd or torai boiled in coconut oil is a effective remedy of this problem. Cut this vegetable into short pieces and dry those pieces preferably in the shade. Soak these in coconut oil and keep the oil for 3-4 days for getting mixtured well. Now boil the mixture till it become a darkened residue. The oil should be massaged into the scalp. For restoring the pigments and making your hairs good it is very good and effective.

6. You can use onion to fight against hair fall. Onion juice with honey helps basically to fight against baldness. Onion contains vitamin-B6. And this vitamin is beneficial for growing of new hair.

7. There are lots of ayurvedic remedies that can help you to make your hair strong and less vulnerable. You can try mustard oil with henna leaves. Burn 250grams mustard oil with 60grams henna leaves. You have to boil this mixture and then can preserve this mixture. Apply this mixture gently on your scalp.

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Baby Home Safety

Although you won’t need to make sure that your home is childproof after you bring your new born home. As soon as they are at an advanced stage then you will need to start thinking about making baby home safety improvements that will ensure that they don’t come to any harm.

When it comes to making improvements to your home to protect your baby it is a good idea to spend time walking around your home viewing it from the same position that your baby would. So it is actually a sensible idea to get down on your hands and knees and see what items of furniture or electrical equipment could prove a hazard to your baby as they begin to crawl and then take their first steps.

After wandering around your home several times now is when you need to start making the necessary baby home safety improvements. For example when it comes to electrical cables if you can use cable tidy’s to put them out of your baby’s reach. Plus for any electrical sockets which are not being used get some covers for these.

As for cupboards in your home make sure that you fit all of these with special catches that allow them to be opened a small distance. But won’t open enough allow your child to put their hand and arm inside or to actually crawl into them. Also it is advisable that all products that are used for keeping your home clean are placed in cupboards that are well out of your child’s reach.

Another thing that you should do when it comes to your baby beginning to crawl around the home is fit safety gates to places that you don’t want your child to have access to. So place one at the base of the stairs and also into any rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom.

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Natural Home Remedies For Acne

There are a few natural home remedies for acne in the mainstream that are worth their weight in gold. Both my son and daughter have hit that magical age where they have become young adults. And with that change come the magical bumps on the face and neck that can drive anyone up the wall. It was important that I find them treatments that were natural and that would not be harmful to their skin or the environment.

Acne, or acne vulgaris, is characterized by the presence of comedones or blackheads, pimples, small superficial sebaceous cysts, and scars. While there are a half different types of acne, a majority of the cased are blackheads.

Young adults can help keep acne at bay by keeping good eating habits. Eating the wrong foods can be the root cause for all types of acne. It can be caused by not eating at regular times, excessive starch consumption, too much sugar, and eating food that is either fried or have a high fat content.

Sever constipation is another cause of acne vulgaris. If body waste fails to move through the digestive system in a normal fashion, it can enter the bloodstream and be discharged with toxic matter through the skin pours.

One good way to keep acne away is to rub grated cucumber over the face, eyes, and neck for fifteen to twenty minutes. It is the best tonic for your complexion. Its regular use prevents pimples and blackheads.

There have been cases where garlic has been used successfully to treat acne. This method involves rubbing the affected areas with raw garlic several times a day. Garlic is known to cure the toughest of acne problems. The external use of garlic helps to clear the skin of spots, pimples and boils. Another way to treat acne with garlic is to eat three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month. This will purify the blood stream and keep acne away.

Another simple remedy at home for acne is to apply lemon juice regularly to acne areas.

The orange peel treatment method has been found to be a useful home remedy to help treat acne. Simple pound the orange peel with water on a stone and apply to the acne affected areas.

If you are interested in more home remedies, please visit “My Herbal Solutions”.

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Home Remedies For Constipation ? The Best Info That Is Related To Home Remedies For Constipation

If you are suffering from constipation and want to avoid seeing a doctor, a home remedy for constipation could perform just as well. I will discuss a couple of simple, but quite effective home remedies under that have been incredibly productive with people today facing constipation problems.

Constipation is identified when bowel movements are tough, hard, or painful. Constipation is also a moderately widespread complaint among small children, affecting as much as an estimated 10 percent at some point.

Disclaimer: This article just isn’t meant to offer health advice and is for general information only. Always seek out the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

The far more typical contributors to bouts of constipation contain inadequate chewing of meals; lack of ample ingest of fluids in creating dehydration; excessive mineral intakes of aluminum, calcium and iron; restricted or decreased locomotion in physical activity; onset of hypothyroidism, in decreasing the actions of the thyroid glands; hypokalemia; injury to your anus and sphincter; prescriptions, to incorporate codeine, loperamide, morphine, and particular antidepressants of a tricyclic composition; underlying illnesses; inherent and acute porphyria; unintentional poisoning via lead; suppressed defecation, clinically termed as dyschezia; intestinal or rectal constrictions, which impede the passage of feces; Strictures, clinically referred to as stenosis; diverticula, whereas certain foods particles become trapped inside of various pockets of the digestive technique; tissues involving the areas of the bowels inside the development of tumors; a foreign matter of embodiment, termed as a bezoar; anxiety or unfamiliarity with natural environment, clinically referred to as psychosomatic constipation; irritable bowel syndrome, that is associated with constipation of a predominant circumstance, to include extreme abdominal pain and discomfort; cessation of the smoking of tobacco; surgical treatment for the abdomen; and childbirth. Some kind of home remedies for constipation can aid all of the continuing maladies.

Constipation will be the difficulty in passing stool. Industry experts say that it really is caused by poor diet plan. Our food plan plays an essential position in our about all health problem and if we lack the essential nutrients, our human body slowly and gradually stops to operate very well.

Millions of individuals are experiencing constipation, some be concerned, some take it for granted. This condition is characterized by rare, irregular and at times painful bowel movements. Constipation isn’t a disease – just a symptom of a problem that could have been caused by the man or woman himself as a result of improper diet regime. There are many constipation remedies but many, thinking their condition to be an ailment, go immediately to their physicians. But – really should they get information from the net, they will know that a home remedy for constipation is just as easy as saying the A-B-C.

Constipation should not be ignored constantly. This condition may be telling you one thing like how little nutrients and fiber your human body has. Address this issue immediately with home remedies for constipation and with the help of Natural Moves and you can minimize the risk of it acquiring into a more serious ailment.

After you have formed the habit of going to the toilet at an appointed hour inside morning and the night, you will not have to invest far more than 4 to five minutes there. In the beginning of the treatment advised you might have to shell out a quarter of an hour.

The oldest and simplest strategies for a regular motion of the bowels varied from taking a glass of chilly water morning and night time, conversely, taking a sizzling drink and pipeful of tobacco after breakfast.

Licorice can also be used to help alleviate constipation. This herb increases the responses of the intestines and hinders the spasms that are caused by constipation.

To find a whole lot more incredible resources involving home remedies for constipation in adults and home remedies for constipation in adults, stop by our own website immediately at home remedies for constipation in children.

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3 Great Home Remedies

With the costs of medical care and even over the counter health care products, more and more people are turning to home remedies to overcome a large number of health issues. There are a number of common household items that can help you fight a variety of problems from acne to allergies. Several are used often for many different purposes and perhaps one can help you!

Salt – that’s right, common household salt. Gargling with salt water can kill the bacteria in your mouth and help prevent many illnesses such as sore throats, problems with your gums, and it even fights bad breath. When the H1N1 virus was turning into an epidemic, one of the things health professionals advised people to do was gargle with salt water to prevent infection. Even the Mayo Clinic recommends this home remedy to relieve a sore throat. It is very simple, just put plain salt – not iodized, into warm water, mix and rinse your mouth with it. The water needs to taste salty for the rinse to be effective. You also need to do this at least once per day or more.
Hydrogen Peroxide – There is a host of uses for hydrogen peroxide from removing blood from clothing to getting rid of excess ear wax. Many people describe hydrogen peroxide as the best anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal agent. It is a great way to keep your mouth healthy, whiten teeth and prevent canker sores. Just swish one capful in your mouth for ten minutes each day for a cleaner mouth and whiter teeth. Hydrogen peroxide is also a good wound care product. It will foam on contact which tells you that it is doing the job to kill any bacteria. If you have dried blood on clothing, furniture, or carpet, hydrogen peroxide will remove it completely. Make sure you test the colorfastness of the fabric before you treat it.
Apple Cider Vinegar – This remedy will take care of a variety of ailments from warts to acid reflux. To remove a wart, simply soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and put the cotton ball on the wart. Use a bandage to keep it in place. Leave it on overnight and follow the same procedure every night for a week. At first the wart may ache as the vinegar starts to work, but then it will turn black and in a couple of weeks disappear completely. To get rid of acid reflux, put two to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in eight ounces of water. Drink this solution before meals or whenever you feel acid reflux coming on. It seems strange that something like vinegar would help with heartburn, but it does. Perhaps it helps to maintain a healthy ph level in the stomach and therefore reduces the painful acid flare-ups.

There are many home remedies that have been tried and tested through the years. They are inexpensive and for the most part effective. However, if a condition persists you should see a health professional for additional care. Home remedies have their place and are helpful to both your wallet and your family’s health.

Piper is a freelance writer who enjoys fitness and the outdoors. She enjoys making apple cider with fresh apples in the fall. She enjoys nature, reading and fitness. She encourages others to get a juice maker to make healthy juice for their family as well.

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Dermaray Home Phototherapy

Phototherapy is a medical term used to describe treatment by controlled application and exposure of light. Many diseases and conditions respond to phototherapy; most noticeably inflammatory conditions such as psoriasis and auto immune conditions such as vitiligo. Laser phototherapy is also used extensively in the treatment of hair loss. Traditionally phototherapy was only available at specialist hospitals and clinics. 

Due to the nature of light treatment, ongoing application is required usually 3 or 4 times a week for a number of months and then less frequently as required. The high demands of treatment would lead to a large proportion of phototherapy patients failing to complete their treatment program due to time and financial restraints. This has lead to the increased popularity of home phototherapy. Recent medical studies have proven that home phototherapy is as safe and effective as clinical phototherapy. But surprisingly, there have been no innovations in home phototherapy for decades.

When attending a clinic for phototherapy a nurse or doctor would calculate and administer each treatment given to a patient. Part of this process would be establishing an initial treatment length, frequency of treatments, and at what rate each subsequent treatment was increased up to a safe maximum exposure for all future treatments. These calculations are made with consideration given to the patient’s skin type, disease being treated and the overall power output of the phototherapy equipment being used. It goes without saying that establishing a safe and effective phototherapy treatment regime requires some experience and skill. So how do home phototherapy patients manage their own treatments?

Most phototherapy manufacturers expect home patients to establish and manage their own treatment programs. This often involves many calculations, record keeping in a diary, an external digital timer, some guess work and some trial and error. Unfortunately over exposure with Ultra Violet or UV phototherapy can lead to sunburn like symptoms such as burning, itchiness and blisters increasing the risk of skin cancer. Under exposure may mean less than expected results from the treatment. Dermaray Phototherapy systems address these issues removing the guess work from home phototherapy and automating the process of establishing an effective and safe home phototherapy treatment program.

Dermaray Phototherapy systems incorporate a built in computer system and trademark operating system that calculates each and every treatment. Unique safe guards help to prevent accidental exposure to the patient and also people. Dermaray systems are convenient to use with cordless battery operation and can be used and recharged worldwide thanks to a universal power adapter and charger. Dermaray products are suitable for the novice or seasoned home phototherapy user.

Dermaray phototherapy product range consists of two key systems; the Dermaray-UV and Dermaray-Laser. Dermaray-UV is based on proven Philips narrow band UVB-NB311 medical technology and is suitable for home or clinical treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, dermatitis and acne. Dermaray-Laser is based on powerful industrial grade laser modules and has proven successful in the treatment of hair loss, physiotherapy, wound regeneration and pain management.

Nick Balgowan owns and operates TCG Industrial which provides electronic and industrial design services specialising in the communications and health industries. Nick Balgowan has designed and manufactured Dermaray Phototherapy systems for the home treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo and hair loss. He can be contacted at

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Earache Home Remedies

Earache is a common occurrence in babies and young children. Many times it continues in adults. The use of home remedies to help alleviate earaches can be very helpful when you or someone you love gets this painful condition.

Often when you have the flue or a cold or just sinus problems they may bring on an earache. The tube that runs between your middle ear and your throat becomes blocked and this can than cause pain.

Garlic is a great product to use in a home remedy for aches and pains. With its antiviral and antibacterial properties it can be very helpful for an earache. Eating one or two cloves of raw garlic each day helps kill the bacteria the may be in your ear canal.

You can also make up an oil that contains tea tree, lavender and chamomile. You then massage this on the outer part of your ear or the oil can be dipped on a piece of cotton and then place this into your ear. Be sure to not push it in too far.

Another home remedy that helps earaches is putting a few drops of olive oil that has been warmed slightly into your ear. This may help with what may be irritating the ear.

Because of air pressure changes when planes take off and again when they land it may cause you to have an earache. Sometimes this can be alleviated by just swallowing your own saliva. This helps to equalize the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere and the pressure in your ear. Sucking on a piece of hard card may help also.

So remember when you use any of the above home remedies not to put anything too far into your ear so that you don’t hurt your ear drum. Just do it the right way and soon your earache may go away.

Kathy has been writing articles off and on for almost 2 years. Come visit her latest website over at which helps people find the best VanGogh paintings and information on Van Gogh Starry Night.

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Acne Home Remedies

Home Remedies For Acne

You might have used all kinds of medication to treat your acne without any positive outcome. This is because you were only treating the symptoms. A good idea is to take care of the cause. You can do this by eating a proper diet to help your body the acne from inside. You can use home remedies for acne that are effective in managing and treating the condition. Take your time and use them regularly for their effect to take place in your body.

Kales and spinach

Eat your green vegetables on a daily basis. They contain compounds that are effective in healing acne scars. The antioxidants in the vegetables help in cleansing your system and giving you a clear skin tone. They are easily available and act as good home remedies for acne. Eat at least two cups of lightly steamed vegetables each day.


You can juice it and take it at least two times a day. It contains vitamin A which heals acne. It also helps in regulating sebum in oily skin. This is important in healing and controlling new break outs. It helps in cleansing your body from toxins which is healthy for radiant skin. Eat it in your salads too. You can also steam your carrots too.

Garlic, leeks and onion

These vegetables cleanse your system. They help the liver function at its best which in turn cleanses your body from toxins. This also helps in hormone balance. The result is your skin looks better and improves your acne. You can chew on fresh cloves of garlic regularly. Eat your onions and leeks in salads or soup. Just don’t overcook them.
Black, green, oolong tea

Drink your tea in the morning, snack times and evenings. Tea contains antioxidants which are friendly to the skin. They rejuvenate scarred tissue and help in development of youthful skin. The compounds remove brown marks and give you an even and clear skin tone. Drink it without sugar. Also make sure your tea is organic type.

Avocadoes, olive oil, nuts

These contain omega 3 oils and good levels of vitamin E. They help in healing scared tissue as a result of acne. They have compounds that help keep your skin supple. They also eliminate fine lines and you get elastic skin. Use them as home remedies for acne.

Chicken, fish, eggs, lean red meat

Your proteins help in giving you beautiful and youthful skin. They contain essential amino acids which help in development of new tissue which grows into new skin. You get youthful and elastic skin as a result. However fried fish and chicken won’t do. Cook your proteins in very little oil. Avoid processed food additives. You can use natural spices and herbs if you want. These foods are effective home remedies for acne.


Dandruff Treatment and Effective Home Remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff can be distinct as the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It is technically called as Pityriasis simplex capillitii. It can be cause by prolonged exposure to extreme cold and heat. It is not a disease in strict intelligence as it is normal for skin cells to die and flake off.

Thus, small flaking is usual and ordinary. However, there are some people who experience large quantity of flaking and it can be lead to redness and irritation.

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Read more on Home Remedy for Dandruff and Hair Care and Baldness Home Remedies

One common sign of seborrhea that affects the scalp is dandruff. Scalp seborrhea can also present as thick, flaky, localized patches of scale. On the face, seborrhea produces reddish-brown, dry-looking, or thick, greasy scales on the eyebrows, sides of the nose, and behind the ears.

Reddish, scaly patches may also emerge in the folds of skin mentioned above. Although skin affected by seborrhea may feel “dry,” moisturizing only makes them redder.

Dandruff is a kind of skin chaos that affects the scalp. Dandruff is a condition in which white, dry flakes of dead skin are shed from the scalp.

Normally dead skin cells are shed from the scalp, but it results in dandruff only when the scalp starts shedding thick layers of these dead skin particles. Seborrheic dermatitis or Seborrhoea is a disorder of the sebaceous glands which affects the scalp.

Scalp seborrhea and dandruff do not cause eternal hair loss. Often, scalp seborrhea doesn’t even itch significantly.

Seborrhea can appear during infancy, starting shortly after birth and lasting numerous months. It may affect the scalp (“cradle cap”) or produce scaly patches on the body. Adults of all ages may develop seborrhea, too, especially on the scalp and face.

Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff – dry, flaky skin on the scalp – is a ordinary and annoying problem. The usual cause is a state known as seborrhoeic dermatitis, which produces an itchy, scaly rash on the scalp.

Sometimes other areas such as the eyebrows, beard, chest, back and even the groin are exaggerated too, and the skin in these areas may look red and inflamed.

Both dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis are thought to be triggered by hypersensitivity to yeast called pityrosporum. Everyone has small quantity of this yeast on their skin, but in people with scaly scalp problems, it may be present in large numbers.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

1.  Mix 1 teaspoons lemon juice with 2 teaspoons vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo.

2.  Take 1 part almond oil, 1 part pure sulphur powder, 2 parts ‘surgical spirit’ and 4 parts distill water or rose water and mix well. Rub on the scalp.

3.  Take 2 cup water, add 4-5 tablespoons dried thyme and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, and use the mixture to massage scalp. Keep for half an hour.

4.  Dissolve 2 aspirins in any dandruff shampoo and wash your hair.

5.  Massage the scalp with almond oil. Dip a towel in boiling water and wrap it around the hair. Repeat it thrice or four times when the towel gets cold.

6.  Make a shampoo by mixing 100g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai, and boil in two liter of water until the liquid reduce to half. Use this shampoo for one month. Dandruff will vanish and your hair will become thick.

7.  Fenugreek seeds are also useful in the removal of dandruff. Grind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water during the night. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.

8.  Wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar. Then cover your head with a towel or a shower cap and leave for about 30-40 minutes. Rinse with plain water. Repeat 2 times a week awaiting your dandruff goes away.

Read more on Home Remedy for Dandruff and Hair Care and Baldness Home Remedies