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8 Natural Remedies For Bad Breath

Most people have bad breath at one time or another. A studies show that 90% of bad breath comes from the mouth, usually from the back of your tongue and from food particles in between your teeth. The bacteria produce sulfur compounds, which in turn, causes bad odor. There are a number of causes of bad breath, foremost among them being bacteria in the mouth, stomach and intestinal disturbances, bowel sluggishness, sinus or throat infections, and tobacco and alcohol use.

1. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, you should first examine your hygiene habits. Make sure that you floss at least once a day, and that you brush your teeth regularly.

2. Alcohol consumption causes digestive problems which leads to bad breath. In addition, alcohol dries out the mouth, which reduces saliva production. See below for more information.

3. Drink tea. Preliminary research suggests that compounds in both green and black tea called polyphenols may stop the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Polyphenols may also prevent existing bacteria from producing malodorous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide. Both green and black tea have polyphenols. Get some tips on how to brew green tea.

4. Fresh mint will help alleviate a foul odor in the mouth. On a daily basis, gather three fresh mint leaves and chew on them, this will remove the bad odor emitting from your mouth.

5. One of the culprits involved in having a sluggish digestion is the lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. If there isn’t enough hydrochloric acid, food that is undigested winds up being passed into your intestines where it emits a noxious odor. This odor then causes bad breath.

6. The foods eaten also are a potential cause of halitosis. Certain foods, such as garlic, onions and certain spices are frequently cited as cause for a person’s bad breath. Both vegetarians and those who eat large quantities of meat may develop bad breath due, in part, to the digestive process. Digestion begins in the mouth. Saliva has enzymes which begin the digestion process, and the type of food eaten can affect the food chemistry of the mouth. Saliva will also pick up odors from food within several hours after it has been eaten. Odors are strongest from carbohydrates – sugars, starches and cellulose, less strong from proteins, and nonexistent from fats. Bacteria in the mouth react with the decaying food and drink residue and can be the source of the foul odor.

7. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking water and other fluids will help keep your mouth moist. Another reason drinking fluids might help: In traditional Chinese medicine, bad breath is often the result of excess heat in the stomach. Water, soup and watery fruits and vegetables, such as cucumber, are thought to help to rebalance the body. This is one of the best bad breath cure.

8. Apple cider vinegar is also helpful in getting rid of the bad breath. You just have to take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before each meal. If you cannot take apple cider vinegar alone you can also mix it with a glass of water or pineapple juice. This helps in aiding the digestive system. 

Author is an online medical researcher on bad breath cure. Click read more on bad breath cure, how to get rid of bad breath.

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