Homeopathic Approach For Paralysis

Paralysis, the total loss of voluntary motor function, results from severe cortical or pyramidal tract damage.
It can occur with a cerebrovascular disorder, degenerative neuromuscular disease, trauma, tumor, or central nervous system infection.

Presentation of the case:

Paralysis can be local or widespread, symmetrical or asymmetrical, transient or permanent, and spastic or flaccid.

It’s commonly classified according to location and severity as paraplegia sometimes transient paralysis of the legs, quadriplegia permanent paralysis of the arms, legs, and body below the level of the spinal lesion, or hemiplegia unilateral paralysis of varying severity and permanence. Incomplete paralysis with profound weakness paresis may precede total paralysis in some patients.

Medical causes:
Bell’s palsy:
Bell’s palsy, a disease of cranial nerve VII, causes transient, unilateral facial muscle paralysis. The affected muscles sag and eyelid closure is impossible. Other signs include increased tearing, drooling, and a diminished or absent corneal reflex.

This bacterial toxin infection can cause rapidly descending muscle weakness that progresses to paralysis within 2 to 4 days after the ingestion of contaminated food. Respiratory muscle paralysis leads to dyspnea and respiratory arrest. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred or double vision, bilateral mydriasis, dysarthria, and dysphagia are some early findings.

Brain abscess:
Advanced abscess in the frontal or temporal lobe can cause hemiplegia accompanied by other late findings, such as ocular disturbances, unequal pupils, ataxia, tremors, and signs of infection.

Variable paralysis develops in the late stages of this disorder. Earlier signs and symptoms include rapidly possibly coma, fever, headache, photophobia, vomiting, signs of meningeal irritation presenting as nuchal rigidity, positive Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s signs, aphasia, ataxia, nystagmus, ocular palsies, myoclonus, and seizures.

Head trauma:
Cerebral injury can cause paralysis due to cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure. Onset is usually sudden. Location and extent vary, depending on the injury. Associated findings also vary but include sensory disturbances, such as paresthesia and loss of sensation; headache; blurred or double vision; nausea and vomiting; and focal neurologic disturbances.

Migraine headache:
Hemiparesis, scotomas, paresthesia, confusion, dizziness, photophobia, or other transient symptoms may precede the onset of a throbbing unilateral headache and may persist after it subsides.
Myasthenia gravis:

With this neuromuscular disease, profound muscle weakness and abnormal fatigability may produce paralysis of certain muscle groups. Paralysis is usually transient in early stages but becomes more persistent as the disease progresses. Associated findings depend on the areas of neuromuscular involvement; they include weak eye closure, ptosis, diplopia, lack of facial mobility, dysphagia, nasal speech, and frequent nasal regurgitation of fluids.

This disorder can produce insidious, permanent flaccid paralysis and hyporeflexia. Sensory function remains intact, but the patient loses voluntary muscle control.

Spinal cord injury:
Complete spinal cord transection results in permanent spastic paralysis below the level of injury. Reflexes may return after spinal shock resolves. Partial transection causes variable paralysis and paresthesia, depending on the location and extent of injury.

Therepaeutic approach:

Phosphorus :
It has also proved useful in paralysis from fatty degeneration of the nerve cells, and in such cases the symptoms will point to it. Progressive spinal paralysis calls for the remedy.

Alumina :
It has paralysis of the lower extremities, especially of spinal origin. The legs are so heavy that the patient can scarcely drag them; weariness even while sitting.

Paralysis, with atrophy, is the watchword of Plumbum. Wrist drop, paralysis of the extensors. Paralysis due to sclerosis or fatty degeneration.

Paralysis with contractions.

Plumbum in paralysis of the lower extremities,and it does seem to affect the upper extremity more than the lower.
Ptosis, heavy tongue, constipation, paralysis after apoplexy, with pale, dry cold skin.

Tremor followed by Paralysis.
Aconite is the sovereign remedy for almost every species of paralysis, and its symptoms are certainly indicative of the truth of his assertion. It has the well-known numbness and tingling. Facial paralysis accompanied with coldness from exposure to dry, cold winds, especially in acute cases, well indicate the remedy.

This remedy has paralysis of central region; the sensation is little involved , and the tendency of the paralysis is to move from below upwards.

Acute ascending paralysis.
Paralysis of the aged.

Nux vomica:
Paralysis of the lower extremities, contractive sensations and heaviness in the limbs. Paralysis of the bladder in old men.

This remedy is indicated in facial paralysis and also in paralysis of old people It also has paralysis after apoplexy; there is want of steadiness. Facial paralysis of young people where the tongue is implicated.

Causticum :
It has also paralysis of single parts, face, tongue, pharynx, etc. In paralysis which is remote form apoplexy, the paralysis remaining after the patient has recovered otherwise, inability to select the proper word is an important indication. Other evidences of its paretic conditions are found in the aphonia and the weakness of the sphincter vesicae. It is also a great remedy in ptosis of rheumatic origin.

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