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The Best Facial Cleanser for Eczema

Facial eczema is never easy to treat. With all the different products on the market that claim to be sensitive facial cleansers, it’s difficult to choose a product that works for your eczema. That’s why this week – we’re discussing the best facial cleanser for eczema. Also make sure to check out some creams that are soothing, nourishing and sensitive enough for eczema on the face, including lips and eyes.

Please keep in mind that although these treatments can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

Best Facial Cleanser for Eczema

Facial eczema is extremely difficult to treat and as such, a gentle enough treatment is always tricky to find. Many cleansers on the market are ridden with toxic ingredients such as parabens, fragrances, phthalates and much more.

ILW Recommends: 13 Skincare Ingredients & Eczema Irritants You NEED to Avoid Right Now

A proper cleanser for eczema needs to be gentle, but should also be soothing and nourishing as well. You don’t want to opt for a cleanser that will leave your skin feeling dry. That will only be uncomfortable and result in further eczema flares. The problem with most cleansers and soaps is that they strip the skin and leave you worse off than when you began. Read more about how soaps strip the skin and how to find the Best Eczema Soap.

One facial cleanser for eczema we stand by is Bodyceuticals Organic Calendula Eczema Face Wash. This face wash is a highly concentrated formula, so you actually only need one pump to clean the entire face (talk about affordable!). The calendula, seaweed and blended herbs provide a cleanser that is both repairing and moisturizing. Unlike other cleansers, this face wash will not strip skin from moisture and will instead calm red, inflamed skin. This facial cleanser for eczema is also a perfect for those that have sensitive skin.

Not all bar soaps are drying and we suggest you try this Grass Fed Tallow Soap to see just how moisturizing a bar of soap can be. This super fatty soap is so gentle that it’s great for using anywhere on your body, including your sensitive face. It’s super simple ingredient list means it’s great for someone with even the most sensitive or allergic of skin. So, we highly recommend giving this bar soap a try.

Best Facial Cream for Eczema

After a good facial cleansing, it’s best to apply a cream or balm to lock in the moisture and soothe and nourish the skin. Similarly to facial cleansers for eczema, you want to make sure these creams are as natural as possible.

A great cream that I use on my skin is Bodyceuticals Calendula Face Eczema Cream. This cream is extremely cooling and helps soothe irritated and dry skin. Normally, I apply this cream at night on sensitive and dry parts of my face like the sides of my nose, my chin and cheeks. I also love doubling up this cream as a makeup remover.

Because the cream includes organic coconut oil, it’s very easy to use it to wipe off eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow. Plus – this cream is also so gentle it can be used for eyelid eczema as well.

Another excellent cream that is also nourishing and perfect for facial eczema, is Eczeherbal’s Colloidal Oatmeal Eczema Cream. This treatment includes both aloe vera and 2% colloidal oatmeal to keep skin nourished and reduce inflammation. Aside from adults, it can also be used on children, babies and even pets!

For extreme moisture, you can also try this Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream, which is extremely nourishing for dry, irritated skin. It’s more of a creamy balm, so a very small amount goes a long way. In general, it’s best worn at night as it is so thick and creamy.

Looking for more moisturizing options? Check out the natural eczema cream here. 

How to Wash your Face with Eczema

With eczema, it’s best to be extra gentle with the skin, which is highly sensitive. Here is how we recommend washing your face with eczema:

  • Start by splashing your face with warm (not hot) water. Then gently massage in a cleanser for sensitive skin or eczema like Bodyceuticals Organic Calendula Eczema Face Wash. Or try one of these best eczema soaps.
  • Carefully remove every bit of cleanser with cool water and your hands. You can experiment with using a wash cloth for exfoliation, but proceed with caution as wash cloths can be too abrasive and irritating at times.
  • Pat (don’t rub) the skin dry and immediately apply an emollient like Bodyceuticals Calendula Face Eczema Cream which was made to use with the face wash above.
  • If cleaning your face in the morning, try going cleanser free and simply do a cool water rinse. Then apply a natural sunscreen on your face to protect your face against harmful UVA and UVB Rays. Read about the Best All Natural Sunscreens for Eczema. For a natural face cream with SPF protect, try this one by OM Botanicals with cooling aloe and shea butter.

If you’re suffering from facial eczema and just can’t find a cleanser or cream that provides relief, then perhaps its time to look within. Many eczema sufferers have found relief and treatment by simply changing their diet. If you think your facial eczema might be caused by the foods you’re eating, make sure to check out this blog post: Our Eczema Elimination Diet Success (How You Can Do it Too!). An elimination diet is essentially removing certain foods from your diet for a specific time period and then reintroducing them slowly to determine which foods are causing a reaction.

Do you suffer from facial eczema?

Let us know what cleanser you use below in the comments section!

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What Is The Best Eczema Soap?

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

By Laura Dolgy (bio below)

It’s no secret that finding the best eczema soap or really sensitive skin is a nightmare. Most soaps end up leaving skin feeling dry and even more irritated. Not to mention that harsh and hot water can only exacerbate eczema symptoms. It’s enough to make us want to eliminate washing and bathing of any kind.

If you’re having trouble finding an alternative to harsh soaps, then this post is for you. This week, we’re sharing the worst and best eczema soaps.

Please keep in mind that although these treatments can relieve eczema, we are in no way medical professionals. If you’re experiencing severe eczema symptoms like fever or an infection, it is best to seek medical advice immediately.

The Truth about Soap and Eczema

As you probably already know, soap is known to dry skin out. This is mostly due to harsh chemicals that remove moisture from the skin. These chemicals can also cause severe reactions and irritation, specifically for those suffering from eczema or extremely sensitive skin.

So why is it so hard finding a soap that works with your eczema? Well to be quite honest – most (if not almost all) skincare products that exist today are loaded with nasty ingredients such as parabens, plastics or one of the worst culprit – fragrances.

To keep your skin well protected and safe from infection, opting for natural, chemical-free soaps are the best decision. They tend to be gentler and won’t dry out the skin like others will.

What is the Worst Soap for Eczema?

Aside from soap with nasty ingredients such as parabens, plastics or fragrances, there are many other types of soap that can exacerbate eczema. Here is a list of the top soaps to avoid:

Bubble baths

What kid doesn’t love a bubble bath? Or adult for that matter?! Unfortunately most bubble baths can really cause your eczema to flare up. But why are bubble baths so terrible for dry skin? Well for one, foaming agents use many chemicals that easily irritate skin. Another reason is that all soap will dry out the skin and the longer the skin is exposed to soap, as in soaking in a bubble bath, the more the skin will dry out. In fact, for baths, we suggest never using any soap until the very end and then quickly rinsing it off the skin. Never sit in soapy water for an extended period of time.

Although there are some very rare “eczema-safe” bubble baths out there, it’s best to err on the side of caution. So, we do NOT recommend bubble baths for children or adults with eczema.

Sanitizers & Foaming Soaps

Although we’ve been discussing soaps primarily for bath use, there are also many soaps that can exacerbate hand eczema. Hand sanitizers are probably one of the worst things you can use! Why? Because there is nothing else as drying as alcohol and that is the primary ingredient in most sanitizers.

Another one is foaming soap, which is extremely harsh for sensitive skin. It usually includes unsafe chemicals and ingredients made to create an overabundance of foam, but these things really irritate the skin. Hand eczema is actually very common due to chemical agents included in products such as hand cleansers and dish soap.

If you have trouble with hand eczema, make sure to read 5 Handy Ways to Keep Hand Eczema Under Control.

Scented Oils

Although this is technically not a soap, many people enjoy adding scented oils to their bath to help them unwind and relax. However, like we mentioned earlier, most fragrant type products can exacerbate eczema.

In general we suggest avoiding scented oils with added “fragrance” or “perfume.” Instead we recommend just adding drops of pure essential oils to your bath. For tips, check out The Best Essential Oils for Eczema.

What is the Best Eczema Soap?

We already mentioned there are many soaps that must be avoided for eczema, but fortunately there are many great, natural alternatives available.

If you’re suffering from dry, itchy or irritated eczema, it’s always best to opt for a product that contains either olive oil or a fatty base like shea to nurture your skin and not strip it of moisture like commercial brands will. We don’t find coconut oil only bases to be rich and moisturizing enough, so in general we don’t recommend those, although they are natural.

This Emily Skin Soothers Soap for Eczema contains natural Chinese herbs, as well as olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter and many more natural and eczema safe ingredients. Not only is it perfect as a bathing soap for eczema, but it can also be doubled up for showering. It is both nourishing and extremely moisturizing for the driest skin. We’ve heard it works great for shampoo too if you have shorter hair.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for a bottled soap, the above product is also available in liquid form, arguably even better as a shampoo. Check out this natural body wash for eczema.

We mentioned that we love olive oil based soaps, but we find tallow pretty great as well. This Grass Fed Tallow Soap is made with the purest form of grass fed tallow and is extremely nourishing and moisturizing. Not only is it excellent for eczema, but it’s simple ingredients are gentle enough for sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

Lastly, the 20% Pine Tar Soap is both anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, which makes it perfect for eczema, psoriasis and rosacea. Pine tar is actually known to speed up the growth of new skin cells and helps restore the appearance of skin. This eczema soap can also double up as a shampoo for scalp eczema, psoriasis and dandruff.

Although soap for eczema might be difficult to find, it’s not impossible. As discussed, there are a variety of different natural, eczema-safe alternatives that can be provide soothing and nourishing relief.

Have you found the best eczema soap?

Share it with us in the comments below!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.



What Is The Best Eczema Soap? appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

The Best Eczema Cream for Your Type of Eczema – Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest
The Best Eczema Cream for Your Type of Eczema
Reader’s Digest
via amazon.comIf you have mild eczema, such as one or two small, mild patches of inflammation on your body, moisturizer (when paired with certain lifestyle changes) is the best eczema cream for you. Hydrating ingredients include lipids, ceramides, and

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Best Colon Cleanser Treatment and Home Remedies for Colon Cleanser

Colon cleansing is not anything like other detox process, fad diets, and other atypical nutritional programs. It’s a bodily plan that works! Benefits are obvious for those who tried a colon cleanse

The colon is one incessant hollow tube that is about 5 feet long and 2-3 inches in diameter.

The colon plays an significant role in eliminate the waste and toxic material from the body and absorbs the water and sodium to maintain the electrolyte balance.

As one of a vital organ of removal, the colon is where many nutrients from the foods we digest are broken down and then incorporate into the bloodstream for change into the muscle, tissue and fuel.

Many of us are aware of the helpful effects of colon cleansing. For the inexperienced, especially those adopting colon cleansing the very first time, there could be some anxiety when side effects occur throughout the colon cleansing process.

Colon Cleanse Side Effects

All colon cleansers lead to side-effects such as nausea, dizziness, flu-like symptom, headaches and loss of appetite. This is because the waste-build up and toxins within fight back when they are compulsory to leave the system by the act of colon cleansing supplement.

While herbs yield great colon cleansing impact in most cases, people who are allergic must strictly refrain from the use of colon cleansing herbs as these could boomerang then. Severe irritation and nauseating sensations are frequent in such cases.

Benefits of Colon Cleansing

If you clean out your colon you will most likely feel lighter. You will also have more energy and you may be able to even sleep better.

Additionally, you will no longer be constipated and you are less likely to experience other digestive harms such as irritable bowel syndrome or diarrhea. Colon cleansing will also help avoid cancer, above all that of the intestines.

In addition, it may even help you lose weight, and you will feel less bloated. Furthermore, abdominal pain could fade away for good. Additionally, you may have less headaches and you will most probable not be nauseous and more.

Colon Cleansing Treatment

Colon cleansing treatment is the development of the body’s system detoxification.

Improper diet and environmental effluence may result in unwanted waste accumulation in the colon.

People suffering from diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, lack of energy and malnutrition, may feel relieved after the colon cleansing treatment. It can go back your system to a more efficient routine.

Colon cleansing treatment should involve several essential steps. First, you need to change your diet. Try to avoid caffeine, sugar, white flour, aspartame, and microwave-cooked food.

Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Home remedies for colon cleansing work on the initial stages of cleansing and most highly developed and inflexible colons may not take action to it.

Home enema kits are very reasonable and easy to find. If you just head to your local drug store, you be supposed to be able to find one that will suit your needs.

These are very effective, but usually steered clear of by people who need to cleanse their colons. This may be since of embarrassment, but if you can get over that feeling then you will find out that they are very effective.

There are many ways to carry out home remedies for colon cleansing. Most adopted, out of all, is that one can get it done with the home colon cleansing kits that contain the pills.

For more useful information visit Colon Cleanserand Bowel Cleanser and Home Remedies for Constipation

Dr. Sarkozy Mikal

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Open Your Kitchen Shelf and Find the Best Home Remedies For Toothaches

Are you aware of the home remedies for toothaches? If not, you have come across the right article. I am here to explain to you all about the medicine which can be commonly found in your kitchen shelves. They are cheap and affordable even for the layman. Try out these methods in your life before you take pills for your dental problems.

• Asafetida (Ferula fetida) – It is one of the best home remedies for toothache present among the crowd since ancient days. This spice is fast acting and will control the severe pain within a few hours. It is rich in minerals and vitamins which also help in strengthening the teeth. This increases the endurance power of the teeth and it can withstand the pain caused by the bacteria residing in the cavities of the teeth.

• Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) – You cannot avoid this spice when you talk about home remedies for toothache. This medicine is very popular among the crowd in easing your toothache. Dentists use the oil of this spice while filing cavities to prevent tooth pain and other infections. It is also known for its antiseptic properties.

• Onion (Allium cepa) – It is one of the commonly used home remedies for toothache. Chewing onion regularly will protect your teeth from the harmful bacteria which cause pain in the teeth. They provide a bad breath for a short period of time. You can overcome this odor by rinsing your mouth daily with a mouthwash. Consuming onion daily will also help in boosting your overall health. Garlic is found to be effective for severe toothaches.

Home remedies for toothache are effective and will decrease your pain within a short period of time. They are safe and do not harm your body. You can use this medicine at any point of the day as they are easily available.
All these are natural home remedies for toothache which will ease your suffering within few hours. There are many books written on this subject which you can purchase from a nearby shop.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

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Best Treatment For Hemorrhoids – 4 Natural Home Remedies to Cure Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a condition that inflicts millions of people around the world and typically results in burning sensations in the anal area. Fortunately, most cases typically go away in a matter of days using home remedies without resorting to surgery. Here are 4 of the best treatment for hemorrhoids that are completely natural.

1. Increase your fiber intake – One of the main causes of hemorrhoids is due to hardened stool which typically stems from a lack of fiber. Be sure to eat at least 20 to 30 grams a day by consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains in order to soften your stool.

2. Remove unnecessary stresses – The next part is to remove any instances where you place any unneeded stress on the veins inside the anal rectum. This includes straining to move stool and sitting for long periods of time. Be sure to take breaks often and to always take your time when relieving yourself.

3. Make use of herbal remedies – One of the best treatment for hemorrhoids is to make use of herbal remedies such as aloe vera and witch hazel as they help to reduce the swelling and burning sensation. It is recommended to gently apply these ointments on a daily basis especially after moving stool.

4. Take warm baths after bowel movement – To further reduce the swelling, take a warm bath for 10 minutes several times a day preferably after bowel movement. Not only is this relaxing for the entire body, but is perhaps one of the best treatment for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be a very uncomfortable condition to deal with but fortunately there are natural home remedies to get rid of the problem. Increase your fiber intake, take your time during bowel movement, make use of herbal remedies and take warm baths on a regular basis. Pretty soon, your hemorrhoids will start to shrink substantially and go away in a matter of days.

Finally, a solution that works – Get free tips on the best hemorrhoid treatments that work using only natural home remedies without having to resort to costly procedures. Get rid of hemorrhoids naturally once and for all and put an end to the problem if you are tired of suffering from this common condition.

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