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Natural Remedies For Eczema – Are They Better?

Natural remedies for eczema do have the best results. They don’t just mask the problem like the steroid creams do. You will know if you have eczema and have been using steroid creams that the minute you stop using the steroid cream the eczema actually comes back much worse than it was before. Additionally if you are using steroid cream to treat eczema then the eczema is not going it is still present.

There are many natural remedies for eczema available – many of these I have had first hand experience with. My son, Sam’s eczema started when he was around 6 months old. When I took Sam to see the doctor (not knowing what his red, aggravated patches were) I was given steroid cream. It was Christmas time and it started around his neck – it was bright red and he kept putting his hands up to it and scratching. The way the doctor spoke to me when he gave me the steroid cream led me to believe that after 7 days of use it would all be over! I know that this sounds crazy but this is what I was led to believe. Obviously this did not happen, I used the steroid cream on Sam throughout Christmas until the around the 3rd day of January. Then I went back to the doctors because as well as his neck the eczema had started to appear on his forehead and on the backs of his knees.

I must say that the day before I had been doing some research into steroid cream online and had learnt the drawbacks. Generally most doctors out there are one viewed – steroid is what you use to treat eczema. Its only really when you come upon a doctor who has had first hand experience with eczema that you will be able to talk to him / her about natural remedies for eczema.

For more information on natural remedies for eczema and to see how our eczema nightmare came to an end for us visit my eczema natural remedies blog or my eczema squidoo lens

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Are Natural Eczema Remedies Better Than Medicines?

Today, natural eczema remedies are helping many sufferers to live an eczema free life for the first time.

You may ask why you should use a natural treatment for eczema? There are many advantages that a natural remedy will have over a conventional eczema medication.

Firstly a natural eczema remedy is completely safe. It is a well known fact that a lot of medicines and drugs have a steroid base. This at times can result in harsh side effects, this is more likelyin young kids who have yet to develop a strong immune system.

Secondly a natural method is going to be very cost effective. Having to buy medicines and creams can take its toll on your finances, however natural remedies for eczema can be purchased fairly cheaply, and you may already have some of them at home.

Thirdly, there is no medicine that is actually capable of curing eczema. The best case scenario is a decrease in symptoms, however this is not the case for all people. Natural Eczema Remedies work on the root cause of eczema, as well as the symptoms. No cause equals no symptoms.

These are the very reasons why so many people are opting to go down the natural route. This skin condition can really take its toll on your life. The temptation to scratch at the never ending itchy skin, knowing that other people may be staring at your rash and eczema bumps, and constantly having to use creams and medicines can be very frustrating.

Here are some of the best natural eczema remedies which have benefited people:

Aloe Vera is a plant is very good for improving the health of the skin, and has been used for hundreds of years for this purpose.

Olive Oil is a very effective way to moisturize you skin helps to prevent your skin drying up. Eczema thrives on skin that is dry, this is whyyour skin needs to be kept moist thorough using a moisturizing agent like olive oil.

Fish Oils can be very beneficial as they help to keep skin healthy from the inside, If you don’t like eating fish, then you definitely need to use supplements.

Water is a simple way of improving eczema skin, just increase your daily intake. Not only does drinking more water help to eliminate poisons from your body, it helps your skin from becoming dehydrated.

Food that you eat is a major factor. There are strong links between an unhealthy diet and eczema. Consuming more fresh vegetables can helpyou toget your body into a more natural alkaline state, which is required for optimal health.

The trick is to strengthen your immunity so that your body is better prepared in its abilities to successfully keep eczema at bay. Your immune system will not become stronger through the use of drugs, the chances are that it will decrease in strength due to the impact of the chemicals in the drugs.

There are plenty of other natural treatments that can work for you, and if your current treatment regime is not doing it for you, then your next step has to be to use natural eczema remedies.

There is denying the positive effect of using natural eczema home remedies. This is the exacct reason as to why so many sufferers are using them to get rid of eczema