New Sail for Marcie’s Family

Dear Mommies, Daddies and Friends of this Blog,

MarcieMom EczemaBlues

This is the time I waved goodbye to you (at least for 2016) as I’ve decided to stop updating this blog with 3 posts a week. There are 859 posts on this blog for the past 5 years, with the first blog post in January 2011. Marcie (my daughter with eczema from 2 weeks old) has just started Primary 1 this year and it is very stressful to continue with the blogging commitments while helping her with school. I also feel that this year is a year of change for me and nothing can change if all my free time is used to update this blog.

This blog has comprehensive information you need to care for your child with eczema, and use the (i) search box, (ii) categories on the right side bar and also the (iii) drop down list under Eczema Tips in the menu bar to find the eczema information you need. It has come to the point when my blog has so much information that there’s little value-add I can provide by committing to a 3 blog posts/week – trying to squeeze knowledge into this blog for the sake of fulfilling blogging commitments won’t be helpful to you.

I’m not sure if I will blog in 2016, nor the plans for 2017 onward. This is a blog I believe is a blessing from God, often he brings expert guests to me and help me be able to complete the blog posts. As and when I’m called to add more to this blog, I’d do so.

For now, thank you to all of you who read this blog, to all of you who commented and emailed me, to all the GPs and dermatologists who recommended this blog to parents, to all the experts and friends who helped out and are a part of this blog, thank you for this 5-year journey with me.

Eczema Blues

Eczema Free Forever™