TSW Update: 26 Months Free of Topical Steroids

December 6, 2015 marked 26 months since we stopped using topical steroids (TS) for Brian’s worsening eczema and deteriorating health. Throughout topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) and our attempts at using various alternatives to TSW eczema/itch management, Brian’s pediatrician has been supportive. I thanked him for working with us and not belittling or disrespecting us as other doctors have done to other parents of children going through TSW. He said that his main goal is to have a child be able to live, play, have fun, and do all the things children are supposed to do; whatever route that entails does not matter as long as it works for the child. Thank God for good docs.

Current function
Energy and activities–Running, jumping, laughing, playing, and getting cuts, scrapes, and broken bones like a normal 12-year-old boy. Finished strong in travel baseball and cross country. Playing basketball for the winter.

School: Stays up way too late but manages to get up every morning to walk to the bus stop with friends–even in 30 degree weather. Picking up where he left off last year, he made straight A’s on top of all his activities and despite the eczema/TSW spectre. We’re very proud of our TSW warrior for his perseverance and attitude through the toughest of times. Give yours an extra loving hug today!


Cross country (Brian 2nd from left)



Feet still intact 12/2/15

But return of the full-body, measureable shedding of skin and…IMG_1921

plasticky elephant skin! IMG_1932

Challenges: Fall and Winter weather wreaks havoc: increased dry, flaky skin, makes skin itchy. Return of full-body, measurable shedding of skin. At night, one can palpate the heat emanating from his body and a dampness in the sheets like the oozing days of old, but not full-on ooze. More like sweating with the slight scent of ooze.

Scratch/Sleep: Compared to Summer, the frequency of scratching this Fall has increased: 0/5 to 3/5 during the day and 0/5 to 3-/5 at night, with or without erythema. Sleep is disrupted during the night again, general between 2 and 3:30 am due to scratching or being cold, and some nights he does fine. I just reapply the balms and oils and he falls right to sleep. Then I go on the computer to do more writing and researching.

Skin quality: varies from looking good with normal color to dry, flaky eczematous areas or head to shin (basically full-body) patchy erythema with dry shedding skin. This skin change can happen day to day or within 12 hours of each other. There are fewer regular scratches on skin. Tough areas are shoulder blades from night scratching.

Still TSW or just eczema now? Only time will tell, but to me, the elephant skin, full-body shedding, and ooze-related dampness indicate that TSW is not totally done; better, but not over yet. The eczematous symptoms, themselves, do seem seasonal, though, when I compare Log entries from October-December 2014 to the skin events October-December of this year.  It’s incredible how similar they are, even to the time of onset! And so we march on….

Current treatment
1) Prayer and thanksgiving
2) Skin care
Moisture maintenance: daily shower or bath, pat dry, immediate application of coconut oil to face, neck, trunk and the Home Apothecary’s lemongrass balm or breezy balm made specially for Brian by Stephanie. Same moisturizers after school, at bedtime, and during the wee hours of the night.
Infection control: periodic ACV baths (apple cider vinegar with “the mother”) or microsilk tub baths; application of mupirocin on open cuts if needed; lemongrass balm
Itch/scratch management: File nails to the nub; moisturizers above; itch-b-gone spray; ice packs; accupressure points, deep breathing and CBT techniques (cognitve behavior therapy). Recently started using a humidifier in his room at night due to humidity level less than 40%, which is extremely drying to the skin
3) MTHFR/Vitamins/Supplements–inconsistently taking b complex, vitamin D3, Zinc, NAC and 1/2 tab glutathione
4) Diet–not as good as it could to be but at least drinking water regularly

TSW is a rollercoaster ride through hell, but as with all rollercoasters, it will come to an end. Thankfully, we have met some incredible people along the way, and the strength that we’ve gained and the lessons we’ve learned will be beneficial to us and to others one day. Beyond the itch, life is good.

Have a blessed Christmas and a TS-free, Happy New Year!

“I will restore you to health and heal your wounds” declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 30:17

Beyond the Itch

Eczema Free Forever™