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Teacher discovers bizarre ‘cure’ for her extreme eczema – £8 UDDER CREAM – The Sun

The Sun
Teacher discovers bizarre 'cure' for her extreme eczema – £8 UDDER CREAM
The Sun
For two decades she had tried every treatment imaginable from over-the-counter ointments to prescription creams and diet changes, but nothing worked. At points her eczema was so bad it covered her entire face and body. Not only was it painful and
Teacher with eczema so severe she looked like 'burns victim' cured by £8 cream meant for COW
Teacher hospitalised by eczema claims she's managed to cure her skin with udder creamMetro

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7 Remedies to Get Pregnant Fast – Highlights About Homeopathic Cure to Conceive a Baby Faster

Have you been planning to get pregnant for more than 6 months without any success? Are you starting to get worried about it? Well, take it easy! There are many factors (biological, physiological, psychological, environmental etc…) that are involved to having troubles conceiving a baby. But fortunately, there are solutions too! One of them consists to follow a homeopathic treatment. Why is the principle of this soft medicine? Which are the seven most effective homeopathic remedies to get pregnant faster? Can homeopathy work for you?

Homeopathy Principle

Homeopathy is a natural medicine that takes patient’s body, mind and spirit into consideration. Its main rule is based on the following Latin law: “Similia Similibus Curantur” which means ‘like cures like’. For example, the very substance able to produce symptoms of sickness in a healthy person will be the right remedy for a patient who is suffering from the similar symptoms. It is something like to introduce an inoffensive disease into the patient’s body (which will cause the same symptoms in a healthy person) in order to cancel the present health problem out! The idea is to match the symptoms of sickness with the suitable homeopathic remedy.

Seven Remedies to Get Pregnant Faster

1) Ovanirium – 7 C
2) Folliculinum – 7 C
3) Progesteronum – 7 C
4) Luteostimuline
5) Lycopodium – 9C
6) Gelsenium – 9C
7) Calcarea – 30C (for your mate;it helps to increase sperm count.)
Important Information
If you make up your mind to try this soft and safe therapy, it would be better to consult first a practitioner of homeopathy. Please, don’t take homeopathic remedies which have not been prescribed by a competent doctor!
Can Homeopathy Work for You?
I don’t really want to stir up controversy about the problem of homeopathy’s reliance. But you need to understand that this therapy has been the subject of many studies in order to clarify whether it is reliable or not. As the result, any study has been able to prove the effectiveness of its remedies. Some people say that homeopathy remedies are no more effective than placebos. Others say it works very well in their case, whether it is psychological or not.
Is there a reliable plan to get pregnant fast?

To tell the truth, any plan or method can work 100%! As we have mentioned before, there are so many factors that are involved to having problems getting pregnant fast. But, some plans are more effective than the others because they take a large range of factors in consideration to treat the root cause of the problem. It is the case of Michellle’s plan.

Michelle saw a lot of specialists and none of them had been able to help her to get pregnant. She thought she’d never have a baby. Fortunately, Michelle finally gave birth to a beautiful son following a plan that worked within 4 short months. Feel free to read Michelle’ story in her Get Pregnant Fast review!  

Alexis Roger is a French biochemist who loves investigating and teaching. He has studied various fields of science such as pharmacology, physiology, endocrinology, chemistry, bacteriology, anatomy and botanic. He displays a great interest in international alternative medicine therapies.

What Is A Homeopathic Cure For Tinnitus? – Effective Homeopathic Cures To Reduce That Ringing Caused BY Tinnitus

As you might already know, tinnitus is a very big problem that affects so many people in the world today. The bad thing with this condition is that it is still a mystery even to the modern medical world we live in today.

There are no real clear treatments for tinnitus, though there are a few homeopathic treatments you can try out. You can alternatively place cinnamilk in your ear with a dropper or ear syringe. You will want to use 2 teaspoons of cinnamon per 8oz of milk if you go this route as it is harder to absorb through the ear canal than orally.

Theoretically (according to traditional Chinese medicine/TCM), tinnitus can be treated by nourishing the Kidneys as the ear is considered to be very closely related to Kidney energy (the Liver as well, but to a lesser degree).

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) generally really shines treating those obscure, poorly understood conditions that plague humanity. Like tinnitus. But practically speaking, tinnitus can sometimes be very difficult to treat using any modality. From a TCM perspective, it really depends on the type of tinnitus. Is it loud and acute or quiet and chronic? Is the sound always present or is it related to a change in posture (i.e. from sitting to standing) or strong emotions? Is it accompanied by dizziness?

Broadly speaking, tinnitus related to an “excess” condition (ie. loud, acute sound) can usually be quite easily rectified whereas successful treatment of tinnitus that is due to a “deficient” condition (ie. quiet and chronic) can be more elusive, which is not to say that it cannot or hasn’t been done. For tinnitus in general, there are usually elements of both excess and deficiency at work.

It’s a condition that is quite a bit more complex than just this, and my best advice would be to seek out a suitably qualified TCM practitioner for a consultation. They can assess your condition by considering your other presenting signs and symptoms to give you a good indication of what’s going on. Good luck!

My understand is cinnamon has vitamonr which has been proven to help slow the effects of tinnitus. Combine it with milk for added calcium and its cruise control for a healthy life.

There is also this great natural tinnitus cure guide that helped me a lot when I was struggling so hard to cure my tinnitus, or at least reduce that maddening noise that came from my ears.

This guide is called the Tinnitus Miracle Guide. I have recommended this guide to a good number of friends, family members and loved ones who were suffering with tinnitus and most if not all of them significantly reduced or completely cured their tinnitus, just by using the recommendations in the guide.

The tinnitus miracle guide is a must try for any tinnitus sufferer who is fighting with this condition and would want to make use of natural methods to greatly reduce the noise and maybe completely stop it.

Click here ==> Tinnitus Miracle Review, to read more about this program, and see how it has been helping thousands of people round the world with their tinnitus.

Related Content pieces: The tinnitus miracle guide review, some great tips you can use to Get rid of your ear ringing problems The Banish Tinnitus Ebook

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Treating Eczema Skin – Beat the Rash With Natural Cure Methods and Ingredients

Though cortisone creams can offer some relief to eczema sufferers, dermatologists recommend that they shouldn’t be used without some breaks. What are some natural treatments for eczema skin rashes that can be helpful to those with an ongoing skin problem? Dermatitis can appear as red bumps, blisters with fluid, patches in the inner elbow and pimple-like eruptions on the trunk of body. It is not contagious so if you are a parent, your child should be encouraged to play and interact with other kids.

A traditional home remedy for eczema is to use a healthy oil for moisturization. This includes coconut oil, neem oil, olive oil and tea tree oil. Applying a moisturizer twice a day is an important tool to heal skin problems. Aquaphor has also proven to be very helpful in locking in moisture, though some do not like the greasy feel of the ointment. Be especially careful to lock in moisture during the winter months, when you perspire in the heat and if you out in the sun during the summer. Bathing is important to cleanse the skin, but always follow this up with a moisturizer to protect the sensitive skin. Take primrose oil, flax seed oil or borage oil internally for optimum skin health.

Eating yogurt that has ingredients called “active cultures” will give you the probiotics that your body may be missing. These include bifidus and acidopholous. They replenish the bacteria in our body that may be destroyed by antibiotics or poor diets. You can also buy probiotics as a supplement in natural food stores.

Avoid body lotions that have strong fragrances or perfumes. Allergies are as the root for eczema problems but it isn’t always easy to figure out the causes. Use non-allergenic products to protect your skin. Eggs and milk-based products can create allergic reactions for some people which will show as an eczema rash.

Taking steps to use good products on your skin as well as watching what you eat will make a big difference in reducing the eczema rash.

Learn how to stop the itching, reduce red inflamed skin and use natural ingredients for a Cure for Eczema that gets at the root of the problem. Don’t just treat the symptoms. Read more at

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Sebborheic Dermatitis: Is There Any Cure at All?

Seborrheic dermatitis – it is defined as a skin condition classified under eczema wherein the old glands are affected. Commonly, this is a disease wherein the old gland is not able to produce sufficient amount to moisturize the skin, thus causing dry skin. This is disease can be commonly seen in the scalp. Have you ever seen people with very dry scalp wherein flakes started to appear? Most often, dandruff is the first signs of seborrheic dermatitis, and then it gradually turns into this particular disease.

With seborrheic dermatitis, the glands that are produced are yellowish and pus like instead of the normal oil that moisturizes the skin, most particularly the scalp. If you have been experiencing this kind of problem, this simply means that your body has more toxins, and that the toxins are being released through the skin. This is the reason why some people have this particular type of disease. Lifestyle and the food you eat may also be a contributing factor on why you are getting this particular type of skin disease.

Thus, if you have noticed that you are already carrying the signs and symptoms of a person with seborrheic dermatitis, it is important for you to know and understand the things that you must do in order to treat them – or if you haven’t experienced this yet, better yet you have to know the things to do in order to avoid them

One of the best things that must be accomplished is the change of diet and lifestyle. Since seborrheic dermatitis is caused by the toxins inside the body, you must be cautious about the food that you eat. Don’t eat too much fat, or take too much food that only includes junk substances and ingredients. Remember, that eating healthy is one of the best precautions and the best treatment in any particular form of eczema, including seborrheic dermatitis. The intake of essential vitamins, minerals and even fiber is strongly recommended. Of course, trim down the intake of fats and sugar that can even worsen the production of your oil glands in your body. If you really want to avoid these kinds of situations, you must first work towards getting used to eating healthy foods and working on your healthy lifestyle both at the same time.

Another important thing that you could always consider to avoid or prevent suborrheic dermatitis is to replenish your vitamin E and intake of fatty acids. Although some situations can be treated and corrected by merely eating the right diet, there are some worse cases of seborrheic dermatitis wherein medical treatment and help is required. Don’t worry, if you are someone who have had been suffering this for quite some time, there are products in the market and people that can help you most when it comes to situations like these.

Taking and using these types of products will help you recover those oil production that you have missed for quite some time, and help you restore the original circulation of the oil glands in your skin. Do not be ashamed to ask for professional help. This must be taken care of as soon as you have discovered it.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that thousands of people have been suffering. If you are someone or if you know an individual suffering with this particular type of disease, it is important that it should be treated as soon as possible. We are here to help you out.

Yeast Infections – 3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Your Yeast Infection For Good

Getting Rid of Those Nasty Yeast Infections for Good

A homeopathic remedy offers a safe and reliable option to get rid of your yeast infection for good.

Furthermore, your body often builds up a resistance to traditional medicines & antibiotics when it comes to the treatment of this nasty condition which leads to recurring infections.

Not only are natural remedies better for you in the long term, but they are more likely to get rid of it for good – often the body develops a resistance to medicinal treatments with the result that it keeps on coming back.

Recurring yeast infections are not likely to occur when treating this condition with a natural homeopathic remedy.

3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Yeast Infections

Whilst Homeopathy is generally a safe & effective option, it would be best to consult a professional homeopath who will prescribe the best remedy after considering all your symptoms.

1. Borax

The use of Borax is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies for treating this & helps with the treatment of vaginal discharge which often accompanies the infection.

2. Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea carbonica can be used when your infection is accompanied with a milky vaginal discharge that causes itchiness & burning before of after your menstrual period.

3. Kresotum

Kreosotum is also effective for treating the infection which is accompanied by a bad smelling, very irritating & watery discharge which causes a lot of itching as well as swelling.

It should also be noted that homeopathic remedies are also safe for sufferers of this condition of all ages contrary to medicine which can have some nasty side effects for some & can be downright dangerous for youngsters to take who suffer with these nasty vaginal infections.

Homeopathic treatment is a holistic way of treating diseases, conditions and infections which may involve some lifestyle changes resulting in a long lasting cure & healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, whilst treatment of these vaginal infections with medication can be effective in the short term, your body may develop a resistance to the particular medication increasing the risk of it returning with the result that it never clears up properly.

Therefore,lifestyle changes in respect of your diet and adopting natural homeopathic remedies may produce the best & most long lasting results when it comes to curing your yeast infection for good.


To overcome your Candida & Yeast Infection, get these 5 Natural Remedies (free) to Clear Up a Yeast Infection for good

– or –

just go to the following link for these 5 Natural Remedies to Clear Up a Yeast Infection:

The author is passionate about helping people to experience the magic of a fit & healthy lifestyle and overcoming their health problems

Yeast Infections – 3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Your Yeast Infection For Good

Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Yeast Infections

A homeopathic remedy offers a safe and reliable option to get rid of your yeast infection for good.

Furthermore, your body often builds up a resistance to traditional medicines & antibiotics when it comes to the treatment of this nasty condition which leads to recurring yeast infections.

Not only are natural yeast infection remedies better for you in the long term, but they are more likely to get rid of it for good – often the body develops a resistance to medicinal treatments with the result that it keeps on coming back.

Recurring yeast infections are not likely to happen when treating this condition with a natural homeopathic remedy.

3 Homeopathic Remedies to Cure Yeast Infections

Whilst Homeopathy is generally a safe & effective option, it would be best to consult a professional homeopath who will prescribe the best remedy after considering all your symptoms.

1. Borax

The use of Borax is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies for treating this & helps with the treatment of vaginal discharge which often accompanies the yeast infection.

2. Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea carbonica can be used when your yeast infection is accompanied with a milky vaginal discharge that causes itchiness & burning before of after your menstrual period.

3. Kresotum

Kreosotum is also effective for treating the infection which is accompanied by a bad smelling, very irritating & watery discharge which causes a lot of itching as well as swelling.

In conclusion, whilst treatment of yeast infections with medication can be effective in the short term, your body may develop a resistance to it & you could risk it coming back.

Lifestyle changes in respect of your diet and adopting natural homeopathic remedies may produce the best & most long lasting results when it comes to curing your yeast infection for good.

To overcome your Candida & Yeast Infection, get these 5 Natural Remedies (free) to Clear Up a Yeast Infection here…

– or –

just go to the following link for these 5 Natural Remedies to Clear Up a Yeast Infection:

The author is passionate about helping people to experience the magic of a fit & healthy lifestyle and overcoming their health problems

Homeopathic Remedies For Ovarian Cysts – The All Natural Cure And Pain Relief

It is possible that these medications could be making the situation worse. The side affects can be very harmful to your body, so you should at least consider the healthier option of homeopathic remedies for ovarian cysts. Follow these tips to get the pain relief that you are seeking that are associated with the ovarian cysts.

Heat Therapy. To get some immediate relief from the pain, place a heating pad on your lower abdomen. You can do more than just place the heat on your pelvic area. Using plastic wrap, contain the heat from the heating pad by wrapping your belly with the plastic. This will pinpoint the heat to help reduce the swelling in your pelvic area. Do not worry about sweating some because the pain relief that you get will be well worth it.

Increase your water intake. To help reduce the pressure on your ovaries, drink extra water. This remedy is one that you will probably not hear your doctor suggest. By drinking plenty of water, not only will the pressure from your lower abdomen be reduced, so will the pressure on your ovaries. You will find that to begin with, your trips to the bathroom will increase, but this will return to normal once the old water is gone.

Try to decrease as much stress in your life as possible. This is going to be a tough one, but stress is one of the main causes of all health related issues. Take a few breaks from your job during the day or try to relax as you are doing housework. Stress is the major player in just about all diseases, and ovarian cysts are certainly no exception to that rule. Homeopathic remedies for ovarian cysts are becoming widely accepted as a real and legitimate way to relieve the pain and to help prevent recurring cysts. Remember that y having a surgery to remove the cysts does not guarantee against future outbreaks. Putting a band aid over the problem will not make it go away, just cover it up for awhile.

You can learn more about how to finally get rid of them for good by incorporating homeopathic remedies for ovarian cysts that has worked for numerous women. These treatments are proven to work, and you can learn more about them by visiting


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Homeopathic Remedies For Ovarian Cysts – The All Natural Cure And Pain Relief

Something that you need to consider is the harmful side affects of these pain relievers. The side affects of these medications can be very harmful, and women need to understand that there are alternative medicines that will alleviate the pain associated with ovarian cysts.

There are some tips that I would like to share with you to help with the pain associated with your ovarian cysts.

Heat Therapy. By applying heat using a heating pad or hot water bottle, you should see and feel immediate results. You can get even better results by following this step. By wrapping the heating pad or hot water bottle with plastic wrap will contain the heat right where you need it. By centralizing the heat source where you need it most, the swelling will reduce much quicker. You might sweat a little, but this is going to be well worth it to get the relief that you need.

Increase your water intake. Drinking extra water will help to reduce the pressure on your ovaries. Your doctor will more than likely not even mention this little trick to you. This extra water will help to reduce the pressure on your abdomen. Your trips to the bathroom will return to normal once the old water is expelled from your body.

Try to decrease as much stress in your life as possible. You might find that this tip is going to be hard to undertake, but stress is a main factor in almost all health related issues. Take a few breaks from your job during the day or try to relax as you are doing housework. Stress is the major player in just about all diseases, and ovarian cysts are certainly no exception to that rule.

Thses steps are becoming more accepted as homeopathic remedies for ovarian cysts are being realized to work exceptionally well. Surgery will not keep them from returning in the future. Covering up the root cause is not going to make things better.

You can learn more about how to finally get rid of them for good by incorporating homeopathic remedies for ovarian cysts that has worked for numerous women. These treatments are proven to work, and you can learn more about them by visiting

Having Eczema? Read These Tips to Easily Cure Your Eczema

Do you know that eczema is considered to be a common disease? Hower, there are more than million people, only in the United States, affected with eczema. Each of them has different symptoms, but the most surprising is, there are many of them don’t even realize that they are having eczema. So, in this article, I will provide you something that you can do to cure your eczema symptoms, no matter how bad your eczema is.

First thing that you need to do to cure eczema is to clean your skin by taking a shower or bath. Bathing or showering around two times a day will be recommended. But, there is also a consequence from doing this. You see, when you often take a bath or shower, it might cause your skin to dry since bathing or showering will take away your skin’s natural oils. And I believe you are fully aware that dry skin is the best condition to worsen your eczema symptoms.

So, your next question might be : Taking a bath is good to clean my skin, but it would cause my skin to dry also. Then, what am I going to do? Well, it is easy. The answer is to moisturise your skin regularly. And when is the good time to do this? After bathing or showering will be the perfect time to do this. But don’t dry your body, yet. Just lightly dab yourself with towel and apply your moisturizer to your damp skin. This way is better and it will keep some moisture into your skin.

There is another method to cur eczema that you should know other than applying the moisturizer to your skin. Do you know that coconut oil can be used to cure your eczema? Well, there is Lauric Acid contain in the coconut oil, which is good for curing eczema symptoms. This can be done by applying the coconut oil to your affected area and you will be amazed by the result of it.

Now, you need to remember one thing. Everything you eat will have something to do with your skin, or especially your eczema symptoms. You should know that some foods which contain high acid will create bad effect to your eczema condition. But drinking lot of water will be good to your skin. Having some supplements can help also, especially Kelp supplements, since it has high alkali which can help reducing acids in your body.

Well, finally, I am fully aware of how painful and uncomfortable eczema can be, but whatever you feel, just don’t give up. Your eczema can be cured for sure and you need to start curing it right now. I hope that all the information in this article can help you fight against your eczema symptoms. And I wish that, by the end, you would be the winner of this fight.

If you are suffering from eczema, you have two options to cure your eczema. First option, cure eczema by using steroid cream or any creams in order to treat the symptoms. By curing this way, your eczema might clear up for a while and it will come back again shortly, since these creams only treat the symptoms, not the root of the eczema cause. Besides, loading yourself with steroid or any other chemicals will not be good for long term period.

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