Eczema Help for Babies and Young Children – The Healthy Haven

Eczema Help for Babies and Young Children2

It’s bad enough when an adult suffers from repeated bouts of eczema, but it’s even more distressing to see the same red, irritated skin on an infant or young child. It may help to keep their nails short enough to prevent them from scratching themselves raw, but there are also some safe recommendations to make your baby’s eczema outbreaks less severe, or even stop them entirely.


Diet is often overlooked as a possible cause of eczema, but eliminating certain foods can sometimes make all the difference. Cow’s milk is one of the biggest culprits that may trigger an outbreak, and it should be the first thing to remove from the baby’s diet. Other less common foods that may cause or worsen the problem are eggs, corn, wheat, nuts, chocolate, sugar and citrus. Sometimes gluten is the issue. It’s important to note that mothers who are breastfeeding need to avoid offending foods as well.


One important thing to add to the baby’s diet is a good probiotic to encourage beneficial intestinal flora to ensure a healthier immune system. A series of studies revealed that daily supplements of probiotics or probiotic foods may reduce the risk of eczema in children by as much as 58 percent.


If dietary changes don’t alleviate the problem, experts recommend considering other controllable factors. Eczema cannot be washed away, so limit baths to three times a week and keep them short to avoid drying out the baby’s delicate skin. Bubble baths are fun, but they can be especially drying, so instead opt for a sprinkle of uncooked oatmeal in tepid bath water to sooth itching and redness.

Clothing and Blankets

After bathing, dress the little one in comfortable, non-irritating fabrics such as organic cotton and take care to wash baby clothes in detergent made especially for sensitive skin.


Along with the above suggestions, be alert to what goes on the baby’s skin. The more conventional infant care products may be promoted as safe for babies, but some ingredients may prove irritating anyway. Look for homeopathic or natural preparations designed for childhood eczema as well as creams and lotions containing soothing calendula, aloe and/or chamomile.

Check out iHerb’s selection of children’s products for eczema support! New to iHerb? Use Coupon Code WOW123 to get $10 off any first time order with a minimum $40 purchase or $5 off of orders less than $40.


Dr. Mercola; Probiotics Might Lessen Infant Skin Problems; Accessed April 15, 2013

Natural Eczema Treatments and Prevention Tactics; Accessed April 15, 2013

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