TSW Champions Beyond the Itch

Brian and his team, the Virginia Breeze Elite, competed in their final 11U tournament of the 2015 season: the Triple Crown Summer Nationals in Myrtle Beach, SC. During the week, the temperatures were in the mid to upper 90’s and the humidity so high it was stifling. One day the heat index was 108 degrees, yet the boys played on, and Brian’s skin and itch were not an issue. They went undefeated, battling back through games that should have knocked them out of the tournament. Brian played in one game that lasted 9 innings, after a score of 0-0 in 6 innings of phenomenal play by both teams!

Whether you are in the horrific early stages of Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) or in the later stages, wondering if it’s still TSW or now “just eczema,” don’t lose hope; don’t give up! Focus on the life beyond the skin and itch, and–itch or no itch–live each moment to the fullest. Faith. Patience. Perseverance. Victory will be yours!

In winning the Triple Crown Summer Nationals in Myrtle Beach, the Virginia Breeze Elite finished the season 42-1, taking home 7 of 7 11U championships in 4 states, besting teams from Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, NC, VA, Georgia, and Venezuela. Next goal: Cooperstown 2016!

In winning the Triple Crown Summer Nationals in Myrtle Beach, the Virginia Breeze Elite finished the season 42-1, taking home 7 of 7 11U championships in 4 states, besting teams from Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, NC, VA, Georgia, and Venezuela. Next goal: Cooperstown 2016! (Brian is in the front row, last on the left.)

“Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our LORD Jesus Christ.”                     1 Corinthians 15:57

Beyond the Itch

Eczema Free Forever™