The potato with charisma

Carisma Potato

The humble potato is a valuable staple food for eczema sufferers. A side of mash or home-made potato wedges supplies you with fibre, vitamin C and a whopping 600mg of potassium to help restore acid-alkaline balance to the body.

A medium-sized potato contains vitamin B6 for detoxification of chemicals such as salicylates, alpha-lipoic acid for potent antioxidant protection, and 30mg of vitamin C which is enough to stave off scurvy.

Most white potatoes have a high to medium glycemic index, with the exception of carisma potatoes which uniquely have a low GI rating. If you have eczema, avoid high GI desiree, sebago and pontiac potato varieties (in Australia); nardine and kumara (in New Zealand). Favour carisma potatoes and potatoes with a medium GI such as new potatoes and sweet potato.

Charisma potatoes are exclusively available from Coles. For more information see

The Eczema Diet

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