Natural Cold Remedies

Most people know that there is no cure for a cold, but what some people fail to realize is that there ARE treatments for symptoms of a cold. Antihistamines, decongestants and cough suppressants are all effective aids in relieving some of the discomfort associated with a cold. In addition to alleviating your symptoms with medicine, there are many things you can do to protect yourself from and shorten the duration of your cold.

One of the best things that you can to is blow your nose often. I’m sure you constantly hear people sniffling away, but sniffling the mucous back into your head will actually prolong your cold. Frequently blow your nose to keep your nasal passages clear and clean.
It’s vitally important to get a lot of rest when you are sick with a cold. Resting helps your body direct its energy towards the immune battle.
Gargling with warm salt water can moisten a sore throat and provide temporary relief.
Drinking hot liquids can help to relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe the inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat.
Steamy showers can relieve your nasal passage and help you to relax.
Placing a small dab of mentholated salve under your nose can help open breathing passages as well as soothe the irritated skin under your nose.
Applying either hot or cold packs around your congested sinuses may help you to feel more comfortable.
Sleeping with an extra pillow under you head can help with the drainage of nasal passages.
Don’t fly unless you have to. Flying with a cold or flu can hurt your eardrums as a result of pressure changes. Also, germs spread like wildfire on an airplane as there is nowhere for the air to escape for the duration of the flight.

 Although following these simple tips may not immediately cure your cold, they will help to relieve many of your symptoms and they may even shorten the length of your illness.

About the Author
Jodi M. is a mom with a passion for keeping her family healthy. She highly recommends utilizing a full system approach to defending against the cold and flu. Her favorite two products are currently being sold together in a special Cold and Flu Bundle that contains an Ultra Immune Booster and a Cold & Flu Syrup. These two products when taken together at the first signs of cold or flu symptoms can lessen the duration of the cold, alleviate symptoms, and give your body that extra immune kick it needs. These scientifically advanced products made by Doux Soleil are part of a complete line of cold and flu products to help protect, support, fortify, and treat you and your family 365 days a year.

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