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Homeopathic Medicine – Taking a Look at Its History

Though it may seem like the trend towards homeopathic medicine is something new, it actually is not. Homeopathic products have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. Yes, there is a growing trend towards “natural styles” as a way of life that includes organic foods and homeopathic products.

These ideas are at the root of many of mankind’s current medications. How often do you take an aspirin? It may interest you to know that aspirin was developed from a compound called salicylic acid, which is found in willow tree bark and has been used for hundreds of years. Homeopathy has very deep roots in mankind’s history.

In 1796 Samuel Hahnemann was a practitioner who was studying current medical practices. At the time he observed that the medical practices being employed were using a system of opposites. He began to test and theorize that if you used the same or similar ingredient that caused the illness and diluted it, it would produce a cure. His new homeopathic medicine practices were immediately popular and homeopathy treatment for many illnesses began to be the most commonly used treatments used to help patients.

Chances are high that there is some form of homeopathic remedy for just about any ailment that you may have. The remedies homeopathic practitioners use may involve belladonna, duck liver, wolf bane and even some traditional herbs such as rosemary, thyme and lavender. It is not uncommon to find many herbal remedies used in lotions and bath oils because of the reported effects that they have on the body.

There are a few things that you should keep in mind should you decide to try out any homeopathic cures. The first is that the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the ingredients nor does it guarantee their safety. There simply have not been any concrete studies performed that show these cures to be effective in any way, outside of being a placebo. The second thing to keep in mind is that some homeopathic cures may interfere with your prescription medication. Always notify your physician if you intend to start taking any over-the-counter medications.

Homeopathic practitioners will tell you that homeopathic medicine practices are completely safe and natural. But there is still so much that is not known nor proven about these practices. If you do decide to give homeopathy a try, then you need to pick up some homeopathic books to understand what ingredients and solutions are usually prescribed. Just make sure you document how the treatment is working for you.

A free homeopathic doctor audio gift awaits you at Mike Selvon portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathic Medicine – A Short History of How and Why

Homeopathic medicine has been in dispute since it’s inception but it’s origination was to help treat sickness, not cause sickness,by stimulating the immune system in it’s natural responses. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, was a non-believer of medical treatment methods such as bloodletting, leeches and encouraging vomiting and bowel release in the late 1700s. He felt there had to be a better way to cure illness.

At that time one of the more serious diseases was malaria, which was treated with quinine, but Hahnemann was not convinced of the rationale behind why quinine worked when it did. Samuel Hahnemann started what would later be called “provings” by administering quinine to himself, even though he was not suffering from malaria. What he found were the symptoms of taking quinine were remarkably similar to the same symptoms one had with malaria. Those similar symptoms were fever, headaches, extreme thirst, chills etc. From those observations on himself he postulated that certain substances worked because they duplicated the body’s defense mechanisms used to rid oneself of the disease.

Hahnemann started investigating certain substances, later to be known as homeopathic remedies, by giving the substances to healthy people and observing the symptomatic responses of healthy people to these substances. He used herbs, minerals and other substances including small doses of arsenic. His rationale was the body reacted to certain substances with observable physical symptoms such as hand sweating, flush of the face, rashes, etc. and he began to record the observations in what would become the homeopathic’s PDR ( Physician Desk Reference ), the Materia Medica. This became a compilation of symptoms produced by the administration of these substances to healthy people.

Over time the practice of homeopathy became observing how the sick patient presented him/her self and prescribing substances that would produce similar symptoms in healthy patients. The logic was these substances were actually stimulating the patient’s immune system to overcome naturally the pathogen that had caused the illness. Often after beginning treatment the patient actually would feel worse since the enhanced symptomatic response made the patient more uncomfortable. This was viewed as assistance to the immune system in responding and enhanced the lethal effect of the immune system to rid the body of the pathogen. The actual medicine itself was the result of putting in the substance, tritating ( slow shake ) , and then putting the small residual liquid with the substance in it into a small pill ( pillule).

The basic principal was to use the smallest amount of a substance necessary to effect the response. This became known as the “law of minimals” and it resulted in some of the treating substances being so minimal that the original substance showed no trace amounts in the pillules. It was argued that the efficacious use of the homeopathic substance was it’s “essence of energy” and it was not necessary that traceable amounts of the original physical ingredient had to be present. It is that explanation that has led many to say homeopathy is only a placebo effect and has no long lasting therapeutic benefit.

There have been double blind studies (22) showing homeopathy working better than a placebo treatment. Many of the double blind studies were performed by epidemiologists.

Today there are many people who believe homeopathic principles and treatments do effect therapeutic relief and are in favor of the use of homeopathy when appropriate.

Bob Johnson is owner/founder of MedFaxx, Inc. and has multiple patents for non pharmacological treatment of chronic pain, decubitus ulcers, using electrotherapy and ultraviolet F.D.A. approved medical devices.

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A Brief History From Memory

Hey guys,

I’ve got this written in my FAQ but not many people read it so I thought it was worthwhile posting it here. It’s just a brief low-down of my eczema/ skin condition journey. Obviously there is a lot more to it and this is from my ever dwindling memory rather than from doctors notes but it is a pretty accurate account of what has happened to me. It’s also not the most coherent but helps to give a better understanding of the complexity of my condition and why I have gone on to develop an addiction to the medications – I just used too much! It is also quite likely I’ve forgotten to include something. But here we go:

  • Childhood – Hydrocortisone. Oral Prednisolone (for asthma). Had chicken pox twice in the space of a year.
  • 2001/2 – Betnovate scalp lotion (first started to use hair dye)
  • 2003-2005 – all of the above treatments and various moisturisers when needed for small patches that developed on face.
  • Nov 2005 – Stressful event resulting in huge allergic reaction affecting face, neck, arms and chest – All the above + Eumovate, Betnovate
  • April 2006 – cleared up and returned to small insignificant flares on face and neck. Just used Hydrocortisone and Eumovate
  • July 2007 – Heat induced urticaria developed when on holiday in Spain.
  • 2006-2009 – Hydrocortisone/ Eumovate
  • 2009 – Was given steroid to treat rash on face, within a few months spread all over my body apart from legs. Used Dermovate, Eumovate and told to use as much as I wanted/ like a moisturiser. Had patch testing and IGE testing. Oral steroids. Coal tar, yeast cream (not to be used on face but was told to by derm), Potassium Permanganate. Protopic. Developed red/brown patches of skin on my neck and elbow flexures that were as hard as a scab and really painful. Couldn’t move my neck. Was given a cream when I moved to Lincoln but can’t remember for the life of me what it was. Was bloody brilliant though.
  • Developed severe allergy to the cats at my mum’s and was hospitalised a few times when I went to visit, despite having lived with them my whole life!
  • Jan 2010 – Immunosuppressant Ciclosporin whilst using steroid creams.
  • August 2011 – started to get high blood pressure so had to come off Ciclosporin. Was given several rounds of oral steroids when steroid creams wouldn’t help.
  • April 2012 – had round of Oral steroids and developed eczema herpeticum after never having a cold sore in my life.
  • Tried Ciclosporin again to no effect.
  • Visited Allergist/ Immunologist for another perspective but was just ridiculed and humiliated and told “you just have eczema”.
  • Tried various diets to no avail.
  • September 2012 Tried immunosuppressant Mycophenolate Mofetil to no effect.
  • October 2012 Tried immunosuppressant Azathioprine to no effect.
  • December 2012 Tried immunosuppressant Methotrexate had no effect but started losing hair so came off it in Feb 2013.
  • Light therapy which just made my skin look sunburnt, minus my white nose so knew it wasn’t a true burn.
  • Tried Ciclosporin again to no effect but remained on it for some time. Found out about TSW.
  • Started TSW May 22nd 2013. “Eczema” spread everywhere apart from my toes.
  • Had major super infection from eczema herpeticum and cellulitis in the eye so was hospitalised for a week. Came off Ciclosporin to try to speed up getting rid of infection.
  • Went back on Ciclosporin but became incredibly poorly.
  • August 2013 – Found out I had contracted MRSA from the hospital stay so ceased Ciclosporin. Started taking antibiotic Doxycycline for 2 weeks.
  • End of August 2013 – Had suspected “TIA”/ “Mini Stroke”
  • September 2013 – MRSA came back with vengeance so proceeded to take Doxycycline for 3 months as should have done originally.
  • Skin stayed in a mostly good state until April 2014 though still had random bouts of herpeticum but not so extreme.
  • April 2014 – Bad case of eczema herpeticum.
  • May 2014 – Moved to West Yorkshire and skin became as intolerable as when first come off steroids. (Yearly rebound?)
  • Was incredibly poorly until August 2014 when went back on Ciclosporin. Had 6 weeks off work.
  • Ciclosporin helped for a month and then had recurring staph infections from October 2014 – May 2015.
  • May 2015 – Last staph infection *touch wood*
  • August 2015 – Been in a stagnant phase where I will randomly flare but be mostly clear. Eyebrows are back. Still on Ciclosporin but on a higher dosage. Came off birth control pill in May (had been taking for 10 yrs) and have gained a lot of weight. Waiting for hormones to level out.

So all in all we can conclude that I have been given far too much potent topical steroid creams to slather unnecessarily all over myself. Too many round of antivirals and antibiotics for my endless bouts of herpeticum (think we’re around the 20x mark now?) and bacterial infections so my gut probably doesn’t understand what’s right or wrong any more. Far too many rounds of immunosuppressants and just too much in general for my poor old body to handle.I just hope my body will one day forgive me and that all the nutrients I consume will finally have some effect.

I Have Eczema