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A Vision of Good Eye Health

Regular eye checks and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand with healthy eyes, yet too often we overlook the health of our eyes until we start to experience vision problems. So what should we be doing to protect our eyes?

Optometrist Karen Sparrow at AXA PPP Healthcare has some tips:

Every year 12.5 million people who need a regular eye test fail to have one, says the RNIB, a national charity that supports blind and partially sighted people.
Yet eye health experts stress that regular eye tests are a vital means of detecting early signs of some of the main causes of severe sight loss, including wet AMD, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and myopic degeneration.

In many cases, these conditions are treatable if detected early.

Optometrist Karen Sparrow says people should see an optometrist every two years, even if they don’t need glasses, “and more often if you wear glasses or you start having problems with your eyes”.

She points out that an eye examination doesn’t just check how well you can see, but also assesses the health of your eyes and whether there are any underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
It’s especially important for people aged 60 and over to attend for regular eye checks, yet many fail to do so, notes the RNIB.

A survey commissioned by the charity in 2007 found that the main reason given by older people for not having an eye check in the past two years was that they were not having any problems with their eyes.
“This shows that older people lack awareness of their own potential health risk and make the incorrect assumption that it is safe to wait for sight loss symptoms before having an eye health check,” it warns.

Children’s eye health

Karen stresses that children need their eyes testing, too. “It’s important to take your child to see an optometrist for a full eye examination before they start pre-school at three to four years old, and certainly before they enter Year 1, particularly if other family members wear glasses or have eye problems.”
She points out that, as well as blurry vision and eye strain, some common childhood eye problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (squint), are treatable if discovered at an early age.

While older children have their eyes tested like adults, using all the same tests, the optometrist will adapt tests for younger children, she explains.
“For younger children, particularly those who do not know their letters yet, the optometrist will simplify tests, often using shape-matching skills or tests that do not need a response from the child.”
She adds that eye tests are free through the NHS for children up to the age of 16.

How lifestyle affects eye health

Karen Sparrow also stresses the importance of a healthy diet to good eye health. She adds that certain fruits and vegetables containing lutein and zeaxanthin may help protect against some eye diseases, such as macula degeneration and cataracts, later in life.
Among foods that contain nutrients good for eyes, she says, are blueberries, spinach, broccoli, sweetcorn, orange and yellow peppers, kiwi fruit, grapes, oranges and mangoes.

Nutritionist at AXA PPP healthcare, Sarah Schenker adds that there is also strong evidence from various research studies linking the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E with good eye health.
“These vitamins help to maintain healthy cells and tissues in the eye,” she explains. “They can be found in many different sources of fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts, seeds, dairy products and eggs.”

Karen’s tips for everyday eye care

In addition to having regular eye checks and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, Karen outlines some other precautions we can take in our everyday lives to help keep our eyes in tip-top condition.

 VDU protection
Nowadays, we spend a lot of time on computers for leisure as well as for work, so it’s important to make sure you and your eyes are as comfortable as possible when using a VDU screen. Make sure you can see over the top of your screen when sitting comfortably at your desk, and take regular breaks – about five minutes every hour if you are using a computer for longer than 60 minutes at a time. We also tend to stare at the screen, which makes the eyes feel dry and gritty, so remember to blink (closing your eyes fully several times during an hour’s work) and to look out of the window or across the room every 20 minutes to rest the eyes. Your employer is responsible for your comfort if you are working with VDUs regularly and will have a policy for eye testing its employees.

Keep it clean
Many people wear contact lenses to correct their vision, and nowadays most are fitted with disposable lenses that can be thrown away every month or – the height of convenience – every day. It is really important to follow the guidelines and instructions your optometrist or optician gives you, as most problems associated with contact lenses derive from poor cleaning or wearing the lenses too long. If you wear eye make-up with your contact lenses, always put your lenses into a clean eye and then put your make-up on. Hypoallergenic formulas are less likely to irritate your eyes and it’s best to avoid waterproof mascaras as, if particles get into your eye, they stick to your contact lens and irritate your eye.


For more information, visit AXA PPP healthcare

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How good is the Homeopathic HCG for Weight Loss

The HCG weight reduction method is always trying to make the life of users a lot better. The first time HCG got the attention of overweight people, they can only have it through shots. They only had one reference, which is the “Pounds and Inches” book, written by the founder of the program, Dr. ATW Simeon.

Today, there’s Kevin Trudeau’s the weight loss cure to make the program even more effective and there is the oral HCG, easy to administer, cheaper, less-consuming and every bit affective as the injected HCG.

There is another recent development in the program which really aroused the interest of people, not only the overweight but even members of the dieting community. This is the homeopathic HCG. This HCG can be administered through the drops or injection. You have a choice. However, people will most like prefer the drops for the various advantages it offers.

What is homeopathic HCG? To understand what it is, you must know the meaning of homeopathic medicine first. It is a powerful of medicine wherein in the original medicine gets more powerful as it is diluted. The medicine ends up losing its original content, but becomes more potent.

There is another characteristic of homeopathic medicine which puzzles many medical professionals why there is homeopathic HCG at all. Homeopathic medicine is supposed to be using a substance that causes the illness to cure the illness. Nobody can say that HCG causes obesity. Most expert experts will agree that it’s the placebo effect at work and, of course, homeopathic medicine is all about placebo.

The homeopathic HCG is swiftly gaining many adherents. You can easily determine this fact by reading feedbacks from users. Most will attest that it did them a lot of good. There are even reports that in some cases it works even better than the traditional HCG.







To get more information about Homeopathic HCG and the free Uncensored Guide to the HCG Diet, then please visit to download it now.


Featured on Good Day Oregon, Fox 12 News!

Check Us Out!

Amanda Blakley Skincare was featured this week on a local news network. Check out the story and view the video on Fox 12’s website by clicking the link below or watch from youtube on this page.

We are so thrilled to share our passion and story with everyone. Enjoy!


Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

Herbal Treatment for Eczema – How Natural Treatments Can Stop Eczema for Good

If you suffer from eczema, chances are, you haven’t reached a point where you’ve completely cured it. If you had, you probably wouldn’t be reading this article right now. And, I’m willing to bet that you are most likely still treating your eczema with old, outdated traditional methods, such as prescription creams and ointments. If you’re not getting the results that you’ve expected you should be seeing, then read on.

Why Traditional Treatments for Eczema Fail

If you’ve been diagnosed with eczema, you probably went to the doctor and were prescribed a topical ointment to help alleviate the symptoms of eczema. That’s the problem with traditional treatments – they only treat the symptoms, rather than cure and prevent eczema from returning. Not only that, but most of these ointments are filled with harmful chemicals that can actually cause more irritation to the skin. Not exactly what you’d expect from a medicine that should be curing your problem, not adding to it.

Why Herbal Treatment for Eczema is the Answer

Herbal treatment for eczema may sound relatively new to the scene, but the truth is that natural eczema treatments have been used for years to aid in the cure and prevention of eczema. There are numerous benefits to natural cures for eczema:

– Proven to be safe and effective

– No drugs or other chemicals, which mean less chances of any serious side effects

– Inexpensive and easily accessible when compared to traditional prescription treatments

Herbal eczema treatment methods work when used consistently, even when eczema appears to be clearing up. This ensures that the skin remains in good health, thus helping prevent eczema from constantly reoccurring. And, as mentioned before, herbal treatments for eczema cause little to no side effects, unlike traditional treatments, which can cause more harm. More harm to the skin = less chance of your eczema clearing up completely and keeping you stuck in a vicious cycle.

So, if you’re tired of treating your eczema with medicines that won’t do the trick, consider giving an herbal treatment for eczema a shot. You’ve got nothing to lose!

Wait – Pay attention below if you want your eczema to go!

Treating eczema requires a solid step by step plan of action. I know of a secret eczema treatment method that is not only guaranteed to help cure eczema, but has been proven to work for THOUSANDS of people just like you. And, you can get instant access to it right now – Head on over to How to Treat Eczema now to find out more!

Featured on Good Day Oregon, Fox 12 News!

Check Us Out!

Amanda Blakley Skincare was featured this week on a local news network. Check out the story and view the video on Fox 12’s website by clicking the link below or watch from youtube on this page.

We are so thrilled to share our passion and story with everyone. Enjoy!


Amanda Blakley Skincare – BLOG

Is juicing or liquid meal replacements good for IBS?

There is a plethora of information on the internet on how to improve IBS or even how to ‘cure’ IBS (if you see the word ‘cure’ you should be very skeptical – we have no cure unfortunately at this moment in time.) Despite the fact that we have no cure, we do have treatments that work to reduce or eliminate symptoms – one of these is the low fodmap diet. It is a really progressive time with research into IBS increasing knowledge and slowly improving access to services in the NHS – good reasons to be positive. What about the social media information on following a ‘juicing’ diet or liquid meal replacements for IBS – is this likely to help? The juicing hype is likely on the wane through concerns about the sugar content of juices but it is the fodmap sugars that these products contain that is the issue for many people with IBS. It could be argued that food that is chewed well and mixed with digestive juices is in-fact liquid – so why not drink liquids to reduce digestion and ease symptoms?

The answer is juicing is unlikely to help, it is neither a suitable option long term or an option that will reduce digestion processes within the digestive tract. Digestion continues despite what you consume and having liquids is not necessarily ‘easier’ on your digestive tract. If symptom improvement is reported by people it might be that the person was not chewing thoroughly to begin with. Not chewing your food can mean that excessive air is swallowed leading to bloating. Drinking your meals is not really a great idea, for other reasons. Drinking your meals can impact on the amount of fermentable carbohydrates that are consumed – juicing can mean that more of these FODMAPs can be consumed, as you are more likely to to have a larger portion in a drink, than if you consume the ingredients whole. Also dietitians advocate eating behaviour for people with IBS is an important consideration – juicing all meals is not sustainable in the long term and what happens when you break this regimen and return to old habits? Dairy free manufactured juices and shakes are often based on Soya, which is limited to 60 ml on the Low Fodmap diet – so again this can cause symptoms if consumed in excess of this amount. Testimonials are very convincing – but again, time to employ your skeptic radar, is this testimonial written by someone with something to gain from promoting a product or diet lifestyle? Many companies now employ bloggers to write posts from ‘their experience’ but they are often paid for blogging about a product and are therefore biased in their opinions.

There is another hidden issue with juicing for IBS – another promoting benefit of juicing is that it promotes fast consumption, which has always been a bad idea with IBS. Savour your food and chew your food well don’t ‘eat – or drink – on the go’.

talkhealth Blog

The Good Bacteria, the Bad Bacteria and the Ugly

You know how I keep saying – if you are suffering quietly from eczema and atopic dermatitis then you are not alone? Well, as it turns out, I didn’t realise how right I was. I happened to be talking about the fact that we are surrounded by an incredible community of like-minded and supportive fellow sufferers who help to bolster our confidence on those truly awful eczema days; but recent research has shown that you and I are actually likely to be playing host to a thumping, jumping party of a little microbial devils called Staphylococcus Aureus (Staph A for short).

Juice detoxes and cleansing: are they good for eczema?

Juice detox for eczema

Today I popped in to see Sonia and David at Today Extra at the Nine Network studios to chat about juice cleansing. I was surprised to find out David sufferers from eczema (it’s very mild, just on his hand).

Here are my top tips for juicing for good health and clear skin.

David Campbell, Karen Fischer and Sonia Kruger


A juice cleanse or fast is a period of time where you omit foods and only consume freshly made juices and filtered water. People often use ingredients such as watermelon, oranges, grapefruit, kale, lettuce, carrots, ginger and apples in their juices and it can cause a range of detox reactions and side-effects. However, fans of juice fasting claim it’s great for weight loss, appetite reduction, rehydration and it “rests” the stomach, liver and gut allowing time for repair. It can also be alkalising and help to restore acid alkaline balance to the body. So what are the facts?

Juice cleansing for healthy skin, weight loss and detoxification… does it live up to the hype and are some juices actually good for conditions such as eczema? Here are the top 5 dos and don’ts for juicing.


1. Don’t juice too many fruits. Juice fasting can be beneficial if you choose the right ingredients. However, fruit juice is high in acid and fructose so avoid fruits such as oranges, kiwi fruit, strawberries, apples and most other fruits. Fruit juice can worsen conditions such as eczema and chronic fatigue syndrome, and it can trigger migraines, insomnia, hypoglacemia and hyperactivity. That is because most fruits are acid-promoting, rich in salicylates and sugars (fructose).

2. Don’t use grapefruit. Grapefruit contains naringin which is a flavonoid that inhibits liver detoxification. In fact, it can block the normal metabolism and breakdown of prescribed medications and alcohol as it blocks cytochome P450 (read the research here). So if you are taking medication, grapefruit could cause accidental overdose or drug medicines or alcohol. Favour other ingredients in your juicing (and once you have finished your health cleanse, don’t mix grapefruit with alcohol).

3. Don’t juice everything. If you have eczema, your skin will flare up on a juice cleanse if you choose the wrong ingredients. The worst juice ingredients for eczema include spinach, kale, tomato, oranges, grapes, kiwi fruit and pineapple, because they are very rich in salicylates, a natural pesticide made by many fruits and vegetables which can worsen eczema and trigger migraines, hyperactivity, insomnia, anxiety, depression and other mood disorders according to research (read the research here). See the juice recipe, below for a low-salicylate juice that is beneficial for the skin.

4. Don’t do a juice cleanse if you are frail, underweight or on medications as it could be counter-productive. If you are unwell and really want to do a juice fast you could alternatively do a medically supervised one or follow our tips, below.

5. You don’t have to go “food-free”. Juice cleansing should be a gentle, everyday practice. For example, drink one juice daily, added to a healthy diet.

In The Eczema Diet I recommend doing a 3-day cleanse that includes juicing, salads and soups so your metabolism is boosted not suppressed.

Buy The Eczema Diet book


1. Juice more vegetables and less fruits. Purists can omit fruit all together. It will be more alkalising and less acidic, which is one of the main benefits of a well-designed juice cleanse.

2. Choose low-salicylate fruits and vegetables, especially if you suffer from eczema, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraines, anxiety, depression (and other mood problems), sleep problems or hyperactivity. See the Healthy Skin Juice recipe, below.

You can also instantly download, for free, the Complete Salicylate Food Charts when you sign up to my website (sign up here). You can use the charts to see which foods and drinks are best for your skin.

3. Do a short juice cleanse – three days is long enough. Then slowly add healthy foods back into your diet.

4. Add soups to your detox cleansing regime. Try this Detox Soup recipe >>

5. Get plenty of rest. You may feel tired and irritable as your body cleanses itself of toxins and chemicals that may have been stored in your tissues. During a detox these chemicals are released into the bloodstream for deactivation by the liver, so they can be safely removal via the kidneys and bile.

So rest, relax and avoid vigorous exercise while doing a juice cleanse, and you’ll reap the benefits of clearer, healthier skin.



This recipe is ideal for people with skin disorders such as eczema, topical steroid withdrawal, red skin syndrome, psoriasis, dermatitis and hives. It’s a low-salicylate juice so it won’t trigger itchy skin, rashes, migraines or sleep disturbances like normal juices can.

The sprouts are highly alkalising – ensure they are fresh and washed thoroughly. Only use fresh ones, preferably home grown – omit them if you are unsure. Only use these ingredients, not other types of sprouts.


  • 1 large, ripe peeled pear (the peel contains salicylates)
  • 4 stalks celery
  • 1/2 head of iceberg lettuce
  • Optional: 1 cup mung bean sprouts or lentil sprouts
  • Optional: 1/2 cup of parsley (not too much)
  • 1-2 scoops of Skin Friend AM

Method: Juice all fruit and vegetable ingredients in a juicer. Stir in Skin Friend AM. Then drink your way to healthy skin!



For people with eczema we recommend Skin Friend AM and Calcium Matrix PM which are available in a kit. For the complete skin health program, see our information on The Eczema Diet and Skin Friend.



Buy The Eczema Diet >>

Buy The Eczema Diet

Buy Skin Friend AM >>

Buy the Skin Friend kit >>

Skin Friend AM



The Eczema Diet