Natural Remedies For Dry Eye Syndrome

Computer screens, air pollution, the aging process, dry air in offices, poor lighting and sun exposure cause millions of Americans to suffer from dry eye syndrome. This disorder results in decreased tear production and dryness in the tear film. Dry eyes can cause a gritty, sandy sensation accompanied by burning, stinging and itching. Some people notice their eyes sticking shut when they wake up. Others experience a “foreign body sensation,” the feeling that something is in the eye. And it may seem odd, but sometimes watery eyes can result from dry eye syndrome, because the excessive dryness works to over stimulate production of the watery component of our eyes’ tears.

Older people are more likely to suffer from dry eye syndrome than younger people because as we get older our bodies sometimes have an oil deficiency. Oil is a necessary component of our tears and without it the water in our eyes can evaporate too quickly, leaving dry areas on the cornea. Various systemic diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or Sjogren’s Syndrome can also cause dry eyes. Women who are going through menopause have an increased risk of dry eye syndrome.

The popularity of computers during the past several years has led to increased incidence of dry eye syndrome, especially when you consider that millions of Americans spend eight or more hours a day on the computer at work or at home. When you concentrate you don’t blink as often and therefore your eyes aren’t properly lubricated. People blink about 22 times a minute while relaxing, 10 while reading, but only seven times when working on a computer.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural remedies that can be used to treat dry eyes. Some people have been able to eliminate dry eyes completely simply by adding omega 3 fatty acids to their diet or taking supplements. Omega 3 acids increase the viscosity of oils made by the body, especially in the eyes. Eating foods rich in vitamin A or taking vitamin A supplements may also help.

When the symptoms are acute, you may want to purchase “artificial tears” at your local health food store. These can be used frequently and are very effective in returning moisture to the eyes. Unless there is a serious underlying medical condition causing the symptoms, dry eyes respond well to natural remedies.

To avoid dry eyes, you should keep your indoor humidity between 30 and 40 percent. If the air in your house is dry, use a humidifier to add moisture. You might also consider buying an air filter to pull dust and other eye irritants out of the air. When you are outside wear sunglasses to reduce your eyes’ exposure to wind and dust.

Yours in good health,
Patrick Heffernan
IVL Health Watch

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