Why papaya is on the cover


I have just returned from Auckland, New Zealand where I completed a three day book tour for The Eczema Diet. During one of the interviews (I think it was the Saturday Breakfast TV interview with gorgeous host Tamati) I was asked why papaya featured on the cover of The Eczema Diet. I briefly answered the question but there are several more reasons why papaya was singled out for the cover…

Papaya is one of many eczema-safe ingredients detailed in the book but it made the cover because it is not only low in natural chemicals (the ones that can make your skin itchier) but because it’s also packed with nutrients that protect the skin and improve digestion.

Papaya provides…

  • a range of carotenoids, which are potent antioxidants that can modulate gene activity to protect against inflammatory damage and tumour growth
  • antioxidant lycopene to protect the skin from sun damage (there is no lycopene in pawpaw)
  • vitamin C, which is a natural anti-histamine to help manage allergy symptoms
  • digestive enzyme papain, which kills parasites in the gut – and after antibiotic use or a bout of illness you can eat a serve of papaya daily to promote recolonisation of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract

Tip: If papaya is not available, use pawpaw in The Eczema Diet recipes instead.

Health and happiness,
Karen Fischer

BTW: do you like this papaya platter photo? I took it on my iphone :)


The Eczema Diet

Eczema Free Forever™