natural remedies for fibroids – Eczema Free Forever

Many women have successfully used natural remedies for fibroids to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms. This is a fantastic alternative to surgery and I bless the day when I finally decided to try a natural remedy.

For me it happened almost by accident. I was scheduled for a full hysterectomy after having terrible fibroids symptoms for years. I was reasonable fit, and took regular exercise but could not understand which I could not lose my belly fat. I was totally ignorant about fibroids and when I went for a routine medical examination about 5 years ago I mentioned that my stomach looked big. Although the doctor performed an abdominal palpitation, he said it was fat! I looked pregnant though and upon the advice of a friend who said that “something wasn’t right” I went to see a gynecologist who declared that I had fibroids even before the scan.

The scan showed that I had “lots of fibroids” including two very large ones and that my womb was the size of a 7 month pregnancy. I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and was told I would need drugs to reduce the size of the fibroids before surgery could take place. I was warned that I would effectively have symptoms of the menopause and that I could not take the drugs for longer than 3 months as they could cause osteoporosis… Great!

I asked her if there were any natural remedies for fibroids which I could try and she said that as far as she was aware there was nothing which would help. Not satisfied with this, I started searching the internet, devouring every bit of information I could, until I came across a system for treating fibroids naturally which I really liked the sound of.

It was September and I was scheduled to start my drugs after Christmas and the surgery was due for late March. I decided that I had absolutely nothing to lose by trying the natural remedies for fibroids. The system was backed up with a full money back guarantee so I made my mind up to grab a refund if it didn’t work. It also felt better to be doing “something” rather than just waiting for the drug treatment to start.

I admit I was very excited when I downloaded the book-it was great as I’m very impatient and I got the book right away, within just a couple of minutes of ordering it. I literally devoured it-I could not believe some of the things I was reading, yet it all made complete sense.

Just A Few Of The Things I Found Out-And Which You Can Learn Too

* The shocking truth about conventional medical treatments
* How to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding and pain immediately
* Which foods cause fibroids and which foods help fight them
* Supplements which immediately halt fibroids growth
* Supplements which shrink fibroids
* Common household substances which are bad for your health
* Herbal remedies which shrink fibroids and cure the root cause

I wondered at first if it was my imagination-within no time at all, my stomach seemed to be shrinking and I didn’t look quite as pregnant! I started to feel better and my symptoms were disappearing. When I visited my doctor-I wanted her to see for herself what had happened. She examined my stomach and agreed that it wasn’t as swollen. A scan showed that the fibroids had reduced considerably and she agreed that I could postpone the drug treatment and she would examine me in a couple of months. I left the surgery date as it was though, as I couldn’t dare to believe that natural remedies for fibroids would mean I didn’t need a hysterectomy.

When I returned, a further scan showed that the fibroids had shrunk to an extent where they were simply not a problem any longer. I did not have the hysterectomy and bringing things right up to date, I know I still have fibroids, but they are very small and do not cause symptoms at all. Some of the smaller ones seemed to have gone altogether according to the scan, so I am delighted.

Knowing the cause is important when looking at natural remedies for fibroids as this is not necessarily the same for each woman. It therefore follows that the natural remedies which are appropriate for one woman could well be different for the next.

One theory for the growth of fibroids is that some women are “prone” to inflammation and that this could be hereditary. For these women, treatments to reduce this inflammation would be a good starting point. Adding the spice “curcumin” to cooked foods can help, as can eating hops and rosemary-both of which have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, a healthy balanced diet plus exercise will undoubtedly help.

Excess estrogen is also known to be a cause of fibroids and many doctors believe that this is produced by fat cells. It therefore follows that maintaining a healthy weight is important, so diet and exercise should be considered if you are overweight and have problem fibroids. Certain pollutants can also mimic the effects of estrogen so other natural remedies for fibroids include detoxification (particularly of the liver). Excess estrogen can also be present in the body as a result of a general “imbalance” of hormones and this is often lifestyle induced. It therefore follows that a general healthy lifestyle can help self-balance the body.

Other possible remedies for fibroids include the use of herbal preparations. Chinese medicine in particular has been shown to be particularly helpful in aiding the cleansing of the reproductive organs, thereby helping remove toxins and prevent further growth of the fibroids and in some cases shrink them.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can someone provide me with alternative remedies for toddler eczema?
    My son is now 1 and has been suffering from eczema for quite some time. I have tried all the lotions, creams, and prescription medications but it only relieves it temporarily. I need ideas on more natural remedies that may be more beneficial for my son.

    • ANSWER:
      first of all, the use of an all natural skin care moisturizer will be very helpful. have a talk with a skin care expert about recommended products. if you want to avoid skin from scarring better try to avoid scratching the skin for a break in the skin can cause secondary skin infections. stop eczema itching by getting the skin moisturized. and you better keep fingernails short for you might forget sometimes that you have accidentally scratch it. remember that a break in the skin can cause a secondary infection.

      try also avoiding a lot of things that can trigger eczema like:

      – avoid perfumed skin care and body care products
      – avoid extreme hot and cold weather conditions
      – avoid keeping fingernails long
      – avoid scratching the affected area
      – avoid long baths
      – avoid processed foods and foods with preservatives
      – avoid skin irritants and allergens like dusts and pollens
      – avoid clothes and material that are rough, course, scratchy and tight
      – avoid activities that can make you sweat
      – avoid smoking and alcohol

      try to be gentle with your skin. visit for more tips on how to rejuvenate skin.

    Anyone have any alternative or natural remedies for eczema?
    Our family doctor prescribed hydrocortisone for my daughter (she’s 3 going on 4 in January) to treat her eczema. She gets it quite badly about 2x per year – on her arms, legs and sometimes on her stomach. The pharmacist just cautioned me about not using the hydrocortisone too much on her – why would that be? Is it a steroid?

    • ANSWER:
      She gets it twice a year – probably when the big changes in weather come. This is a trigger for eczema.

      My son was the same way and at the time he was an infant/toddler we had an “older” ped who was wonderful. he said all of the expensive skin creams in the world – nothing is better than good old fashioned vasoline. Take a big glop while she is standing in the bath and then let her play for 5-10. Of course, stay close to make sure she is sitting as the tub gets slippery. When she gets out gently dry her off (don’t rub as it irritates skin conidtions). Cortisone is helpful but can lead to think skin, white patches on the skin and photosensitivity so try Vasoline first. Worked wonders for us and others I know

      Keep an eye on her as she grows for allergies and asthma as they almost always go hand in hand with ecxema.

    A natural treatment for eczyma for my toddler?
    My 22 month old was diagnosed with eczyma the other day. There are alot of parabens and steroid treatment along with other scary chemicals in the potions that were prescribed to him. He is just starting his little life and I feel uncomfortable putting such nasty things on his skin that are absorbed into his bloodstream at such an early age. Does anyone know of anything out there that is natural and safe enough and might work on my son?

    • ANSWER:
      Homeopathic Treatments for Eczema in Children / Infants :-
      (The most natural and totally safe way of treating children with absolutely no side effects or complications of any kind.)

      At initial stage Rhus Tox 3X.

      Pain increases as soon as baby goes to bed then Sulphur 30.

      Affected area becomes red with burning sensation Arsenic Album 6X.

      If thick discharge takes place from the spots then Graphites 30.

      If watery spots then first give Mercurius Sol 6X and then Hepar Sulph 6X.

      If dry spots then give Lycopodium 12X.
      Dosage : One or Two drops of liquid medicine in warm water
      Frequency : Maximum Three times a day

      No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

      Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine.

      Take Care and God Bless !

    Is there a cure for eczema especially for babies and toddlers?
    Eczema Cure

    • ANSWER:

      At this moment in time there is no medical cure for eczema for babies or for adults. The main reason behind this is because there are so many causes behind eczema, and it is very difficult to create a drug or medication which is going to cover all eczema causes.

      The best and safest way to help babies or toddlers with eczema is to try and avoid medications wherever possible. The reason for this is that the immune system of a bay or young child has not developed fully, and it can be hard to fight off infections and diseases. Unfortunately the best medications for eczema are nearly all steroid based, and steroids can often result in some pretty bad side effects.

      Try to make sure that the clothing that your baby’s body comes into touch with is made up of cotton. Cotton is a lot less irritating than man made materials. This goes for clothes and bedding.

      Also try changing the washing powder that you use to wash your baby’s clothes in, as that may be playing a part.

      One of the best ways to cure eczema is not to scratch at the skin. That itchiness can be hard for an adult to ignore, and virtually impossible for a young child. A good way to reduce this is to make sure that your baby wears cotton mitts whenever possible.

      Dry skin is something that eczema loves, so try to keep your baby’s skin as moist as possible. Try to use a natural moisturising cream without any chemicals. Anything with Aloe Vera is good. Other good ways to moisturise is to use olive oil or coconut oil.

      The best time to apply the moisturiser is straight after warm bath. The pores of the skin are open then, and this means that the moisturiser sinks in deeper and keeps the skin moist for longer.

      Because a lot of eczema medicines do not work all that well for many people, more and more sufferers are starting to use natural remedies and having some decent success with them. If you are interested in a natural cure for eczema, it may be worthwhile taking a look at the resource below. I hope that was of some help, take care : )

    Has anyone here dealt with ‘chicken skin’ on a toddler?
    aka Keratosis Pilaris. I know what I have used on myself in the past but I’m pretty sure it’s not appropriate to put alpha hydroxy acid on a tot. ;-)

    I know the skin should be exfoliated and deeply moisturized but how do you go about exfoliating a toddler’s skin? Do you have any gentle, natural and/or homemade suggestions? Thank you.

    • ANSWER:
      I’ve had this all my life, and have never found an effective long-term remedy. Unfortunately my two girls — 3 & 5 years old — have recently developed it too. We moisturize profusely with creams, salves, and lotions that get good ratings from EWGs Skin Deep Database — but that’s mostly for their eczema, and it hasn’t phased the bumps. I agree – their skin seems too delicate to exfoliate, but maybe if you used one of those plastic pouf bath scrubbies very lightly, it might help without damaging your child’s skin.

      I’ve pretty much accepted it as one of those unfortunate inherited genetic traits that they’ll have to live with. Maybe once they’re in their teens they’ll have the attention span necessary to improve this condition, but right now the ongoing treatments would be more stressful than a relatively benign condition.

    Eczema…a possible cure?
    I’ve had eczema since I was a year old and I still have it now( I’m 17 now)…I’ve tried all sort of things such as steroids, creams etc. I really LOVE eating certain foods, but my luck I’m partially allergic to it. Stress also affects me more than the food allergies, I think personally. I really want to find something to help me…

    It’s mostly on my hands, fingers and arm…sometimes occurs in on my face and behind my knees.

    Any NATURAL remedies??

    • ANSWER:
      I think you need to detox. I started getting something that looked liked eczema – I used to scratch a lot, it wasn’t contagious because my other half didn’t itch. I don’t know what it was and the doctors didn’t want to do an allergy test, so I went on a detox for 10 days and figured less carbohydrates was the way to go for me. I’m still not sure what caused it, but it’s gone now, and I eat less bread, pasta etc, mainly because I found it makes me feel bloated – I eat more fruits and veg.

      I also used to shower twice daily when I was paranoid, but my doctor said I was making my skin more dry, I used a lot of moisturiser as well – with shea butter (it’s natural). I also used some oil to bathe in from the doctors, it didn’t help, neither did the anti histamines. I think it’s more to do with what we eat. Eliminate certain things from your diet and follow a strict regime with natural oils and creams and see if there’s improvement.
      My sister used to have it as a toddler for about a year and it went away like magic. She used stuff like hydrocortisone though.

    Does anyone know of any natural/home remedies for toddlers itchy eczema?
    My two year old has eczema that covers his body and the thing that bothers him most is the itching.He has emollients which I apply as often as I can and also steroid creams which I try to use sparingly in case of side effects.He has wet wraps and uses an antihistamine medicine most nights as the itching can seriously disturb his sleep but I don’t like using this every night.I have tried calamine lotion to try to soothe his skin but this seems to have a drying effect on his skin.Nothing I’ve tried seems to be very effective and I wonder if anyone knows of any cooling,natural,home remedies or any other suggestions of things I can try to help relieve his skin?I will try almost anything in addition to what he already has as he often breaks his skin and it’s pretty much a daily issue.Thanks!

    • ANSWER:
      My daughter had very sore cracked patches of eczema from the age of 10months until she was about 3yrs. I used a product called zeoderm cream and a spray called salcura intensive which I got from my local pharmacy although they are also available online.These used together seemed to help a great deal and kept itching to a minimum. I belive the products are plant based (I tried to avoid ‘chemical’ creams and steroids as they didnt seem to help, in our case) and contain different sorts of tea tree oil which is antibacterial along with other ‘essential’ oils. The brilliant thing with the spray was you didnt even have to rub it in, and I used to carry it with me for use whenever it was needed (it also didnt stain clothing or leave a visable residue)

      It is so distressing to see your child in such torment – I hope you find something to soothe this – and I hope that like my daughter, your son grows out of it.

    my toddler has eczema and looking for some help…?
    I am sure my daughter has eczema really bad it taking for ever to ger to a dermatologist but it seems as stuff help very little like we tried aveeno baby and now aquaphor now which seem to help a little more but she has to have it on twice a day and she wont itch and we already wash everything with everything free and same with shampoo and body wash so i don’t know what else to do and its a couple weeks before the dr…please help thanks

    • ANSWER:
      I am sorry that you are going through this with your daughter, I can completely relate. My wife and I went through a very similar thing with out baby (and are still dealing with the eczema, but it is under control). We went to our pediatrician and then to a dermatologist then our chiropractor (who does CRA and all natural remedies) and then finally to a specialist at the Miami Children’s Hospital hours away. If you see a dermatologist make sure it is a Pediatric Dermatologist. After seeing all the doctors and trying many different things, both prescribed and remedies we found on-line and from friends, my wife delved into research and we found that the best thing to use was from a company called Arbonne Int. They have a baby line that is all natural and safe. This along with a couple of other natural remedies has kept our toddler from any more major break outs and without any prescriptions.
      You should always see a doctor, even your pediatrician, so that they can keep track of what is going on and make sure there are no infections or other issues as well.
      If you would like to read a brief synopsis of our story and see the before and after pictures you can visit my wife’s website at
      It talks about what we have gone through and how we came to the answers that we have. And I know that if you had any other questions she would be more than happy to help out, there is a link to email her at the website.
      Again, we understand right where you are at as a parent dealing with a child with eczema.
      I hope this helps.

    Did YOU had Eczema?how you healed?tell US…Your ”SECRET”?
    You had eczema?? please help me and help others…i saw that some peoples cure himselfs of eczema or they buyed eczema cure your eczema or beat the eczema..WICH IS THE SECRET? tell me your story your remedy? what worked for you? THANK YOU….

    • ANSWER:
      if you are still young, i have heard of people growing out of eczema. I have had eczema behind my elbows and knees and on my eyelids since i was a toddler (i’m currently 14) and what i have found that controls my eczema well is plain over the counter hydrocortisone and using all natural detergents , soaps, and lotions

    What is your experience with relieving toddler eczema?
    My 3 year old son has broken out on his chest, checks, thighs, and under his arms. I’m sure it’s eczema because I’ve seen this rash before just not this much at one time. The weather here has been extremely cold and I think his skin just got over dry this week. What cuts the itch? I’m using Aveeno baby wash for eczema and Baby Eczema cream by Gentle Naturals. He is still itching badly. Cortizone cream on his thighs where it itches the worst didn’t seem to help. Anyone have any remedies that really work or at least help?

    • ANSWER:
      If it is truly eczeman, and the cortisone cream isn’t helping, then he may need a stronger product than is available over the counter. In addition, there are a couple of non-cortisone salves which can be used on someone that age, as well as a couple of moisturizers which are very helpful in childhood eczema. These are prescription items, though, so your dermatologist is in the best position to get them for you.

natural remedies for eczema in toddlers

Eczema Free Foreverâ„¢