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How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma — ScienceDaily – Science Daily

How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma — ScienceDaily
Science Daily
Scientists have discovered insights for a possible new therapy for eczema that also reduces the severity of asthma. The findings are an important next step in understanding the relationship between the two inflammatory diseases and to developing

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eczema – Google News

How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma — ScienceDaily – Science Daily

How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma — ScienceDaily
Science Daily
Scientists have discovered insights for a possible new therapy for eczema that also reduces the severity of asthma. The findings are an important next step in understanding the relationship between the two inflammatory diseases and to developing

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eczema – Google News

How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma – Science Daily

How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma
Science Daily
How treating eczema could also alleviate asthma. Date: January 19, 2018; Source: VIB; Summary: Scientists have discovered insights for a possible new therapy for eczema that also reduces the severity of asthma. The findings are an important next step

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eczema – Google News

Scientists find how potential new eczema treatment could also alleviate asthma –

Scientists find how potential new eczema treatment could also alleviate asthma
Scientists from VIB-UGent have discovered insights for a possible new therapy for eczema that also reduces the severity of asthma. The findings are an important next step in understanding the relationship between the two inflammatory diseases and to

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eczema – Google News

Can Breastfeeding Reduce Childhood Asthma and Eczema? – Medical News Bulletin

Medical News Bulletin
Can Breastfeeding Reduce Childhood Asthma and Eczema?
Medical News Bulletin
Among the many health benefits, breastfeeding is believed to help prevent allergies and conditions associated with these, such as asthma and atopic eczema. Mothers are therefore encouraged to exclusively breastfeed their babies for four to six months

eczema – Google News

Home Remedies For Asthma

Asthma is a condition wherein the bronchial tubes, which function as the main air passageways, are inflamed. In the United States alone, approximately 20 million people have asthma, ranging from mild to severe conditions. Asthma can be detected if one or more of the following symptoms are present: wheezing, daytime and nighttime coughing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath.
When left untreated, asthma can be very dangerous and at times, even fatal, which is why asthmatic individuals should be monitored constantly, especially the children. The good news is that there are many remedies you can use to treat it. Knowing what these are would be very helpful, and to some extent, may even save lives.

A spoonful of turmeric powder in tomato juice or milk taken once daily will help in reducing tropical eosinophilia and free the pangs of breathlessness in asthmatics. A teaspoon of lettuce seeds mixed with honey when taken twice daily on empty stomach, during the treatment of asthma and bronchitis is a very useful tonic and when used regularly, will reduce dependence on asthma medicines and improve the quality of life.
Lettuce seeds contain lignose, which is an effective intestinal antiseptic also. A teaspoonful of fresh mint juice with 2 teaspoonfuls of pure malt vinegar and an equal quantity of honey stirred in four ounces of carrot juice given thrice daily as a medicated tonic during the treatment of bronchitis and asthma has many positive effects as it helps in reducing the swellings in the air passages and helps build immunity to various allergens.
Studies have shown over 20.3 million people have been diagnosed with a particular type of asthma. Knowing the causes and symptoms of asthma can help you prevent asthma attacks in the future.
Several different remedies can help decrease the severe symptoms of your asthma later in your life, some sooner than others. Follow these steps precisely, measure each dose exact, and this might help you with your asthma.
The air from the lungs and into the lungs is carried out by the tubes called airways. In Asthma there is an inflammation in the airways which makes it swollen and sensitive. If we breathe any substance it reacts strongly to that substance and the muscles around it gets tightened which results the airways to narrow. There is a deficit of air in the lungs as the swelling increases and the airways moves towards the narrower. Sticky, thick liquid mucus is formed by the cells in the air ways which further narrow the airways. In Asthma there is a shortness of breathe, chest tightness, coughing, and recurring periods of wheezing. Asthma is a chronic lung disease and it attacks people of all age and generally at midnight or early in the morning.
Exact cause of the Asthma is unknown but it may be said that it is the result of the – Family genes, respiratory infections during the childhood, due to some airborne allergens, exercise, sulfites in food drinks, respiratory infections, aspirin or non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs etc. Symptoms and cause of the asthma is different for different people.

Read about asthma home remedies. Also read home remedies asthma. For more details visit this link: natural remedies

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Home remedies for asthma

Asthma is the most commonly heard respiratory disorder that can affect any person irrespective of age and gender. Millions of people throughout the world are chronic sufferers of this disease. The disease can be kept in check through proper treatments and in mild cases it subsides with time. In this disease the air passages or tubes that facilitate the oxygen flow in and out of lungs gets inflamed causing severe breathing difficulties leading to spasm in the chest. Congestion in the chest also occurs due to the sticky mucous making things much more difficult. In serious conditions supportive breathing arrangements need to be provided by means of oxygen cylinders.


Persons suffering from asthma face extreme difficulty in breathing followed by spasms in the chest. Occasionally mild fever persists with coughing, wheezing conditions worsening early in the morning or at night making conditions tough for sleeping.


The exact cause of this chronic respiratory disease is not clearly defined but definitely the body immunity level does play a vital role in its occurrence. Other causes are –

1. Exposure to allergens like pollens, dust mites and other air borne agents.
2. Prolonged suffering from cold and respiratory tract infections.
3. Seasonal changes
4. Residing in polluted environments.
5. Heredity
6. Sometimes pregnancy can induce asthma but it subsides after the child birth.

Natural Remedies for Asthma

Natural remedies in treating asthma are equally effective than using inhalers and nebulizers and the disease should not be left untreated.

1. Regular intake of 3-4 dry figs soaked in water helps in clearing the phlegm from the obstructed passages.
2. Taking few grams of dried Indian gooseberry with honey early morning helps in treating asthma. 3. Taking lemon juice mixed in a glass of water along with the meals helps in curing asthma.
4. A mixture of ginger juice in a cup of fenugreek decoction with few drops of honey acts as a good expectorant that dilutes the mucous.
5. A paste of bitter gourd roots mixed either with equal amount of honey or basil leaf juice, if taken daily at night is a good treatment for asthma.
6. Boiling 10 garlic cloves in about 30 ml of milk and taking it once a day is very effective in curing asthma at the initial stages.
7. Adding minced garlic in steaming ginger tea, if taken daily in mornings and evenings prevents the aggravation of the disease.
8. Massaging mustard oil mixed with camphor at the back of the chest provides relief during the spasmodic attacks of asthma.
9. Licorice root tea is also a good treatment in curing asthma.
10. Regular physical exercises including deep breathing exercises are highly beneficial in preventing the asthmatic attacks.

11. Ginger 200 gm, Piper 50 gm, boiled in 1000 ml of water, when water remains 250 ml, filtrate this solution and mix with honey 250 ml, use this syrup at a dose of 5-10 ml 3-4 times daily as a expectorent., Bangalore India

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