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Natural Remedies For Allergies

It is estimated that over 60 million people suffer from allergies in the United States alone and they are the result of an immune system gone wild!  Instead of recognizing the allergen as BENIGN, the immune system identifies it as something sinister and produces antibodies designed to defuse the foreign invader to protect us.  This defense mechanism results in sniffling, sneezing, coughing, runny nose and more. 

Today. we are exposed to over 60,000 different chemicals that accumulate in our body’s tissues and organs.  The chemical build-up in our body is known as the “rain barrel effect” which means the toxins build up to a point where the last drop spills over the top and the body can no longer cope with the extent of the toxicity contained in the body.  When this happens, the immune system develops a high sensitivity that triggers the allergic reactions.

Many over-the-counter drugs,  prescription antihistamines and decongestants are losing their effectiveness and can lead to cold-like symptoms as well as anxiety, insomnia and drowsiness.  The good news is there are some natural remedies that can give you some relief:

QUERCETIN – is found in onions, apples, berries, cabbage, grapefruit, tea and red wine and is very effective in preventing symptoms of allergies.  It is available in supplement form so you do not have to eat onions everyday or drink red wine.  A friend of mine worked in a beautiful furniture store for the home and she was suffering from allergy symptoms everyday.  New textiles would arrive from all over the world and she was just miserable with a runny nose that would not stop.  The Quercetin supplement really helped alleviate her symptoms the very first day. 

PROBIOTICS – are friendly bacteria that help normalize the immune system and prevent allergic responses.  They literally help the body differentiate between harmless substances and dangerous invaders.  Try ACIDOPHILUS in supplement form and follow label directions or include low-fat yogurt as a delicious snack.

CO-ENZYME Q10 – is a vitamin-like compound that helps build the immune system and enhances the effect of anti-allergy supplements.

VITAMIN C – provide natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatory benefits by stabilizing cell membranes so histamines are not easily released.  Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits so squeeze a lemon into your water bottle, add berries to your oatmeal or smoothie in the morning and use herbs and spices like parsley and turmeric.  Vitamin C can help prevent allergic responses from happening in the first place.

MILK THISTLE – is an herb that contains Sylimarin that supports liver function and protects the cells in our bodies by neutralizing the effects of toxins, chemicals and pollutants.

OMEGA 3’S – are found in fish, ground flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds and nuts and will help reduce inflammation throughout the body. 

STINGING NETTLE – contains a host of anti-inflammatory substances as well as vitamins, flavonoids and minerals.  Hay Fever sufferers do very well in reducing their symptoms by taking freeze-dried nettle leaf.

PEPPERMINT TEA – helps thin mucus, break up congestion and relieve nasal symptoms.

GARLIC – is rich in flavonoids and acts as an antioxidant  enzyme to break up mucus and congestion plus kill bad bacteria.

THYME – helps to calm a cough and soothes irritated bronchial tubes. Add fresh thyme to soups or sauces.

Do all you can to keep your immune system strong and start taking a natural supplement at least 2-3 weeks before allergy season starts for best results. 

Sherry L. Granader, ACE, AFAA, NETA, ACSM

Find More Natural Remedies For Eczema Articles

Oct 3, New Fabric That May Help Dust Related Allergies

Polish scientists say that they have been testing a fabric that helps with controlling dust mites. When you have a dust allergy that makes the symptoms of your eczema or asthma worse it can make for sleepless nights. Dust mites pass through the pores in normal fabrics used on your bed. The new fabric stops them getting through, but does allow air to pass through. When you have eczema this can help to stop your skin from getting too hot. Tests have shown that the fabric improves the symptoms of a dust allergy by up to 70%. After additional testing has been done the scientists think that the product will be available to buy. You can watch a short video about the fabric by clicking on the link below
Eczema Blog

Jan 14, Link Between Immune System and Food Allergies

A research team in Australia have discovered that there is a link between children who have an over-active immune system, and the development of certain food allergies. They found that children who have an over-active immune system are more likely to develop food allergies in the first few years of life. They aren’t sure why certain children have hyperactive immune cells, though they have found that certain cells are activated before or during birth. Why it happens is unknown. They are going to carry on the research to look for answers that may help to lower the risk of children developing these food allergies.
Eczema Blog

May 19, Free App Can Help Track Seasonal Allergies

Allergy sufferers can download a new free app that can help track seasonal allergies. You can record and track your allergic responses as they happen. This information will then be shared anonymously with scientists to help them understand more about allergies in the UK. If you or a family member suffers from allergies and you want to get involved in this research you can find out where to download the #BritainBreathing app at here
Eczema Blog

How to Stop Itching due to Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis & Allergies

Another great post from – Natural remedies for eczema to soothe your itchy little world..

Have you ever had skin so itchy, you couldn’t think of anything but scratching it raw? If you suffer from eczema, then you’re probably most familiar with the feeling. However, if you’re not suffering from eczema, there can be several other reasons why your skin may be itchy.

This blog post is dedicated to all things itchy! Learn how to stop itching today. Find out what other skin conditions can be causing itchy skin, as well as which products to avoid. Lastly, we’ll share some natural treatments that will ease your itchy skin and decrease scratching.

Please keep in mind that although these tips and information have worked for several sufferers, I am in no way a medical professional. If you’re experiencing severe symptoms or have a topical infection, it is always best to seek medical advice immediately.

What causes itchy skin?

Dry Skin

Aside from more severe skin conditions, dry skin is usually the main factor that contributes to itching. Although there are many similarities between dry skin and eczema, there are several differences as well.

The biggest factor in determining whether you have eczema or just dry skin is understanding what may cause your itchy skin. Normally, dry skin occurs when the outer layers of skin become damaged due to the sun, exposure to water (especially chlorine) or dry air (especially with heating units in the winter) or ingredients in products that strip the skin of its natural moisture.

With dry skin, skin usually feels tight and stretched, but can be slightly flaky causing the skin to look a little white, gray or ashy.


After dry skin, this is the most common cause of itchy skin. With eczema, the itch can be nearly impossible to tolerate due to its intensity and frequency. Usually the skin will also be red and inflamed or thick and scaly or weeping and oozing. Eczema is usually chronic and is caused by stress, sensitivities to food, environmental or seasonal allergies and/or reactions to topical products.


Psoriasis, although sometimes incorrectly grouped with eczema, is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that is characterized by red, itchy and patches also known as scales. With psoriasis, cells build up rapidly on the surface of the skin.


If your skin is constantly itchy and flaring up due to a reaction to a skin care or cleaning product, food or something in your environment, you may have allergies! Allergies can create hives, rashes and intense itching and can even trigger more chronic eczema if exposed to the allergen for long periods of time. When someone reacts to something topically only with the reaction only occurring on the skin, this is called contact dermatitis.

In order to know what might be causing the itch, there are a variety of tests you can do. First, if you think you might be suffering from a food allergy, it’s best to go see a doctor or naturopath that can help you find relief.

If you feel you might already be suffering from a food allergy or sensitivity, check out our post: How to Identify Your Reaction: Allergy vs. Sensitivity vs. Intolerance Defined.

There are also a variety of allergy tests you can carry out. For more information on those, check out our blog post: How to Know Which Food Allergy Test is Best For You? Or you can work with a physician to undergo an elimination diet.

If you happen to be experiencing allergies from the clothing you’re wearing, then you might have textile dermatitis. The best way to know if a certain material or fabric might be affecting you, would be to carry out a clothing elimination test, similar to how you would carry out an elimination diet.

To learn more about which materials can cause the most irritation, as well as how to run a clothing elimination test, check out our post: Your Guide to Textile Dermatitis: Latex Hypersensitivity & Polyester Allergy Explained.

How to stop itching, what products should you avoid?

Whether you are experiencing itchy skin due to dry skin, psoriasis, eczema or allergies, the following products should be avoided:

  • Artificially scented soap: You’d be surprised how certain added artificial fragrances and perfumes can irritate skin and are best avoided. Essential oils are usually ok and certain types can actually help to heal or prevent dry skin.
  • Harsh cleansers: It’s best to avoid any chemical filled body washes or skin cleansers that tend to be more alkaline and not pH balanced like the skin needs. These will strip the skin of its natural moisture and can definitely lead to itchy skin.
  • Alcohol: Avoid using products that contain alcohol or any sort. While some are slightly less drying than others, all forms of alcohol will without a doubt dry out skin. And if the skin is dry enough and has led to cracked skin, products containing alcohol will also irritate and burn the skin.

What products can help itchy skin?

For Dry Skin

If you know you’re experiencing itchy skin because your skin is mostly dry (or cracking), these products will help you lock in your skin’s natural moisture and provide relief:

For Eczema

With eczema, it’s best to look for a product that is made specifically for the eczema symptoms you’re experiencing.

  • Weeping/Oozing Eczema: EczeHerbal #1 Oozing Eczema Treatment: This formula was made to calm weeping, oozing eczema that looks angry and red.
  • Red Eczema: Emily’s Hot Skin Soother: Chinese herbs have been blended with natural oils to create one powerful anti-inflammatory balm to treat red eczema rashes.
  • Dry Eczema: Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream: This cream gets a second mention because it’s really great for so many types of skin conditions, especially any sort of dry skin.
  • Thick/Scaly Eczema: EczeHerbal #3 Dry Scaly Treatment: Another blend with Chinese herbs, but this time the formulation was created just for combating thick, scaly skin.

For Psoriasis

If you’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis these products will be a total lifesaver for you:

  • Emily Skin Soother’s Liquid Soap Soother: This soap is perfect for those suffering from psoriasis, as it’s extra moisturizing and free of nasty chemicals. Unlike other soaps available today, it won’t strip or dry skin out.
  • Coconut Aloe Moisturizing Serum: Coconut oil is extremely popular among eczema sufferers, but it can also be beneficial for those suffering from psoriasis. Not only does this serum contain coconut oil, but anti-inflammatory aloe vera helps keep skin cool and wounds healed.

For Allergies

If you have allergy-prone skin, check out these products that are great for those with allergies – of course – just double check the ingredients to ensure none of your known allergies are listed.

  • Organic Calendula Salve: This balm is so simple and pure it only has 4 ingredients: olive oil, calendula, beeswax and vitamin E, making it more tolerable and gentle for those with many allergies.
  • Grass Fed Tallow Balm: Unlike artificial balms, this mixture again uses very simple, nourishing ingredients like beef tallow for moisture and itch relief.

For General Itching

Regardless of whether you may be experiencing dry skin, psoriasis or allergies, these products will help all forms of itching:

  • Little Itchy Skin Rash Treatment: This red rash treatment is perfect for soothing any red rash or itchy spot with minor inflammation. Completely beeswax-free and vegan for allergy-prone skin.
  • EczeHerbal #2: Itchy Skin Rash Treatment: If you’re experiencing dry, red and itchy skin, then this is the product for you. This treatment is filled with natural Chinese herbs that are safe for infants, children, adults and even pets!
  • Organic Aloe Vera Skin Soothing Spray: Cooling aloe and soothing calendula can be gently misted onto itchy skin for fast relief with this spray. It’s great to carry in your bag for itch relief on the go!

Wet Wrapping

Something that works wonders for dry, itchy skin is something you may never have heard about, wet wrapping! It’s a popular form of treatment for eczema and psoriasis, but is very effective for many other skin conditions as well. It’s basically all about soaking with water and moisture and then sealing the moisture in for two hours or more using a damp layer of clothing. Read more about wet wrapping in Our Eczema Trials: Wet Wrap Therapy.


If you can’t seem to heal your itchy skin from the above recommended products because you’re constantly scratching, make sure to cover your hands and protect yourself from scratching with mittens and gloves! The itch-scratch cycle is no joke. Your skin may start off smooth and normal looking, but once the itching starts, you can scratch so hard that you cause a wound to open up or you’ll create thick skin which will need treatment and time to heal. When the healing begins, the itching may start again and you’re back to scratching mode all over again. So, give your skin the protection it deserves and wear gloves or mittens when you feel the urge to scratch, but it’s most important overnight. If you’re itchy in the night, you will scratch and won’t even know it until you wake up and find the evidence written all over your damaged skin.


You can try acupressure at home! Yes, it’s that easy! And there are a couple of points that when pressure is applied, can really help to relief itching. Check out Acupressure: A Home Remedy for Itchy Skin. 

More Itchy Relief Tips from a Naturopath

Our resident naturopath, Dr. Amy Duong, is an expert in all things skin related. She has a few tips she always shares with her patients to help them soothe their itchy skin naturally. Check her tips out here.

If you continue to experience itchy skin, make sure to visit your doctor as soon as possible.

How do you stop itching? Let us know in the comments below!

Bio: Laura is a contributor and content developer for It’s An Itchy Little World. She is in no way a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to replace any medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see It’s An Itchy Little World’s disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

How to Stop Itching due to Dry Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis & Allergies appeared first on Come read more about natural remedies for eczema!

Infant Care To Add Supplementary Food Allergies! – Additives Industry – Band Aid Bandages

Infancy is the period of high incidence of food allergy, often acute onset and severity of different symptoms varied. Food allergy skin reactions are the most common clinical manifestations, such as eczema, rash, urticaria, etc., some patients with persistent diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, there are a cough, throat itching, lips swelling, allergic rhinitis, serious anaphylactic shock may occur or stifle life-threatening.

Infant care to add supplementary food allergies! Therefore, adding parents to the baby food supplement, especially when introducing new food must be careful, to master the skills to add supplementary food to avoid or reduce the incidence of food allergy.

Baby easily cause food allergy in three
1. Infant gut barrier function of intestinal immature people have access at all times a large number of bacteria, viruses and a variety of food macromolecules, macromolecular substances as antigens in humans. Under normal circumstances, the intestinal mucosal barrier can effectively block the harmful macromolecules into the body, but other organs, systems, intestinal mucosal barrier from birth to adulthood have a mature process. Study confirmed that younger, more immature small intestinal structure, intestinal mucosal permeability the higher the macromolecules more easily absorbed by the small intestine, leading to allergies.

In addition, fewer neonatal gastric acid secretion, 2 years ago of intestinal protease activity did not reach adult levels. These factors are so easily through the intestinal mucosa of food antigens enter the body and cause allergies.

Of food allergy and genetic factors also have a couple of food allergies in late pregnancy had to beware of food allergies themselves, so as not to let the children indirectly through breast milk allergy. During lactation, the mother is more prone to allergies should avoid eating the food.

2. Note that the choice of complementary foods and add cultivars sequence study found that baby food are common allergens milk, eggs, peanuts, soybeans, fish and shrimp, shellfish, citrus fruits, wheat. Most food allergens are glycoproteins, about 40 different milk proteins may have sensitization, eggs, egg protein, egg protein, also can cause sticky allergy. Cod fish, soybean and peanuts also have a variety of antigens can induce allergy exists. In addition, some food additives such as artificial colors, preservatives, fragrances, etc. may also cause allergies. Therefore, the process of food supplement should not be too early introduction of such food.

First introduced to baby food supplement should be easy to digest, and not readily lead to food allergy, try eating rice flour can be used as the preferred food, followed by vegetables, fruit, and then try meat, fish, eggs. In short, complementary feeding in the order for the grain – Vegetables – meat, fish, eggs. Prone to causing allergic reactions to food such as egg white, peanuts, seafood, etc., should be provided until after 1 year of age.

3. To grasp the principle of gradual and orderly progress of the food supplement to add supplementary food for babies to master from one to many, from less to more, from fine to coarse, from thin to thick principle. Every time the introduction of new food should be a single food, a small start to observe the infant gastrointestinal tolerance and acceptability, to discover the new introduction of food-related symptoms, whether this can be found in baby food allergy, reduce the time eating a variety of food may bring adverse consequences.

In to the baby tried to eat a new food, the baby often poor feeding, lack of cooperation such as performance. Typically, this is the baby’s defensive instincts, can feed 2 to 3 days after stopping to try feeding. But sometimes baby food allergy reaction showed only a protective antifeedant behavior. If the baby continued to refuse a certain food, but also consider whether there is the possibility of food allergies.

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Related Infant Eczema Articles

May 19, Free App Can Help Track Seasonal Allergies

Allergy sufferers can download a new free app that can help track seasonal allergies. You can record and track your allergic responses as they happen. This information will then be shared anonymously with scientists to help them understand more about allergies in the UK. If you or a family member suffers from allergies and you want to get involved in this research you can find out where to download the #BritainBreathing app at here
Eczema Blog

Managing Eczema and Allergies at Christmas.

Most of us are absolutely used to the everyday differences that eczema or allergies can bring to family life.  But it’s very tricky at Christmas time to manage it all, for lots of reasons.  We might be away from our own home, and creature comforts.  There may be new environmental hazards that we can’t control.  We don’t have every treatment or potion right at hand.

We have also had to manage parties and events where children (and adults) are affected by other allergies than those that we are familiar with.  So, I thought it would be useful to put together a Christmas checklist of all the things we should check before hosting a family Christmas.  Useful for visitors and hosts alike I hope.

Get Togethers

  • If there are severe food allergies, it’s worth warning everyone in advance – for instance a short note to everyone explaining the allergy and its severity along with any absolute MUSTS, such as please don’t eat peanuts before our event
  • If you are hosting someone with food allergies, find out what is and what’s not okay – people are usually very happy to bring their own food if there’s something that wont suit them, but hang back from doing so as it can be embarrassing.
  • It may be that although someone can’t eat something, it’s okay for them to be in a room with it.  But this needs checking as it will depend on the severity of the allergy.
  • Is there a pet allergy?  Will family/friends mind shutting the pet in a separate part of the house for the duration of the visit?


I appreciate that this is a hard one, as no-one wants to appear grabby, but I know that our family not only want to give gifts to the girls, they want them to be good ones that they will enjoy, so they do appreciate a little guidance.

  • Avoid anything but natural fibres if you are buying clothes or textiles for people affected by eczema or skin allergies.
  • Don’t buy perfumes, soaps, cosmetics, bubble baths, face paints or lip-balms for people with eczema.
  • Clays and crafts can also be allergens – these are probably worth just checking with the parent.
  • Foods, especially high sugar or very processed food are often not good for children with eczema and very difficult for a parent to take away.
  • Avoid selection boxes, chocolate boxes or chocolate ornaments for people with food allergies – any sniff of a nut in there for someone with a nut allergy, and their Christmas is all over.


We all love to make our house ‘Christmassy’ but this can be a minefield for someone with severe allergies.  Be careful with:

  • Natural table decorations which may include nuts seeds and other allergens.  I know some us are even allergic to pine…
  • Check before using plug in perfumes or diffusers
  • Check before using any sprayable decoration, such as window ‘snow’.

Just in case

  • Make sure your medical kit is well stocked and includes an antihistamine
  • Double check that you’ve packed 2 epipens.

Image detailing the things you might want to consider if hosting or attending a party where there's an eczema or allergy sufferer


Everything For Eczema

Financial Stresses on families with eczema and allergies

There are financial stresses on us all, and right now is probably the worst time to think about them; while we’re all planning Christmas – presents and celebrations, pantomimes, and open houses. It all adds up and can become excruciatingly expensive.

But for families with any sort of condition or illness to cope with, the normal, day-to-day expenses can be significantly greater than for the rest of us.

I thank my stars that our experience of both eczema and allergies are relatively minor compared to what some families suffer and yet the costs associated with the girls’ conditions do pile up. We can’t scrimp on treatments or choose not to do them until the next month, because it puts their health at risk.

There have been times when we have had to decide to focus on getting well and healing at the cost of something we would really love to have or do.  We are very lucky that for us, it has never meant resorting to borrowing or food banks, but I know that for many that is the case.

Before I had my children, it just wasn’t something I considered or factored in. I guess few people ‘expect’ to have a child with a condition like eczema.

I would estimate that we spend at least £500 a year on treatments, clothes, creams, and therapies.  It would be more if we tried everything that we thought might help, such as salt therapy, allergy testing and trips to Avene.

And of course, I own an eczema shop, so have access to some testers and lots of good information.

I know many families that simply don’t have the money for extras and are completely reliant on GP’s to prescribe all treatments.

Here are just a few of the extras that we budget for:

  • Creams – the ones that work for us are not available on prescription
  • Bamboo and Pure cotton clothing, and bedding
  • Allergy-free mattresses and pillows or dust mite covers
  • Specialist vacuum cleaners, that get the dust mites
  • Natural detergents for washing clothes
  • Extra electricity – air drying clothes in summer is no good if suffer from airborne allergies
  • Having a water softener installed
  • Chemical and allergen-free shampoos, conditioners, soaps, cleaning products,
  • Work days lost from nursery/school ringing you because child is unwell/itchy

What have we missed?  How do you do it?  Do you put aside something each month or just deal with it as it comes up?

I would love to hear how other families manage it.

Everything For Eczema