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The Best Natural Remedies For Acne

Natural remedies for curing acne are effective alternatives to conventional cosmetic and surgical treatments. There are many natural home remedies for acne that are cost effective, safe as well as very effective against mild to moderate acne. You can easily find the ingredients right in your kitchen or at your local health store. Natural home remedies for acne typically consist of minerals and vitamins as well as herbal extracts and anti-oxidants. The side effects to these types of natural home remedies for acne are practically insignificant compared to surgical or laser treatments.

Here Is A List Of Some Very Good Natural Remedies For Acne:

Apply toothpaste on the pimples just before going to bed at night and wash off first thing in the morning. Do this several nights times until your acne is gone.
Wash your face with lukewarm water, using a Neem based soap twice a day. You can get Neem products at an East Indian store or through an internet store.
Mix a paste of tender Neem leaves with turmeric and apply the paste to the affected area for about 30 minutes and then wash off with like warm water.
Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves over the face every night for 30 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
Apply tomato pulp on acne pimples and keep them for 1 hour, then wash off as above.
Women should always remove all makeup at night. Also make sure you use make-up that is applicable for sensitive skin. Place strawberry leaves on the acne, the alkalinity helps to reduce the swelling.
Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with water next morning. Only use this home remedy if your skin is not sensitive.
Squeeze the juice of a lemon and mix with an equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on your face and let it stay for about half an hour. Wash your face with fresh water. Do this regularly for 30 days to get rid of your acne pimples.
Mix mint juice with turmeric powder and apply on affected area. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
A paste made from one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and turmeric mixed with milk is very good. Apply on the affected area. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Clean your face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day.
Apply grated potatoes to treat wrinkles, pimples, blackheads acne.
Put a slice of lemon in boiling water, and drink as a replacement to tea or coffee.
Aloe vera juice applied to acne is an effective treatment. It can also be taken internally. Aloe Vera is well-known as a wonderful herb for skin care and to treat acne.
Blend cucumber and apply the paste on your face and leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse. This refreshes your skin and helps prevent acne.
Mix sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply on the face. Rinse off after 30 minutes.
Grind orange peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts.
Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the acne pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water.
Mix 1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 teaspoon finely ground cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently.
Rub fresh garlic on and around acne pimples will disappear with a magic.
Apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Apply to affected area and remove after one hour.
Use 2-3 tsp. dried basil leaves to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 10-20 minutes. Cool, and apply with cotton ball.
Mix groundnut oil with an equal amount of fresh lime juice and apply on face. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash.
Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for acne, pimples.
Make a paste of roasted and powdered pomegranate with fresh lime juice and apply over acne, pimples, blackhead.
Dab egg white on your pimple and leave on for at least 20 minutes.
Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water
Drink wheat grass juice to prevent and cure acne.
Apply a paste of ground black cumin seeds and vinegar to affected areas.
Apply a paste of sandalwood and turmeric powder to affected areas to cure acne.
Apply Lavender oil directly on the acne area.
All acne natural home remedies for acne can be enhanced by taking adequate dosages of vitamins and mineral supplements.

All acne home remedies for acne should include a healthy diet. Avoid eating chocolate, fried food, and refined sugar.

When you’re using natural remedies for acne like the ones mentioned above, you’ll need to be patient because you might not see any significant results for weeks or even longer.

Before trying out these natural remedies for acne , you may want to do a simple allergy test first. Moreover, keep the application light and infrequent in the beginning, to gauge your reaction to the mixture. If all goes well, you may increase the frequency of application later on.

Experimenting with combinations of these tips will help you determine which methods are best for your own skin. Don’t let acne ruin your appearance! Begin using these tips to clear your acne today.

It doesn’t matter what type of acne you have. Whether you suffer from: acne vulgaris, acne conglobata, acne rosacea, acne fulminans, blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules or cysts: The principles required to cure your acne fast are basically the same. Natural and holistic remedies of treating acne have been around for thousands of years, and they absolutely work whether you have teen or adult acne; whether you suffer from acne on your back, shoulders or chest or if you suffer from female related acne such as menopause acne or acne due to monthly cycles.

Whatever your acne condition is, when you finally decide to stop making the same acne treatment mistakes that have been holding you back and begin applying a natural and holistic approach to curing acne fast, you can literally choose to become acne clear and stay clear. You will have the power to make it happen.

For more information on these and other natural acne remedies, please visit Natural Remedies For Acne People who have used these remedies experienced permanent results, and additionally, found their liver, kidneys and digestive organs functioning optimally, as beneficial side effects.

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Natural Herbal Remedies For Acne

There are a lot of people that have struggled with acne all of their lives and then there are those fortunate few who have no clue of what it is really is about! Others again only experience it slightly through their teen years and never have to deal with it again! And then there are also a small number of unlucky people that only break out later in their adulthood.

The main question of what really causes acne still remains on so many people’s minds. Well, multiple factors actually contribute to this problem.

One is a change in what they call keratin – a protein produced by skin cells. Excess keratin can clump together and block the oil ducts within the hair follicles, producing bumps that all of mankind knows as spots or pimples. The actual bacteria that live in these hair follicles can also play a role in acne problems. Natural Herbal Remedies For Acne could be of help with this particular problem. Ever heard of face smoothies? Well, fruit acids help to get rid of the excess keratin and dead skin cells! Blend grapes, strawberries or pineapple husks in a blender and apply the mixture like a mask. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off. Alternatively, look for products containing fruit acids – they act like commercial salicylic acid formulas without the side effects.

Acne seems to affect boys and girls equally in their teens, but adult acne are more common in woman than in men! The main explanation according to the experts seems to be the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.

Other things that have been blamed for acne like eating chocolates or diet-related theories remain unproved! They have in fact no good and definite evidence behind them. (Good news for all the chocolate lovers out there!)

Unfortunately many people still believe that acne is associated with dirty skin, this resulting in them aggressively washing and scrubbing their faces. Frequent washing in actual fact aggravates the condition tremendously. Besides, washing morning and evening with a mild cleanser is sufficient enough and actually the better option.

Following is a list of 11 Natural Herbal Remedies For Acne. This being:

1. Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia): This Australian tree is used externally and acts against the bacteria associated with acne.
2. Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia): This well known herb is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent.
3. Burdock (Arctium lappa): This root is taken internally to promote sweating and urination.
4. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): This root taken internally also disposes of unwanted skin bacteria. In addition, it stimulates digestion, supports the liver and is moderately anti-inflammatory.
5. Calendula (Calendula officinalis): This traditional herbal remedy is for many skin problems. It is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
6. Agnus castus (Vitex agnus-castus): Not to be used if you are pregnant! This aids acne when it is hormone related.
7. Oregon Graperoot (Berberis aquifolium) and Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis): Do not use either of these herbs internally when you are pregnant! External use is safe though. Both these herbs assist in two ways. Firstly, they promote good digestion and liver function. Secondly, berberine, which both herbs contain, is a potent antibacterial herb.
8. Camomile (Matricaria recutita)
This flowery herb contains the anti-inflammatory oil azulene, which is applied externally.
9. Rose (Rosa spp.): A heavenly smelling, soothing flower with antiseptic properties for external use.
10. Grapefruit Seed Extract : This is a potent antimicrobial agent that fights bacteria externally.
11. Aloe (Aloe Vera): A soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial gel. Buy only the pure gel and use topically.

You can read more in detail about these natural herbal remedies for acne HERE.

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Best Home Remedy For Acne? Learn About Some of the Best Home Remedies For Acne

Why you need to learn about the best home remedy for acne? Well, acne is one of the most know skin problems affecting almost all ages especially the young age and teenagers. Acne is a simple skin problem but only if not neglected as it make cause you serious lesion if not given the enough care. Fortunately there are many solutions out there that we can use to get rid of acne. But isn’t it will be better if you can treat it before visiting your doctor. There are home remedies for ace that you can use on your own to clear your skin without seeing a doctor. All you need to do is knowing the best home remedy for acne and use it right.

Can toothpaste really help in lowering the spread of acne or even cure it? Honestly it is not scientifically proven but many people are using it and it still working for them, and reduce the swelling overnight. You just need to apply your toothpaste (not GEL) to your Zits before sleeping and it will reduce the swelling.

Fruits are also one of the best home remedies for acne and not only for eating and inner nutrition. You can apply strawberry leaves to the part of your skin that have acne on it. Try to use a mixture of fresh lemon juice and rose water and apply it to your face for about 15 min. An other thing that you use is a juice made of Papaya, just apply it to the affected area.

Another great home remedy for acne would be herbs and other plants which are proved to have a good effect in curing acne. Try something like methi leaves made to a paste and apply it for about 10 to 15 min. Aloe vera is another good acne home remedy, it can help fast healing of your face lesions, just apply its juice to your face couple of times per day.

Would you like to learn about a home remedy that helped many people to get rid of their acne in just 3 days? you really can call it the best home remedy for acne

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A Healthy Diet Can Help Your Acne – An Easy Homeopathic Remedy For Acne

Are you one of the many people who are burdened with acne? It is most common in teenagers, mainly because they are going through puberty, but can also be seen in people of all ages. The main factors causing acne are excessively oily skin, hormonal changed, or infected pores.

There are many different ways to treat acne. There are a countless number of over the counter drugs that you can take, but the problem with those is that they can have unwanted side effects and be harmful to the body. If you would like to get rid of your acne naturally, the best way to go is by using one of various homeopathic remedies. These remedies are all natural and have no harmful side effects, and these are two reasons that they are so popular.

If your acne is constantly irritated and painful, the best thing that you could use for it is sulfur. When you start to use it, make sure that you are only using a small amount and apply it directly to the infected area. If you have tried this for a while and nothing has changed, consider using zinc to clear up your blemishes. Zinc helps heal the tissues in your body and can be very good for your skin. It also helps to create sebum, which creates healthy skin.

One of the most important things you can do to prevent getting acne is to make sure that you have a healthy diet. This means that you should remove any toxins that may be in your body. To do this, make sure that every food you are eating contains a lot of nutrients. Any food which contains water and Vitamin A will aid in making your skin healthy. It is also important to drink a lot of water daily, as this will help clear your skin. If you are one of the many people who have acne but do not want to take medication, try one of these homeopathic remedies; they are sure to work.

If you want to know more about a Homeopathic Remedy for Acne, visit:

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Home Acne Remedies That Work

Home acne remedies that work can be made from simple ingredients that are found in every kitchen. You do not need to invest in expensive and dangerous products for getting rid of acne. The best way to cure acne is through a healthy diet, plenty of water, and lots of acne remedies. Not every remedy works for each person, so try out different methods until you find a winning solution.

Baking Soda Paste

Making a paste out of water and baking soda can give your pores a deep cleanse and lessen the chance of getting acne. Combine the soda and water together and then apply it to your face. Let the paste sit for 15 minutes or until it starts feeling dry. Rinse off with water and use a light moisturizer on your skin. The baking soda will dry off any extra oil on your face and help the blemishes to heal faster. This acne treatment also works for people who are suffering from blackheads.

Aloe Vera and Other Mixtures

This recipe calls for a combination of ingredients, but they all can be found in most kitchens. You will need aloe vera, lime juice, garlic, mint juice, and orange. Place the aloe vera on your acne in the morning for five to ten minutes. Grind the orange peel with some water and apply on and around the acne. The garlic is used to place directly on your pimples to help it come to a head. Mint juice should be applied before bed every night. The lime juice can be turned into a facial wash when combined with a cup of boiled milk. All of these ingredients are can be used throughout the day as effective acne cures.

Apple Remedy

Grate some apples together along with a bar mild soap. The apples should be relatively fresh and the grated soap should have organic or natural properties. Mix both of these ingredients together with two teaspoons of honey before adding a few ounces of water. Let the mixture sit a few minutes before applying to your face. This substance can become quite messy, so tie your hair back and be careful not to get it on your clothes. The apple remedy acts like a facial wash for removing the dirt and deeply cleaning out the pores. Let the mixture sit on your face a

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Best Home Remedies For Acne Treatment

Acne is a skin disease causing pimples and pustules on the body and especially on the face area, which might affect people of any age, particularly people going through adolescence. Acne is not a serious skin problem and might easily be handled; but neglecting it can cause painful and itchy lesions. Luckily there are many home remedies for acne out there, which may enable you to get a blemish free skin without seeing a doctor or a dermatologist, all you need to know is what the right remedy is and how to use it.

Ever wondered if toothpaste can help? Fact of the matter is that tooth paste has not been proven to help with acne scientifically but many people still choose to use toothpaste as a home remedy for acne and they find positive results. It has been known to reduce the swelling and itch. The trick is to apply the toothpaste on your zits before you sleep.

One of the best home remedies for acne are fruits, not only their presence in your daily diet help you obtain a healthy skin but there are various other ways in which fruits can help you fight acne, for example to name a few; strawberry leaves may be applied to the acne infected area, another method that a lot of people have found effective is to make a mixture of fresh lemon juice and rose water and to apply it on the face for about 15 to 20 minutes. Papaya juice may also be applied to the acne affected areas.

Natural herbs and plants are also listed among the best home remedies for acne. A paste of Methi leaves applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour is regarded as very useful by many. Aloe Vera which has many other benefits is also a cure for acne and acts very efficiently to reduce the lesions if the Aloe Vera lotion is applied a couple of times a day to the face.

With the help of the above mentioned best home remedies for acne, you can win the fight against acne and find no need to see a doctor or go on for any sort of medication. Though carelessness can be harmful, and one must use some basic treatment if they have some serious acne problems in order to protect their skin.

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How to Eliminate Acne the Holistic Way

Acne is perceived as a society stigma, particularly when acne is on your face, for all your friends to see. It is not a pretty sight. Sure, having acne in our teens, is OK, and sometimes even expected, but having acne after you’ve reached 25, 30 and 40? That’s no longer so cool.

There are tons of commercial treatments out there for acne, but the world is tired of putting creams after creams full of chemicals on their faces, so people go instead for eliminating acne the holistic way. But what is the holistic way really?

Holistic means dealing with the whole person, not only with a part, and not only with the symptoms. Along with fitness, holistic health also incorporates notions such as emotional, psychological, and spiritual. All these are interrelated and when we talk about eliminating acne the holistic way, we really mean treating the person as a whole, both internally and externally, not only the single pimple.

As I mentioned before, if you have, or had acne, it is a very stressful illness to have, due to its psychological factors. It is quite shameful to walk around with a big zit on your face, or god forbid, on your nose. Friends snicker around you, or behind you, family pities you and not even talk about your enemies, who will rejoice every time they see you walking by. Acne, particularly in obvious, visible places, will make you feel ugly, will start feeling guilty and repulsed by yourself. And the fact that you won’t be able to get a date any time soon will not make the situation easier to handle.

Studies show that high levels of stress, tiredness and fatigues increase the production level of hormones, which in turn, will trigger your acne. If you don’t sleep well, if you don’t get enough hours of sleep, your acne will intensify. Going to bed early is really a must. And so is regular exercise. Exercise will increase blood circulation and your skin will have more oxygen. Also it’s good to pick up yoga or even meditation. Hey, meditation is in anyway, you’ll be one of the cool guys if it’s known that you do it! The point is you need to practice every day, and not only when you feel like it.

Our skin eliminates the toxins and poisons from our body, but if the toxins remain in the body longer, if the skin pores are closed, then that poison will end up becoming inflamed pimples and zits all over your face, and sometimes, your body. There are various herbs that help with regulating the production of hormones in the body, such as seaweed, which nourishes the endocrine gland, or dandelion and nettle leaf, which strengthens and cleanses the liver, and saw palmetto berry extracts aid with balancing hormones in males.

Lastly, diet. The wrong diet is always a major cause of acne. Best way to test which food is bad for your acne is start leaving the suspected foods out, one at a time. Start with one. Maybe it’s the wine. Don’t drink wine for 2-3 weeks. If you see that nothing changed, add back the wine and stop the potato chips. Or whatever else you suspect that is causing it. Eventually you will find the culprit.

Alternatively you can also go do a Dietitian, who will give you various tests that will help identifying what foods are wrong for your blood and skin type.

By eating a proper diet, low in calories and animal fat, but high in fruits, vegetables and fiber, you can eliminate acne the holistic way, once and for all. But you really need to start now!

For more information on How To Eliminate Acne The Holistic Way, please visit my site mentioned below.

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