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Pet Allergies and Eczema: Is it Time to Switch to a Pet-Free Home?

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

By Laura Dolgy (see bio below)

Do you adore animals, but you’re terribly allergic to them? If dogs, cats, or any other animals cause you or your children major allergies,  it might be time to consider giving the pet to a new home. Why put yourself or your children through the torture of allergies, eczema, or asthma, if it can be avoided? But the idea isn’t ever an easy one. After all, our pets are really part of our family, how can we imagine saying goodbye?

In our post this week, we take a deeper look at pet allergies and eczema, as well as the tough decision to possibly switch to a pet-free home.

Please keep in mind that although these treatments can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

Pet Dander and Eczema and the Hypoallergenic Pet Myth

Before answering that tough question, let’s first consider whether eczema can truly be caused by pets. As mentioned in What Triggers Eczema? With Dr. Peter Lio, a major contributor of eczema symptoms are allergens – including pet allergens. When focusing on health conditions like eczema, allergies, and asthma, one of the most common allergens is pet dander. Dander is actually the animal version of dandruff! Dander is usually the cause of most animal allergies because it is so easily spreadable. It can attach itself easily to clothing or be inhaled.

Dander can appear in almost all animals, but that does not mean that dander among all species is equal. For example the dander levels between a heavily furred dog and a rabbit are very different.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog or furry animal. Curly haired dogs produce next to no fur, but does that mean the most common allergen, dander, is reduced to? Not necessarily according to Mayo Clinic “Some dog breeds are marketed as hypoallergenic because they don’t shed fur or they shed very little. Because these dogs don’t shed, the allergy-causing dander that sticks to their fur doesn’t get released into the air or onto the floor as much as with a shedding dog. But while you may have less dog hair with a nonshedding dog, no dog breed is hypoallergenic.”

But what if it’s not dander? You may also be allergic to a pet’s saliva and if you are unable to train your pet not to lick you and give you kisses, then saliva is a hard allergen to avoid. In our previous blog post: Pet Alternatives for People with Animal Allergies, we look at some other allergens that might be triggering your eczema.

Whatever the cause – once you learn which animal allergen is triggering your eczema, you’ll be able to work toward a more effective plan of managing your reactions.

What if I’m Not Ready to Give Away my Pet?

Giving away an animal is never easy and believe us – it’s something we do not encourage unless it is absolutely necessary. In fact – we encourage you to explore ALL other options before giving away your pet! Below, you’ll find a few suggestions on treatments and practices that can help you live a better (and less itchy) life with your furry pal.


Nasal Irrigation

Do you have mild or moderate allergies to your pet? If so, most commonly you’ll experience watery eyes and a runny nose. If you happen to feel constant congestion, then working some nasal irrigation into your daily routine can drastically help you control those symptoms.

One of the most popular systems for nasal irrigation happens to be a Neti Pot. Many people who suffer from allergic rhinitis swear by this device because it is quite effective at removing mucus or dirt that may fall into the nasal cavity, like dander.


If you happen to suffer from eczema caused by dogs or cats, then you might want to look into what homeopathic remedies can help you. Homeopathy is a great natural solution for eczema and allergy symptoms. Although, it’s always best to seek medical advice and visit with a homeopath, there are a few types you can try specifically for pet allergies such as Allium Cepa.

Antihistamines (Stinging Nettle)

Although we would never recommend over the counter antihistamines, as they are not a safe long-term solution, there are some natural antihistamines that can be used to suppress pet allergies. Surprisingly, the herb, stinging nettle is a fantastic antihistamine and can be used for eczema, hay fever and inflammation. We recommend opting for freeze-dried stinging nettle pills like this one, as the freeze-dried versions seem to react better to allergens.


There are also several natural topical remedies that can help one’s eczema from pet allergies. Because eczema affects the skin barrier, you want to make sure to keep the area well moisturized in order to avoid inflammation and infection.

However, because there are many types of eczema, you want to make sure to opt for a moisturizer that is made just for the type of skin symptoms you are experiencing.

  • Itchy Eczema – The most common form of eczema for allergens is usually itchy, dry eczema. This type of eczema appears as red, itchy and sometimes flaky patches. Essentially the skin barrier is lacking moisture. For a deep moisturizing treatment, make sure to try Emily Skin Soothers for Itchy Eczema which uses both olive oil and beeswax to soothe dry, itchy skin.
  • Red Weeping Eczema – If your skin is inflamed, red or weeping, then moisturizing skin can be a little difficult. Not only can the affected area be painful, but it is most likely extremely sensitive. If you’re suffering from weeping, red eczema, then make sure to check out EczeHerbal #1 – Oozing Eczema Treatment. This treatment uses specific Chinese Herbs to calm weeping skin and prevent further infection. Another really good one is Emily’s Hot Skin Soother.
  • Scaly Eczema – Lastly, scaly, dry eczema also requires sufficient moisturizing to eliminate further infection. This type of eczema usually appears as “crocodile skin” and can easily be calmed with a variety of deep moisturizing treatments like this Organic Manuka Honey Skin Soothing Cream. This cream is full of nourishing ingredients such as beeswax, Manuka honey and Manuka oil to keep skin well moisturized.


Pet Bedding and Food

If you’re dead set on not giving up your pet, then you may want to look into whether your pet’s bedding or food might actually be causing your eczema to flare. Cleaning your furry pal’s bedding or usual hangouts can actually reduce the spread of dander and can perhaps decrease your chances of eczema flareups.

Here are a couple daily tasks you can adopt to eliminate the spread of dander, as well as possibly reduce the onset of nasty allergies:

  • Dust and vacuum frequently.
  • Have the dog bathed regularly.
  • Keep the pets out of the bedrooms and always off beds and sofas.
  • Use an air purification unit specifically made to filter out pollens, dander, and dust.

Lastly – if you haven’t checked out your pet’s food – you might want to do so as soon as possible. For people that suffer from a shellfish allergy, some pet foods can wreak absolute havoc on your system, even if you’re not the one consuming it. Gluten and soy are major fillers used in dog food as well. Make sure to check the label and ditch the food if you think it might be the main culprit of your eczema.

If you’re not able to find relief after conducting all of the above – then maybe it’s time to really consider making a pet-free home. As we already mentioned, it’s NEVER easy giving up a pet and we never recommend it unless it’s absolutely necessary. However, is it really fair to make yourself or others suffer? Think about your pet too! Shouldn’t they deserve to be cared by someone who can give them 100%? Honestly – it stinks and it’s never an easy decision, but it’s important to consider the bigger picture.

Alternatively, if your family is looking to bring home a pet, then it’s always best to do some allergy-free research beforehand! If dogs seem to trigger a reaction, try another animal, not all animal allergies are the same. It’s also great to research some alternatives to pets that do not have dander such as reptiles, fish, and some types of birds.

Whichever option you choose, remember that your health or your family’s health is just as important!

Do you suffer from pet allergies and eczema? Let us know how you handle it in the comments below!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

Pet Allergies and Eczema: Is it Time to Switch to a Pet-Free Home? appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Best Colon Cleanser Treatment and Home Remedies for Colon Cleanser

Colon cleansing is not anything like other detox process, fad diets, and other atypical nutritional programs. It’s a bodily plan that works! Benefits are obvious for those who tried a colon cleanse

The colon is one incessant hollow tube that is about 5 feet long and 2-3 inches in diameter.

The colon plays an significant role in eliminate the waste and toxic material from the body and absorbs the water and sodium to maintain the electrolyte balance.

As one of a vital organ of removal, the colon is where many nutrients from the foods we digest are broken down and then incorporate into the bloodstream for change into the muscle, tissue and fuel.

Many of us are aware of the helpful effects of colon cleansing. For the inexperienced, especially those adopting colon cleansing the very first time, there could be some anxiety when side effects occur throughout the colon cleansing process.

Colon Cleanse Side Effects

All colon cleansers lead to side-effects such as nausea, dizziness, flu-like symptom, headaches and loss of appetite. This is because the waste-build up and toxins within fight back when they are compulsory to leave the system by the act of colon cleansing supplement.

While herbs yield great colon cleansing impact in most cases, people who are allergic must strictly refrain from the use of colon cleansing herbs as these could boomerang then. Severe irritation and nauseating sensations are frequent in such cases.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing

If you clean out your colon you will most likely feel lighter. You will also have more energy and you may be able to even sleep better.

Additionally, you will no longer be constipated and you are less likely to experience other digestive harms such as irritable bowel syndrome or diarrhea. Colon cleansing will also help avoid cancer, above all that of the intestines.

In addition, it may even help you lose weight, and you will feel less bloated. Furthermore, abdominal pain could fade away for good. Additionally, you may have less headaches and you will most probable not be nauseous and more.

Colon Cleansing Treatment

Colon cleansing treatment is the development of the body’s system detoxification.

Improper diet and environmental effluence may result in unwanted waste accumulation in the colon.

People suffering from diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, lack of energy and malnutrition, may feel relieved after the colon cleansing treatment. It can go back your system to a more efficient routine.

Colon cleansing treatment should involve several essential steps. First, you need to change your diet. Try to avoid caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, and microwave-cooked food.

Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Home remedies for colon cleansing work on the initial stages of cleansing and most highly developed and inflexible colons may not take action to it.

Home enema kits are very reasonable and easy to find. If you just head to your local drug store, you be supposed to be able to find one that will suit your needs.

These are very effective, but usually steered clear of by people who need to cleanse their colons. This may be since of embarrassment, but if you can get over that feeling then you will find out that they are very effective.

There are many ways to carry out home remedies for colon cleansing. Most adopted, out of all, is that one can get it done with the home colon cleansing kits that contain the pills.

For more useful information visit Colon Cleanserand Bowel Cleanser and Home Remedies for Constipation

Dr. Sarkozy Mikal

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Vertigo Treatment and Natural Home Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is the emotion that you or your surroundings is moving or spinning. It differs from dizziness in that vertigo describes an illusion of movement.

When you feel as if you physically are moving, it’s called subjective vertigo, and the perception that your environs are moving is call objective vertigo.

Vertigo is a specific type of dizziness characterize by a spinning sensation experienced while still. It has a variety of causes, and so the treatment of vertigo is generally dependent on the fundamental cause.

Some simple vertigo attack are caused by an unevenness of the electrolytes in body fluids. This happens more in the summer months and with athletes more so than non-athletic people.

Heavy sweating depletes the salts that are required for proper body functions. Drinking plenty of fluids, in particular water, is an easy vertigo home remedy.

Causes of Vertigo

Many times, vertigo is made worse by pressure group or changes in location. Two common causes of vertigo are labrynthitis (inner ear infection) or a situation called Meniere’s disease.

Both of these setting are caused by fluid fluctuations in the inner ear.

Episodes of vertigo can occur for no evident reason, causing a severe sensation of dizziness, moving the ability to eat and, in some cases, making it hard to get out of bed for several days.

Symptoms of Vertigo

A patient may experience severe vertigo for days or weeks. Nausea, vomiting, and involuntary eye activities are common. The situation regularly improves, but symptoms can persist for weeks or months.

Recognizing vertigo symptoms can help that misery from the situation assesses the situation and conclude if medical attention is desired.

Vertigo is most usually characterized by a sensation of movement either of the sufferer themselves (called subjective vertigo) or of the surroundings (called objective vertigo).

Treatment of Vertigo

Vertigo is often treated from end to end a series of exercises which help to alleviate symptoms.

Changes in diet are often optional (including limiting sodium, sugar, and alcohol intake), sometimes in blend with diuretic drugs. Evidence suggests that the herb ginger can be cooperative for motion sickness.

The supplements oxerutins and vitamin B6 are now and then recommended for vertigo. Only very rarely is surgery required to treat any of the causes of dizziness severe cases like Meniers illness may require it.

Home Remedies for Vertigo

1.  Add a pinch of salt, some black intersperses and three teaspoons of lemon juice in 250 ml of water.

Regularly eating this solution thrice a day is one of the most effective home remedies for Vertigo usual treatment. This Vertigo home remedy should be in use for about 15 days to heal the state.

2.  Take one teaspoon of dried and powdered Indian Gooseberry and one teaspoon of coriander seeds. Soak these ingredients in water over night.

Finally, strain the mixture, add a teaspoon of darling in it and drink it to cure Vertigo naturally at home.

3.  Take one teaspoon of poppy seeds, two teaspoons of wheat grain, eight water melon seeds/pumpkin seeds, and eight almonds.

Soak these ingredients in water during the night. In the morning, crush them to form a paste.

Read more on Vertigo and Vaginal Tightening Cream and Breast Enhancement

Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms and Treatment and Natural Home Remedy Cure for Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious disease that is characterized by itchiness and a skin rash. The rash is usually red and slightly raised, with silvery, scaling patches on top of the red regions. The infection usually affects the elbows, knees, scalp, fingernails, and trunk of the body. Psoriasis can also lead to arthritis-like joint pain.

Read more on Home Remedies for Eczema and Home Remedies for Diabetes and also visit on Oligospermia Treatment

Causes Of Psoriasis

1. Metabolism of amino acids

2. Abnormality in the mechanism through which the skin grows and replaces itself

3. Heredity Factors

4. Infections

5. Injury to the skin

6. Certain medicines

7. Skin infection

8. Stressful lifestyle

Symptoms Of Psoriasis

1. Red and irritated skin

2. Bright silvery scales on skin

3. Itching

4. Feeling stressed out

5. Irritation

6. Feeling of helplessness

7. Headache

8. Weak memory

9. Foul body smell



We know that there is no Psoriasis treatment that is going to cure Psoriasis from ever coming back. However, there are some Psoriasis treatment options that you can use to treat it after you get it. Most of the time, these treatments come in a cream or ointment. You simply apply these to the affected area, and it can help to lotion them up. This will keep them from turning scaly and, of course, keep them from itching. The bad news is that Psoriasis will keep coming back. You could go a few weeks without having it, or just a few days. Chances are, you will have to keep using the cream to keep your Psoriasis from hurting.

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Hot Epsom salt bath has been proven by doctors on its value in treatment of psoriasis. Applying olive oil or lotion after Epsom salt bath will be better as lotion will keep your skin moisturizes. Do make sure that your skin is keep moisturize at all time, and avoid traveling to places with uncertain weather as too hot or too cold will cause the air humidity level to drop.

Please enjoy more sunlight, as research proves that UV ray from the sunlight is the best cure for psoriasis. There is a psoriasis treatment that doctor used for psoriasis treatment, which is prescribe artificial ultraviolet light. A less expensive alternative is to simply get more sunlight! Exposure to the sun can enhance the production of Vitamin D, which has been found to be effective at treating psoriasis.

Diet is also very important in improving psoriasis condition, having more organic food and home grown vegetables will improve your health also. One of the best vegetable that is recommended by doctors is bitter gourd. Take a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice daily, and if you don’t like the bitter taste, mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice will be better.

There is a lot of psoriasis treatment available in the market with lots of chemical substance either to apply on your skin or tablets for medication. Personally I would recommend simple and natural psoriasis home remedies to cure/relief your psoriasis symptoms and get rid of psoriasis permanently!


Open Your Kitchen Shelf and Find the Best Home Remedies For Toothaches

Are you aware of the home remedies for toothaches? If not, you have come across the right article. I am here to explain to you all about the medicine which can be commonly found in your kitchen shelves. They are cheap and affordable even for the layman. Try out these methods in your life before you take pills for your dental problems.

• Asafetida (Ferula fetida) – It is one of the best home remedies for toothache present among the crowd since ancient days. This spice is fast acting and will control the severe pain within a few hours. It is rich in minerals and vitamins which also help in strengthening the teeth. This increases the endurance power of the teeth and it can withstand the pain caused by the bacteria residing in the cavities of the teeth.

• Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) – You cannot avoid this spice when you talk about home remedies for toothache. This medicine is very popular among the crowd in easing your toothache. Dentists use the oil of this spice while filing cavities to prevent tooth pain and other infections. It is also known for its antiseptic properties.

• Onion (Allium cepa) – It is one of the commonly used home remedies for toothache. Chewing onion regularly will protect your teeth from the harmful bacteria which cause pain in the teeth. They provide a bad breath for a short period of time. You can overcome this odor by rinsing your mouth daily with a mouthwash. Consuming onion daily will also help in boosting your overall health. Garlic is found to be effective for severe toothaches.

Home remedies for toothache are effective and will decrease your pain within a short period of time. They are safe and do not harm your body. You can use this medicine at any point of the day as they are easily available.
All these are natural home remedies for toothache which will ease your suffering within few hours. There are many books written on this subject which you can purchase from a nearby shop.

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Best Treatment For Hemorrhoids – 4 Natural Home Remedies to Cure Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a condition that inflicts millions of people around the world and typically results in burning sensations in the anal area. Fortunately, most cases typically go away in a matter of days using home remedies without resorting to surgery. Here are 4 of the best treatment for hemorrhoids that are completely natural.

1. Increase your fiber intake – One of the main causes of hemorrhoids is due to hardened stool which typically stems from a lack of fiber. Be sure to eat at least 20 to 30 grams a day by consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains in order to soften your stool.

2. Remove unnecessary stresses – The next part is to remove any instances where you place any unneeded stress on the veins inside the anal rectum. This includes straining to move stool and sitting for long periods of time. Be sure to take breaks often and to always take your time when relieving yourself.

3. Make use of herbal remedies – One of the best treatment for hemorrhoids is to make use of herbal remedies such as aloe vera and witch hazel as they help to reduce the swelling and burning sensation. It is recommended to gently apply these ointments on a daily basis especially after moving stool.

4. Take warm baths after bowel movement – To further reduce the swelling, take a warm bath for 10 minutes several times a day preferably after bowel movement. Not only is this relaxing for the entire body, but is perhaps one of the best treatment for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be a very uncomfortable condition to deal with but fortunately there are natural home remedies to get rid of the problem. Increase your fiber intake, take your time during bowel movement, make use of herbal remedies and take warm baths on a regular basis. Pretty soon, your hemorrhoids will start to shrink substantially and go away in a matter of days.

Finally, a solution that works – Get free tips on the best hemorrhoid treatments that work using only natural home remedies without having to resort to costly procedures. Get rid of hemorrhoids naturally once and for all and put an end to the problem if you are tired of suffering from this common condition.

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Bringing Home Baby

When my husband and I found out that we were expecting, he went a little overboard with the safety precautions. I thought having a company that specializes in mold inspection in Yonkers come and check our home for the dangerous black mold that causes disease was a bit extreme, but he was committed to making sure our home was as safe as possible for our little one.

To tell the truth, because we had not noticed any signs of mold around the house, I thought he was really being silly. I was sure that if mold was growing in our home, we would see something. I checked under the sinks and even in the basement for some sign of mold, but found nothing. I also assumed that any mold would give the house a musty smell. Both of my assumptions were wrong. I was glad we had a company with experience in mold inspection in Yonkers come out. They found several patches of dangerous black mold growing in the spaces between our walls. They explained to me the many health risks of black mold – it can even cause disease.

The inspectors were able to pinpoint several locations were the mold was growing and even helped us to determine why. Mold needs a dark, damp, cool environment to grow. The fact that mold was growing in our walls meant there was some sort of leak in the house that was causing the moisture. We were able to track down a minor plumbing problem on the second floor. The very slow leak was dripping onto the floor boards and down into the wall space.

Hiring a company that specializes in mold inspection in Yonkers allowed us to remove the dangerous and disease causing mold before we brought home our baby. I am so happy my husband insisted on it.

Get more information on topics like Mold Inspection Yonkers and Mold Test Kits by visiting us.

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Psoriasis Causes and Symptoms and Natural Home Remedy for Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is a noncontagious common skin condition that causes rapid skin cell reproduction resulting in red, dry patches of thickened skin. The dry flakes and skin scales are thought to result from the rapid buildup of skin cells. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp.

Read more on Home Remedies for Psoriasis and Herbal Treatment for Skin Disease and Impotence Treatment

Some people have such mild psoriasis (small, faint dry skin patches) that they may not even suspect that they have a medical skin condition. Others have very severe psoriasis where virtually their entire body is fully covered with thick, red, scaly skin.

Causes of Psoriasis

1. Metabolism of amino acids

2. Abnormality in the mechanism through which the skin grows and replaces itself

3. Heredity Factors

4. Infections

5. Injury to the skin

6. Certain medicines

7. Skin infection

Symptoms of Psoriasis

1. Red and irritated skin

2. Bright silvery scales on skin

3. Itching

4. Feeling stressed out

5. Irritation

6. Feeling of helplessness

Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis can be treated using different combination therapies and treatments depending on the severity of the disease, the age and the gender of the person. Prescription medications, drugs or steroids are given in case of severe psoriasis. In milder cases, lotions, creams or without prescription ointments can also be used. In some cases, phototherapy is used which makes use of light to treat psoriasis. Sometimes, even injections are used to treat psoriasis. These treatments are used singly or in combination. However, one can even go for certain home remedies or natural methods that help in reducing itchiness caused during psoriasis. Let us have a look at it.

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

1. Wash cabbage leaves in warm water.Roll them out with a rolling pin and place them on the affected area. Bandage them so they stay secure in place.Use daily to treat psoriasis.

2. Mix a cup of bittergourd juice with a tsp of lime juice. Drink daily to treat this problem effectively.

3. Apply avocado oil gently over the affected areas.

4. The oil from the outershell of a cashew is very useful in treating this condition.It must be applied liberally over the affected areas to cure psoriasis.

5. Drink buttermilk regulary and also apply some over the affected parts.

6. Take about 400gms of Vitamin E everyday to reduce the appearanc eof psoriasis.

7. Take 6-9 lecithin tablets everyday. 2-3 before each meal.When taking in the form of granules take about 4 tbsp everyday for 2 months then reduce dosage to 2 tbsp per day.

Psoriasis Diet

1. Water helps to flush out toxins, so it’s important to drink plenty of it. Adding fresh lemon juice to some of your water can also work as an added boost to cleanse out the system.

2. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, focusing on raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating too many fruits and vegetables that are cooked, frozen and canned, since these causes’ foods to lose many of their nutrients and vitamins.

3. Make sure to get plenty of fiber, which is needed to help keep the bowels healthy and prevent toxins from being reabsorbed into the system.

4. Taking fish oil supplements can help the intestinal wall to heal properly and prevent further problems with toxins being absorbed through the lining.

5. Taking the herb Slippery Elm before meals can help by lining the intestinal wall and prevent anything from being absorbed through the lining.

Cure Tonsil Stones – 3 Best Home Remedies For Permanent Relief

Certain types of bacteria present in the oral cavity are the culprits behind the formation of tonsilloliths or tonsil stones. While they are generally regarded as harmless, they are an irritating thing to have in the throat. Moreover, they are also known to cause bad breath. You therefore, need to get rid of them, as early as possible. Fortunately, these days there are many natural methods available to cure tonsil stones.

Natural remedies are always preferred over other conventional types of treatment such as prescription drugs and surgery, because they offer a permanent solution. You can also be assured of no negative side effects occurring once you opt for a natural treatment too. Let us find out how to cure tonsil stones using natural methods.

1. You need to take care of what you eat if you have tonsilloliths. Make sure that you avoid spicy and sweet foods. These types of food are known to irritate the throat region. Instead, you can have generous servings of fruits and vegetables. You should also remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you were to follow this type of a diet then it is sure to have a positive impact on your body’s immune system and help in getting rid of the problem. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to cure tonsil stones.

2. Warm saline water can be used for gargling each time you have a meal. This is known to help in removing, as well as prevention of formation of these stones in your throat region. Another way to cure tonsil stones is to gargle using a mixture of fenugreek seeds mixed with warm water.

3. Make sure that you maintain good oral hygiene if you want to cure tonsil stones. You should brush your teeth twice every day. You should also floss after each meal so as to ensure that no food particles, which attract harmful bacteria, remain struck in between your teeth.

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