Homeopathic Remedies – Why You Should Be Skeptical of Them

Though homeopathy for patients suffering from diseases was a unique marvel in the 1700’s and 1800’s, today it is regarded with skepticism. Most physicians do not advocate the use of homeopathic remedies because they believe that the homeopathic products are nothing more than placebos. This was very prevalent during the 20th century but today homeopathy is experiencing a resurgence as more and more people are turning to natural herbal supplies to help cure them of their ailments.

The fad of using homeopathic remedies has seen its ups and downs just as any other type of alternative lifestyle treatment. Homeopathic products seem to follow along with trends in eating more organic or natural foods. The 1960’s saw a resurgence of people demanding products that were free from chemicals and pesticides. It faded and has recently experienced a huge resurgence as people are once again seeking more natural lifestyles. Homeopathic practitioners urge people to turn to nature for ailment and disease solutions.

Trends are nothing new. You see them in fashion, movies, books and television. Homeopathic ingredients and an organic lifestyle are no different. The initial popularity in the late 1700’s was due to many medical practitioners veering away from leeching, blood letting or purging. Thanks to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, homeopathy was developed. But there is a problem with this line of medical research and practice. There really is no proof.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann believed that a substance could be diluted down to the point where only the “essence” of the molecule of the substance remained. Modern physicians believe that this is simply hocus pocus and/or quackery at best. The very idea that you could take a drop of a plant, mineral or oil and dilute it so much that it is practically non-existent goes against the laws of pharmacopoeia. Some compare homeopathic products to that of vaccines but a vaccine is not a cure for a condition, whereas these dilutions ones are.

The main problem with homeopathic remedies is that the concept goes against the laws of chemistry, especially where the dilution and concentration is concerned. There have not been any scientific studies performed that have actually proven that these homeopathic practitioners are correct in their support of natural remedies. It is a hotly debated issue among doctors, scientists and the community in this field. If you want to be able to make an informed decision, then you may want to pick up some books in this field and some medical journals so you can make your own, informed decision.

A free homeopathic doctor audio gift awaits you at Mike Selvon portal site, where you can enrich your knowledge further about the homeopathic remedies.

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