What is Eczema


Atopic Dermatitis (ECZEMA)

What is Eczema Dermatitis Atopic disorder Irritated dry skin rash inflammation
eczema dermatitis Atopic

What is eczema? To best answer that question, let’s start at the beginning with the term dermatitis, which refers to random inflammations of your skin that can occur in both children and adults. For some people, these inflammations take place on a daily basis and are more commonly referred to as Eczema or even more specifically, Atopic Dermatitis. This condition exists with 10 distinct variations, all of which are commonly referred to as minor, mild and major forms of Eczema.   From your personal diet, stress level, environment, to your heredity, all play a major role in its grip on your skins surface.

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A substantial proportion of the US population has symptoms of eczema; 31.6 million with eczema, and at least 17.8 million with moderate to severe eczema or atopic dermatitis. The prevalence of childhood eczema/atopic dermatitis in the US is 10.7% overall and as high as 18.1% in individual states and 21% across various countries. Approximately one out of every three children with eczema/atopic dermatitis has moderate to severe disease. A recent study found that the prevalence of eczema in adults could be as high as 10.2%, which suggests that most children with eczema/atopic dermatitis continue to be affected even in adulthood. Three percent of US adults have moderate to severe eczema/atopic dermatitis requiring systemic therapy.
MORE INFO AT http://www.nationaleczema.org

Since the 1950’s there has been one major contender against any type of dermatitis, and that’s a good hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone is used superficially to treat people who do not produce enough Cortisol that blocks these surface irritations from the inside out. Cortisol is a naturally produced product by our body, in response to stress, and when there is an absence, the deficit reveals a straight path to minor and major forms of skin irritations.  Not only can it be painfully irritating with your itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin, but over time it can become embarrassing socially and overall have a huge impact on you or your child’s quality of life. For that Overall Relief turn to BLUE-EMU Anti-Itch Cream for fast acting temporary relief of itching associated with minor skin irritations to severe cases of Eczema.

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