Treating Eczema Symptoms With Home Remedies | Eczema …

Eczema sufferers have a number of choices when it comes to symptom relief. Most people rely on medication from their physician but there are benefits in looking at and using home remedies as part of your eczema treatment.

More sufferers of this debilitating disease with it’s symptoms of itching, weeping skin, red irritated patches are becoming concerned about the constant use of medication such as antibiotics and steroids. On the one hand they do relieve the symptoms but on the other hand there is the possibility of side effects from frequent use.

Whether it’s a prescription or over the counter product from your chemist, they can be expensive items especially as most eczema sufferers need to use them frequently.

Home remedies do incur a cost but it is likely to be much lower than conventional medicine and if used they may help prevent your eczema flare-up from becoming infected thus saving you from visit to the doctor.

So, what constitutes a home remedy?

Well, first of all, take a look at your diet. Are you eating food rich in nutrients essential for your skin? Oily fish is a good source of Omega 3 so try to incorporate two serving a week of one of the varieties such as salmon.

Ensure you don’t get constipated or your body will divert the toxins through your skin so make sure you eat whole grains, fruit and fibre.

Try and eliminate cows’ milk from your diet and substitute with soya or rice milk. Many of the alternative milks are fortified with calcium if you’re concerned about that.

It’s recommended that you drink 2 litres of water spaced out through the day to help eliminate toxins from your body.

Supplements can help. For example Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory and ant-histamine, known to help relieve symptoms. If you don’t like fish take a fish oil capsule to ensure your intake of Omega 3. Vegetarians can substitute this by taking flaxseed oil.

Your choice of personal products such as shampoo and conditioner can be a trigger point for your eczema outbreak. Natural and organic products contain far less chemicals and can be fragrance – free, so consider changing your brand.

Not only will you be breathing in less chemicals but they will be less likely to irritate or dry out the skin.

How about making your own moisturisers? There are plenty of ways to find recipes, just check at your library or the internet.

Aromatherapists work with clients to find a blend of oils suitable for them so treat yourself to a relaxing massage and come away with a unique product and feeling stress-free!

Again, look at the products you use to clean the home and for doing the laundry. Choose natural or organic products for cleaning thus avoiding spraying harmful chemicals around the home for you and yours to breathe in.

There are a lot of books on how to make old fashioned cleaning products by using lemons, baking powder etc.

So, if you implement just one of these remedies you’re on the way to controlling your eczema instead of it controlling you!

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