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Herbal Snoring Remedies

Herbal snoring remedies are available that can be used for for those that suffer from the condition.

Snoring may not be a problem by itself, but snoring is the root of many other problems affecting not only the person who snores but also his family. Snoring can lead to disturbed sleep and hence act as a cause of hypertension and heart ailments. Also mostly the snoring problem occurs due to reasons like nasal congestion, obesity, disturbed sleep, use of sleeping pills, consuming alcohol and caffeine, sleeping on the back etc. So in some cases the snoring is also related to some existing problem, which leads to even further problems.

Due to the ill effects of the snoring and its wide effect on one’s family members, lot of remedies have come in and many are very effective too. But the problem with snoring remedies is that they are “specific” in the area they target. Some remedy may aim at a blocked nose whereas other may aim at soothing the throat. So to be sure of which remedy to be adopted, the person should be aware of the problem which causes the snoring.

The herbal snoring remedy starts from the encouragement in simply changing your lifestyle to get controlled and proper sleep. Quitting tobacco and alcohol also acts as a remedy for snoring. There are other herbal snoring remedies also available that can cure the snoring trouble for you and your family.

There are many herbs available to cure the main causes of snoring. Household ginger is a very beneficial herb and can stop snoring. The ginger helps in increasing the secretion of saliva, which coats the throat and provides a soothing effect. The ginger mixed with honey can further lubricate the throat and along with snoring problems can bring an end to other cold problems too. Another herbal remedy available is wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), which works as an anti inflammatory just like vitamin C and helps to soothe the throat, which stops snoring.

Some herbal remedies also include nasal sprays that stops snoring by opening the nasal passages. These also help in clearing the sinus congestion and thus are far more effective for people who suffer from sinus problems.

Herbal remedies aim at stopping the snoring problem by curing the symptoms causing it. They try to correct and imbalance in the immune system, which in turn helps in prevent further diseases and complications. It also aims at preventing relapses which is not the case with other types of remedies, which try to terminate the current cause of snoring. Herbal remedies work from a deeper standpoint and aim at boosting the immune system and build a strong body.

Herbal remedies can be specific in application and hence for each type of patient, there is a specific formulation made by mixing highly effective herbs and enzymes. The herbs and enzymes work together gently to cure the snoring problem. Herbal remedies are one hundred percent natural so the chances of side effects are very remote.

Herbal remedies for snoring are very effective and promise long term benefits. But make sure herbal remedies are taken from a qualified source. If the formulation of herbs and enzymes is not correct, the result may not be so positive.

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High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies and Herbal Remedies for HBP

High blood pressure itself is not a disease but it can become the main root for causing many diseases. Though any person can have problems related to blood pressure, there are certain precautions that one can take which can prevent hypertension. More info visits our website

Hypertension is the condition that arises when arteries constrict and blood flow becomes harder. Under these conditions, the heart tries to work harder in order to get a proper blood flow all the way through the body. Hence, pressure if left untreated can cause risk to vital organs.

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies

Calcarea carbonica

To people with hypertension and who have poor resistance or easily exhaust, this treatment is often useful. They are normally conscientious types, who feel beset when sick and dread experiencing collapse. When climbing stairs or slopes and when lying down, breathing and palpitations become a problem. Sweet and egg cravings are usually experienced by the person, and be inclined toward weight troubles.

Nux vomica

Typically, the person needing this remedy is impatient and motivated-easily angered and frustrated. Blood pressure problems may heighten because of the person’s strong desire for sweets, strong foods, coffee, and alcohol. Oftentimes, hemorrhoids, constipation, palpitations, and constrictions in the chest are observed. The person is also susceptible to noise, odors, light, and interference.


This remedy if usually given to a person with blushed red cheeks, pulsing neck, and a feeling of rushing blood towards the head. Also, the person may experience migraines and headaches. Allergies, shoulder troubles, right-sided neck, digestive problems, and heartburn are frequently observed, and burning pains are normal. Other signs for Sanguinaria include an inclination to feel bad from eating sweets and a desire for spicy food.


People who are sensitive, compassionate, and gullible, with a tendency to dizziness, fearfulness, and weakness usually need this type of remedy. Often observed are nosebleeds, palpitations, flushed face, and a feeling of pain in the chest. Other indications for Phosphorus include a strong craving for cold drinks and invigorating things, and an obvious development after sleeping or eating.


If the person exhibits degenerative problems of the nerves and coagulation of the arteries, this remedy is often given. When lying on the left corner, heaviness in the chest and palpitations are often bad. Also, muscle problems, paralysis, and contractures may arise. The person may cover a record of profound drinking and ‘high living’, who gets bored and saddened when physical incapacity and memory problems occur.

Herbal Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Celery – this one is especially surprising to me –

Celery maybe used to help relieve gout, insomnia, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The Chinese have been using celery as a treatment for high blood pressure while of course we use pills. Precautions celery has a very high salt content which is known to raise blood pressure in some people also long term use of celery can deplete your potassium levels.

Cocoa –

Now this is just awesome if you ever needed an excuse to indulge here it is but it has to be dark chocolate. Researchers’ having discovered that dark chocolate was higher in antioxidants than tea or red wine started to look into whether dark chocolate can help with heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

German researchers have found 3 ½ ounces of chocolate consumed daily was just as effective as taking a daily dose of your blood pressure pills. A thing to watch out for chocolate does contain caffeine not as much as coffee but it can still mess with your sleep and of course some people might be allergic.

Read more on Cardio-protective and Heart Problems and Lower Cholesterol

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My Experience Using Herbal Medicine for Eczema

By Sophia Ruan Gushée (see bio below) Managing eczema has been a big issue in my family. When my youngest daughter was 3 days old, she began developing eczema. Since my older two children had not experienced eczema or other health issues, I kept waiting for my youngest to outgrow the eczema as I tried different natural remedies. Sometimes it seemed […]
It’s an Itchy Little World

Herbal Remedies for Gout

Every year, the number of gout sufferers all over the world increases despite the many information resources about the illness. Perhaps you’re already familiar with the joint pains suffered by older individuals. Other people mistake gout for rheumatism and arthritis because the illness is also associated with inflammation of the joints, certain bodily tissues, and tendons. Medication is definitely expensive and so some patients opt for herbal remedies for gout.

Herbal remedies are much more affordable and they are quite effective in easing the pain and discomfort. When monosodium urate, also known as uric acid, hardens or crystallizes around the joints of the ankle and big toe, it can cause sudden extreme pain. The blood circulation inside the feet areas is less and so the crystals of uric acid tend to stick to the joints of the ankle and big toe, thereby causing gout. The feet are usually cold and so with lower temperatures, the UA can easily harden around the joint areas. If the body can’t eliminate the uric acid, it will stick to the joints, bodily tissues, and tendons; when this illness is left untreated, it can lead to complications and other unfavorable health conditions.

Your diet may be the primary cause of gout. If you frequently eat seafood, organ meats, and junk foods, you will be prone to this disease. At risk are elderly men and those with a history of gout in the family. Women are not exempted from the illness but there are less gout cases among women though. People who drink too much alcohol are also susceptible to developing this condition.

Herbal remedies are not only cheap but very effective as well. If you want an organic alternative, you can try chickweed. Get one tablespoon of this herb and put it in one cup boiling water. Leave it for 4 hours and then filter it out. Drink ¼ of the mixture four times every day.

If you don’t want to drink any herbal preparations, you can make an ointment from unsalted butter and hops. Mix equal parts of these ingredients and use it as a gout ointment. Rub it over the affected are everyday.

For gout pains, you can mix 700 milliliters vodka and 2 tbsp lilac blooms. Leave the mixture for about a week. After that, you can take 50 drops of the mixture before meals, three times each day.

Another homemade remedy is to drink fresh orange juice twice a day. Recent studies have proven that orange juice increases the vitamin C level in the body. The vitamin C can lower the uric acid thereby preventing gout.

There are still other herbal remedies that you can try but try to seek medical advice first. It would be wise to consult a doctor first before taking any medication or herbal remedy. You can also consult herbalists or licensed healers about the proper preparation of these herbal remedies for gout.

Herbal remedies for gout are quite effective. The remedies are an excellent choice for those who can’t afford the expensive gout medications. Medical costs are continuously rising and the less fortunate ones don’t need to suffer from gout pain. Choose the best herbal remedy which works best on you and start treating your illness.

Charlene J. Nuble is a healthcare professional who loves writing about health related stuffs. Click on the link to learn more about Herbal Remedies for Gout

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Candida Herbal Remedies

Candida herbal remedies are becoming a popular option for people who are seeking from relief from a yeast candida albicans infection. While traditional methods (such as anti-fungal antibiotics and over-the-counter topical creams and ointments) are still popular for many who are suffering from the burning, itching and painful symptoms of a yeast infection – there are still people who would rather opt for a more natural, holistic option to cure their yeast infection. This article will explore some effective natural remedies for a yeast infection.

Most herbal treatments for a yeast outbreak can work for any type – including penile, vaginal, oral or skin yeast infections. There might, however be different methods of using the herbs – some can be taken internally, while others are most effective when applied topically to open sores, lesions or blisters in the vaginal area or on the penile shaft (or the affected skin in the male genital area).

Candida Herbal Remedies To Be Used In Your Diet
Aloe can be found in fresh juice that you can buy at your local grocery store. It is effective at increasing white blood cells which can eliminate yeast cells. Take one 8 ounce glass of the juice daily for best results. Cooking with garlic and rosemary is also effective as these herbs contain anti-fungal properties that can help to kill yeast. There is no limit to the amount of these herbs that you should be using for cooking in your meal plan (or diet). Garlic can also be taken in capsule form as a yeast herbal remedy.

Candida Herbal Remedies To Be Used As Topical Treatments
The anti fungal properties in thyme oil are effective as a topical treatment on cracked, dry skin or sores and lesions that show up in severe cases of candida infections. Lavender can either be applied topically or used in a bath for treatments of skin-related symptoms that you can get with a mild to severe yeast infection. For best results, soak in a warm water bath diluted with lavender for about 20 minutes.

Other herbs that are effective in treating a yeast infection include barberry, cinnamon, echinacea, olive leaf, oregano oil, Pau D’Arco and peppermint. Olive leaf and peppermint can be purchased in capsule form from the local health and nutrition store. Cinnamon is effective at treating oral thrush. All of these candida herbal remedies contain powerful antifungal ingredients that help to battle yeast.

Now pay close attention here,

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Eczema Herbal Treatment

Eczema is one of the most common medical conditions related to the skin. Nowadays, more and more cases of eczema are surfacing up. A major aspect of this condition is that there is still no clinically proved cure for this condition. You may however, ease the symptoms, with the help of a number of solutions, which are available in the market.

You may opt for a number of natural and herbal remedies as well, for treatment of this condition. The following are some of the herbal remedies, which you may try, in such a condition:

1. A very important herbal remedy is that of blueberry leaves. Blueberry leaves can be ground in the form of a thick paste, and the juice extracted from it can be used for washing the affected area. You may also use the paste as well. Make sure that you have washed them properly, before you use them.

2. A very common herbal remedy consists of a mixture of comfrey root, slippery elm bark and white bark. For this, you have to mix a teaspoon of white bark, two teaspoonful of slippery elm bark, one and half teaspoons of comfrey root, along with three cups of water in a bowl. Now, boil this mixture for around half an hour. Cool it and use this mixture for washing the affected skin.

3. Another s is simple home remedy for eczema uses Marigold, as well as chamomile. Now, these herbs can be either taken orally, several times a day or used up for washing the affected area, for providing relief. Along with that, the oil of chamomile, mixed with almond oil can be rubbed in the skin for healing the area affected with eczema.

4. Birch leaves have also been said to be an effective way of treatment of eczema. Mix 75gm of birch leaves with one liter of water and boil for around three minutes. Now, add a pinch of soda bicarbonate to it and allow it to cool for a number of hours before you employ it as a useful disinfectant for washing the affected areas, or, it might be used up as a remedial drink. This would help in curing of eczema.

5. Another effective herbal remedy in case of eczema is Watercress. The juice extracted from watercress may be used for washing the affected areas. It might be extracted fresh, or by boiling it in water.

As it is, the above herbal remedies can prove to be extremely helpful in treating the condition of eczema.

Tired of eczema. Learn more about Natural Cure of Eczema. Suffering from Infant Eczema? Read our tips for Treating Infant Eczema.

8 Herbal Remedies For Eczema

It is a Greek word which means ‘to boil’. It is an inflammatory and chronic skin disorder leading to boils, rashes, and eruptions on skin. The most common form of eczema, atopic dermatitis, occurs among small children and infants. In over 90 percent of cases, eczema is seen to occur in children below 5 years old. There are many available home remedies for eczema. These include prescription drugs, dietary changes, and herbal remedies.

1. Symptoms of eczema can be aggravated if the skin is exposed to hot and dry air, especially that of the indoors. So, to counter this problem, use a humidifier and keep the moisture levels in your home up and adequate. Not to mention, do not forget to keep the unit clean, as it may harbor the growth of bacteria and fungi.

2. Teas made from Chinese herbs are also commonly used to treat eczema. The combination of herbs varies and depends upon the severity of the eczema and the suspected cause of the eczema. Some of these herbs used for herbal teas include include fang feng, tian men dong, gan cao, shi gao, yi yi ren, ku shen, sheng di huang, zhi mu and mu dan pi. The Chinese herbs chuan xiong and huang qin can also treat scalp eczema. Long dan cao may be added to herbal teas to treat ear and facial eczema. Drinking Erka Shizheng herbal tea twice a day helps treat severe eczema in children.

3. A natural home remedy effective in controlling eczema is spearmint leaf juice. Grind spearmint in a mortar and pestle to make a paste. You can then apply this paste directly to the affected skin or the paste can be diluted with water. Coconut oil is also used in treating eczema. In its purest form, coconut oil has moisturizing properties that helps prevent the irritation from spreading and prevent the skin from cracking. Simply add this oil to the affected areas and get immediate relief.

4. Face packs made of various fruits and vegetables rejuvenates the skin and makes it smooth and silky. Mud packs are also effective in case of eczema.

5. Rough, tight, scratchy clothes or those which are of wool, would be the worst things to go for a while you are suffering from an eczema attack. Wearing cool and smooth-textured clothing such as those made of cotton, is one of the smartest ways to get eczema relief.

6. According to a study by researchers at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, preliminary studies have shown five raw Chinese herbs to be effective in treating eczema. The study appeared in the British Journal of Dermatology. The five herbs found include flos lonicerae, Japanese honeysuckle; cortex moutan, or root bark of peony tree; herba menthae, or peppermint; cortex phellodendri, or amur cork-tree bark; and atractylodes rhizome.

7. Another home remedy for eczema is taking your vitamins diligently. Vitamins A, B, and C help in the reproduction of skin cells. Vitamins do not reduce the outbreaks, though. They do help your skin heal much faster than usual. Vitamin-rich foods include oily fish, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables.

8. Almond leaves which are found all over the United States can be used to cure this inflammatory disorder. A paste of almond leaves and water on the affected region is very effective in curing eczema.

Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on home remedies for eczema, how to treat eczema naturally.

Eczema Herbal Remedies, How To Cure Eczema Naturally

One thing to understand about eczema natural remedies is that it’s all about herbs and herbal treatments. While they sound great it’s still important to lookout for scams and the so called; “miracle pills.” If you don’t it will end up being a waste of money. What you need to realize is that eczema herbal remedies are only a part of a bigger picture.

You see eczema is actually a disorder of the immune system not a skin condition as many people think it is (understandably). A single herbal remedy cannot fix this nor can a single herb cure the symptoms of eczema such as rashes and skin irritation. They can help in both these regards however. So some eczema herbal remedies include:

Aloe Vera – If there are any eczema natural remedies you’ve heard of; aloe vera has to be one of them. The results are almost immediate, and the soothing properties can help alleviate some of the symptoms.

Gotu Kola – If you want to get rid of the itching and redness in the skin, gotu kola is the perfect choice.

Olive Leaf – This plant is an excellent antiseptic which means it can help ward off infection and bacteria which can be problematic if you break the skin due to itching.

Red Clover – One of the most intriguing eczema natural remedies is red clover. It provides you with plenty of antioxidant properties and will help remove toxins. This helps alleviate skin conditions.

Burdock – Getting rid of eczema is definitely important, and when you use burdock the situation will be controlled. The reason for this is that it helps destroy inulin, which is linked to outbreaks.

Neem – Another powerful immune booster which can be taken internally or can be used externally to salve eczema outbreaks also.

Keep in mind; these are only some of the many eczema natural remedies available. They just happen to be some of the ones I’ve used to help alleviate my condition.

Do you want to learn more about the best eczema natural remedies? Come to my website and find lots of articles and tips about dermatitis natural remedies to have a healthy skin.