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ADHD Treatment

Attention deficit disorder (ADHD) treatment: ADHD most commonly involves impulsive behavior, the inability to stay focused, and possibly hyperactivity. ADHD can sometimes include mental and behavioral disorders that can keep one from learning or performing well. About 5-10 percent of children in the US are affected, and treatment is 10 times more frequently seen in boys. ADHD treatment can begin between the ages of 4 and 7 years of age and can sometimes go into ones adulthood.

The American Psychiatric Association lists 14 signs of which at least 8 must be present to be officially diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder or receive ADHD treatment. The 14 signs of ADHD are:

*Often fidgets with hands or feet (restlessness)

*Has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so

*Easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

*Has difficulty in following instructions

*Has difficulty awaiting turn in games and group activities

*Has difficulty playing quietly

*Often talks excessively

*Often shifts from one uncompleted task to another

*Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks

*Often interrupts or intrudes on others

*Often loses things necessary for tasks

*Often engages in physically dangerous activities with considering consequences

*Often does not seem to be listening to what is being said

*Often blurts out answers before questions are completed

Conventional ADHD treatment: ADHD treatment usually consists of stimulants such as amphetamines, most commonly in the form of Ritalin. Common side effects of Ritalin according to the Merck Manual may include sleep disturbances, depression or sadness, decreased learning, reduction of growth, behavioral changes, headache, stomachache, suppressed appetite, and elevated blood pressure, not to mention ADHD drugs such as amphetamines can be highly additive drugs.

Natural ADHD Treatment: Pycnogenol an extract from the bark of the French maritime pine, consisting of phenolic acids, catechin, taxifolin and procyanidins, treatment for ADHD with pycnogenol has shown significant reduction of hyperactivity and improvement of concentration in children with ADHD.

Results Show: According to a 4 week randomized, placebo-control double-blind study, sixty-one children with ADHD were supplemented with 1 mg /kg/day of Pycnogenol. After one month of treatment with Pycnogenol, results were superior to that of placebo. In the placebo group no positive effects were found. One month after treatment and termination of Pycnogenol administration a relapse of symptoms was noted. Our results point to an option of ADHD treatment with Pycnogenol as a natural supplement to relieve ADHD symptoms of children. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2006;15:329-335.

Best Source for Pycnogenol: A natural supplement Isotonix OPC-3 (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be potent antioxidants. Isotonix OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol in the world.

Richard Bonney is a Nutraceutical Consultant with NutraMetrix providing Advanced Nutraceuticals, Gene SNP DNA Analysis and Patient Wellness Education in Medical offices. For further information on Isotonix OPC-3 visit

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Homeopathic Treatment For ADHD – Why This Could Be The Answer For Your Child

Could homeopathic treatment for ADHD be really the answer for your child? Let us have a look in this article and see what factors have to be considered. At least we will then be in a better position to decide whether this type of treatment is really any better or safer than the psychostimulants such as Concerta, Ritalin and Adderall.

Most doctors just laugh when you mention homeopathy and yet people are still taking these medicines after more than two hundred years! They refer to the fact that the UK Parliament’s Science and Technology Committee has just recently pointed out that homeopathy is no more effective than a placebo.

That report was released just before the whole placebo scandal hit the medical headlines. That report was even more damning of all the medical trials on conventional allopathic medicine conducted up to now. It showed that there is no control at all over what ingredients are actually used in placebos! This puts the whole medical trials world under suspicion and many doubts remain about these trials.

There are many mysteries in medicine. The whole placebo question is full of controversy and nobody has ever been able to quantify what the placebo effect exactly is or how much of a role it plays in healing.

There are mysteries too about how conventional medicines work, especially for ADHD. Just think that the psychostimulants which as their name suggests, stimulate the brain and heart. Strangely enough the stimulants have the effect of calming the child down and he becomes less restless and hyperactive. That is a paradox because we would have expected the opposite!

So how does homeopathic treatment for ADHD work? The main aim of any homeopathy ADHD treatment is to encourage the body to revert to its balanced normal state. It does that by treating like with like or the law of similars as homeopaths call it.

The main advantage is that there are no known side effects at all and there are no health risks either. So, there is no worry about heart disease or high blood pressure. There are no negative effects at all on appetite or sleep and the child can soon begin to feel calmer, less distracted and generally able to maintain a longer attention span. These advantages are enormous when compared with the psychostimulants as I have mentioned above. The most famous ones like Ritalin and Adderall can also calm the child down but there are many troublesome side effects.

So, there you have it. Now that you know that homeopathic treatment for ADHD is not only perfectly feasible and safer than most meds, why not click through to my website where I have explained all this in greater detail. You will then be able to make an informed choice what is best for your child.

Why not give YOUR child a better chance in life? Discover the facts about a more natural and safer approach with homeopathy ADHD treatment. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Visit to find out more about ADHD child behavior problems. Matthew V.Gant has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years.

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Can ADHD Homeopathic Remedies Really Be Safer, Effective & Cheaper

If your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you should start looking for the way to treat this disease. And ADHD homeopathic remedies can be the very useful way they are effective, cheap anf safer than medications.


Now that you have read that comment you are probably wondering what makes all of those things true. Well, let us look at some of the reasons:


1.) Children that are placed on ADHD medications at any early age will probably be on them for a really long time. Now, think about the negative side effects that may be experienced for months or even years. It is easy to see that homeopathic remedies can be much safer for your child.


2.) When your child is on medications rather than an ADHD homeopathic remedy you will be paying for doctor’s visits on a regular basis as well as for prescription refills on a regular basis. This adds up and can be very expensive after time.


Now, what about the effectiveness of ADHD homeopathic remedies? What if I told you that there have been studies done that have shown their effectiveness?


Consider some of these herbs and homeopathic remedies and consider the results of studies done on them:


1.) A study was done on hyoscyamus in 1997. It was found that this plant did a great job at helping to reduce some of the angry outbursts and restlessness that is often exhibited by children with ADHD.


2.) The extract arsen iod was found to help decrease anger and frustration. It was also found to help ADHD children remain more calm and relaxed while they were learning new tasks and skills.


While medications can do the same things for children with ADHD, you need to remember that homeopathic ADHD remedies are not going to be harmful to your child. They are not going to produce negative side effects and they will not produce long term side effects that you will need to worry about later.


ADHD homeopathic solutions are on the rise. Know you can see why. They most definitely are safer, just as effective, and cost much less than prescriptions.


Shannon Pollock is a health enthusiast who specializes in natural remedies. She has researched and written extensively on ADHD. Discover which ADHD treatments Shannon has found to be the most successful and the safest to use on her website: Natural Health Remedies and More.

Managing ADHD With Natural Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies

Although there are many prescription treatments and alternative therapies for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, not all work in the same way for everyone. ADHD in children is characterized by hyperactivity, poor concentration, distractibility, and impulsiveness that are inappropriate for the age.

• Distractibility – by sights, sounds, environment in general
• Poor concentration – over long periods
• Hyperactivity – restlessness
• Impulsiveness
• Daydreaming
• Slowness – completing tasks

It has been said that their world can be like living in a continuous fireworks display where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly exploding and distracting them, making it impossible for them to stay focused. Their disorder, without treatment, makes it difficult for them to follow instructions and participate in activities. They are not bad children or stupid, they are just a challenge to teachers and parents!

ADHD, in itself, is not a learning disability. However, the symptoms of ADHD can present obstacles which can lead to difficulties with learning.

Recently experts researching ADHD have discovered evidence pointing towards biological causes not home environment as the actual cause of ADHD. There are several factors contributing to the condition:

• Heredity – ADHD tends to run in families – there may be inherited genetic tendencies to develop the condition from their parents
• Chemical Imbalances – the areas of the brain which organize thought and suppress impulsive behaviour do not make sufficient chemicals to control these behaviours
• Brain changes – children with ADHD have less active attention control areas of the brain

In some cases of ADHD, prescription medication has its place. In others, simple changes in exercise, sleep, routine, and diet can be beneficial. Relaxation therapies such as yoga, meditation and guided imagery can help. Foods to avoid are soft drinks with sugar, candies, food and beverages containing caffeine, energy drinks, junk food, and wheat. Instead, fresh fruit, salads, vegetables, oats, brown rice, rye bread should be the foods of choice. Limiting the amount of television or computer games that stimulate the child will help concentration at school. Replace these with focus activities – karate, judo etc.

The advantage of using herbal and homeopathic remedies to maintain balance in the brain and nervous system is that they do not have side effects or a sedating effect. There are some natural remedies that, when combined with diet and a healthy, active lifestyle, have been shown to help in alleviating the symptoms of ADHD.

Focus Formula supports concentration and attention and promotes normal energy levels. BrightSpark temporarily relieves hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsiveness in children. Brain Tonic temporarily relieves forgetfulness and mental fatigue and improves brain functioning.


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ADHD Homeopathic Remedies – Opting For A Gentler And Safer Approach

Let us face it. There is no hard scientific evidence that shows that ADHD homeopathic remedies actually work. Well, not by using the classic RCT (randomized controlled trials) anyway. That actually is the crux of the matter because as homeopathy is based on giving the body diluted substances to trigger it into healing itself or restoring a lost body mind balance, it cannot be tested like allopathic medicine.

Actually, according to the Annals of Medicine, clinical trials of conventional allopathic medicine are now subject to some suspicion and criticism because the ingredients in the placebo used in their trials have never been revealed or at least in 95% of the trials. That casts a shadow of enormous doubt and one wonders what really was in the placebos! It is anyone’s guess.

We do not have to know exactly how homeopathy works but we do want to know about safety and efficacy. Those are the two criteria which will help us decide. If we decide to treat our children with amphetamine like drugs which are the famous psychostimulants then that is fine.

We should realize though that there are many questions left unanswered about these medicines. Those questions are all summed up in the FDA black box warning on the meds. Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse are great at calming kids down. Hyperactivity and distractability plus impulsivity are all dramatically reduced.

But the side effects can be troubling as up to 30% of children on these drugs will testify. Medical experts have also shown that the effects of these drugs will wear off after three years. The FDA has voiced its own concerns by simply slapping the black box warning on all these medicines. That is the maximum warning in existence!

Surely there is a safer gentler approach? Yes, there is but everybody scoffs at it! That is what homeopaths have to put up with and yet the medical establishment cannot explain away the side effects and the health risks of their own medicines. But let us stick to the actual facts about homeopathic ADHD remedies.

Here are the facts. ADHD homeopathic remedies can calm hyperactivity in kids so that fidgeting is much reduced. They can reduce the incidence of tics and twitching, reduce impulsive behavior and also help the children to concentrate and pay attention for longer periods. They can also help with mood swings and help to balance moods.

The interesting thing about ADHD homeopathic remedies is that the kids do not know any thing about homeopathy or whether it is better than conventional medicines. The fact is that they are calmer, more relaxed and concentrate better. The teachers and parents notice it and they are relieved that there are no side effects on appetite and sleep. Everybody is much happier all round. Why not join them and relax too? If anybody asks you why you have selected this option, just tell them you prefer a safer gentler option which actually works for your child.

Why not give YOUR child a better chance in life? Discover the facts about a more natural and safer approach with ADHD homeopathic remedies. Experts now tell us that child behavior modification combined with a natural treatment for ADHD is by far the most effective ADHD treatment. Visit to find out more about ADHD child behavior problems. Matthew V.Gant has written extensively on ADHD and Mental Health for many years.

Options For Effective Holistic ADHD Solutions

According to a report in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, children in America have available to them holistic ADHD solutions that are more commonly used with European children. Since ADHD also affects adults, it’s possible that the same situation exists for them.

Studies are showing that symptoms of ADD/ADHD are holding some people back from achieving their potential. With children, the effects of ADHD can negatively affect their learning abilities which can of course carry on into adulthood and have an impact on what opportunities will open up for them.

ADHD is not an indicator of intellectual potential. Actually, it’s commonly known that people with ADHD have very high creative potential available to them, it’s just a matter of addressing the issue of focus. Recognizing and addressing the difficulties with focus and concentration is the first step in overcoming them.

In the USA, the majority of children and adults with ADHD are treated with the stimulant drug, methylphenidate (Ritalin). Some estimates are that there has been a 300% increase in use of Ritalin by children and adults with ADHD in the last several decades…

Since there are no concrete tests for diagnosing ADHD, there is some concern that it may in fact be overdiagnosed. Although many people do OK with the popular stimulant drugs, there often are side effects and risk of addiction and possible withdrawal symptoms are other relevant issues.

If you’re concerned about the risks that come with conventional ADHD prescription medication, or just prefer to go the natural route, there are natural ADHD solutions that can safely and economically address symptoms, plus they’re readily available without the need for a prescription.

Herbal and homeopathic remedies are an example of ADHD solutions that are more commonly used in Europe than in America. These remedies naturally help support focus, concentration and attentiveness without side effects.

Known for their supportive function, these remedies have been shown in clinical studies to help in maintaining brain, nervous system and circulatory health, as well as mood and overall well-being. It can also be helpful to explore changes in diet, sleep, exercise, and daily routine.

Other holistic ADHD solutions that natural health care providers are finding to be helpful and add to the effectiveness of herbal and homeopathic remedies, are lifestyle and behavioral modification neuro feedback and relaxation therapies such as guided imagery and meditation techniques.

Max Wardlow writes from experience about ADHD and helps manage a website about natural remedies where you can find out more about holistic ADHD solutions.

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